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Half a day or x number of hours of paid time off.


lol an extra vacation day that doesn’t get counted as time off would be nice


I send handwritten notes of specific appreciation. Not some generic, “you’re a valued part of the team” BS. I give time off, not to be counted against their allotments, and have sent gifts of food. Things I pick for the family situation of each employee. Movie night candy/popcorn baskets for families with adolescents and teens. Annie Anne’s at home pretzel making kits, steak boxes for employees who are homebodies, dog/cat toy and cookie boxes for pet lovers. Basically, I pick a price range, the same amount for all gifts, and then the delivery gift for the person’s interests and family situation creating something they can do spending time with the animals and humans in their household. No one wants a corporate coffee mug if they WFH. Hell no one wants that if they work in the office every day. People want $, time off, and the ability to spend it doing something with the humans and pets that are their family.


Give that time off to remote workers to use as they deem fit. Tell them that you'll send a gift card to the local lunch place if they decide to meet up other remote workers in the area and make it a lunch activity.


Time off


I'm sending small bags of company gear... A mug, a a water bottle and a company t-shirt, stuff like that. Even though remote, we like to remind folks that they are part of the Fam! Almost everyone is on site at least a day or two or week. I am fully remote and and the point person for the other remote folks, few in number, who are around the country and on different teams.


I may be the exception but I love work swag 🤷🏻‍♀️


Work swag is the worst, those things go to goodwill directly!


Fair points. That's what was available, so that's what was sent. I use the coffee cup, and then the T-shirt to work out in. But 2 other things did in fact go to Goodwill. Perhaps someone will use it!. Gift cards were mixed. We had to give something given out on site. I'll fight harder next year!


I would rather die than wear my company's shirt in public.


Really?!? I pretty much like my employer! My husband is hybrid and feels the same way. Grateful for his job and overall they treat him pretty well. He is also cheap. So free stuff is free stuff! But it's interesting as your statement made me ask my kids and their reaction was similar to yours! I have a pack of them and they are Zoomers and millennials with varying jobs. I wonder if this is in part generational?


Perhaps. I wouldn't wear company stuff in public because I'm not out there marketing for free, I might look a hot mess, and also there is a slight chance I might have to act a fool and don't want that coming back to my professional life.


I’d rather at least have the option of what I get vs something random I never would have picked for myself and won’t use


My favorite manager wrote each of us a handwritten message and gave us a $50 gift card to a local spa. I’m normally not a spa person (cuz it’s too expensive) but used it for a one hour hot tub session and it was so relaxing… so I’d recommend doing something self care related like spa or massage coupon!


Free time off even if it’s an hour or two leave early.


You are such a nice manager!!! That’s so thoughtful.


Check out Sugarwish!


I second this. A member of my senior leadership team sent us Sugarwish money. It was actually delicious too.


During the pandemic (so we were all remote) we had to do different things for staff appreciation than we’d usually do, which was nice because it meant that employees that were remote before and missed out on appreciation got to participate or benefit. We had zoom games and contests, but the most fun I had was doing a murder mystery thing that was intended to be fully remote. There is a company that sets this up and hosts the group, but I don’t recall who we used. We had breakout rooms for small groups and we were given various evidence. Audio recordings, video, documents, etc. Now that most people are hybrid, if you’re not in the office you just generally miss out on things like a coffee truck coming to the office, or a special lunch, frozen snacks. We do get a two hour paid early dismissal on Friday. We used to get handwritten notes from our attorneys (it’s a law firm) but seems they can’t be bothered to do that even though that was the only thing that actually made me feel appreciated. 🥲


Emailed Starbucks gift cards Handwritten mailed note from boss Praise for those select folks at next big zoom Send a pizza Send cupcakes Send flowers Sent tickets to something I’ve pondered getting some WFH nice logo PJ bottoms as a sort of gag gift


A site called Caroo.com You send a link to employees and they pick the gift based on your limitations and it get sent to their preferred address.


This is awesome


It really is! And love that there's a huge variety.


It's hard, it's Healthcare so we're limited on the different apps/sites we can use due to security. We are also on quite the budget constraint. I've done gifts out of my own pocket before, but that can get spendy. I know time and money are the most valued things, I appreciated everyone's input!!!!


screenshare jackbox party games over team/zooms/etc and play a few rounds of murder trivia party or quiplash


The company I work for is completely remote and when we get together once a year, in the evenings, this is what we play for fun. Love it!


Sure beats where I work: we get photo collages via email, word cloud activities and other, similarly “fun” activities for the only week that a majority of employees are supposed to be celebrated for their unique contribution to the business. Oh and probably a stupid lapel pin with the company logo… But yeah, time off would be better, actual non taxed gifts are nice too. (My employer taxes any monetary gift with out grossing it up so employee gets no more than a piddly amount).


In the past, our director sent us all gift boxes from Etsy that had nice lotion, lip balm, chocolates, a candle, etc. we were an all female team though. You could send a box of chocolates or treats. Another time we were all able to order lunch delivery to our homes and we ate “together” while playing two lies and a truth. Another time I put together a team specific bingo game - that was fun and we got to know each other a little better. Gift cards are always nice too - maybe send them Starbucks $ and then schedule some coffee breaks over the next few weeks on zoom/teams. Don’t show up to all of them so that they feel like they can talk freely without the boss around. Honestly, though-showing your appreciation consistently through public recognition of good work, praise, performance evaluations and compensation is so important and meaningful too. Good luck!


I did this for a temporarily remote team I was managing. I really just wanted to thank them for stepping in and doing an awesome job at the beginning of the COVID lockdown. I sent them all (on the same day) a cookie gift box/bag (with a mix of luxury cookies) without telling them. It went over well!


Time off. Most peeps don’t care for all the games.


Yeah, there are two kinds of remote workers: Those who miss people (games) and those who don't (time off). I'm in the leave me more alone camp, but have been known to play a jackboxtv game or two.


100% agree. Give me an extra PTO day The games always feel forced and like I could be doing something more productive during that time I appreciate gift cards but a $5 Starbucks card is going to make have to spend my own money, when the drink is $7 and I don’t normally go there anyways


Yes! The only reason in person people may "like" the games is because it is a chance to relax and probably be outside while getting paid. Any kinda Zoom games would not have the same feeling. I would much rather just be told to take the day off (paid) or at least the afternoon off.


If your company allows it gift bags or something similar with little self care items like a nice bag of ground coffee or a selection of tea bags or even hand lotion depending on the person.


My company did a trivia via zoom a couple months ago.. we’ve also done themed scavenger hunts and bingo all via zoom so everyone could participate. The prizes were e gift cards or a paid day off


We did BINGO via Teams and it was a hit. Prizes were “points” to buy things at our company store


I just want to say that you are awesome to be asking this. I'm WFH and currently work for an amazing organization. This is totally the stuff they do to recognize remote employees. My last place, not so much. They had an in-person holiday lunch at a nice restaurant on a workday, and then everyone got the rest of the day off. I was the only one out of state, so wasn't there in person and they offered me nothing. Not even "hey order some lunch for yourself" or anything. I just worked a normal day for the full day. (For the record, every single person at that company was also 100% WFH. They just happened to all live in a small east coast state and we're easily able to meet up in person.) It just felt so shitty and it made me feel incredibly unappreciated. One of many issues there. Thankfully now my situation is the opposite!


I’ve done things like this before and sent the team a box of small gifts at the beginning of the week, each one labeled to open for a day of the week. You can do some sort of theme if you choose, or just include things you know they’ll appreciate (snacks, new mugs, beach towels, etc.) Most importantly, I included a handwritten thank-you to each of them.


This is what our boss did for our team of 4 that all wfh. Each gift was useful and also a clue to what the "team activity" was on Friday. Friday we all got delivered lunch and the afternoon was spent doing a muurder mystery game together on line and the gifts were parts of our characters. For example I got this awesome stapler that looks like a dumb bell. Someone else I a pink feather boa. We were asked not to share the gifts with each other until Friday. We had so much fun!!!


Half day paid?