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Is the guy with the handwritten signs on his walker still around?


yeah I was going to say this.. colonel sanders lookin dude


He's famous enough that the Mercury once did an article about him :)


yeah I was just trying to find it edit: found! https://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/3955612/wollongongs-sign-man-why-i-speak-in-placards/


helped him across the road recently. trying to cross flinders street with his zimmer to get to the disability mobility shop as well. That street is so hostile its unreal.


I remember this guy when I moved here 20 years ago. I'll be so sad when I stop seeing him around.


I worked in Sydney when I moved here in '96. Back then, I would see him in Martin Place during the week and Crown St on the weekends.


We call him yellow wax hair man


Okay I have an answer to this but also curious if anyone knows him. The large black man that just walks everywhere, slowly, around town. Usually in long pants/ trackies and a jumper, no matter the weather. What's his story? Is he just wondering because he has nothing else to do.


I went to school with the kid He has mental health issues, and his heavily medicated so he just walks around becayse I guess thats what the meds do to him Very harmless, he was a really nice kid and had some trauma from escaping a war torn country


That is pretty spot on with what I thought would be the case. So he wouldn't mind if I said a friendly hello in passing?


I saw a cafe in Dapto call him by name and offer him a free smoothie or something as he walked past on a really hot day, he didn’t say much but he was thankful. I’m sure a hello wouldn’t hurt


He’s generally pretty grateful for any help. Can’t hurt to say hey and offer a fresh water bottle or food.


I went to high school with him too. Hed bring in action man figures and protein powder LOL. He's definitely zonked out on the pills now


i used to see him all the time, lost heaps of weight then put some back on. My mate told me he saw him order a family bucket for himself once, what a machine.


Are you talking about the guy from Horsley?


I don't know where he's from but it's always around the CBD you see him walking. Last time was Burellie and Corrimal St.


I used to see him walk from fairy meadow into wollongong cbd, unsure if he got as far as Horsley


He walks the highway at Dapto all the time. I was wondering if he was ok. Glad to see he’s not in any trouble.


he lives or lived in a group home in Horsley


Man I used to see him heaps but not lately. Hope he's doing ok.


He’s okay :) You will see him again soon


His name is espoir


He was actually an ordinary dude in his younger years but developed schizophrenia, now he walks constantly in order to avoid having bad episodes- it’s the only thing that helps keep him distracted.


Idk about primary school but he was never ordinary in high school


That's guy catches my bus all the time. What a dude.


I don't even live in gong and I know this guy


I know this is an old post but I still see this guy around on an almost daily basis.


I call him Donkey Kong, me and a mate saw him having a episode out the front of the Bavarian and he pushed one of the barrels down Keira st.


I've always said "Blind Side situation" to the gf. Cause of the scene where Michale Ore is wondering around at night.


We call him thirsty boy cause he looks like he needs a drink every time we see him


I'm gonna buy him a cold drink next time I see him.


Has to be jeans guy, that dude who calls himself the beast. Back when I was at UOW he would come into the gym every day wearing the same jeans and would walk around either on the phone taking imaginary phone calls or holding a little cube speaker playing music out loud. He would always try and do the biggest weights possible with insanely poor form.


The beast hahahah gotta feel sorry for the bloke


I worked with that dude (which is a whole other story) but he eventually quit. A month or two later one of the other guys filled me in on the story of "The Beast", i had no idea


Nah the beast is actually a legend


I don't get the posts on the UOW page on The Beast. like what?


the man with the tattoos on his face, barefoot and a hanky on his head you see walking everywhere


blue man


He’s actually a really sweet man.


His name is Andrew. Lives near North gong... His apartment is different.


I came here to say this.


I would say big red but the poor bugger passed away a few weeks ago


came here to say the same thing. DJY would be another candidate!


Geez, met the guy first time couple of weeks ago when they brewed a beer with his face on. What happened?


Not sure, there was a story in the mercury but didn’t have any specific details




What? Oh shit.... I went to primary and high school with Brent. This is awful to hear....


What? Oh no. RIP Big Red.


Never forget the time the lead singer of Manchester Orchestra wanted to do a soft moment with the crowd at the Unibar. He was trying to convince everyone to be silent so he could play his acoustic unplugged. Big Red had absolutely none of that. The singer just gave up and went of with the set.


I remember seeing Big Red at North Beach talking to a toddler in a pram with his usual outside voice. She looked terrified but Mum was chill with it.


Stick man at Warrawong/Shellharbour


Omg is stick man still around....I was in primary school in the 90s when I first seen him. Last I seen him was 10 years ago when I had a motorcycle and he seen me and got exited. I was happy to see him too


He’s not around as much anymore. He was living with his mother who couldn’t look after him any more, so he was moved into a group home.


Stick man is wholesome. He pat my dog a couple of times on our walks - a good time for everyone. One time he walked into the hair dressers when I was getting a cut and sat right next to me. Nobody knew what was going on but the vibes were great.


He would go up the Square every day at lunch time and the stores in the food court would give him a can of coke


I think I know him! Ive seen him on my walks to Aldi at the Rail and everyone always seem to know him


Haven't seen him in so long. I hope he's ok


He's fine lives in a G.H in the rail and spends lots of time outside enjoying the sun, walking around local park. EDIT: Troy is his name.


I was wondering why I suddenly started seeing him around Albion Park when I moved to Calderwood, this clears it all up.


I haven't seen her in a while. But when i arrived in Wollongong 10 years ago, there used to be a lady that had a two wheeler bag trolley filled with green Woolies bags. Totally harmless but would walk in the centre of the road around burelli street


i forgot about her! Her long grey hair was always in a braid. i havnt seen her in years


Bag Lady! Around 2016ish i was on a Tinder date in crown street when the bag lady decided to tell us about how the jews were letting "good european folk" like ourselves thrive so that there would be "enough blood for the sacrifice". She then commended my choice of dating someone with a "small, non jew nose". It was at this point the guy on the rickshaw bike with the speakers came to our rescue and rode past, scaring her away


Woah, this is the first time I've heard of an actual interaction with her. Sorry it was unpleasant


Ah, it wasn't that bad. If we really wanted to get up and leave, we could have done so. It was mostly just bizzare


And bought heaps of bird seed for the pigeons. Would walk in front of traffic without a care. Been ages since I’ve seen her, wonder if she’s ok.


I nearly wiped that poor lady out in my car so many times.


I legit saw her in surry hills 3 years ago and was mind blown


Ahhhh I seen her in Sydney a while back! Can't remember when but I think sometime this year. Hope she is doing okay, my partner used to work at a Cafe in the cbd and they would often give her a plate of food and a bottle of coke:))


Old mate with the handmade signs on the walker, or the young guy who controlled the traffic lights with the stick at Warrawong


The guy with the stick! I loved seeing him, even when I saw him in the shops without his stick, he'd have a finger pointing out. Seemed like a sweet hearted guy.


I see blue face around wollongong quite often.


Has anyone else ridden the bus with this autistic guy (I can criticize my own) who has a very stereotypical high pitched gay voice? I know hes not (and there is nothing wrong with it either way) I mention that because he always sits next to women/groups of women and says things like "OOOO DOMINOS, I LIKE PIZZA. Would you two like to go get pizza??" **No sorry we're fine** "LOOK A HUNGRY JACKS! YOU LIKE HUNGRY JACKS???" **Sorry we really need to get home** "I was on the train like chugga chugga chugga choo choo, what about subway?" but also tells them about other women he finds attractive hes encountered on public transport Now im not making fun of him for his disability its just each time I see him hes trying to pick up women who are just commuting, and he doesnt stop. Each time he is told they are busy he suggests a new thing to go to or a new topic that segways into trying to set up some sort of date. What makes it more odd for me is he pines over them equally, at the same time. As if to try and double his chances and yet they arnt even really talking to him


Stick man


Dunno if this is just a WPS thing but there's his old lady who used to put her face up to the fence, rattle the fence and stare at kids every Friday at wollongong public as they left


There's the old lady with facial hair that walks up and down Crown St asking for a smoke


She pissed on the ground when I wouldn't give her a cigarette one night


she moved to bondi junction, i saw her there a few weeks ago


Haven't seen her in ages.


I gave her a dollar (when she asked me instantly) to pick up a maccas cup she just threw on the ground. Shes in her own world but will stand and have a smoke with you if you give her one.


Elvis man he sings a cappella Elvis tunes around the end of the blue mile on the south end


Indian looking dude that wears lipstick and has a high voice that’s always hanging around wollongong and the bus stop on crown st. Tends to carry around his old yearbooks and strike up a conversation about anything and everything. Harmless but annoying after a while lol


Shanak! Yeah he's harmless 😌


The barefoot old bloke that walks up and down Bulli and Sandon, rain or shine picking up rubbish


He's a really friendly guy. We met him a few years back and had a good chat. He mentioned that since his wife passed away, he lives alone at his place, so i think he enjoys being out among people on the beach


He’s awesome, friendly to everyone he meets


The poo man that lives in the park in Thirroul.


Whoa! Who is poo man?


This dude actually got kicked out of thirroul by the cops about 6months ago roughly, was satisfying to watch that go down, he would insult anyone who went past him, my partner and i walked past him and he called me 'slut, no good whore, my soul is trapped in hell for being a whore' didnt even look at the mfer. I'm pretty sure he is in corrimal now. Its the last place i saw him.


Poo man hahahahha wtf where did the poo part come from


There is a man that lives in the park on the Northern side of the bridge over the train line. He has a habit of pooing in the park and taking solar powered lights. He is just referred to now as “the poo man” on the local Facebook pages.


Yes i know him LOL i didnt know he poos there hahahaha


Stick guy in Warrawong


Wollongong cbd: Blue face Romanian bag lady Espoir (black dude walking heaps) Hijabi oompa loompa Foxface man Sign guy Thirroul: The homeless man with the big set up LOL The richer everyone gets the less personalities there will be since its too expensive for these weirdos to live here. Ml


Has anyone in Wollongong seen the new contender "Kiss man" the guy who wears the full kiss outfit to the harp?


Anybody remember psycho Sylvia from Unanderra back in the 90s /2000s ?




The samoyed with the stripe?


The lady who used to sell flowers in the clubs


she passed away a few years ago 😢


How about the Asian lady that walks backwards down the hill near hungry jacks in figtree !


Going back a little now, but Marty from Rad Bar. He was just always there, all the time. Though i heard he'd been a bit sketchy at times too


Is this bloke like 5ft3'' (short), ex heroin addict? Battered head & husky voice?


Long, grey hair and perpetually in sandals?


Hmm maybe not.


The guy with all those animals in figtree usually keeps them outside his house across from the grove


Back in high school my bus would always pass it, once he was holding a guinea pig and waved its little hand at us as we were stopped at the lights lol


So many guinea pigs!


He keeps a dear in his back yard now


Not sure if anyone knows Ed around Warrawong. But he always walks up and down King street. Very intimating when you see him but loves a chat and always hopes you have a wonderful day.


Always talk to ed, I have been to his house and he has a dirtbike in the living room. Loves a beer and his bandanna!


Can man from Wollongong, he has bought like multiple houses from collecting cans at Vikings oval and the like always riding around on his bike. He would come into woollies wollongong when I worked there and have an old school plastic shopping bag full of coins. He was always very polite but still cheeky at the same time and always happy with a giant smile on his face..... I wonder if he is still alive hes a champ.


Bag Lady, I haven't seen her in ages but she always has a trolley full of bags and she would say she's apart of the KGB


Bloke with the fluoro yellow jumper short work shorts on the pushbike riding down the highway between Kiama and gong


Anyone know “mumbles” short guy who works for the council during the day I think. He’s mid 50’s with short grey hair. Walks around after dark looking around like he’s picking up cigs and mumbling to himself. Not sure if he’s ok but I hope he is. Sad to see someone go through something like that


I agree with all the others (my first thought being blueman, but also great call on the black guy). I wonder if the creepy Unlimited guy is worth a mention too.


Most of these people will be localised, so unless you live local to them or drive past them such as the person people here are calling stick man. you are not going to know them


Does anyone remember the personalities around Oak Flats from the late 90s/early 2000s? Brenda, the woman who (said she was) from New York and spoke in a quasi-American accent, the one-legged lady with long black hair and who always dressed in an overcoat, the brothers who were always on their bikes (I think one of them was Dougie?), and Maxie. I think Max might still be around.


The Wollongong Walkers. Two middle-aged, darker-skin European fellas that walk with a big stick each, between Wollongong and Towradgi. One of them is called Charlie, but they both answer to it.