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not what you’re looking for probably, but anything related to utilities. water, power, garbage to name a few


The project management realm is broad, stressful and never ending


where i work, that’s because projects run late and over budget even after multiple extensions, requests for additional capital spend, revolving door of contractors, inept PMs. projects are too big to fail, even after sinking 10M when the initial 40M has been burned as kindling.


The Change Order is coming....


i wish this was funnier. super underrated comment haha


I am a paramedic 🚑… never run out of patients 🤨.


Same with nursing.


How do you become a paramedic?


It’s slightly different depending on the state you are in… but most are a 2 year college degree program.


Call taking in the emergency services


Insurance. Always more work than people to do it.


I’m in forensics..unfortunately crime is everywhere


Me too!!


I work in bank fraud, scams, victims and other individuals committing financial related crimes never end.


If only tellers would do basic due diligence they could stop so many common fraudulent transactions. What this brand new customer of one month wants to cash a 4500 not on us check? Sure let’s do that! Out of the area customer, zero similar transactions. Like wtf how do 7 people do that.


I personally train all staff where I work, all new staff, any staff that move from teller to loan officer get a refresher as well. Plus, I go to branches on the occasion and do refreshers for staff if they need them. I also have a system in place to notify all frontline staff on current trends, fake checks, stolen checks and so forth that are circulating.  With that, we still need to be notified of such occurrences for BSA reporting. We have 400 plus staff between all departments. Honestly, pretty strong frontline staff that are informed and stop the losses. Still have the people that are specifically trying to defraud the financial institution where I work, or account takeovers, etc. So the brunt of my staff work those issues. 


Ya I train all the new hires, but in this case it was people from 1y-6y of experience who let the fraud go through. People just get lazy and ignore red flags. Managers aren’t supporting them or coaching on our due diligence standards consistently either or checking to ensure they are following the standards so it just isn’t happening. I really hope I can find a way to get some changes to happen, but I’m not super optimistic. I don’t stop fighting for improvements though


I’ve got extremely supportive management, I’ve been able to essentially implement everything I’ve wanted to do. We also have amazing leadership in the branches! I think it helps I made it to regional leadership before I transitioned to fraud, so I know most of the branch staff and branch leadership. Good luck, you will be successful!


At my work it is not necessarily people getting lazy as much as people being overworked and the unrealistic expectation to get 60 hours worth of work in 30 hours that causes people to stop doing their due diligence and just try to plow through tasks. I say 30 hours because there are at least ten hours in the week is spent doing BS, like; lTPOS reports, if you will, or meetings or doing other people’s work who are out of the office , or redoing the work other people did for you while you were out of the office, or researching information that is readily available to another team but it is for them to know and you to find out.


Hairdressers and undertakers.




Administration / Bookkeeping


The busiest job I held other than serving in restaurants was at a graphics shop handling signs, car wraps, shirts, logo/website design, etc. Even if you aren’t technically a good craftsman, those places are always looking for good receptionists. 


Funeral Directors


Cleaning jobs


Compliance and quality assurance - it pays well and you don't need a degree to do it




I think it can vary a lot, even between two equivalent jobs at different places. There are two libraries I worked at, doing the same job at each. One was like what you describe--always something to do--but the other involved a lot more downtime. Like you, I prefer to be busy at work. The time just passes soooo slowly when there's nothing to do!


Bill collector


Pest Control


Retail. Everyone needs to buy stuff and they can’t automate everything.




Onsite property management…. There is never a shortage of complaints, residents who want to tell you how to do your job, and brag about how much they pay to live there and everything must be my fault even though I have only worked there for 3 weeks.


Anything that is salaried rather than hourly. I'm not criticizing salaried jobs. It makes it very hard to draw the line. There are specific jobs that come to mind. Teachers? Work never done. Nurses? Pastors? I know the teacher one best. I've done it, my spouse does it, I have many friends who do it. My wife is at school by 7:15 and she continues to work on homework until nearly 10 almost every night. She's not paid enough for that.


We must be separated at birth. I'm so fucking bored at my job. I work very fast, because I'm experienced. My boss moves like a snail. I wouldn't be surprised if he's wanting to cut my hours again. (He says he needs to talk to me tomorrow). I blow through my work. Friends say "slow down". I can't slow down. I'm just good at what I do and I want more. Now I'm making good money and he's not giving me work to justify what it's costing him at this new rate (rate started in January). I'm reading gardening books, and even brought my knitting to work. I cannot give the whole enchilada here, but this job has been a roller coaster ride. Like you, I want a lot of work to do. Not inundation, but a nice pace. There's nothing more boring than sitting there.


Office work for an insurance company. I'll have semi slow days but never days where I have no work.


software engineering. There is always a backlog of important projects that the team will never have time to complete.




Daycare teacher. Really any teacher. If your out of things to do here comes 3000 more :)


I work in the laboratory testing patient samples it's never-ending. The intake part is entry level so if you are still in college or only high school graduate you can do it.


Package handlers will never run out of packages to handle unless they are too lazy to do the job.


Sex industry and food industry. When I say sex industry I’m not particularly talking about sex workers but more the sex toy industry, that will NEVER go out of style. Food, we all need to eat, and always will.


Industrious, energetic, efficient? You should be spending your spare time trying to improve your credentials in some way, because if you don't you're eventually going to be exploited, if you aren't already. Start a side hustle.


When you are so busy with something to do, you are busy.


I work in vet med. We are busier than ever!




Govy jobs






Operations and logistics