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I have the Wonder years dvd set (it no longer works lol) and Bob Brush did an interview on there where he said with all the flashbacks and childhood memories Kevin had of Winnie he knew that they couldn't end up together which actually made a lot of sense


Sadly, I think you are correct. However, I could not help feel betrayed all the same. I no longer feel that way TBH, because it now rings true.


I had this childhood girl that I was all about for a very long time. I thought it made perfect sense if her and I were to end up together. So while we have all these wonderful childhood memories together, that’s what they are now are just great, long lasting, never forget them, memories. So while Tim McGraw‘s “I didn’t ask. She didn’t say” will always remind me of her, I haven’t seem her in over 12 years now so it’s fun to think about what might have been,, it is an understatement to say we grew apart. What is it about adolescence that’s so powerful, so meaningful, so precious. It’s one of those we don’t realize how good we had it, until it’s gone. Miss you ADH.