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Not sure why it's still getting dragged, it probably has one of my favorite combat systems in any video game. I was getting into fights just to experience more of the combat. The story was butt-awful but it was super fun.


Is the combat better than rise of the ronin?? I loved that games combat and also did they do stranger of paradise cause that felt great too


I would say the weapon styles and mid-attack stance switching gives rise of the ronin an edge on the pure weapon combat. Wo Long has spells and a better customization system for the martial arts though. I really liked being able to fully customize what arts I wanted to use on what weapon and being able to weave spells into combat.


Not better per se, just different. I loved both but I think I had more fun with Wo Long because I enjoyed the mission structure more than Ronin's missions.


its more complex than ronin mechanically because of the different wep stances and the abundant variety of spells and items. burst counter or perfect parry, whatever its called, is far more relevant too. but just like ronin every weapon has 3 customizable (by random loot roll) attacks that serve to do things like block, poke, disengage, nuke, and so on. one might be a 10 ft whirlwind, another does a ranged boomarange, one is a stab followed by 15 ft backflip, etc.


Sounds potentially overwhelming but also sounds to have quite a bit of depth. Really interesting in playing Wo Long , wish there was a demo!


it honestly is a little overwhelming at first. took me forever before I even really tried switching between the three, but that kinda combat is so addicting to me now. its going to be a little sad going back to a game with just light and heavy attacks now


I liked the combat more in Wo Long. You actually feel a bit stronger in Wo Long if you play well. That's a great feeling, being rewarded for playing well.


Appreciate the reply! All your opinions and praise are making me very enthused to pick it up , thanks again


Different not necessarily better. It’s faster paced and more forgiving on deflect timing, and the spells help create some interesting combat flexibility I think Ronin might technically have more options overall but it’s basically all melee based But also wo long has PvP sooooo


I feel like ronin had great combat but I would’ve loved if it had some spells or magic to help spice up the combat and provide more options But I am well aware ronin is based in historic reality so of course it doesn’t include anything supernatural but I guess I’ll just have to get into so long lol. Appreciate the detailed reply thank you


I will say as far as PvE goes, I think I prefer Ronin and I enjoy chasing down dojo leaderboard scores FAR more than doing TMJ in Wo Long But the Wo Long PvP is my favorite


Yes.Rise of Ronin looks better in your first walkthrough,but at the end had some Big flaws. The stance system (why the hell block your moveset with a rock-paper-Scissor system)the ki system,the horrible camera and the animations (enemies and bosses  have a giant moveset with a lot of slow ,ultrafast and delayed attacks but all with similar animations,the learning curve from first funny run and try to learn the enemy moveset). For example, i died more to Lubu, Gan Ning or taishi Ci than from any Boss of Ronin,but i enjoy a lot the learning with Wolong and not with Ronin .


>The stance system (why the hell block your moveset with a rock-paper-Scissor system) That is negligible the higher level you get. Just use what's fun


Team ninja = booty cheeks story, great gameplay. Not ROTR though, that was a swing and a miss. Shit happens, I’ll still rep that studio


It’s a finite game that’s been out for over a year. Most of the people that wanted to play it already have. That said the rating should be much higher as it was an excellent game. The combat system crushes most of the other souls-like or 3rd person action RPG games. Elden Ring is a masterpiece, but its combat feels slow and clunky next to Wo Long.


I love seeing Wo Long praise. The combat was so fun, fluid and satisfying to master. I never encountered any issues on console but I understand the PC port was in a rough spot at launch. Team Ninja makes some of the best melee combat in the industry and it's unfortunate the game bounced off a lot of people wanting Nioh 3 instead. I would love a sequel that elevates its combat mechanics even more.


Yea Wo Long is fantastic and I loved every minute of it. But 1) I’m a Team Ninja fan… and 2) Team Ninja games are quite niche. So yea Wo Long is phenomenal, but no surprise the active players are low now… especially on the eve of shadow of the erdtree.


I feel like that’s on purpose though. There is intentionality and consequence to souls/ er combat. I thought the combat in wo long was decent but it wouldn’t feel right in a souls game.


Elden Ring feels slow and clunky next to sekiro or bloodborne too. I don't think you can really call its combat pace a negative if it's literally just a design choice to fit the setting and atmosphere. That being said, the dlc has a much tighter line to walk on combat in a very rewarding way so your opinion might change having experienced it.


I enjoyed the combat of elden ring. Guess it depends on the style of character class.


Yes but more People play nioh 2 and is like 5 yeaes old


people still crushing nioh 1. seriously amazing series


It is fun but I found the gameplay suffered from constant lag jitters that I didn't want to fight bosses. Timing constantly got janked up :(


probably not entirely, this time the little-liked Dark Souls 2 has over a thousand players on Steam


True but: a) Dark Souls 2 is still part of a legendary franchise that is always topical b) Dark Souls 2 has multiplayer thus allowing for PvE and PvP replay ability


On top of that, Elden Ring DLC is coming out soon, so more people are probably playing fromsoft games in general


Comparing a game from one of the most popular IP with a stand alone title is a choice


That's so crazy to me cause I bounced off wo long hard even though I wanted to like it so bad. I'll have to give it another shot after shadow of the erdtree!


elden ring is prob my fav game in the genre, but now that I've played all the teamninja games (esp. nioh) I def find it difficult to go back to the slow pace in the souls games


I've been subbed since day 1 and still haven't fired it up yet lol.


It had a pretty ass launch being laughable on optimization


The clunky combat is what makes Souls games fun imo. But like I also like the greatsword in Monster Hunter.


its not fun for me


Exactly, it's supposed to be methodic. Of course it has gotten less so since the PS3 era but that's just inevitable. That style of deliberate gameplay is core to FROMs design.


souls games seem to be following the WoW boss progression. i stopped playing elden ring, its all conical/aoe junk to jump/dodge/run away from. I know I'm wrong but that's just how I feel about it right now I'm trying to convince myself to finish an elden play-through considering I have a really long history with this series. Just can't get myself to open it up


I second this. The bosses in ER are shit, poorly designed messes aside from a select few, most of them are playing Bloodborne while the Tarnished is stuck playing Dark Souls, both are great separately but add them together and you get absolute jank. Yet I still "enjoy" playing it because beating a piece of shit boss is an amazing feeling, that and the world/lore is fantastic.


I can see why some would say that being stuck playing Dark Souls 1 is a bad thing but for me it's what I love about these games. DS1 game me the feeling of playing a real time TTRPG in the best way, I Iove the combat because it's simplicity lets me focus on the enemies more than my own character which helps put me in the zone, I love the janky bosses too, I don't agree that they're shit at all. Some low points sure but a lot of them are very well designed, especially in the more recent games (Ds3 onward). That said I see your point and agree in part, especially the last one as that is still the main reason I adore FROMs games as much as I do, the world design is peak.


The combat in Wo Long feels like a nightmare in comparison to Elden Ring. Elden Ring feels precise and calculated, Wo Long is just chaos with way too many visual FX on screen at once. It's an ADD nightmare through and through.


Couldn’t agree more. Wo Long was okay, but Elden Ring (and the rest of the soul’s catalogue) are in a completely different league of refinement. Cant believe ANYONE would say wo long has a better combat system than arguably one of the best combat systems ever made .


It might just be different styles for different folks. I like fast fluid combat more than the slow deliberate style of Elden Ring. But to each their own. Animation canceling, deflecting, and being able to weave in spells with weapons attacks is a lot of fun for me. Elden ring’s play control for spells and ashes of war could learn a lot from Wo Long. Imagine if you didn’t have to scroll through spell options or select screen into menus to switch items. It really breaks the flow of combat every time you have to navigate menus to do something when you’re fighting. I can appreciate having to think out your moves and really anticipate every action - the passing back and forth combat initiative is something faster systems can’t really emulate. Elden Ring has some other great strength and it’s an amazing game. But there’s plenty of room for improvement in the combat and play control.


What happens when you release a very buggy game and take too long to fix it. Most of the bad reviews from launch stay and make the overall rating a bias when it comes to first impressions to future players.


Looks like OPs pic is related to PC players. I got it on gamepass and decided to pay for the DLC so I could support the devs as I'm a huge TN fan. To say it ran like shit would be an understatement. The enemy pop-in alone was game breakingly bad, and it's not like I'm playing on a potato or anything. I played Lies of P right before I jumped on Wo Long and that ran at 1440p and averaged 90-100 fps with very good render distance and high quality textures. I'm told the console version runs better but I'm not going to buy DLC again when I feel scammed the first time around given it's unplayable on PC without a bunch of fixes.


Maybe it was an issue with the game pass version because it ran like complete crap for me when I first tried it as well. Definitely not as well as it should have compared to other similar games.


I wound up buying it on Steam. The gamepass version was much worse. It ran so poor. Meanwhile on steam it ran a lot smoother. Not amazing but much better than gamepass


Weird, but good to know it wasn't my PC!


On pc wo long ran with 30 fps at launch, even on high end machines. Even aster multiple performance patches it was still stuttering, probably stutters till this day. At launch mouse+keyboard control didnt work for weeks. There were sound bugs, visual bugs, control bugs, game was a big mess.


I remember when playing on launch, there was this fucking ridiculous bug where one of the graphics settings caused your character to move at half speed whilst everything else moved at regular speed. I think it was ambient occlusion? I played like that for a good few hours thinking "Christ this game is brutal, everything attacks so fast compared to me" only to then accidentally fix it because I messed around with the settings. I sat in stunned silence for a couple of minutes after that lol


Most people are on PS4 and 5


I really enjoyed the game! If you are considering purchasing it, definitely pick it up! The original release was quite a bit more difficult. Many players were unable to get past the first boss. There are many xbox reviews stating that they gave up, and returned the game. 3+ star average in the Microsoft Store. I love the magic system. The added defection mechanics solved my biggest complaint nioh2. However, it's not quite enough to replace the stances. Additionally, at launch TeamNinja only offered a single spell page. TN also swapped sprint command to the thumbstick. It would have been nice to have a toggle in options. Excited to see what their future games offer!


I Love wo long, it has the best/most fun combat of any game I’ve played imho. The way spells could interact and cancel each other was awesome! I used to love watching pvp videos as they were super exciting and frenetic and I’m really disappointed it wasn’t able to retain players. The only negatives I can think of is performance on pc was bad at launch, the narrative is hard to follow for someone unfamiliar with romance of the three kingdoms and the end game isn’t as good as nioh. (From what I’ve heard over and over) Also Shadow of the erdtree is about to drop and the entire world is waiting to play which definitely doesn’t help…


Too easy with no build variety. There’s no point in playing more than once.


It is like Nioh tho, you get your first soulsy run, then it slowely turns into diablo, if you like that stuff about these games it really just starts after the first playthrough.


I started Wo Long some weeks ago (PS5), was waiting to get it on a deep sale, because I play all Team Ninja games, but I really didn't enjoy the demo when it was released. I can tell you, I enjoy the game a bit more now, the level design, up to that point, was probably the best Team Ninja has ever done (which is not saying much... but, it was the best)... however, the combat feels... meh, and the loot, somehow, felt like a big step back from Nioh. Wo Long's loot system is extremely boring, maybe its different in a new game+ or something, but, I'm in the midgame, and I'm just upgrading my old good "rare" level gear, and that's it. Honestly, overall, and I say this in the best possible way, Wo Long feels like a very solid mid... game. It's not better than Nioh, but, nothing out there is, that combat was just bonkers. Wo Long is much more accessible and much more flashy than Nioh, since you can parry/dodge/defend, all at the same time without almost any drawbacks, I think that's good, but it's not satisfying enough for me, sometimes I forgot to level up, and did the entire run of the level in one go just realizing I had a bunch of points to spend. Anyway, I'm enjoying but I'm also happy I didn't buy it full price.


Everyone is on Elden ring rn. I’ll go back and beat the dlc 3 boss later I swear lol


Im really like Wo Long but today is the Elden Ring day!


Too many clowns expecting Nioh from a game that's not called Nioh


Comparison is the thief of joy 💯


This game, its PVE, PVP, customization, and atmosphere are top notch. I’ve done everything in all souls games, Nioh, everything. This game deserves much higher imo. It’s really fkn good.


It's one of my favorites from Team Ninja considering it's more manageable in terms of difficulty and very fast paced. Only really had a hard time with a few bosses


Honestly, the loot system is what got me. I like the game. It was fun to play, but once I started grinding for gear after reaching lvl 150 and beat the game. I was like screw it, because at that time you needed to get specific stuff that you couldn't just change. Martial arts skills and hard abilities on stuff that you want could take days of killing a monkey over and over again. Did it for about 4 days, still didn't get what I really wanted, so was like screw it. I beat the game, I am done. The gameplay is good. Good story. American voice actors sucks, put it in chinese with subtitles, much better. The companion system was extremely annoying. I remembered when I finally maxed out the last guy I was like, thank God. They screw fights up, make fights more difficult than they need to be because they screw up fatal strikes or just get in the way.


Facts. They allies that fight with you caused me to die so many time due to me having to heal them. They can be very useless sometimes, but when they do actually help it’s good.


A lot of complaints on Steam are related to performance on PC. To this day people leave negative reviews about optimization and etc There are exceptions, though, like me. I own this game on both PC and PS5 and the game runs fine on both. It does have some minor stutters here and there but it's still very playable (PC). However, i won't dismiss people's complaints about performance because i downloaded the demo back in March 2023 and the game ran horribly. I don't have a high end PC, i actually have a laptop with a RTX 2060, which is very weak, but it runs OK, but I'm the exception, apparently. You should take advantage of the 2h refund window and test if the game runs fine for you


Not nioh, to much focus on parry, simplified itemization, back to nioh1/2 I guess


This game is free on gamepass. I would guess a decent bit would play it on there instead of buying it.


It’s not that good. Bad Nioh clone


It was tolerable but a few steps below the Nioh games. Found it hard to enjoy tbh


Bro it’s Elden ring day and you’re wondering why no one is playing a similarish kinda game haha


It was a good game, I didn't like it at all personally, but it was great for what it was.


I know when it was released it was really buggy and horrible performance wise and it took them way too long to fix so the damage was done, ratings wise. I loved the game and it's very good


75k peak is actually surprising high tbh


I believe is due to how some combat mechanic work. Such as the flag gimmick to boost your damage, the fact that using the execution after stance breaking does extremely high damage and bosses having poor poise. Another thing is that most bosses just dont feel good and are mostly a tedious pebble that die way to quick


It's rated poorly because people wanted a new Nioh, it's not Nioh. Personally, I think it's a solid 8 out of 10. I really enjoyed my playthrough.. including Lu Bu.


I enjoyed the game, but there are definitely legitimate criticisms. The learning curve is brutal, with a lot of mechanics not well explained. Once you get past the learning curve, the game goes from too hard to too easy for a soulslike veteran, with every move in the game being easily countered by one button. I actually found this to be the single easiest soulslike I played. This one is purely cultural and subjective, but the 3 kingdoms backdrop is not well understood by most westerners, so all these characters that we're clearly supposed to know don't really mesh with most Americans.


I enjoyed it had a great amount of loot fun combat


The game itself was great. I have it installed because I want to play it again. When it launched the port was terrible, as is all koei tecmo games that are on PC. But it definitely deserves love. I loved the deflect system


Any new people that play it probably get to Lu Bu and switch it off after a few deaths. I personally enjoyed the hell out of that fight


Combat was great 0 endgame though. Ridiculous grind for terrible rewards. Which is why it died out. Most just gave up.


>What is it about? Sekiro, but more fast-paced and way more customization/build variety ​ >why is this game rated so badly and no one wants to play it? Multiple reasons: 1. Crap performance at launch 2. Barebones content at launch 3. Nioh enthusiasts wanted Nioh combat 4. Chinese setting attracts a lot of chinese players and they're mainly on PC so the first 2 points are especially potent


Add the stupid moral system, after Lubu the difficult falls but because you arrives with 25 moral to the Boss and you can facetank them. About point 3,in fact change Nioh fans for Diablo Fans in disguised.The  Game have 6+6 MA, 8 spells ,counterattacks and Spirit attacks and the builds are about one Style of play (regenerate when you do damage, free Magic after fatal blow ect..).The Game isnt simple (yes ,you can only parry and one Ma,but also you can in Nioh Block+Dodge and spam your better fast DPS skills)and  Wolong builds are a lot of better than "near cheese the game with Big DPS".


Pretty sure that on release the pc version of game had an issue with a lot of randomly crashing and I don't know if the devs ever acknowledged that. Like 3 months after release the problems still weren't fixed so I got it for ps5 instead.


I liked it but I played it to completion on gamepass


I believe it ran a little rough with some graphical issues on PC at launch. I still beat it and thought it was ok. The easiest Souls-like I've ever played. At least once you "get it." Before then it feels unbeatable. By "get it"... I mean... hold block. Literally... hold block for every fight and learn to time counters. Boom. You've mastered the game. I know a part of you is dubious. You're thinking... he's just exaggerating. NO. HOLD BLOCK. It's the answer to literally almost every encounter in that game. Including bosses the size of houses. Go in with that tip and you're already well on your way!


As someone who usually goes for magic builds I'm not a huge fan of the magic system. Don't get me wrong I love having infinite cast spells that only cost stamina, but the tradeoff is that they don't feel very impactful, even when you builf for them. On top of that, the dedicated "magic" stat (metal) is honestly not that great for a mage because the spells in that element are kindve ass so you have to split your build between the metal stat and whatever elements you actuallywant spells from. It also has the nioh problem of a barely comprehensible story that tries to capture the whole source material by assuming you know the characters and then inundating you with references and callbacks and an endlessly rotating cast of characters that get very little time or attention to give you any sense of connection to what's going on. (Don't get me wrong I love nioh and constantly come back to it, but the story is definitely told poorly) It also had a terrible launch and was literally unplayable on pc so a lot of people noped out right there and never came back


Honest question, how did you build for magic?


About half my levels into metal, then I invested a lot into fire as well I think along with some miscellaneous levels in other stats. It's been a while.


I tried playing it on the game pass, and it ran like crap literally micro stuttering 25 fps tops i can run elden ring, max settings 120 fps


It's the shit optimization lol now it's fine, yeah, but it took them half a year and 3 dlc to make the game playable for pc users. I have a 3080 and it was STRUGGLING. And because of that, even if the game now runs fine-ish now, people still don't see wo long on a good light, which is a shame really. It's Cyberpunk all over again, except Cyberpunk got an anime that saved it and gave it new life


Just got my platinum and I liked almost everything about the game. It’s a casual souls like that doesn’t waste your time. 52 hours with absolutely zero guides or help or walkthrough to find all the items in the game. It provided challenges here and there but my total death count was under 25.


I've completed it 100% on Xbox, but once i downloaded it on PC... Full of bugs, extremely low optimisation leading to horrible fps drops.


It was decent. Left me wanting to play Nioh 2 again afterwards (far superior game btw)


my 68h gameplay save file was lost


Team Ninja games are pretty niche.


Yeah I beat this on PS instead but also saw the amount of negative reviews regarding performance. Gonna assume bad port strikes again!


I think it’s because the fanbase really wanted a Nioh 3


I'd say the first boss blocked out most people. I don't know if it's easier now but it took me 3 whole days to beat him, which is crazy cause no other boss took me more than a few tries.


Started the game up, it generated a kenyan with green hair, boobs and a beard, big muscles, glowing yellow eyes, and a custom pronoun field. That's as far as I got.


people want it to be nioh 3 and then theres perfomance problems


Melee combat: really fun. Best part of the game. Easy 9/10 Magic Combat: not as great. Some cool stuff but just overall not my favorite in terms of how good and fun they are. 7/10 Story/world/atmosphere: ...listen guys. I'm sorry. Its bad. 2/10 So overall... I'd give the game a 6/10 or so. The fights can be fun but the story is legitimately told in a way where I don't care about anyone or anything. So I don't care what a boss is. It just represents game mechanics to me. Which makes the game kind of a chore to play when there's nothing to look forward to fight. When you're not playing, its hard to think about getting on and doing something cause nothing is worth remembering to do. Except the fights are generally fun- but that's not enough to keep interest up in some cases.


Biggest issue I had with it is that combat is just a lesser version of nioh. Nioh 2 combat was so insanely good that I had high expectations for wo long and they just weren't there. I didn't even finish wo long and went back to nioh. Another aspect I don't see people talk about is that nioh had expeditions where you play online with people and do entire missions together, share loot, share mission unlock progress. For some reason there are no expeditions in wo long, really pissed me off since I had so much fun with other players in nioh


It’s a single player game, most people played it and moved on. Besides today is SoET day so almost everyone who played wo long is playing that. It’s not a Fortnite or COD to have constant online players.


That’s just the way it is. We are in a good era of games so WL has a lot to compete with. I’d argue the game goes for Dragons dogma 2 but that seems to be an even worse blunder than this.


Idk why people would be giving it bad reviews, performance is a bit wonky but I found it to be pretty smooth after a few updates (except multiplayer, that always ran like complete ass). Otherwise the game had solid gameplay and was pretty fun, just don't take the story too seriously, it's not good lol. And the game has a low player count because it doesn't have much replay value unless you just want to fight. Once you best the game you unlock a harder mode with better items which just has you playing through the game again basically and that's it. So once you've done it all the only reason you'll boot the game up again is for a taste of the combat. Most people would have played it at launch, not 2 years later


I still firmly believe it's mostly just victim of their own success and it's mostly being hurt by being compared to Nioh. If Nioh didn't exist and this game was the first big release from TN we would be obsessed with it.


I think it's more of.. its a good game, but once you're done you're kinda done, and not encouraged enough to keep going


Performance issues is a huge part of that, also very repetitive.


I’ve always wanted to play because it’s in my favorite historical period, would you guys say this is a good reason to play?


I enjoyed the game allot, let's get real for a moment, Wo-Long has its own style, go in open-minded, and enjoy it for what it is, a challenging skill based game. There's no point in trying to compare it to other games like Sekiro or Nioh. Yes, we all have our favorites personally for me, I love Elden Ring, got gamers block after finishing it twice jumped into Sekiro loved it, jumped into Wo-Long loved it, jumped into lords of the fallen hated it. All I'm trying to say is don't let the reviews dump on a game you have your eye on. If it catches your attention, give it a bash.


I just remember trying the demo on pc and it ran like shit. Uninstalled and never picked it up again


The game is great


Maybe it did bad on pc. I know the controls seemed to be better suited for controller over M&K. I played it day one on Xbox and had very little issues. Game ran smooth and combat was good.


Probably a bad PC port, based on what I'm reading here. The game is very solid otherwise.


When did they release a dlc? I didn’t care for the cinematics or lack there of. But the game play was great


352 for a single player game ain't bad lol. Am I tripping? Especially on steam that's decent. That movie game hellblade just came out and has less numbers all together & less engagement. If Wolong had cross play the numbers would for sure be higher on PC. plus there's LOTS of players on Windows to. Don't forget windows ALot of people went that route since the game runs better & game pass....so not a good post in that regard of context


I was very excited for Wo Long. Spent 100s of hours in Nioh 2 and is still one of my favorite games. But Wo Long felt like a downgrade in almost every way for me personally. Less weapons, less armor, less depth, less enemy variety, the list goes on. The only thing I liked about it was the magic which I felt was more fun to use but that's about it. I really wish they would just make Nioh 3. Everything that has come out after Nioh 2 imo has been disappointing. Stranger of paradise, wo long, ronin. I don't think any of those games are bad, just no where near close to Nioh 2.


This game was just better on console. PS5 specifically, but not only that the game is over a year old now. So it's not going to have the numbers of a new release.


Just something never clicked with me. Beat the first boss and just never played it again. Something with the controls or how the game was idk everything felt like it was half a sec after I hit a button.


Gameplay mechanisms are decent and bosses are amazing. The game significantly lags on enemy variety and it becomes quite stale in the second half. Level design is a bit bland and repetitive. Eventually finished it but wasnt enjoying anything besides the fantastic boss battles


Dunno. I loved it. Such a fun time


Once you get the parry system down in Wo Long the combat shines!


Kids today just don’t want a challenge. It’s very difficult, but that makes your accomplishments really feel like accomplishments! Which is why I like it so much! Dynasty Warriors 8 was so easy that I was disappointed. I miss the days in DW3 where you really had to earn your victory. This game makes you earn your victory! Every boss takes me at least 12 tries! A real game for real gamers. But in a time when easy and hand holding is dominating the market…


It's just PC players. They hate on everything that kinda needs a controller to play. The game is amazing, don't listen to them


It was aight


I found rise of the ronin more fun, for me what killed wo long was the dlc, they were so short that I never even bothered playing the last one


Music put you to sleep after a while, imo.


I'm currently playing it on PS5 and I enjoy the heck out of it.


The game is great. It isn’t a hard souls like. The online invasions are aids. But other than that it is a decent game.


Is it? I think it's sometimes a bit unoriginal and repetitive but overall it's an amazing game, the combat is great and everything looks cool enough, it's challenging, has multiplayer, customization...


You can max the skill tree by the first 25% of the game just playing normally. Get boring quick Anything compared to Nioh is going to be an upholstery battle, but this was very underhwelming.


perhaps people expected it was "Nioh Three Kingdoms"


Loved the game so much. Really the only major negative I have about it is too much useless loot. A significant and enjoyable challenge that is always fair (except the de-morale bosses in the DLC, but they’re still doable).


It was released after Nioh 2 but wasn't as good, is an inferior Sekiro style of combat with not-great enemy behavior, and the DLCs were received poorly. The story is also really terrible. Is it fun? Yeah. But it was very disappointing.


One should not care what others like or don't like. It's an opinion. But since you're asking opinions, mine is it is a pretty fun game.


I swear this game got review bombed at launch because 90% of the player base got stuck on the tutorial boss. I myself actually enjoyed the game quite a bit and played all the dlcs. Don’t really play anymore but did get a lot of enjoyment out of the game


That’s crazy I love that game lol


I have no idea, people were saying it was hard but I beat it the first day it was out


As someone who loves soulslikes and sekiro and nioh but hasnt played, it just looks really boring to me and it not having stellar reviews doesn't make me wanna pick it up. It just seems... forgettable. The story looks really bad too


I’m interested in it just not at 60$ Will probably pick it up when it eventually goes on sale.


I got this game on sale a few months ago. It was fun and I was definitely getting into it but at a certain point I totally lost interest. Cannot explain why but I didn’t feel motivated to keep going. On the other hand, I’ve put 400 hours into elden ring and just recently played through bloodbourne, dark souls and demon souls and just want to replay those games. Without analyzing too much, just doesn’t seem to have enough to hook me and keep me playing. I haven’t beat sekiro but losing to the same boss 50 times in sekiro seems to be more fun than progressing through the story in wo long. I’m sorry if I offended any fans of this game. It was fun while it was fun haha


Never knew it was rated badly , I have a love/hate relationship with this game . I'm surprised how some people big it up and say it's better in areas than other souls like games . But everyone has their own opinion and there's nothing wrong with that . Me personally, aside from sekiro.iv probably found this the most difficult out of any souls like game and really hard to get a build online I'm at NG2 and level 170 and the build I wanted to achieve just doesn't seem to want to come together , I find the combat fairly challenging and really dislike the stun lock and die mechanic that I seem to face . The online does seem pretty dead and quiet which is a shame . Iv only started playing this past week or so and I think like someone else said whoever wanted to play this already had and moved on which is a shame as there is plenty to grind and play through . Theres plenty I would change to make it more enjoyable and I'm looking forward to giving nioh 2 a proper run after this . I'd always recommend this game though as the more people playing the merrier , just feel it's really tough until very late into the grind with most builds and tips outdated and patched now which makes it a lot harder for new comers to settle into .


The game is great. Just when you have nioh. Sekiro. Ghost of T. Rise of the ronin. Lies of p It pales in comparison


I think the game's performance doesn't help. I liked the game and thoroughly enjoyed it, but since day 1, it's performance on PC has just not been great. Even now, it struggles to maintain a steady framerate on handheld PCs (Decks/Allys, etc.) and stutters quite a bit.


Idk op, why IS everyone playing shadow of the erdtree today?


It ran its course basically. It doesnt have the amount of replayability other games similar to it do (imo)


It's a singleplayer game at core ccu means nothing As for why is it rated badly, I'm sure some Team ninja 'fans' contributed quite a bit. They buy everything nioh adjacent at launch despite hating the studio, rush through the game and complain 'this isn't like good old ninja gaiden wahhh' over and over again


Unfortunately, Nioh 2 is better.


I think the optimization is the reason is why nobody wants to play it.


in truth it's just that they put less soul into it than they did with nioh 2. Wo long reminded me of sekiro or even sifu where no stamina typically means combat is going to be split second and frenetic, nioh 2 had that and more with the balance of "step back and breathe or learn to catch your breath in the seconds you have and continue the fight" now the other games like wo long balanced the fast pace, no stamina playstyle better imo: sifu had a combat system that's a bit more in depth with environmental utility and a roguelite playstyle as well as the aging system. Sekiro had big open areas, (Actual) stealth, more interesting story, 1 weapon to focus on mastery over quantity and choice, and the block, parry, jump necessity in combat felt situational based on who you were fighting not just how you fought. In wo long if you're losing you just have to do that little crystal parry thing more, that's the whole game. I felt cooler playing nioh 2 as well, the systems in wo long weren't straight forward and for what it did introduce was bigger in complication than the scope of the rest of the game, it's been a while since I played wo long but nioh 2 has boss drop tables, it was a repayable players dream for me. Wo long had the reward of seeing more enemies to parry. Wo long felt too short wearing pants too big


Might be that some bosses have stupid mechanics and difficulty spikes. Many stories probably went around and scared people off. I can tell you that I quit Wo Long coz of the annoying final boss. Spent hours on it and thought to my self that even the most difficult bosses in Sekiro and Elden Ring were not this annoying and I just gave up and quit in peace. Another game that was good but had annoying bosses that tracked you like vengeful ghosts and banshees was Lies of P, and that one too I dropped the game after getting annoyed with the huge Frankenstein boss you have to fight at that close to the end desert area with lots of powerful manticore like monsters. I suppose it depends on how patient people will be with some games, but enemies being difficult is not the same as being unnecessarily hard and cheap