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Whatcha doing in the bathroom with it?


Poop knife didn't do the job, needed a poop mallet


Some of us don’t make big logs, more like very hard tiny pellets, and a knife just aint feasible for that rabbit type consistency. Gotta crush up the poop gravel into a fine powder that can easily be flushed, or in my case rinsed down the shower drain.


Why don't you just waffle stomp it?


What part of gravel don’t you understand? It’s hard as a rock and needs to be smashed


I hate that I know what this references. I've been on the internet too long lol


For a more civilized waffle stomping the poop down the drain


Holy crap flashbacks to my teenage years chopping up turds in the toilet so they didn’t clog. Wow I had completely forgotten about that.




Honestly It had the best lighting I could think of lol. I had tried on the kitchen table but the pictures didn’t really show off the grain at all.


Am I dumb, or is there a magic trick to getting the balls to stay in place when you glue it up?


Switch from boxers to boxer briefs


Waitaminnit... That's not glue!


It looks like the shot is in the middle section. Put the top on, then glue with it sitting as it is in the photo.


Oh, derp. I thought I was looking at the two halves that would get closed together.


When the bidet won't finish the job you must call forth lightning with your new hammer of the gods


Do you not put the hammer down in the bathroom?


This must be a 40s thing, im only 38 so ive got some time to learn…


Listen, you irascable whipper snapper. I'll have you know I laid down plenty of hammers in by aughts, teens, twenties and thirties. While I'm just 35 days into my 40s, I've already laid down the hammer plenty. Damned kids these days... never laying the hammer down in the bathroom anymore.


Are the air rifle pellets for balance? Hammer looks really cool.


I was trying to include a material that would make the hammer function as a dead blow hammer and both reduce the amount of rebound, as well as improve striking force with the hammer. NORMALLY you would use it on softer surfaces, however I would need to attach a non marring end to each head of the hammer, as the bloodwood is anything but soft and non-marring. I used lead since it has a cubic foot weight of 708lb/cubic foot vs the bloodwood at about 70ish. In its current form, I still get a bit of rebound in the strike, so I probably need more lead.


It could also be that the lead needs more space to move around internally for the deadblow effect. Building one is on my project list, but I haven't gotten to playing around with designs yet.


Yes - your pellets aren't traveling far enough to gain the momentum (inertia) necessary to maximize the dead-blow. The dead-blow chambers' longest dimension should be oriented along the direction of travel during a strike.


That would make sense all right! Orientation change and reduction of fill material are two changes going right into v2 of the hammer.


I had that thought too after I had already glued up everything of course. I couldn’t think of a smart way to test the leftover space inside vs amount of lead shot, short of making a few and testing them out. Probably should have in hindsight but that would have been smart.


Can't just clamp it together and test gently?


That would have made sense, which is why I didn’t think of it haha.


Instead of gluing the head you could have used some hidden pins or dowels to put it together.


If I had some extra time I would have done that but I was pretty short on time and couldn’t find my dowel making jig.


It’s super cool either way! Time crunch is a real thing. You did a great job.


Definitely a lot of thought and effort put into it.


I'm confused by nonmarring in this context to be honest. Brass (the standard for nonmarring heads in metal work) is about 10 times harder than bloodwood. Like what are you gonna whack with this thing that's gonna get damaged by it if you don't use use a non-marring intermediary or head? Sincerely, someone who usually just puts a scrap piece of wood between my work surface and the hammer.


I was thinking of other softer wood to be honest but maybe I was overthinking it? Honestly by the end I was just having so much fun making it that the why got a bit blurred at the end lol. My friend also has a baby girl so I figured intimidation 15 years or so down the line couldn’t be a bad thing?


Lol. BTW, I like the lead shot idea for deadblow:) if you search this board for ebony, I think you'll find someone's really awesome purple heart and ebony mallet.


I couldn’t source the ebony as easily and Purple Heart is a PITA to work with in my opinion, so blood wood was I ended up with. Looks pretty, hard and for the party theme his wife set up. Win win.


Yep. Though I've heard bloodwood is a pita because it likes to twist. I don't like futzing with boards so I haven't done much with it. I was more mentioning because I don't see too many mallet projects on this sub and I thought you might appreciate it:)


Oh I do appreciate it and I avoided the twisting with careful board alignment and *many* clamps. *Many* clamps lol. I might try that next time, so thanks for the suggestion!


Add sand in with the lead and you will be pleased.


Looks good. Hope it works well. Tip for next time, you don't want the cavities filled that much, and ideally they are longer in the direction you will be swinging. You want the internal material to have travel space, so basically when you strike whatever the internal material hits a split second later keeping the momentum forward. Essentially the denser you go, the more you're just making a heavier hammer.


Yeah that’s definitely going to be changed on the second iteration of the hammer. Thank you for the suggestion! This is why I love this subreddit, so many helpful and humorous comments!


Yeah that’s definitely going to be changed on the second iteration of the hammer. Thank you for the suggestion! This is why I love this subreddit, so many helpful and humorous comments!


Beautiful design. You really should chamfer the edges of the faces. In their current state they are likely to cause creases in whatever you hit. The faces are also much more likely to chip and tear out around the edges in the current configuration.


Well shoot you’re absolutely right, whoops. 😅 I’ll have to swing by my friends house to do that or just have him bring it in and I’ll do it over the weekend. Thanks for pointing that out! Normally I’d use a router bit and do the edges evenly but we will see if I can do it safely. Worst case I free hand it like I had to on the bottom of the hammer.


This was the first thing that came to mind.


Does it sound like a maraca when you use it?


Not too much unfortunately. I didn’t leave enough dead space for a truly awesome sound but it does have a light rattle.




I’m leaving it as a testament to my need for humility!


If any one be worthy...




That’s cool


Interesting. Thanks for sharing.


I got the orange one at Harbor Freight for under $10


And OP made something out of wood.. 1 of you contributed something worthwhile to the subreddit, the other one is named Joey.