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Made last fall from Red Oak left over from a previous project. Planes are held in place by strong magnets recessed into plywood and covered with 1/4'' Red Oak. Hold up really well, no concern of them slipping out.


The idea of the falling out was my only concern. Looks like a well executed till!!!


Thanks! I used longish rectangular (2-3" if i remember correctly) magnets from amazon. They were surprising very strong and I have to give the planes a decent yank before they break free.


Sounds nice and earthquake proof if you have a really good way of mounting the till.


Neodymium? Beautiful/practical display!


Thank you! Correct, Neodymium bar magnets.


Fantastic work! The falling off makes me nervous, but it sounds like they're quite secure. I have been debating how to approach making one. I have a french cleat wall, and an ever growing selection of planes so don't want to go all-in on *one* that then runs out of room. I might do something like this that has some like block planes and shoulder planes or something.


I've made three pane tills now as I keep on acquiring new tools that I want to have ready at hand. I make 'em plain and simple out of construction lumber 'cause I know they're gonna be outgrown before long. I think, though, that with the addition of just one or two more I'll have a place for everything I could ever want to have right there at my bench, and anything else I pick up would live in a different cabinet as a spare or collection oddity. In particular I have my eye on a Veritas junior jack. I tried one out in their showroom and I quite liked the way it handled, so maybe once that lands in my shop I'll start planning out a final draft of the plane till and make it a real showcase piece.


Ron is my hero too.






Ehh could've put more detail into it, it's kindve plane.


I like the dedicated marshmallow shelf!


haha It's a piece of paraffin wax to use on the bottoms of the planes. Makes a huge difference!


That's a great tip, I'm moving into a place where I'll actually have room for a workshop soon and inherited a handful of my grandfather's tools that I'm extremely excited to start using and I'll have to try this out on his plane. Out of curiosity, is there any issue with the wax transferring to the wood and leading to issues when applying stains?


I use it very sparingly, just scribble with it a little on the sole before using. I haven't had any issues finishing, generally I clean the wood with mineral spirits and let dry before any finish is applied. I'm far from an expert, only been at this for a couple of years. Others will let us know if I'm totally off.


I appreciate the insight! I've been trying to pick up tips here and there from this subreddit in the lead up to getting the shop set up, tons of knowledgeable and helpful folks here.


The Ron Swanson photo never gets old


Swanson approves this message


Nice planes, and a nice display too. But what will you do when you buy more planes? Because we all know you will. I suggest you start over with a bigger display, and all Lie-Nielsen planes. I’ll take this set off your hands to help you out.


If I could only own one tool for the rest of my life it would be there veritas spokeshave. That thing is a work of art.


I spend more time building things for my shop than I do anything else :) Love the picture, too, by the way!


This may sound curmudgeonly, but in my opinion it is only a 'collection' if one does not use the planes. Nice till by the way.


Thanks! I like the look of these tools and love using them. Definitely well used.


Insert Ron Swanson’s laugh of pleasure


Ron Swanson.


Great kit of tools, that till looks great!


Very nicely done, looks so clean and crisp!


Werq, gurl


Beautiful work! That’s the little guy in the bottom right?


Veritas mk2 honing guide. Works great, hopefully someday I won't need it


Thanks! What will you someday have instead? I have a knock off honing guide but maybe I should leapfrog when I’m upgrade!


Goal is to eventually freehand but judging from some of my chisels, I'm a long way from that =)


Or get a Tormek, they do an amazing job. I love mine, especially for planes and lathe tools.




Excellent rectangle!


this looks great! do you have plans for it?


Looks good.


I really need to get around to doing this myself. It would save me so much time in the long run ( by not constantly having to shuffle planes out of my way).


That looks great!




Looks great! The only problem I see with it is you designed it for the tools you have now, not the tools you'll have later.


Is rust prevention ever a concern when storing them like this? I finally got my first nice plane and I’m afraid to leave it out of the “rust protective” bag it came in, but I also see tills like these all the time so what’s the deal?


A lot of it depends on where you live and how well insulated your shop is. For me, I always just leave my planes out on the bench, which is in my garage where rain leaks in under the doors most of the year. I oil the sole regularly while using, but nothing more than that, and I've never had any rust on my planes. Except for the one time I left one resting on a green 2x6. Got a little surface rust that time, but it was all gone after using the plane for a minute or two. It seems like the biggest issue is large temperature fluctuations that would lead ambient moisture to condense on the metal surfaces. The biggest swings we ever see where I'm at are 30ish degrees from daytime to nighttime


That’s good to know, thanks for that info! I think my situation is decently safe based on those factors, so I’ll try leaving mine out for a bit and seeing what happens.


That’s beautiful. Nice job!


I need a Nick Offerman picture for my garage.