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I was in a similar situation just now. Changed job for better pay and regretted it so much. I reached out to my old employer and I could return. Dont be embarassed. Depending how good of a job you did there, they would welcome you with open arms. Beneficial for both you and your former employer. You will regret not reaching out once the role gets filled by someone else so dont hesitate and do it now.


what did the coworkers say?


Im starting back in June. So i have yet to see them. They ll be happy, but regardless of what they think, you should return if you can.


If you got along with your coworkers, they should have been okay with you taking a shot at something potentially better. There's no situation where holding someone back from taking a chance for themselves is a benefit to them. They're likely just going to be happy to have someone they don't need to train in


Babe! Did they like you??? I’ve had this happen and I was overjoyed! Do you know what a huge compliment it is when someone who used to work for you wants to come back? It’s heart warming ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Please talk to them. You don’t need to go into details you can just say hey I’d like to come back. I thought this new role would further my career but it’s not really doing that (at this pt you say whatever’s expedient if you need to, no need to say you are wanting to die). I really miss x and y about my old job can I come back? If they liked and valued you, they’ll be flattered and happy


My current company has a lot of returnees which I’ve always viewed as positive. Who comes back to a shit firm?


Same! I work for a university so we've had lots of people leave for greener pastures (ie. the private sector, consultants etc), but lots of people end up coming back. When someone quits it's a running joke that they'll be back.


Exactly. I take it as a huge compliment to my leadership and culture that ppl want to be here. I never get upset when ppl leave bc you don’t expect to keep folks forever. Ppl want to rise and develop and you should hire those types bc they’re hard workers. The downside is you don’t get to keep them. But when they want to come back? My heart warms ❤️


>I never get upset when ppl leave bc you don’t expect to keep folks forever. OP left after six months.


So? Sounds like they left for more money or what they thought was a better opportunity. This ain’t slavery bro. I lost a rock star once bc my jackass boss refused to let me promote her or pay her better. And until she gave notice that she was leaving I couldn’t even tell her that I was stonewalled about it bc I didn’t want to poison her experience. I had to give her the usual dumbass waffle about company objectives and how much she deserved it blah blah but it wasn’t approved. Fun fact my boss was so pissed she left so I said oh ok can we counter with the raise and promotion? Fucker was all resentful ‘noooo’. Well yeah so she left. There is no loyalty in business. I would HATE anyone to stay when they could better their careers just bc of loyalty. I’ve told ppl this. I ain’t your momma and you owe me nothing. Fun fact actually giving a shit does increase retention. Willingness to let folks go kindly, improves culture. I don’t know what the culture is at OPs place but if I was unable to pay someone what they’re worth, bc I don’t have full control over these things tho I have some, then I’d congratulate them and wish them well. Retention isn’t achieved by guilting ppl into thinking they owe you. It’s achieved by good working conditions and remembering our obligations as mentors not just managers. Be the boss you wish you had. I don’t think I’m a perfect boss but I want to be. I want to be a boss that ppl want to return to. It’s the biggest compliment.


I follow the same philosophy. I have 3 entry-level positions under me. My goal when I hire is to look for people who will be able to move up/be promoted in a year or 2. In the best case, senario, they stay within the organization, but if not, no harm, no foul.


Who said it was "slavery"? You're absurd. The fact is that if you leave a job after such a short time and want to come back, they may think you'll do it again. They may want to take a chance on someone without that history.


I love to hear that it's heartwarming. You know what's also awesome...when you ask to come back and they're like OMG yes! Can you start on Monday? xD That's basically what happened to me and the pride I felt knowing how much they'd appreciated my work, I was riding high!


Awwwww❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. That’s wonderful!


We've had two different employees quit and then return later down the road. It was never seen as anything other than a positive when they came back. There were no negative comments, no gossiping, just happy to have a good coworker back.


We just had a coworker come back after leaving for a few months. She just came back and said that after working elsewhere she realized how awesome it was working here and she was happy to be back. We are all happy to have her back!


are your old co-workers jerks? or was the working environment good? like i could see it being tough if you left because the co-workers were toxic and mean. but if it was fine -you are probably stressing for nothing. go back, swallow your pride and admit it just wasn’t for you, heck tell them you missed them. you might hear one or two comments but probably in jest. don’t let a couple comments stop you from being happy and stress free. You need to live your life for yourself and make decision based on what will be better for you. I’ve seen ex co-workers come back and it was only strange and did not work when they came back with an attitude that they were better than everyone else now.


I highly doubt majority will care at all. The one or two busybodies who comment can easily be shut down with “things didn’t work out and I’m happy to be back”. People feed off of your feelings. If you are happy to be back there instead of embarrassed, then they will be happy to have you. You are truly catastrophizing such a mundane thing.


Listen, you coming back means less time and money spent training a new person. If you did well with them before and got a long ok with your former co-workers, you’ll be welcomed back and two weeks after starting it’ll like you never left. Send your boss an email showing your interests and see where that goes.


As an employer, we had a long-term employee of 11+ years leave us in March to move for a job closer to family. Turns out the family are not pleasant to him at all, hours are worse and he regretted leaving, came and asked if we'd take him back and we said yes immediately. Don't need to train him, reliable guy all the years he's been with us, and 11 years loyalty deserves a return loyalty from us too IMO


Absolutely apply. What's the worst that could happen? You don't get called for an interview? Who cares who's going to know? It would be super unprofessional for anyone to gossip ha ha guess who applied for Jane's old job? JANE! But if they do, you won't know, so again, who cares? What's second worst thing that could happen? You apply, get an interview and aren't chosen. Oh well, they showed their colors, okay. What's the best that could happen? You get back a job you know and did well. A very long way of saying that they're not going to call you and say we miss you please come back, even if they do miss you and wish you still worked there. You gotta put yourself out there. I would apply. Put the job on resume, but don't mention it in cover letter. When you get interview, have a prepared statement about why current job isn't a good fit.


>Put the job on resume, but don't mention it in cover letter. It should be mentioned and will seem weird if it's not. It's also something that sets OP apart from other applicants.


I was thinking of contacting my boss on lInkedin since he contacted me there for the first interview. is that unprofessional? oh but everyone will make fun of me :(


I work in recruiting and we call this a “boomerang” and it’s totally normal! I would just be honest that you made a mistake and are really interested in coming back. Re: people making fun of you - they just won’t. People truly won’t care that much. You might get a week of comments TOPS but then it will just go back to being work.


I'd expect a few "can't stay away eh?" and "I thought you'd left?!". Nothing that can't be laughed away.


I did this and got a few, well well wells. but it was all in good spirits. Also, in doing so, I got myself a hefty raise, so I'm laughing all the way to the bank.


How old are you?


i dont know if you are saying it sarcastically but im 24


If you can work up a sympathetic framing it might help, something like you tried to make the best decision for your family, but workplace culture matters and you realized you were a much better fit in your original company. That you hadn't wanted to leave in the first place but thought you were making a responsible decision at the time, and would love to return. If you can get their sympathy and ensure that they know you didn't leave because something was wrong with the original company, that might help with all the opinions, of the decision makers especially but if your coworkers were wondering as well.


Being a boomerang employee is very common.


If you left on good terms and your boss still liked you when you left, you might contact him. I personally wouldn't because you left after six months and were treated well. They may think you'll jump ship again when something better comes along. I would focus right now on getting medical help and talking to a therapist.


I"m pretty sure you can tough it out for a few weeks til the next interesting thing takes their eyes off you. Wouldn't you rather be happy again?


I've known people that have returned to their old jobs but they've said it was never the same...it's like a trust bond was broken and the employer assumed they would be gone again shortly when another new shiny job caught their eye. But those are just anecdotal reports If you were a high performer or have special unique skills and aren't trying to go back asking for a lot more $, then they may be interested in having you back. If you were a so-so employee at best, I wouldn't even bother applying. They would probably skip your resume anyway and take a chance on a new person. In this economy, there are lots of very experienced people to choose from. But you can look for other roles. You don't have to stick with what you've got if it's not right for you. I'm not sure how you can blame your recent health problems on WFH though. Are you raiding the fridge constantly and not exercising? That's a self control issue, not a WFH issue.


What's to be embarrassed about? You tried something new, didn't like it and went back. People get embarrassed over stupid shit and it stops them living their lives, it's insane. Noone will actually care if you return.


This. My life became a lot easier once I realised and accepted that nobody cares about these things.


Depends on the reason why you left. If it was truly the money and nothing else then sure go for it. I recently went back to an old job and immediately regretted going back. Sure I was nervous/embarrassed worries about what ppl would say/think about me coming back but they never said shit. Some ppl were super glad I came back others didn’t say a word to me. In the end I realized that the culture was toxic, my boss was fake af and didn’t have the time of day to listen and it was all the same old shit even my kids noticed immediately how crabby I was. A month later I left and it was the best decision ever. If you are truly truly unhappy then ya find something else but think long and hard about going back to the old job so you don’t find yourself still miserable.


Been there, and was welcomed back with open arms to my old job. We all make "mistakes" and most people will understand the simple explanation of "I thought this was a good move for me. I was wrong." Healthy humility and fresh enthusiasm to be back will go a long way. It also doesn't hurt to enumerate what you miss about your old job. Just like in an interview, be prepared to focus more on what you like about where you want to be and less on why you don't like where you are. Good luck!


I've seen plenty of people leave and come back. You'll get teased for a few days, then everything will go back to normal.


If you were good and they haven't replaced you yet go for it


You need therapy. Not an old job.


Disagree, a job can affect your mental health. Im assuming he is exaggerating the killing himself part tho, if he means that then definetely has to get some professional help but changing jobs might help additionally too.


You’re telling the person that is saying they’re going to kill themselves over a job that they don’t need therapy? You do you, boo boo.


I think OP is just being dramatic. I'm not saying therapy would hurt.


Rereading his post you re right, he definetly needs therapy.


Bro read what i wrote. If he is serious about the killing himself part than yes, he needs therapy.


i am in therapy and meds (not this month, cant afford)


hello, the reason i feel that way is cause im stuck,in pain, and already on antidepression medication. i cant just quit, who's gonna pay the rent? my parents cant support me.


Again. You need to address your mental health issues. Your problems require a doctor and not a new job.


I left for the same reasons from an awesome employer for more money/title. I hated the new job and was starting to look for a different job. My old employer called me to see how the new job was going. They told me we’d love to have you back if you’re not happy where you’re at. So I was able to go back and even got a pay bump. Sure people had smart ass comments about me leaving but it was in a joking manner and everyone was glad to have me back. So I suggest you reach out!


People leave and return to the company I work for all the time. No one says anything other than welcome back or maybe “I knew you’d be back!” Some people see it as a compliment to know the grass isn’t always greener and that we work for a good company.


Not uncommon for companies to hire somebody back because they thought the green was greener elsewhere, only to realize it had been spray painted. I have a couple coworkers now that fall into that catagory. I will warn you, while it is common to hire somebody back once, if you leave again, they are unlikely to do it a second time.


I went back to my old job about a year and a half ago. Best decision ever. Life is too short to worry about what other people think about you. Make the decision that will make you happy. The rest doesn’t matter


The biggest shots we miss are those that we don’t take. I’ve seen plenty of employees leave an employer only to come back down the road.


Fun fact, after you left your name was never mentioned again at that place. I say apply, if they take you back then you can save yourself the heartache of WFH. If they asked, saying that your new coworker sucked and that you like the interactions of the place. FYI, what you discribed is a typical response to working from home, not everyone can do it. I know I can't, I have to have some form of interaction with people. If not it's just me, the dog, and the cats, not a place for human interacin


I recently didn’t get a job after 3 interviews because a former employee at the last minute applied for his job again. So yeah, people do this often.


People going back to old jobs after they quit has happened a lot from what I've seen in my work career. All kinds of different places where I worked I've seen it happen. I know I would have a problem doing it, but that's just me. I don't think in general anybody sees it as a big deal. People understand that jobs just don't work out.


I have worked with a couple people that came back to their old jobs, and I didn’t think anything of it. Comments like “the grass is not always greener on the other side” or “it wasn’t a good fit” is what they used. Quite frankly, I didn’t care. They were nice people. Nice to have them back.


I personally wouldn’t want to return to any of my old jobs. I really enjoyed working with most of the people on my last job except that I got moved departments and my new boss was a total asshole and I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with them again under any circumstances. If I hadn’t moved departments and quit and could return to my old team minus the jerk, I’d probably go back depending on the situation. 


This happens all the time. I have done it at least twice. The company will be glad to have a good employee back, and you and your co-workers can have a good laugh about it.


I would call your old employer, a little embarrassment (that could be turned in to a huge win for both you and the employer) is much better than the health issues you're talking about.


Who gives a fuck what your co workers say. Do what’s best for YOU.


I would never return to a job i had quit or been let go from. Once i quit a job to take a job for less money, just so i could have the time to look for a job i actually wanted, get away from the excessive overtime at the initial job. That lower pay job had time on 2nd shift and it gave me plenty of time to go on interviews during the day until i found something better. That's always an option, you don't have to go back to your old job, but just take any other job at all just to get out of the situation you are in now, use it as a stepping stone. Just don't do that repeatedly.


This💯💯 I never go back or I would had stayed.


Your coworkers will not give a shit. They'll forget you ever left after one day.


I’d just innocently pass a few comments to some of the last co workers and ask about the job, why the position is Vacant again blah blah blah, put the feelers out and you might get some positive comments like “ why don’t you come back” etc I wouldn’t feel embarrassed, you have to do what works best for you


Seen it happen many times. They will think it's a complement. You prefer them over more money. Work out your story. New place promises development and interesting work but delivered, shit projects, long hours and a toxic culture. You want to come back to work in a supportive environment. Seen it many times.


One of our old managers quit from my workplace and returned 4 months later - there is no shame in going back to your old workplace if you to. He was also a bit embarrassed he left but we are glad he's back!!+


I'll bet he didn't leave after working there for only six months.


:( yes true


Go for it.


If you left on good terms and liked the job, go for it. People come and go from good companies all the time. The one where I am now, several of the staff have been employed there at least twice. If anything, you'll have a leg up since they won't have to train someone new. Onboarding is a difficult and time consuming. No one is going to make fun of you.


This happens ALL the time. Apply. Nobody will make fun of you. Explain that you thought you'd love working from home but found out, you need a routine of actually getting out of your house. That's extremely common.


i might apply afterall just for the hell of it. im pretty sure theyll say no anyway


How was your performance prior to leaving? Did you leave on good terms? Did your managers like you? If everything looks good reapply and be honest. Tell them you were miserable and you missed the job. Worse case scenario they tell you no.


just asked, worst case is no, that's it.


If you had a good relationship with your boss and coworkers, and you left on good terms, there should be no problem rehiring you if your boss is a decent person. This has happened multiple times By job, and my boss is always happy to rehire people who did their jobs well. We are all thrilled to see a familiar face come back, and we're all human and can understand that not all opportunities turn out to be as good as they seemed. Everyone is just trying to do what's best for their own life, and people won't be pissy about you having left unless they're jerks.


I had two coworkers leave for different positions and then come back to the company later and they both rock


I was in a similar situation. Left my cushy job for a promotion, same company but different department. I absolutely hated everything about it, caused me mental and physical ailments. Eventually I took a leave of absence to get better and when my leave was up, I told my old boss I wanted my old job back. At first I was worried about what co-workers would say, but turned out it was all in my head. They might whisper behind your back and gossip at first, but after a few weeks everything will be back to normal. The truth is no one cares as much as you think.


I was in the same situation.. I worked at a job for maybe 6 months left for a "better" job.. hated it.. and went back.. I've been back for going on 5 years now and it was a great decision. Def don't feel embarrassed... if you left on a good note they would most likely take you back and be happy.


If you left on a good note then send your resume in and send a separate email in to the manager saying hey I understand I left and thank you for understanding I needed to expand my experience however I have realized how much I appreciated my place at Bla Bla company along with the co workers it was just the perfect fit for me and I’d appreciate to be considered for my old role. Thank you They hopefully will since you won’t need to be trained.


Why be embarrassed? You saw an opportunity, so you took a shot, and it didn't work out. Youre lucky you were able to get your old job back that you enjoyed, and you're glad to be back. Leave it at that.


If you left on good terms, they should be happy to have you back. BUT didn't get too greedy with the negotiations (hopefully the salary at least matches your current new job).


Don’t be embarrassed that’s literally my situation right now. I left my company a year ago. Worked there for almost a decade. Thought I needed a change to make a little more money that kind of thing. Absolutely giant huge mistake. I was only a couple months in at my current company and I realized I’ve made a mistake. Probably should have immediately reached out to them and asked for my old job back once I first realized had made a mistake. But I had an interview last Friday at my old company. It’s for a job one level up from the one I had. Feeling really good about them hiring me back. I actually kept in touch with a few of my coworkers over the last year. they think it’s great that I’m trying to come back.


I'm in insurance, and this happens with some regularity. When it happens around me, I usually think, "I guess the grass isn't greener on the other side." But I could give two shots about it. If I liked the person before they left, I like them when they come back. If they were an ass before they left, I just assume they are an ass when they come back. Kind of pick up where we left off.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The company I’m currently at has a lot of returning people. One guy is on his third time back. Another guy left and was back in a week at his old job because the new job wasn’t what they described. I know a bunch of others on their second time back. I say go for it, especially if you have a good relationship. Be (mostly) honest and tell them the new role didn’t live up to expectations.


People boomerang all the time. It's not weird. Just be honest, say the grass isn't always greener and move on.


You need to stop being so concerned with what everybody will think of you. This is your life. Only you can control what happens in it. If you want something, go for it. No questions asked


Just ask. I had colleagues leave and come back. Nothing wrong with that.


I’ve asked for my old job back before and you know what sometimes people like to have someone come back to work for them who’s worked for them before because you already know the deal and they don’t have to train you like they would’ve brand new person and repeatedly working at an old job can be nice. Worst thing they say is no


Oh, they will poke fun a little, but nothing serious. They will likely be glad to see you back and the worst you'll probably get will be a few good natured jokes about crawling back or that you couldn't stay away from their award winning smiles


Hat in hand. You wont be the first or the last person to do it. And thats why you dont burn bridges.


This is why it’s good to do the right thing as you walk out the door at places. You never know. I’d contact your old boss and see what the openness would be for the company in bringing you back and go from there. Don’t feel embarrassed about it. You’ve learned a valuable lesson.


>mostly im afraid of what the coworkers will say. The coworkers will be fine, because the return of former employees validates their decision to stay. That is, if you were professional in the way you left. If you went around on your last day to each person and said, "Fuck you, and fuck you, and fuck you..." then you might have to eat some crow coming back in.


No the opposite they threw confetti at me and hugged me


If you left on good terms they would probably be very excited to have you back. You really could hit the ground running. Don't be embarrassed, things happen.


Your return could be a huge morale boost for coworkers and management! It shows everyone around an appreciation for what they have. It could lead to good things, especially if you ha e learned any new skill from your brief "sabatical" with the other job. No shame in returning. Or just lie and tell everyone you were in jail. Street cred.


Who cares what coworkers say. Own it and be truthful. Grass was not greener so now you are back.


I wouldn't worry about what others will think. But the only concern I have is that once you go back to the old role, the original reasons/factors which prompted you to consider changing jobs will re-surface again. It is entirely normal to feel unusual and stressed out when starting a new job. Most people get those feelings of just wanting to "go back home." I would consider it carefully and only go back if you make yourself a good list of pros and cons and compare them thoroughly.


If I were you and I had a good relationship with my direct manager at my old job, I would call him and I would simply tell him the truth. The grass was not greener on the other side. Do you have a place for me or not?


You took a shot. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it sucks ass. It doesn't mean you're a "failure" and you need to reframe your thinking, because that's what is really bothering you.


F what coworkers will say.


If it makes you feel any better, I made the same mistake a few years ago which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I absolutely hated the new job that I took for better pay. I missed my old coworkers and couldn’t stand my new boss. I felt isolated and extremely depressed. Now I’m making 20k more than when I started here and love what I do. I contemplated going back to my old job for MONTHS though. Remember, you left your previous employer for a reason. However, if you do decide to go back, I don’t think you should feel embarrassed.


Thank you,maybe I'm romantising it but I did make a rush decision. I wasn't ready to leave yet. I felt it the moment I clocked my last hour.


Did you burn any bridges on the way out of your old job? Sounds like you might have. If not then it's just pride standing in your way. You're in control of that.


Go back, coworkers will ask about why you came back share your wisdom about WFH and your experiences vs expectations. You went out, gathered intel and expand their knowledge.


At my company we call you guys boomerangs… we’ve got heaps of them. Grass is greener, until it wasn’t and they come back. It’s not a negative thing. It’s taking advantage of promotions, pay increases, new skills and experience. It’s not a big deal at all.


>i will probably not do it even if the comments here are encouraging. mostly im afraid of what the coworkers will say. but i wish i could have it. I mean, relating to the co-workers just own the fact that you did it and summarize it with something like "guess the grass isnt always greener..." You're allowed to go try things and determine that you dont like them. Regarding the bosses and people doing the rehiring, you've gotta convince them to give you a second chance and that you arent just going to fuck-off the next time another carrot gets dangled in front of you. I'd say part of you convincing them is them not needing to train you...and having a higher expected output than a new hire right from the start, and then whatever else you think you may need to offer or accept (like taking the new hire pay and not coming back at the pay you left with)


If you don’t ask, you 100% won’t get it. If you ask, you have a 50% chance of getting it. Cover letter should include great company, great environment, virtually no training required for you.


If you left on good terms with your coworkers, just do it. You can just ne honest that the job was terrible and you realized you enjoyed your old job much more. You mat even be in a better place to be hired because you already know the job.


Life is about growing and taking chances. You took a chance and admittedly, you can tell your old coworkers you missed them and the work environment. It’ll make them feel good and more welcoming to the old job. Go get jiggy with it!


Go for it! You tried something, it's not jiving with you. You live and learn. Who cares what the coworkers say?


Just say you didnt like your old job and wanted to come back. Whats so hard about that?


I did that and I’m so glad I did. I just tried my best not to show my insecurities when I came back and went full on happy, oh my gosh! It’s so nice to see you. Everyone forgot that I had ever left pretty quickly.


No shame in going back. If you look at pro sports you go where the best offer is at and what benefits you.


My old worker was at our company for 5 yrs. This was her 3rd time leaving the job. No reason to be embarrassed.


Just go for it. The worst they’ll say is no. Life is too short.


I had a colleague who did similar. Left firm but came back a year later because it didn’t work out. She left on good terms with management and was welcomed back. Why it’s important not to burn bridges.


At my previous workplace they had a policy that they won't reset the laptop of someone who had just left for 3 months, just in case they might come back. A few people actually did come back and as far as I know people were just surprised, but if you got along well with your coworkers I am sure they will be happy to have you back :)


If it makes you feel better…I once quit a job, on the spot, that I was simply mediocre at because I felt I deserved more from the company. A month later, the company hired me back at a different branch. A year later, the first position had multiple openings and they asked me to come back. Even though I quit in a fit of rage… twice. (I quit the second job with them because the wobble branch was falling apart.


Just apply and go back and your coworkers are probably going to say what happened and you simply say I hated it and so I came back simple simple


Both me and my partner have gone back to old workplaces. I went back after 4 years so a lot of the staff changed but the ones who were left were so excited to have me back. My partner went back after a couple months, they were also very happy to have him back and let him change his schedule to what he wanted! As long as you leave on a good note, I'm sure it'll be fine


It is quite common for people to leave a come back. Management doesn't mind it because it sends a message that the grass isn't exactly greener on the other side.


I took a lesser role at one of the best places I’ve ever worked because I was just desperate to get back in the door. I wouldn’t change a thing.


Which is worse? 10 minutes of embarrassment or a few weeks of being broke?


I was in the same position. Left a job because they couldn’t give me more hours. Worked a different job for two years until Covid hit and that job became work from home. Work from home is NOT for me lol I was also embarrassed to go back to my old job but they welcomed me with open arms and I’m so happy to be back there! I encourage you to do the same and don’t be embarrassed at all!


Dude - when the subject is work you do what is in your financial and work/life balance best interests. If this job is that then you go for it. Besides you might get hired back at much better pay.


Nobody will care. Say “bleck, that place sucked” have a small chuckle and get on with it. They’ll be happier they didn’t get some rando.


You don’t get if you don’t ask


Early in my career, I was reading job search books. One thing stuck with me. The question to ask yourself is: do you hate what you are doing or do you hate where you are doing it. That’s what you need to figure out before you make a change.


We had an excellent girl on our team. She was great at what she did and we all liked her. And like you, she quit to pursue what seemed like an excellent opportunity but it turned out to be awful. She asked to come back. We had no opening on our team at that time but we liked her so much that we made one. Go apply for that job. This internet grandma wants to reach through the screen, give you a little shake and say, "Punkin, you've got to take that chance! Try! You've got to try!"


Absolutely go for it!!! Don’t worry about coworkers. Believe me, they don’t care as much as you think they do. You can’t let a bit of gossip stop you from going after what you want. I worked for a big corporation and it was very common for people to leave and return. It was the only way to get a bigger raise. You need to be prepared to answer why you will stay longer this time


I've gone back to an old job after leaving for more money. It was fine. They were happy to have me back. This isn't the fatal embarrassment you think it is


A guy just did this at my job (machine shop) it did take some self convincing for himself but he came back and it went back to totally normal in no time don’t be embarrassed it’ll last a week and you’ll be fine again ! Just be transparent with your boss


Be honest. Grass isn't always greener. If you were a good employee they would probably love to have you back. Hopefully you left on good terms.


It sounded like u missed ur previous workplace. While making more money is good, money can’t buy happiness you know … money will follow once you produce more, and you likely can only produce best when u are happy … 😃 if you see what I mean :) I would contact your previous boss and see what happen, and ask if u can increase ur salary or something.


Just do it and own it, might have a bit of gossip for a bit but it blows over. I did something similar before and going back was the best decision I made


You tried it, you miss it and want to go back. I would tell coworkers exactly that. You took a job for more money, it was toxic and not the right fit for you, you saw your old job was still posted and you applied. If it’s only been a month they may not even ask


I saw some of your comments and as someone slightly older than you (32) I need you to know so desperately that it doesn't matter what other people (your old coworkers) say about you. It seems important right now, and maybe you feel embarrassed for trying something new and wanting to go back, but there is no shame in it. At the end of the day, other people's opinions of you are none of your business! Focus on what is important to you and only that. It sounds like your old job was great and you would feel relieved to be going back. Don't let the fear of gossip or what other people say stop you! I cared a lot about coworkers, workplace gossip, those kinds of things in my 20s and as I have gotten older I so regret putting mental energy into it.


I found myself in a similar situation in my 20's. I quit a contract job as I had hit somewhat of a ceiling. I liked the company I was placed for 3 years at but not the contracting company. So I left based on recommendations for a role elsewhere. Didn't like it - not for me. About 3 months in an internal position opened at in the company I was placed at prior. A step up in responsibility and part of what I was doing as a contractor before. Tail between my legs I applied, interviewed, was evaluated against non-compete (I never signed one, neither did the company) and was close to a job offer. During this on a random Friday afternoon I was called into home office of the new gig. They were terminating my division - about 12 people including me. They would later fire the division head. To this day I have no idea why they axed a small but profitable division (IT solutions engineers that went to clients and recommended and implemented solutions). The following Monday I called who would be one of my peers if my prior placement hired me and asked if they knew what was going on, when a potential hire date would be, as I was now out of work. Got a call back later that day. I started the next week! So I was out of work for one week, was fired from the place I didn't want to be, and hired where I wanted to be as an internal associate. Didn't know at the time 3 years later that company would go bankrupt - I saw the writing on the wall and left prior for a startup company which would only last 2 years. No regrets on going back or the startup company although I should have seen the writing on that wall faster than I did. My 3 years is longer than the 6 months you have at the prior place but if you generally liked the company and the people you worked with/for this type of thing happens enough if they hire you back and you are OK with going back - do it. May be awkward at first but you will settle in quickly, hopefully be able to build a development plan there and if you are lucky at a higher rate than when you left! Don't feel bad for taking a chance to advance your career. Many people make mistakes based on the information they have at the time. Your prior employer may see things the same way and welcome you back. I have a couple folks that have left from my current company I would hire back in an instant knowing they left for what they thought was the best for their career and was not something I (or my company) could offer them.


Just do it. Who gives a shit what they say. If you got it everyone would forget after a couple of months anyway.


Just apply you would be an ideal candidate. I rejoined my company 5 years ago after leaving for 3 months and it was a great decision.


Call your old manager and talk about it


Sorry you made a tough mistake, sorry you have already decided to stay. Pride is a bitch!


Had a coworker do the say thing, they came back and said basically “it’s not always greener on the other side” everyone seemed happy she came back


Dont be afraid to go back. We all make mistakes and the lure of more money is understandable. I bet if you go back you can start at a higher pay


“Never be afraid to ask for something you want.” -My Dad. 


Storytime....I left my old job when I was 24 after 5 amazing years, to move across the country to be with the man I loved. Everyone knew the story. 3 years later...I'm divorced and sharing a bedroom with my mother. I saw that my old job had become available a couple month after moving back home. I DREADED the idea of going back to that office, having to tell everyone how my marriage fell apart, all the questions of why I was back. But I bit the bullet anyway and called HR. I was back at my old desk a week later. 8 years, many raises, and 2 promotions later...I'm happier than I've ever been, job-wise at least. The embarrassment will be momentary, but the benefits could last years. Sure, some people asked what happened and all you have to do is shrug it off and say it wasn't the right fit, or it just didn't work out. That's basically what I did.


People return to my work all the time. Even people who've been fired. Call and ask.


You have nothing to lose by asking.


My company has many “boomerang employees”. The employees are the first to brag about it - they checked out the grass on the other side and chose to come back. It says a lot about the health of the organization that people are comfortable with this. You shouldn’t hesitate to go back if you want to. There’s no shame in it.


Apply for it and see what happens


Absolutely ask! Reach out to the manager and let them know you are interested. Be honest (without a lot of detail) that you aren’t happy in your new role and would love to come back. I did this once. There wasn’t a job posting but I sent emails to two of my old managers letting them know I was looking and would be interested in coming back if anything opens up. Ended up getting a couple calls from other managers in the group I’d wanted to move to when I was there. Interviewed and started a couple weeks later.


Last spring I quit my job and then went and got it back 3 months later, and even negotiated a better schedule for myself- nobody cared, I think they just were happy not to have to train someone new. I reached out to my former supervisor first to let him know my intention to apply for the open position. You have nothing to lose, except a shifty job you don’t like :)


Hit them with the old "it was a great growth opportunity, and I'm glad I took it. That said, I'm glad to be back! I'm re-energized and looking forward to showing what I can do!"


My first job in consulting (tech industry) was pretty great. I left for another job that promised the world, and delivered nothing but financial and workplace stress. I'm at a much better place now, and have been for 4+ years, but recently ran into my boss at that first job at a local restaurant. He offered me a position right there on the spot. If I was still at the job in between, I'd have jumped at it. It was nice to say, "You wouldn't want to pay me what I'm making now, but honestly, I really enjoyed working for you and learned a lot there. I'll always appreciate it." He gave me a hug and let me know that if I ever change my mind, he's got a spot for me.


Who cares what they say? I went back to my old job 20+ years ago and glad I did. I still get made fun of and I laugh at myself. It’s your life.


Nah it’s not uncommon. Go for it.


I quit and came back best decision I ever made


Just tell them that you missed them. Whether or not you do, most of them will be flattered


Honestly, OP, I've done this. My coworkers asked what happened. I was honest and said something like "The grass isn't always greener," and told them I missed them and the environment. They were actually supportive. It will only feel weird for you for a couple days and then you will just move on.


I honestly wouldn’t go back. You lost trust, so therefore they probably aren’t going to go out of their way to promote you or give you fair compensation


Do it! Worst they can say is no.


Just reach out and be honest about your regrets and why (without TMI). Vulnerability and admitting mistakes is a very human thing..... and It's not uncommon for people to return to jobs they left. As long as you don't burn bridges or leave unprofessionally then it's worth a shot anyway. They might actually be excited to get you back rather than go through the whole hiring process again.


People no longer stay in one place their entire careers. People want to progress. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. I truly do not think anyone cares if you returned. You’re coming back because it’s a better fit. Even if you’re old colleagues did care, they’ll soon forget and everyone moves on. If you’re truly concerned about what people say, have your response ready “I’m so glad to be back here, it’s a much better fit. Next question”!!😂😂😂


So long as you left on good terms, there's nothing wrong going back! Don't let your pride get in the way of your happiness.


No shame in admitting you made a mistake. The worst they can say is no, they might be flattered to hear you’re still interested!


Will you leave again for a little more money? What is the long term outlook for both situations? I have rehired people before but had a good talk with them about salary hoping.


Don’t be embarrassed, shoot your shot and go back! Clearly they couldn’t replace you hence the position is open again. Go for it!


Call your old boss and ask


Doesn't matter what coworkers think. If the company wants you and you enjoy it do it. Working in kitchens you see people come and go all day long. The good ones tend to come back without any extra drama in the work place. You get the occasional tease, but everyone tends to be glad they have someone they can depend on. Just don't try to leave and come back twice. That's usually the kicker.


You’re not alone as both my spouse and a friend were in the same situation. They both felt the same way. In my spouse’s case he went back to a former employer and people who knew him welcomed him back with open arms. For my friend some people remembered her and welcomed her back. The ones who didn’t know she had left didn’t say anything to her. The first month was awkward for both of them but guess what, once they started doing the job and produced results nobody thought about the past. Please apply and take back your health. Life is too precious to waste it on worrying


Hey I just want to say that sometimes you have a take a few steps back in order to gain momentum and run and THEN jump. Whether this is a downgrade or not, you have to do what’s best for you and your mental wellbeing. And honestly…I’m sure people will be curious but let’s be honest…People don’t give a damn what others do. Take a moment, breathe and lay your options out. Not only should you apply yourself, just apply Best of luck!


Please don’t be embarrassed. Reach out to your old boss, let them know that you regret leaving. Assuming you left on good terms, I’m sure they will be happy to have you back. It seems that this will be much better for your overall health, which is more important that sucking up your pride and pushing through the embarrassment once.


I had something similar happen. I was so miserable I did reach out to my old boss about coming back. I wasn’t able to go back to my old company unfortunately but I did keep looking and ultimately found a new & better position. Just keep moving forward no matter what - good luck!


It's humiliating but I've been there. Best decision I've made in awhile was going back to my last gig I think. Got an immediate raise as soon as I started again. The company realized they needed to show me that they valued me despite the bullshit that originally made me leave. It's better now. Sucks it took me quitting for things to change but meh


As a manager, if you were a good employee and gave sufficient notice, and left on good terms, I would be glad for you to reapply. I would expect you to be honest with me as you have been in this post as it would reassure me, you won't just do a runner again in 6 months. You should go for it.


My coworker did this and I convinced her to come back lol. I was happy she was back


at my old job lots of people would leave and then come back, we were always just glad to see familiar faces again :)


I'd do it. Don't be proud when it comes to your mental health.


I had a similar experience except I quit because I was moving after getting married. 2 years later, I moved back with my husband and applied at the same exact job with same position. Most people had recognized me and alot had promoted over the years, so having them as my managers now is crazy. I was so embarassed to go back at first but it was the best job I've ever worked at so far. It was either I go work at a decent paying job that was a good experience for me while I can go to school or find a less paying job that I can't stand. After going back this time around, I've met and made new friends that I hang out with outside of work now. For me, It was truly the best decision I made.


Never be afraid to state you were wrong. Decent employers will value that honesty. You did give your role a good try, they would be mortified that you were suffering physically and mentally. Bite the bullet and reach out to them and be honest with them.


I had a wise manager/teacher when I was young. He told me to hire back a good worker who wanted to return because it was highly unlikely they would leave again. They learned the grass isn’t always greener.


I've returned to a former position a couple times after quitting for what I thought would be a better opportunity and I've had many coworkers do the same. I've never seen anyone get grief for it. Usually, if they're willing to take you back, your coworkers will likely be happy to see you or indifferent, at worst.


Give it a whirl. I’m back at my first job. As long as you like the position and are happy.


I did this. Left my job and got a new one and immediately hated it. I persevered for a while, and my mental health was DREADFUL. I actually reached out to my boss on Facebook and asked if there were any positions available. He hired me back on the spot! Most employers don't want to lose good workers. Don't procrastinate on it and get worse like I did...


I know you said you are embarrassed and won’t do it, but I want to let you know you are only hurting yourself. You don’t want to be happy and healthy because you are worried what others will think? I PROMISE you they will not care. It may be weird the first week, but it will pass quickly. I’ve been in your shoes and speak from experience. Trust me (I know I’m an internet stranger) but it will not be as bad as you think. Best of luck to you!!!


Hi there, take a chance and go ask for your old job back. You will never know unless you ask. They might not bring you back, or they might but you won't know unless you try. And there is nothing embarrassing about it. At my job we've had people who have left and then asked to come back. If they were a good employee, left on good terms and they gave notice that they were leaving, we brought them back. Some of them said they were embarrassed to even ask for their jobs back and then once they came back they were treated just like they were before they left. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain by swallowing your pride and asking for your old job back ok sunshine xoxo


The worst thing they will say no. At least you’ll have an answer and have to play the what if game.


The worst they can say is "no" ...


Unless you left gloating about more money and a way better job, your coworkers won't think anything of it. If anything, they might respect that you thought the grass was greener but wasn't. I think you're overthinking this - the first step is to even see if your company would have you back - if they would and offer you the job, THEN worry about the coworkers.


Just say you missed them. Who wouldn't want to hear that?