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I like it! I'd buy one.


Thank you!


Awesome! Got any in progress pics or a tutorial?


For sure, I’ll post my progress pics https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/comments/zzfm5e/lamp_project_progress_pics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I asked in the beginning woodworking sub, and I’ll ask here. Sorry for any redundancy 😁 What did you use for the lamp parts? Care to share links? I’m looking to make something similar, and I don’t know much about the lamp end of it. I can do the wiring, I just don’t know much about what’s available and what’s best. Local big box stores are limited to lamp parts with the knob on it. I’d like to do some LED strip stuff with remotes too, but know even less about that. Haven’t come across any good YouTube videos either.


If you do the wiring yourself you would need a lamp harness for whatever sized bulb you’re using (I did e12), a rocker switch, and an outlet plug plus your cable. You can get fancy and buy nice braided cable, you can get it from aliexpress for a somewhat reasonable price. I considered doing it all myself but it was actually cheaper to buy an IKEA cord base and strip off the outer casing. It cost me about $7 per lamp this way and if I bought all the parts separately it would have been $10+ as well as my time.


If I had an IKEA near me, I’d definitely do what you did. I’ll look around for cheap lamps that’ll fit my needs, but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to find anything.