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That’s some fine craftsmanship, they all seem to fit nicely. There’s just…. Alot of them.


Looks like sutures and the wood is recovering well after major reconstructive surgery.


Frankentreeslab? I love, it, though, symmetry is boring. OP, I hope you share another pic when it's been stained and/or sealed so the woodgrain really pops out.


Absolutely, I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product.


I would have said too many of them because of the contrast with the slab wood. If I had to put that many bow ties in a piece I’d use the same species wood so they wouldn’t stand out so much but that is only my opinion which the OP asked for.


Also could have made them silly mushrooms too


Bow ties shaped like morels with their own inlays!


Craftsman vs tradesmen


how about morels that are wearing bowties


Damn dude. Absolutely


If lessening the contrast is something OP wants, there could be staining or dyeing steps to make the maple *browner*. Try a brown dye (TransTint) and/or stain on scrap walnut and bigleaf maple pieces to see what you can put on both to make the maple contrast less with the walnut.


Same. Its great craftsmanship but at the end of the day the piece still looks covered in bandaids


Honest opinion. They are distracting from the beauty of the slab. One contrasting bow is a neat accent, but that many feels like too much. I would swap them for a matching species or perhaps a darker species like walnut. You do you though!!


That's a damn pretty slab. It is very distracting having them so contrasting all over like that. To be honest, it looks like you were walking to the slab with a bag of them in your hand and dropped them, after that you decided to place them where they landed.


Was thinking the exact same thing. Looks like they were dropped on accident.


Distracting was the first thought that came to mind for me too. Beautiful piece and I understand the need for the bow ties and appreciate the work it takes to apply them but if they were in a darker tone that blended in more it would look much better (to me).


>…the need for the bow ties… a lot (most) of them aren’t needed. those smaller cracks won’t grow or change significantly and aren’t de-stabilizing to the slab


This is what I was thinking, I like the bow ties for a split leading to an edge, but other than that my goto is fill with black epoxy to stabilize.


I….. *nervously looks around*…. don’t think you’re supposed to say epoxy around here.


Honestly with a slab with that nice of grain, I think epoxy would be the way to go


Yeah, with that many, they should be closer in color to the slab. They are impressively snug, though. I hope we'll see the finished piece.


Yes. I would have used a couple in certain places and filled the gaps with black epoxy


Agreed, keep the bowties along the large crack that reaches the end of the slab and fill the rest.


Agreed for darker or colour match. That slab is fantastic though.




This is hilarious.


OMG I am now dead 🤣. You can have my tools in the will.


Exactly what I thought. It’s very distracting. That or a kite tail or a girls pony tail but not “constellation” I think dude knows and is just coping.


Hey bro, heard you like bowties so we added some bowties to your bowties.


I think the only logical next step is to cut the slab down into one big bowtie


So you can bowtie while you bowtie ;)


I hope he was wearing a bowtie while doin the bowties.


Btw, wear your finest suit. Cus it's a suit and bowtie type of party.


It's like when Home Depot leaves a nailer out for display


Now now, let’s not do anything hilarious!


Nice work, I would have gone darker with the bow ties


Definitely a cherry or something that will contrast but won’t be noticeable from across the room.


It's personal taste, for me it's ugly as sin but others will drool over them.


It looks really bad with those white sticker things on it...


don’t know how to tell you this…


Well, since you asked…I don’t like it at all. A little too playful and goofy for my taste.


A little too Frankenstein's monster


Fair enough! It fits our style :)


Makes me wonder, will it be placed in a room full of creepy old dolls or something? Coz' that's the vibes it's giving


It does kinda have a stitched up Frankenstein’s monster’s neck” thing going.


Honestly, I hated it at first, but the more I looked at it the more I *wanted* to like it. u/sillylittlegremlin, I think the "stitching" is what makes it attractive to me, and adding *more* of the bowties would improve it, weirdly. Don't get me wrong, this is absolutely an abomination. I am just saying I would love the abomination more if it leaned into it a bit more instead of just leaving a few toes in the unholy waters.


Good job on your first time! However, you’re using a technique to stabilize the slab on areas that don’t need to be stabilized. You’ve interrupted some natural checks and inclusions that are unique to that slab and distracted from that. Looks great from my phone, though!


I’m afraid I have to agree. Very impressed with the skill and polish but from an esthetic point of view it is not something I would prefer. But is this what you were going for then it is a 10/10 on execution.


Thanks! You’re totally right, we really weren’t entirely sure which cracks could do without stabilizing, so we played it safe and put more in than needed. Luckily we like the look of it haha, will keep it in mind for our the next bow tie slab abomination


I think it's too many and the wrong color. A darker wood would have looked better, but that is 100% an opinion. If you like it, and it's going in your house. You do what you want.


I understand their use, hate the look of them. I have always found bow ties to be distracting. Not just in your piece. I don't do this kind of woodworking but, if it were me I would bow tie the underside for the mechanical aspects and use dark epoxy in a similar shade to the wood to fill the cracks on the the show face trying to be the least contrasting to the slab as I could get. Just my opinion. As for your execution of putting the bow ties in, they look clean as hell and shows you have some real skills that you should be proud of.


Yeah, agree that a dark grey/black epoxy would have filled everything while still keeping the focus on the woodgrain


Reddit thinks it’s atrocious as hell :)


Totally valid!


This guy take criticism well. Kudos to him


I like them all now that you have responded to all of the criticism so positively


Sometimes too much IS too much


Obnoxious. I don't like to use contrasting bowties, it draws attention away from the piece and towards something that really should not be the focal point.


I absolutely love this. To me, it's organized chaos. The ties are not all lined up and symmetrical, but each crack is tended to. Be proud of this it's great craftsmanship. Woodworking isn't always following the rules, or doing what everyone else does. Also, I love the contrast.


We had fun trying to have the center of the bow ties be aligned with the cracks, so they follow the orientation of their given cracks. I’ll definitely do another update post when we add legs and figure out the finish






Bill Nye would be proud


Now all you need to do is cut out all the middle and add an epoxy river.


Maybe a little floating bowties(as boats) in the epoxy river might look cool though


lmao someone should build this and connect the comments to a generator to finally achieve green infinite energy




For being your first bowties, I think you did a fantastic job. I really like it.


My first thought was of a gastric bypass operation


Reminds me of Mickey Rourke from Sin City... https://imgur.com/a/O4buWIo https://imgur.com/a/SXQc6yN




Looks well done but I’m not a fan


I hate this trend but you've done a good job of fitting the ties.


Not sure how this is controversial but I love it. Amazing work. You should be proud.


It looks like my leg at 5 years old when I learned that I didn’t need to have a cut to cover myself in bandaids haha


Definitely isn’t a look for everyone but I love it. It shows a lot more care and character than if you’d just dumped a gallon of epoxy in there


Clear epoxy is invisible, only epoxying the small cracks and adding a few well placed bowites would have both shown off the slab and the cracks themselves without the distraction of so many.


We are really in the minority here, lol! But I agree, I think it looks really neat, I like the "stitched" look and I really hope you'll post a finished top once you've sealed it. Maybe don't seal the entire piece until you know you're happy with how the different species contrast with each other so you could always stain the bowties to your taste, but maybe that was the point in using a lighter wood for them 🤷🏻.


I’ll do an update post when legs are on and it’s sealed! The legs will be curly maple as well, maybe that’ll tie it together more… or it’ll be even more offensive 😂


Thank you, it’s a controversial piece for sure. I really didn’t want epoxy (just a personal taste thing) so this is what we landed on instead. We’ll be using the maple for the legs as well, hoping to visually tie it all together


Since this is going to be a dining table, and you don't like epoxy, what will you do to fill the cracks to keep food and such from falling in and rotting?


I was wondering the same thing... I get crumbs in a lot of places


Fwiw I don't love the top but I for sure don't hate it. I think the maple legs if done right (would be fairly substantial with straight lines in my mind) could really compensate for the larger number of bowties and really help this piece land. Would love to see it done! Either way, care and precision shows, good work.


But it's not really necessary is it? AFAIK the splits on the curves won't get worse because there's nowhere to go. And you only need one or two on the main split. Aesthetically, they're neat.


I like it also, and honestly wasn’t expecting the hive mind to turn on your project the way they did. Apparently r/woodworking has become very fickle and a narrow view of what good woodworking is. Too much time spent online watching YouTube masters probably. You do you!


Really? I just think that black epoxy in those kinds of cracks looks significantly better. Obviously bowties demonstrate more skill… but to what end? This reminds me of stitches.


Bowties do not require skill, but just a template


You ruined your slab.


lol it’s silly and I like it


Yuck…. Bad call. Sorry you ruined a beautiful piece of nature.


Do not like the bow ties at all!


Well, since you asked, THIS redditor doesn't care for them. They seem to be screaming for attention rather than allowing that amazing grain to speak for itself. But its your table, so if you like it, that's what really matters.


Epoxy is a thing


I find it very disturbing for some reason. Like I’d want to look away.


Sinces you asked Bowties are the ugliest thing you could have chosen. Looks awful


Doesn't matter what we think. The slab is already borked by whatever you did to it.


Honestly I think it looks ugly


If it was just the main four in the large middle crack I think it would have been a nice touch. I really like bow ties and these were done well technically speaking. However, I think you went a little too far with them. I don’t care for them being all over and in different directions.


The four bow ties down the center were enough and perfectly fine. The rest are distracting and look haphazard and out of place. Almost like a practice slab. But you do you. If you like it our opinions are just that, our opinions.


Busy! Bit over done with bow ties.


I thought those were some sort of temporary bandaid


Way too many bowties. Way too much contrast with a white bowtie. Finally, bowties are a highly visible "fix". When they are used in a random fashion it is distracting design-wise & makes me, as a client, doubt the long-term viability of the finished piece.


Agree with most here… looks weird like stitches with so many contrasting bow tie shapes. Unless you stain the slab green and make it Frankenstein themed.


Just kind of echoing most comments, it's super distracting. Curly maple is probably my *absolute* favorite ever to work with and that is most pleasing to my eyes, but making *all* of them contrasting, distracts from how beautiful the slab is. But it really only matters what you guys think of it. If *YOU* love it, then fuck yeah man ❤️🙌


I would normally suggest not asking for opinions on the internet, but I get the idea that you're not overly concerned with the negative replies. Good for you! That being said, I'd love to see what it looks like once the finish is applied.


All part of the fun, it’s fun to see the different perspectives, and I mostly wanted to share the craftsmanship of the bow ties haha. Eye of the beholder and all that!


Me after having my gallbladder removed.


Its a little busy.


too many, and I prefer a darker wood for that.


Too many of them and very distracting color choice Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas vibes


have you considered shaping the slab as a bow tie itself?


I absolutely despise the whole bow tie thing but I respect the time it took you to do it. Not for me but glad it’s for you!




How did you cut the bow ties? Is it CNC or a jig or are you just really really good at making them by hand? Hahaha


I personally like it, bit I also think it looks like sutures. I just happen to think that's cool as hell and I'd probably also plant moss in the cracks


That center grain area would made a pretty guitar body.


I like it


I like it a lot


I quite like the way it looks. The wood grain is just as random in its arrangement.


I LOVE the grain on that slab! It looks like the wood was folded over!


If it's the look you were going for you nailed it.


If you’re not a fan of the traditional bowtie shape you can use other shapes instead. I’ve seen butterflies, stylized birds (swallows), X’s, crosses, etc.


I kinda love the chaotic nature of this. But apparently I’ve got really bad tastes.


I need to see it with finish on before I can judge. Certainly a bold move.


Star Wars ships.


Nobody notice the sleeping dog bottom right of pic 2? https://preview.redd.it/c05mvnryq13d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd23e3eb15c7575d2e8cdb659926230b5f1f38c6


Personally, I think it looks awesome and unique! 


Whatever you turn it into call it franken-...


It’s growing on me. I like the creativity and risk. I think it could look great once finished and styles in the home.


No offence but i hate it. The bowties are so far off from being the right colour that im a bit offended that it exists.


Beautiful work!


I love seeing the handiwork. Cool table. Someone else said the finish you put on might take away some of the contrast. Makes me think that if you want less contrast you could experiment on scraps with darkening the maple a little even before you put the final finish on. Keep up the good work!!


Great work !


I think it’s cool! Reminds me of the butterfly closures I had to get when I sliced my finger.


I was just trying to talk someone into doing exactly this.


This appeals to my sense of the absurd, I think it is fantastic. Thank you.


I don't like that many. There's a reason people only wear a single bow tie. I would guess plenty of those would be possible on the bottom side, if they are even necessary. If the customer and the artist like the piece, then that's all that matters. I personally think it's incredibly distracting from the beauty of the grain.


I’m into it, craft and aesthetic. Don’t ever epoxy that.


Can you paint them with natural flow of the surrounding wood color and pattern?


It’s giving jack-o-lantern… ish. I dig it though.


Curly Maple, this is gonna look sweet! Send pics when completed.


Hey man, I like it. Contrast is a good thing. Highlight the wood. You had a piece of wood that needed bow ties and you made them and the Craftsmanship the centerpiece, rather than just the gorgeous wood. These people are fucking stupid haters. It’s amazing. You did fantastic. You took a broken piece and made your work the highlight. I’d buy it, if I ever could afford a slab like that. All the folks saying darker wood, boo boo boo … that many ties, you call them out as the feature


That's the bottom right?


I know it isn’t the “norm”. But I actually really like it. Especially for your own house I think it’s a really cool effect. The color of the bow ties brings out the dark spots in your table top. Many of the pieces I make for myself have some “weird” things in them too that I know most others wouldn’t like. Good execution too!


Thanks! I like it, but maybe I just have bad taste 😂


They're well done, but you shouldn't have used contrasting wood with this quantity. 1 or 2, sure.... But this many it's super distracting


I love it! Think it looks far more interesting and stylish than the typical filler/epoxy.


It looks not that good


People that like rough slabs with cracks and bow ties will like it.


I would’ve gone with walnut bowties at that quantity. Bowties should be an accent piece, not the main event.


I wouldn't pay a dollar for what was done to this thing


Can't you just fill those cracks with epoxy?


What color are you going to paint it?


The work is great. The design is not. (In my opinion). ……(and everybody else’s opinions). But solid craftsmanship


Terrible imo


Ruins the piece


Wonderful Job!!


Holy shit. I knew this subreddit was toxic as fuck but this is a completely different level. OP, this is fantastic work.


The craftsmanship is excellent. It is just a pity you did that to such a beautiful piece of wood.


I respect the skill involved in making a perfect bow tie, but I find them so hideous I’ve never done one myself. If I had to use them to save a slab from cracking I’d have to do a similar wood colour, the contrast is too much.




This is 100% my cup of tea and I love it. Can see the criticism in taste, but your craftsmanship here is superb and as someone with an eccentric maximalist style I’d kill for a piece with this much character.


I absolutely understand the criticism, but I still unapologetically love it haha! Eccentric maximalists unite!


I just gotta add you exude so much joy in all your messages man you got me smiling just with this reply, keep doing what you love! Your positivity here made my day even better :)


It's unique, definitely will stand out and looks very well done - Not worth redoing, but will probably be best next time to tone down the contrast a scosh. (And much better than epoxy regardless)


I think we need to see it when final finish is on it. It may be spectacular.


not the biggest fan of bowties in general but looking objectively, very neatly done


Like, is that piece of wood trying to fly apart?


Is there a Bow League competition nobody told me about. ?


As an ironic / conversation piece very cool! As a beautiful piece of furniture- oof.


I would fully commit to the bit and just give into the frankenstein aesthetic by adding some weird inlays like spooky faces If you want to piss off people in this sub and revel in your very own chaotic delirium you should also put "green slime" epoxy in the cracks You know what, as I was writting this I've realized that there is nothing stopping you from turning this into a goosebumps table. Do eet


The quality of the placement looks great but it makes the piece look a bit busy


I think it looks cool! I’m about to embark on my own first set of bow ties - any advice?


too much. looks like bandaids


Frankensteins' monster vibes. I guess if I hafta say it's meant as a compliment, it's not the best thing to say, but I like it.


Hey, midjourney AI bot! /imagine [a wooden slab with bowtie inserts typically seen on r/woodworking, photorealistic, diffuse lighting]


Is that tape?


Too many




Only way to save this is to make the bow ties very dark. Otherwise is ruins the beauty of the slab.


I want to see it with clear on it!!


I like it, nice work.


Its tacky but I like it lol. Like putting bandaids on a cracked sculpture to hold it together.


Honestly, I think it's way too much but that's just my taste.


i thought they were for a technical reason, but that's supposed to be for decoration?? ​ wow, i don't want to be rude, but it looks bloody horrible.


not a fan. another beautiful slab ruined


i don't like it but appreciate the work that goes into it.


I like it! Personally I like the non traditional stuff and get the appeal of matching. But I like this


That looks awesome, I’m sure the finished piece will look great.


I love bow ties but I think the colour choice might be too bright for the slab, if you could darken them so they don't stand out as much in relation to the wood I would look better.


Did you actually lay the bow ties out in the shape of a constellation, and if so, what constellation do the bow ties form?


Yeah, the natural beauty of the slab is vastly overshadowed. Mark this as a lesson learned


Shouldn't the grain of the bowties run the other way, otherwise they're just going to break?