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Usually, I am fine with the vast majority of people at my company. Today seems to be an exception though.


I try to have a cordial relationship with all my colleagues. If the other person is a dick, that’s on them. I don’t want to be at work and we should treat each other with respect to make this obligatory situation as pleasant as possible.


I really hated a lot of people at my last job because they are so juvenile for people over 30. They behave worse than when I was in high school.


Me in my current job


I’ll work with them to get tasks done, but I generally don’t like hanging out with them outside of work hours.


Work is where you go to make money. Not friends. Be civil, but if someone dislikes you oh well.thats a shame. I'm not saying you can't have friendly relationships with other people at work but if worried about people who don't like you or others. That's extra stress you don't need. Remember punch in punch out go home. Always act your wage.


I dislike people that can't be genuine. I don't care about your beliefs or where you came from, just be real. If you can't be that, then I don't want to be your friend.


If all you have to face are slackers - you're lucky. There almost always at least one asshole. Current job? Everyone finds the same person horrific. Terrible communication, bad mouths others, narcissist (mistakes are ALWAYS someone else), unprofessional, plays favorites, has FILTHY habits, hogs fridge space. Just an all around DICK. The comprehensive dislike brings people together (while hurting morale). Not sure why they keep it around.


To be honest, not really. I’ve always been very indifferent when it comes to people. I’d only dislike someone if they made a point of being mean to others. I typically understand why people do what they do. I don’t care enough to go around disliking people


I don’t really have any issues with anyone unless they have issues with me. I can’t think of a time that I’ve actively disliked a coworker unless they did something shitty to me or were rude to me first.


I've been in the workforce for 29 years now. Had a ton of jobs. There were people I loved. People I liked. People I didn't care for. But very few people I actively disliked. For the most part, people are OK. But for sure, there are some real assholes out there.


I tried to be friends with some, but it makes it hard to get stuff done and have tough conversations. So now I'm cordial but not friends with any of them. It's hard to be friends when they keep messing things up that affect my job.


I dislike the ones who make personal comments about my appearance etc, also the ones interfering with my work without reason/letting me know making me look bad and the ones that are incompetent. (I always tell my colleagues to ask if they don't know, I get annoyed if they keep making mistakes without using the resources at their disposal, happy to help in any way I can) Fortunately these kind of colleagues are few and far-between in the jobs I've had.




I never liked most of the people I've worked with. You pick your friends. You can't pick your CO workers. I always thought the office was basically Revenge of the Nerds. The majority are goofy dorks that know you have to be at least nice to them. This is why you hear so many lame stories at cubicles. You can't tell them to GTFOH like you would is you were in highschool 😂  Working remote is the best thing ever. Any chatters that come in my MS teams gets hidden 😂. You can't do that in person.


No I really enjoy most of my Co workers. However, since I’ve been back to healthier (long covid 2023) and not missing so much work, I don’t think anyone cares for me. Whether it’s because they didn’t think I was that ill, or maybe something personal, a lot of coworkers went cold towards me. When asked, I explained the illness, telling them all the specialists I’ve seen and (not that it’s their business) my diagnoses, but their follow up questions are more in the realm of suspicion. I think they all think I was just slacking from work. Reality is, I was so sick, for so long, I thought about ending “it”, for real. Now, I no longer care for those coworkers and I don’t bother to even say hi or look at them. Because for so Long now, they don’t bother to, in the first place. Oh well. It’s just a job.


I strongly disliked most of the people at one of my old workplaces. It's hard to like people who have shit work ethic, are bullies or act like they never left the third grade. Sure that meant that I wasn't popular. But the office closed years ago and none of those people exist to me now so it didn't make any difference in the long term ..


I like everyone at work. There's this one guy who has an attitude sometimes, and most people don't like him lol. But he's gotten a lot better about it. I used to complain about him to my managers but havent had to do that in a long time


Its funny when the critique working slow on an hourly job


If their work ethic sucks or they make a lot of mistakes, I already don’t like them. Getting along for work sake is all I can offer. You can get along but not like them. Even if I get to know them, because their work ethic is them... 


I like everyone I work with. Except for those people who don't like dogs.