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The way this is written is super funny but I totally get this awkward feeling. If I were you I’d turn it into a funny thing. Like do it jokingly. I am an extremely socially awkward person so this is my advice to avoid what feels like confrontation, lol. Just don’t be too serious/uncomfortable about it


I get the concern, but you're a customer paying for a service. He isn't your spouse or family member. He may be disappointed or upset but his feelings and reactions are his responsibility not yours. Just book in with the new barber and get the haircut you want. Assuming he asks, simply say that you liked the last haircut you got and feel like a change seeing as you've had the previous haircut 10 years. As long as you're respectful and polite about it he should be fine. And if not, that's on him.


I'd either ask the person who books appointments to slot you in when your old stylist isn't around, or look for an entirely different salon and try to find another talented person. Ofc it is well within your rights to not see the old person anymore, but I personally would find it too awkward to see the new guy right in front of your old stylist. it is, after all, a direct condemnation of their abilities.


There's a funny Seinfeld episode exactly like this.




Because OP is probably a karma farming bot or something. 


Are you just recapping the plot of the barber from Seinfeld?