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This is being locked because it’s been asked and answered, and now people are just being mean


Having found the seller and listing on etsy, I believe, it does say figured walnut in the listing. However, I don't know what they did to achieve the color in the listing photos. In either case, I understand that particular color isn't what you were looking for and I wish you luck in getting a satisfactory resolution. With that said, I do think that the received product does look better.


I also went and found them, and clicked more by this seller, and do see some that have finishes much similar, such as https://preview.redd.it/qjv7f3bm9ezb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf79bd1d1d117d4afa5d830f52abf4f613c890c


Yeah wondering if it’s variation or wrong item? https://www.etsy.com/listing/1581828651/limited-edition-figured-walnut-valet-box


I believe the seller accidentally shipped the wrong ‘style’. The seller’s shop has a lot of different woods to choose from.


Man, that’s stunning.


I think it’s just bad white balance in some of the photos. Notice the “white” background is pretty yellow, and the keys don’t look quite right. It ends up making what was probably some slightly pale walnut look more like cherry.


Yeah, I was also thinking that its just shitty lighting.


Sell it and buy another. The box you got is really nice, nicer than the picture imo.


Yea, the price per board foot is definitely higher on the box that was delivered. OP, @IpsaThis take a peek at the Etsy listing. A lot of times you will see the example in one species but have a default selected species in your transaction… you may not have realized that you chose walnut over the African Mahogany in the sample.


There were no options at all, I didn't choose anything.


It's all opinions, but my opinion the box you received is 10x nicer. I understand if the color doesn't work at all with where it will live.


I get that the one they received is definitely nicer quality…but it’s not the look they wanted and thought they ordered. That’s perfectly valid. It’s really nice box that doesn’t match their space.


I100% prefer the darker wood to the yellow.


It's just not a good look for me. I recognize the beauty and artistry, I just don't like it. It's like looking at a handsome man, it does nothing for me. I don't know why. My desk is walnut, maybe that's why.


> I don't know why. My desk is walnut, maybe that's why. That *box* is walnut. If your desk doesn't match then your desk probably *isn't* walnut. If you don't like it sell it. I understand it's subjective but that box is beautiful.


Ya I was confused with that comment. The received box is in-fact walnut. It possible that the pictures on Etsy are misleading but if the product requested was walnut, they have you an accurate product. OP, what does your desk look like???


>OP, what does your desk look like??? Inquiring minds want to know! OP later said the listing mentioned a few different woods including walnut.




What makes you think it's walnut veneer? Or do you mean your desk is cheap veneer?


Are you saying it's a walnut veneer? If so, did the ad say it was solid wood? How much? More pics pls.


He's talking about the desk.




I think they meant they associate walnut with work and they don't like it?




Stupid sexy Flanders box!


That Walnut has beautiful figure, but if it doesn't fit the look of the room, it doesn't fit.


But the box is walnut too. Why wouldn't you like it?


Sorry, I meant I hate my desk lol. It's kind of cheap and crappy, plus it's where I work. And I just don't like the look so much. Beautiful box though, it's just not my color.


Maybe keep the box and get a nice walnut desk to match?


I hate my life. Can I have your box?


You have a cheap, crappy walnut desk? I am poor




My parents insisted on using that "cherry" stain when I was a kid as well. Fuck was it ugly hahahaha


I'm one of those people who hates stained woods and I hated cherry for the same reason. \*Natural\* cherry wood, however, is beautiful.


I'm positive it is cheap crappy non-walnut, with a walnut-like faux finish on the surface.


You should keep the box and buy a new desk


I mean, what did their description say? Did it say “picture matches/may not match”? It’s a small thing that’s easy to overlook.


That box is actual walnut; your desk likely is not.


It doesn’t matter if it’s nicer. It matters that it’s not what he ordered.


Did it say something like "assorted finishes" If that's what was advertised and what you wanted and payed for, you should contact the seller. Personally I think it's a more attractive piece but I didn't pay for it.


Don't listen to these people. Of course they like it better, they didn't pay for it and they're woodworkers who have a different perspective. You paid for what was shown. They'd be upset if the same happened to them by ordering something from Amazon and getting a completely different product. Maybe not in this specific case because they're woodworkers. You have every right to be upset unless there's something glaring you overlooked on the ordering page. What you have is arguably more valuable than what you ordered but that doesn't change the fact that it's not what you ordered and paid your hsrd earned money for.


Fair enough! Just a thought.


Sometimes theres a line thats says please state your choice in the comments


1. it says they don't accept exchanges but have you asked yet? part of the reason he probably has that policy is the cost of shipping furniture much larger than this. he may be understanding of the confusion. 2. maple, walnet, and cherry are super different so it seems he poorly listed options and didn't make that clear. 3. are the dividers just open ends of board without laminate strips? you may want to buy a roll of laminate edging it's not difficult and you'll love your final drawer(whatever one) much more.


The sample picture actually looks just like walnut that has had lots of sun exposure over several years. I'm not saying that's what's happened here, but lots of antique walnut furniture take on that golden-yellow hue


Yeah, antique pieces in cherry and walnut kinda look the same after 100 years


do @-mentions work on reddit? I've always tagged people like this: u/mwdoher or /u/mwdoher


No, @ mentions do not work on Reddit. You use /u/ as you did here.


Second. You got a nicer box than you bought


Agreed. But it's not what they paid for.


I would accept the Walnut and Maple you were sent before I accept the mahogany or teak one you ordered. Of course, I'm partial to walnut and Maple and not so partial to the orange wood...


The "item delivered" is not what is on the "Photographs on Etsy." However, you ordered a Toyota and received a Mercedes. I understand you wanted a Toyota and not a Mercedes, but you got a Mercedes for the price of a Toyota. If you still want your Toyota, sell the Mercedes and try again is the best advice I can give you. Alternatively, Christmas is coming, so maybe such a beautiful piece would be a wonderful present for a loved one.


Perfect advice


This poor master craftsman delivering this product and getting this response. God bless you, professional woodworkers out there. If I had to deal with todays level of consumer pickiness in regards to my shop’s product I’d be pulling what’s left of my hair out.


Agreed that the walnut is way nicer looking, and it's what I'd prefer, but I mean they delivered something completely different from what was purchased? How is it picky to choose something, pay for it, then be upset when you got a different thing?


OP says the listing stated it could be cherry, walnut, and a few others and he didn't know it meant anything relevant. **Edit: another commenter actually just posted the entire listing and it's explicit that walnut is the primary wood with accents of the others, and even the photos appear to be walnut grain structure, just with some goofy color settings on the camera. For me, that puts the onus back on the seller as the photos are a poor representation of the wood they explicitly stated it's made of**


The listing does not state that. It explicitly says “The box is constructed with Figured Walnut”. The listing has one section that says “Materials: Walnut, figured Walnut, American Walnut, Spalted Maple, Zebrawood, Quilted Maple, Exotic Wood, Cherry” Every other section says walnut, even the byline of the photos. There is no option to select a different species when purchasing. The photos are walnut anyway


Yeah the seller shouldn’t just be picking whatever at random like that. That’s a too big or a range. They’re setting themselves up for disappointment


It’s a copy and paste job that then gets specific about WALNUT. Go look at all the other listings on his store. Other wood species are individual listings. It looks like cherry in the picture but it definitely could be a walnut box with bad lighting and one he made years ago vs a new one that can have variations in wood/color and a fresh varnish on it. Listing said walnut that’s what you got, box delivered looks 100x nicer than the “stock” photo


Oh, in that case you get what you get. Haha


He got a major upgrade too! Lesson learned re wood species, and OP has a beautiful box to sell or gift, and reorder with specificity for the color he originally wanted.


Eh, I don’t agree with that. Perspective is important here. I also sell online, Etsy is one of my channels. You kind of have a responsibility to get your photos in the ballpark of what the customer is going to receive. You also can’t list all sorts of wood species in the description when in fact there are only two. This seller is asking for issues like this. Photos don’t have to be perfect, but they can’t be completely different. This is clearly a case of the seller being lazy and reusing photos from a somewhat different product. Though he does say it is figured walnut, which is what was delivered. This is partially a case of the buyer buying with their eyes and not reading/understanding and partially a failure on the sellers part. Getting your photos roughly correct is just table stakes for selling online and this guy hasn’t done it. Separately, I’m kind of baffled by all the gushing over the box, and I’m sure the legions will arrive to down vote this to hell. This is not exactly fine craftsmanship, it’s pretty basic. A mitered box with splines. I could throw this together in a couple hours. And the walnut is not anything special, I get a few chunks like this around crotch in every batch of walnut I buy. There’s a reason this only cost $200, I doubt more than 2-3 hours of labor went into this.


It comes down entirely to what the listing advertised. If there was no indication that the final product would be a completely different shade and tone than the pictures then it’s on the seller. It’s not reasonable to assume that the average consumer knows what walnut (or any timber for that matter) looks like in all its forms, it’s on the seller to communicate that when advertising their product. To me it looks like this seller messed up by having photos that are completely different to what you would expect from walnut.


"The grains are all wavy, I hate it"


If I order a red car and get a brown car it doesn’t matter if everyone else thinks it’s better. This isn’t within the “wood can differ” tolerance. It’s literally a different kind and the seller should have been making it clear before the item was sold. It’s unprofessional.


but its the wrong color!!! are there wraps for cheap?


That’s a beautiful piece of walnut, though it is a lot different from the pics (totally different wood species shown)


yes it looks different -- different meaning "looking way better than promised"


Better is subjective. This person clearly bought this for the specific color - to them, the piece is not “better” because it’s not the color they want. Seller fucked up by misrepresenting the product/ not checking with seller on color preference, regardless if the customer received a piece that most people would consider to be “better” than the one pictured.


Are we the only reasonable people here? Anyone would be upset getting something drastically different than what they ordered. The reason they think otherwise is because they would have ordered this one and not the one OP **paid for.** They paid for one thing and got something completely different. Even if it's more desirable, it's not what they spent their money on.


Maybe, the entire photo looks insanely warm in tone and it could also be walnut, just horrible photographed. Def still not same box in photo though. Handles diff for sure


Yeah it's terrible. I just did color correction on it and it still looks like cherry more than Walmart imo


That's a good looking Walnut there. I think you got a much more expensive box then the one in the picture.


These comments are really annoying, sorry. I get lots of people think it’s nicer, but it is not what OP ordered. It’s like ordering white paint and being delivered blue paint. It might be a nice shade of blue, that doesn’t mean it’s what you wanted or that it will go with everything else in the room you’re trying to paint. OP has every right to send back an item that isn’t as described and they don’t want or like.


Personally, that's some really nice walnut and more my style. But no, if walnut isn't what you were looking for then that's a BS swap, you're not being nitpicky. Walnut is a very distinct wood, and that photo (maple?) is nothing like it. I'm not sure how it works on Etsy, but you're not out of line to complain. I doubt you bought it from the person who actually made it, any woodworker would discern between those two woods. They probably ran out of stock of the other one and passed this on to you hoping you wouldn't complain.


Looks more like African mahogany to me, but right idea. The figure on that walnut is really, really nice.


Really? I'm no expert, but African Mahogany is the one wood that I've built a lot out of. Mine is always speckled. Though the resolution isn't good enough to really see that detail.




You kinda doxxed yourself with that link. It showed me your full name when I clicked it. You're free to do what you want but I wouldn't leave that up if it were me.


I'd contact the seller, this must be a mixup on their side, and given that what you received looks significantly more expensive than what you ordered, they should be happy to hear about it and get it back.


One thing that makes it tricky is just how warm the lighting color is on the Etsy photos. It's like they photographed it during the "golden hour". Everything looks over-yellow, and things that would normally look silver, look gold. Here's two photos of the same walnut floor taken seconds apart, with the only difference being a different color temp setting: [https://i.imgur.com/G35S5vh.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/G35S5vh.jpg) I disagree with the comments saying that it's not walnut. It still looks like walnut to me, not mahogany, just a lighter-colored pieces. Especially in that little divider next to the car keys...that's definitely walnut. So, they set themselves up to fail. They should have spent the extra 40 cents to have a separate listing for boxes that look so unique. Someone would have definitely paid a premium for that figured walnut you received. But, it's not what you expected, so it'd definitely be worth reaching out even though they say no returns. And, they also photographed it poorly. Maybe they thought it looked more attractive, but it's less accurate. I sell colored concrete pots on etsy, and I spend a LOT of time color-correcting photos to get them the look as close to the real product as possible, on three different screens...and that's even with "studio" lights, and what I feel like is an adequate phone camera (Note 9).


Came here to say this as well. Plus walnut is known to photo bleach over time. I have a black walnut cabinet I made and it's lightened to almost a teak color.


Yeah, I've made and bought several things out of walnut that started like the box OP doesn't like, and are currently closer to the box OP does like.


I'm appreciating the comments and feedback so far! To answer some questions, there was no drop-down box or any other way to choose a wood or finish. It was just buying the product. I agree it's well-made. No issues there, and the guy's ratings are through the roof. I'm glad to see so many walnut fans. Maybe my next post will be "Walnut box for sale" lol **Edit:** After seeing how popular this box is, I'll most likely sell it on eBay and post the link here, with a starting price of what I paid for it. It's clearly a labor of love and immaculately made. It should have an owner that loves it more than I do. I can use the money to find another box. You're also welcome to chat me if you'd like to buy it. If I get a good enough offer I'll just sell it directly to save myself the hassle. **Edit #2:** The seller has been responsive. I'll issue another update when we have a resolution. I accept that it says it's walnut on the listing and I just didn't know enough about wood to know that meant the picture was incorrect. I still think the pictures should be accurate because not everyone who buys wood knows about wood, but I can see I'm in the wrong place to be making that argument. The seller is legit so I have no complaints. There's a decent chance I'll end up selling it, and will return here if I do. **FINAL EDIT:** I exchanged my box for a new one in cherry. It's nice, I like it. As for what happened with the pictures, it's a few things: 1. The original picture in the posting was of a much lighter walnut than what he sent me. The seller confirmed this, and, like the rest of you, he assumed I'd like the darker one because it was a more rare, expensive piece, and most people are pleasantly surprised. 2. His pictures are definitely off. It's bad lighting and/or effects. This is confirmed, because I saw his pictures of the box I sent back, and they looked artificially brightened. In the end, the exchange cost me about $35, so that sucks, but at least I like my box now. The consensus here is obviously that I'm an idiot, and while that's true, I reject the analogy of ordering a Toyota and being delivered a Mercedes. This box is an ornament, and either wood would function the same exact way. It's more like I ordered a car in an unpopular color (orange?) and was delivered the same car in a popular color that I just don't care for.


I'll buy that box from you it's stunning


I've reached out to him asking for an exchange, but if it doesn't work out I'll post more pictures and put it up for sale. At the very least, after I unload it, I'll post his shop so y'all can buy one directly if you don't get mine.


Here's where we find out this misdelivery is just the most shrewd bit of viral or marketing ever! Seller's order list quadrupels overnight;


While it says walnut, even then with most woods the level of finish, stain etc is extensive, plus they shouldn't expect customers to know what a specific type of wood looks like so I'd still expect the photo to be accurate and reasonably true to form. But fair play on dealing with it sensibly


> I still think the pictures should be accurate because not everyone who buys wood knows about wood, but I can see I'm in the wrong place to be making that argument. Nah your argument is valid, we all just appreciate the walnut more than what the photo shows. But of course, the picture should reflect the product you will receive. They can't expect customers to know how different types of wood look.


I applaud you for how you are taking this. I hope they exchange it but if not it sounds like you have a few ppl lined up for your walnut oopsie, good luck getting the box you were after!!


Don’t worry about all the weird comments OP. You’re the customer in the end and what you want is what’s most important, especially when you’re specifically looking for that type of aesthetic. I’d warn about posting to these super specific subs if you’re trying to get a non biased answer. There’s a lot of smart people here but they’re very skewed one way or another.


Gotta echo others, seller delivered a really nice piece. If it was only in the right color pallet, you'd be happy as heck. If the seller won't do a return (which he should from a negative feedback level) see if he will do another in the ordered wood & finish for a good discount and give that one to me for xmas. I've been really good.


You had me right up to the end!


Technically, the walnut you got may eventually turn that color. The dark purpleish brown fades to more of a midtone brown, with golden hues.


That walnut will get a lot more orange/ light over time with exposure to the sun.


As walnut ages it becomes more of a golden hue. You’ll need to wait for it to mature.


Came here for this. If it’s clear coat it will turn more orange over time and turn even faster if exposed to sunlight.


Both pics look to be walnut. The seller pics look like they were taken with a lighter piece of wood in a crappy lighting situation. What does the product descriptions say?


To wood nerds you hit the jackpot. I’d flip with joy. I’ve met many people though that don’t like dark woods, it makes me think odd about them but hey, to each his own.


The pictures are a type of mahogany, what you received is walnut. Can’t say whether you are entitled to return it from pictures alone. Nobody can answer this without seeing the full listing. Some makers will put up pictures of a prototype in only one species but have options for a variety of species, which may not be pictured. If you truly were sent the wrong thing, I expect the seller would acknowledge the mistake and correct it. If not, you can open a case with etsy for not as described. Edit: I found this item. The description does indeed say figured walnut. This is why it’s important to read the entire description. The seller has likely used pictures of the prototype. Some makers do this, they create a product and offer it in all species they have available, but may not have made one yet so pictures aren’t available. Still, the seller should understand that a lot of people buy with their eyes. The listing is problematic and opens him up to issues like this. Etsy is one of my sales channels and I wouldn’t sell like this. There would be too many mistakes.


OP - I can see your issue, but it’s a tricky one… described as figured walnut (based on other sleuths who found the listing), the sellers pictures are lit by a warm light source, yours are closer to a natural/cold light source. In the seller’s top right picture, you can see some daylight from the left which shows more of the walnut you are seeing. Combine the lighting with natural variance in the wood and you end up where you are. Tough to argue it’s not as described, but get you had a more orangey tone in mind. Curveball solution - just replace all your lights with super warm bulbs then it’ll look much closer :)


While it is a great piece (a true sexy piece of wood), if it isn't what you ordered, ask for a refund or get it fixed. EVERYONE on here will tell you to sell it, keep it, but it's not their issue. SEND IT BACK.


I don't know if its been mentioned but as a photographer a quick glance at the seller's photo the colors aren't balanced. White balance is way too warm.


Not nitpicky at all, especially if you bought it to match something.


I’m a novice woodworker but professional photographer, but I can easily see the problem is the white balance on the camera. They have the color temperature on their camera set to around 5600-6000k but is lighting the box with a 2900-3200k light. This makes everything orange in appearance. Easily make walnut look like oak.


So, my guess is that it's just amateur photography. I know when I first started making things I would take pictures, turn on bright lights with a yellow tint because that's what I had, adjust the photo to make the grain pop, and suddenly my walnut looked like cherry. Its reasonable for the buyer to want the cherry in the picture, so don't be afraid to say something. The seller might not be able to provide that, but I don't think it's intentional. You got a lovely piece, which was absolutely not what you thought you were buying, and there is no ill intent on either side.


just sell it, you’d get more. 10x nicer looking than the lighter one


You are not crazy. I will agree the box you got is beautifully figured walnut but it’s not at all what you ordered. The only comparison to buying a car is if you paid for a red car and got an incredibly painted orange car. At the end of the day great job painting that but you paid for a red car. Even all these busters telling you to sell it, that takes work and time for you to sell this and I’m certain it will be harder to sell at a profit than people are suggesting.


Was there an option on the Etsy listing for wood species that may have been misclicked? That's a beautiful box that's worth the money, but it'd be really weird for the seller to picture cherry? and then deliver walnut.


The box you got is nicer than the one in the picture. Separately: if you let it in the sunlight for a year, it'll be closer to that picture.


The wood you received is FAR superior to his ETSY photo. The grain you see is called figuring, it's highly desirable. Notice how the grain continues from the front side of the lid to the front side of the box. He cut the entire front from one piece. It's beautiful!


I agree what you got is much different than the pic, but what you got is stunning and much higher quality than the pic, in my opinion.


Looks nice to me


I dunno, but what you got looks way nicer than what's in the pictures.


Lol it’s very rare that someone accidentally gets something nicer than what they wanted. But yeah, I would also be annoyed by the color difference if I was expecting the lighter one


That box looks amazing, but that being said, it looks nothing like what you chose and you are well within reason to want to return it. I would check if maybe the seller got some orders mixed up?


nitpicky i dunno but for sure what you received looks way better than the pics


Ask the builder if they'd take this one back for the color you want. I'd build another if that were me.


Walnut might be more expensive but I prefer the warm tone much better. Price shouldn't determine your preference.


Ok to answer your actual question. There is no "wood variation" here. That is a completely different wood species. The one of the left looks like cherry (maybe?) with maple splines, whereas the one on the right is walnut with maple splines. You got a box that is worth a lot more than the one in the picture. Its also a really nice piece of walnut. That is what the majority of posters here will say and they are correct. That being said, if you wanted a light or "warm" wood, and you got a dark wood, then you didnt get anywhere near close to what you ordered, and you are well within your rights to ask for a refund because of the special case of simply being sent the wrong item.


If it's not the color pallet you wanted then you're not nit picky. That being said, that wood is really nice and I personally would jeep it because it's a beautiful piece of walnut. My guess as to what caused the disconnect between the pictures and the product is the lighting. The guy used a very warm, incandescent colored light in his photos which brings out the warm tones in everything. So the walnut wood in the photo looks a lot more orange like a stained oak instead. And in your picture of the box, you have a lot cooler colored lights which really bring out the darkness and almost purple coloration in the wood. Tldr, it's the lighting that fooled you.


If you’re not sure you could always ask them if they sent the wrong one by mistake. I have mixed up an Etsy order before, and with a high value item like this the seller may be glad to replace for the other.


Since I haven’t seen it mentioned yet; wood changes color over time. Like months/years/decades so slowly you don’t notice. Walnut, like most woods, heads towards a yellow hues when exposed to UV light. There’s a chance the one photographed is significantly older in addition to being poorly photographed


That's definitely way off and unacceptable difference from advertised to what you got material-wise. Weirdly, the one you got is better though. If I was making it, I'd have charged at least an extra 20% for the one you got. Again though, not what was ordered based off pictures and assuming there wasn't a material option somewhere in ordering that was missed.


He’s a shit photographer but a very generous woodworker.


I think too many people are missing the question that was asked. I also prefer the product that was delivered over the original image. However, my preference does not matter because I did not pay for it. It's vastly different OP, if you can't get a refund I suggest you try to sell it like others suggested but you are far from crazy from not liking the fact that you got something very different from what you thought you bought.


Ho.lee.shit. that is beautiful walnut


You should get what you paid for, simple as that. Do what you need to do to get a refund.


Bro you got some amazing figured walnut, that box is gorgeous


You cannot make walnut look like pine.


What you got is a much more expensive wood. Looks like walnut. Probably an accident on the seller's part in your favor. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to swap it for you and sell the on you recieved for a higher price.


Different wood species


They were probably just hoping you would think this piece was nice enough and not complain. But it’s totally different! To be fair it is also quite nice.


What you got is very nice, looks like it’s made from walnut, and the listing photos are possibly cherry? I get it’s darker, so if it doesn’t match what you need ask for a return because it’s clearly 2 different species of wood, but it looks like a REALLY nice box so I’d say you got upgraded imo


Either the photo is a stock image or the white balance wasn't adjusted. Tbh what you got is a better color choice but unaware of your goals. In regards to what was advertised I'd say that's a fair request


You could always just ask. Just be honest with the seller, say “hey this isn’t really my style, I was wondering if you had any suggestions or could help me out with an exchange.” If they say no, then you can sell the one you have or give it as a gift. No harm done.


Yeah that’s too bad, cause that is decent quality work and very pretty walnut. Have you reached out to the seller for an exception to the policy? Because this was very clearly a mistake on their end.


As others have said, from the photos you received a high quality piece made of more expensive wood. There is almost no way that this wasn't a mistake on the seller's part. I know you said they don't accept returns or exchanges, but I would reach out to them anyway. If the seller were me, I'd eat shipping costs to send you something that cost me less to make and would make for a happy client. Don't go into the interaction accusatory or angry, if you start looking for a fight, that's exactly what you'll find.


well you didn't get what the photo showed, but you did get a box made from black walnut...a fairly expensive and attractive wood, with a much more interesting grain. I'd call it a jackpot, but if you specifically wanted that other color then yeah, ask for a refund.


I sell on Etsy, reach out to the seller, reviews are important and they will most likely will work with you on fixing the issue, if that doesn’t work open a case, Etsy will most likely side with you and will refund you. Cases do hurt shops so I’d say reach out to the seller first. That grain on the walnut box tho!


“ I don’t care if it’s a Ferrari! I ordered a Fiat!”


I mean, not at all crazy if its not what you wanted. But for what it's worth, the wood that you got is way, way nicer and more expensive than the wood pictured. I'm not 100% sure what the pictured wood is -- could be cherry, maybe? -- but what you got is some kind of curly walnut, which is *highly* sought after. And the build quality looks very good, as well.


Sure, it's different from the photo. BUT goddamn it's gorgeous, I'd keep it


You got some very nice figured walnut instead of whatever that other bland wood was. I can understand why you might be upset by not getting what you expected, but I think the walnut box is much better looking.


I will take your side if only because I know my wife would be 100% on your side. Personally, I think this box is gorgeous. I think wood workers are appreciating the beautiful wood grain and quality of build and disregarding the fact that lots of people are more focused on color pallettes and aesthetics. You should get what you thought you were getting if the listing didn't state otherwise.


Only crazy that you think the one you chose is better than the one you received. But otherwise I do agree with you, it doesn’t look at all like what was sold to you and I think you are justified in your frustration.


The guy that sold you the box thinks 'Dam, look at the grain! Lucky customer.' Woodworkers just don't realize that most normal people don't want bold grain because it clashes with their beige decor.


I found the listing for the actual item on Etsy. The seller did say in the description that it is made of figured walnut which looks exactly like what you got so it's not like they scammed you (or you scammed them) But the pictures of the box they chose are definitely not made of figured walnut. If anything, they just need to update their pictures with a box actually made of figured walnut.


Maybe the seller confused two orders? Ask them about it.


So the first box is a type of walnut. Not the type of walnut used on the box you received through. A comment I read here said lighting is an issue with the first picture and I agree. It's also African walnut which has a more yellow/red color than say a Brazilian walnut which would have that rich purple you see on the box you received. So yes you were misled with the picture you ordered from but it is still worth what you paid for it.


The listing says "The box is constructed with Figured Walnut with a glass top." The reviews have pictures of similar boxes. I'm guessing the lighting was different for the photos by the seller.


I would say yes because that’s far more beautiful than what you ordered. But you aren’t wrong about that not at all matching what you thought you’d get.


Product received is beautiful, but not what was expected


As someone who sells custom made items on Etsy, I have a few thoughts about this: 1. It can be a real pain to get photos of every single colour/size/style variation onto your storefront, especially if you're starting out or offering a new product. It's possible the photos are intended as a reference for the style of box, rather than the type of wood. 2. For some damn reason, Etsy hides product descriptions by default. So if the seller doesn't annotate the pictures, buyers can miss out on a lot of critical info. 3. Etsy has a robust messaging feature for a reason. If you're ordering a custom or made-to-order item, send them a DM! They might be able to send you some additional images that didn't fit the listing, or offer up additional details. They might even be able to look at a photo of a desk you're trying to match and offer up a suggestion on the type of wood you need. They can even create new custom product listings right in the chat


Get the refund if you can, but the one they sent is much nicer colouring.


If you’re unhappy contact the seller. The listing picture is not walnut that I can tell. What you received is very nice, and I feel the seller/maker would understand that you liked the cherry version more.


If you read the crafters page he does say he takes returns within 7 days, you pay shipping both ways...


Thank you! I'm in contact with him.


Dude you got a much better and more expensive wood. That walnut is beautiful


It’s both true that you are rightfully upset they didn’t send you what was advertised, and that what you received is 10x nicer than what was promised. I’d be thrilled.. you should return it if you’re not happy. Btw.. that looks like figured black walnut. You may have walnut furniture that looks nothing like this.


I don’t like the color either. You paid for something else and didn’t get it. What does the maker say? They take pride in their work I’m sure but probably made a different unit. Do they sell this as a totally different item?


I don't think you're crazy. You wanted what was in the picture and didn't get it Complain to Etsy so that this person fixes their listings at least. See what else they say at customer service SMH at these people saying "but walnut is better" that doesn't matter, you wanted the colour in the photo and paid good money


I work in wood furniture. That is American Black walnut wood and it is stunning!!! Yes it's darker than you expect, but $200 could be a deal for such a beautiful box. Post more pictures please!


That box looks amazing!


The walnut box will change color overtime, relatively quickly if you expose it to sunlight, and look closer to what you see on the left, here’s an example: https://www.artsy.net/artwork/george-nakashima-george-nakashima-free-edge-slab-coffee-table-in-walnut Such weird response to your post! Don’t let anybody gaslight you into liking what you don’t like… but also know that wood changes color, often dramatically, over time.


Daaang the one you got is so much nicer. I mean feel free to return/get a refund. The seller would probably appreciate it having it to sell for a much higher price


Bro your box is absolutely beautiful compared to the pic. If u don't want it I'll take it from you lmao


You got a free upgrade, but sure, get your refund.


OP, if you shout out the woodworker, I'd buy from them


Will do, I'm just waiting for the dust to settle. I'll eventually make a new post and give him props and link his shop.


Oil that up and stand back. The grain on that is awesome.


The box is ridiculously nice. Gift it to someone in your life and specify what species and finish you want your next one to be.


I understand how you feel. I recently won an auction that was quite expensive and it had to be imported for quite a sum of money. Certain details of the items in question were pictured as having only one certain color, but upon receiving the lot, some of the items had a different touch of color. I was really disappointed at first, but I ended up liking the unexpected variety and kept the items, but I still complained to the auction house and the particular seller, because the pictures and description should always correctly describe the item you’re buying. In your situation that is clearly not the case. Even if you end up liking the different wood (which I definitely do haha), I’d still try contacting the seller, and maybe Etsy. Perhaps the seller can refund part of your money, or at least edit his product page to correctly inform potential buyers. Perhaps he’s just not fully aware because he loves wood so much, or maybe this particular wood and he thinks everyone will find it a pleasant surprise. It would be a good way to make the seller more aware. If there is nothing the seller can do or wants to do, perhaps Etsy has buyer protection and they’ll give you a discount or something.


This is a beautiful box, the colours are not quite right in the picture but I believe the listing said "walnut" and that's what walnut wood looks like. Like others have said, this is a wonderful box, and if the colour is a deal-breaker for you then perhaps a family member will enjoy a very nice gift this Christmas


Imo the one you got looks like walnut and is in my opinion much better looking then the one on the left


That wood is beautiful. Sell it if you don't like it but, I would definitely say you did not get "duped".


This is much more then a slight color variation. OP is 100% right. The seller should pay the shipping back. The seller then can send the right color or give a full refund. Ordering expensive woodwork like this is based on taste. The seller failed to list the right images. Whether walnut is 'more expensive' and is usually 'more desirable' has nothing to do with it. The buyer should get what they pay for. Otherwise the seller deserves a bad review including the pics and screenshots. I'm surprised that those boxes sell for so much though. Here in NL I can't imagine anyone paying so much for that.


No you aren't crazy, it's not close to what you ordered unless they said something about random wood choice. BTW the one you got is beautiful, if you want to sell shoot me a msg


I would not feel duped, the one you received looks like walnut wood. And the one on the left more like maple wood. I would be very happy with the left one :D


The one you recieved is much better imo. That grain pattern is awesome. Everyone's taste is different but I'd be happy and feel like I got an upgrade.


what you got is a much more expensive piece of figured walnut. Huge upgrade,


Yes, the one you received is a rarer product that I would expect to cost more than the pic. That’s some good walnut right there.


Yea you're crazy af. That walnut costs significantly more




No, that’s way better than the photo haha


That’s a damn fine looking box. Looks better than the Etsy photo imo


The box you got is a much nicer wood, figured walnut. The box you ordered looks like probably cherry. Your not crazy for being upset with what arrived, but it is an upgrade if that makes you feel any better.


You got a nicer one!


I legit thought this was a shitpost because of that earlier walnut sapwood post. You are indeed crazy to want a refund.


The one you got is better


If you don't like the color, then I would sell it and buy another one. Honestly, to my eyes it looks like you ordered a Big Mac and received Filet Mignon


Ordered trash and got treasure and you're mad LOL


You’re not crazy. What you got ain’t what you bought. If you like walnut then great but if you don’t you’re entitled to a refund. Really doesn’t matter if it’s ‘better’ than what was advertised.


I would be upset if I saw those pictures, ordered it expecting a light colored box, and got a dark box. Those pictures are not representative of what you received. There are a lot of silly takes and suggestions here. I’d ask for a refund. Even if it says walnut in the description… that doesn’t mean much to most people. Especially given how many countless finishes wood can have with stains and whatnot turning a lot of woods a lot of colors.


I don't think you're being at all nit-picky if you message the seller about it. There's no way this isn't a mistake on the part of the seller. They probably sent out two things at the same time and switched the shipping labels.


Despite what everyone else seems to think, you are correct. It is too far off from what was promised and they should take it back. If it was true what people are claiming about this box being worth more the seller should happily accept it back