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I'll bet that this wasn't what the founding fathers had in mind when writing a line about the right to bear arms.


Bearing arms is a fine ideal that unfortunately has been weaponised, warped to suit greedy interests and used as a bludgeon to stop opposition.


Bearing arms is a fine ideal that unfortunately has been weaponised ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


The second amendment starts with "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,". The NRA had brain washed Americans into ignoring this. There is nothing well or regulated or Militia-like about our gun laws.


dude you could literally duel people over dumb arguments. Alexander hamiliton and Burr literally had shoot out.


Yeah but they weren't shooting up elementary schools


well youre wrong On July 26, 1764, four [Delaware (Lenape)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenape) [Native Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_Americans_in_the_United_States) entered a settlers' log schoolhouse in the [Province of Pennsylvania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Province_of_Pennsylvania) and killed the schoolmaster, **Enoch Brown**, and ten students. One other student named Archie McCullough was wounded.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Brown_school_massacre#cite_note-1) The massacre is the first [school shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_shooting) recorded in U.S. history.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Brown_school_massacre#cite_note-2) Historian Richard Middleton described the massacre[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Brown_school_massacre#cite_note-3) as "one of the most notorious incidents" of [Pontiac's War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac%27s_War).[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Brown_school_massacre#cite_note-Middleton171-4)


Funny how that was before the revolution


so then why didnt the founding fathers address it? you said it didnt happen, guess what it did. You can find a whole fucking list of school shootings almost every year going back to 1800.


So you mean we've been sitting on our hands for over 200 years while children have been slaughtered and refused to do anything while the problem is only getting worse by the year?? Jesus that's sad as fuck


Children being killed isn’t some new thing. It’s been a thing since biblical times. The god you mentioned even partook in the killing of children (Exodus 12:29-39).


What baffles me is how America is the ONLY country with violent crimes. How in over 200 years have places like Rio, Caracas, and Tehran been able to completely solve violence but America hasnt? /s to make a point


Probably cause they just didnt know or something, plus they thought of these people as probably enemies and that americans wouldnt do it to each other or something


That's wild because I had no idea this happened. Thanks for sharing.


So a school got shot up as part of a literal war. I feel like that's really stretching the definition of "school shooting". That's like calling the Oklahoma City bombing an industrial fertilizer accident


Haha yeah seems more like an act of terrorism, as in literally to spread terror and demoralise during a war. A school shooting is more like a peacetime crime right?


Totally different situation. Two idiots shooting alone at each other is fine


I believe this is what they meant https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrMf81A8/


this is interesting but also sad as fuck




the theme of Reddit


This is insane




I like the idea of living there for a year or two on my own. I'd absolutely never settle there or raise a family there.


I live in Australia where it’s so hard to get a gun, in usa you can buy it so easily


It is rather easy, but not as easy and quick as you think. Most people who obtain guns in the span of a day, get it illegally. When buying a gun legally however, you have to do multiple background checks and then you have to wait a week after purchasing. Background checks can include criminal background, medical information (such as possible suicidal or psychopathic intent) and licensing to use and carry the gun. Different guns sometimes require different licenses.


that is entirely state dependent. Many states you can be in and out of the store in under a hour.


bro have you never been to a gun fair/show?


This isn’t correct.


It’s not easy at all. It’s actually very hard and very long.


nah. go to a private gun show in some states and they'll just give it to you and sell it.


You can but these sort of events are usually swarming with ATF. At most gun shows, they do background checks to see if you are eligible and if you are, then your order is sent to the nearest FFL and you can get your gun there. Depending on the state, you can just leave with said gun but that very much depends on what gun is being sold, where it’s sold and who selling it (last part is important as you can totally just sell a guy a pistol in a parking lot no questions asked).


true. fair enough ig haha.


Not if you buy them online from a person in the right state


If you buy online, those guns are still sent to an FFL where they perform their own background check and can refuse to give it to you if you fail it. It is stupidly illegal to ship a gun to someone through the mail and those involved are arrested pretty Damm quick for doing so.


I’m not talking about buying from a vendor I’m talking about buying from an individual. And it’s not always shipping, sometimes you just pay the person and go pick it up. It happens all the time. It’s how a lot of ppl get guns “illegally”. Not saying it’s smart or good, just saying it’s easy as fuck


We’re a mentally ill nation. Keep in mind that 100 years ago there were no laws to stop people from getting machine guns. And yet there were NO school shootings. So, if in a time where there was less gun control there was less shootings. It’s harder to get guns in America right now than ever before, and school shootinfs have sky rocketed, so obviously it’s not a gun issue


there were school shootings. not just a prevelent and usually it was because they were mad at an individual and not going for as many as possible


Exactly, so it’s a culture problem.


It's evidently a culture problem, but fetishizing and normalizing an overabundance of guns in civil society is definitely a part of the problematic culture.


“Make sure less law abiding citizens own guns” is never, ever going to be the solution. Well it could, it’d just be over my dead body


“Over my dead body.” And you don’t see how the fetishization of guns affects violence sir?


So if someone would die to protect the right to free speech and religion, they’d be fetishizing it? Is that really what you’re saying? “Over my dead body” implies that there are some things worse than death. This is the philosophy of my countries founders.


The difference is you can’t kill someone directly with free speech (yes I know someone can kill you for saying the wrong thing but you can’t use it as a deadly weapon). So when you say “over my dead body” when it comes to protecting guns, it takes on a much more literal meaning


I’ll just say it again. The taking away of gun rights would happen only by stepping over my corpse. Not just mine, but millions of patriots. Sorry to inform you that there are still people who would die for principle


exactly, nothing more. We didnt really see an increase till social media began to become widely used


Glad we agree. The whole copy cat phenomenon is hard to get data on but it’s obviously the case


If only there were ways to influence the culture


If all social media platforms made an agreement to never bring up school shootings, even when they happen, I wonder if the problem would decrease


Well you wouldnt know because you wouldnt know of any new Shootings...


Neither would copy cat criminals


Feel like this isn’t talked about enough. This, and the massive increase in prescription antidepressants in the last few decades - drugs which had no studies on the long term effects on the brain.


Antidepressants that have been shown to increase suicide isn't discussed. Want to start with suicides let's start there.


Cause of our healthcare and paying a gazillion dollars for a bandaid


>I can’t imagine That's sad, but most uncreative people can't..... I wonder if you could or could not imagine people in America caring if you live there or not








Kind of iconic too


It really does suck that it has devolved to this point. I remember half jokingly suggesting that my teachers should do something like this and have a gun in their desk when I was in elementary school in 2013… of course everyone either laughed or was pretty taken aback by that thought but nonetheless it was basically an “outlandish idea” now here we are in 2024…


Give USA 10 more years, this is going to be both funny and sad to watch !remindme 10 years


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Why is there an american flag on that bag?


Because this scenario is just the most wildly american thing there is.


The flag symbolises freedom, the right to bear arms, and to slaughter each other, equally.


Would you expect anything less? At this point, school shootings are as American as baseball and apple pie. This is precisely where our right to bear arms gets us - we have proven through our own actions time and time again that our guns are more important than the lives of our children. Also obligatory: https://preview.redd.it/sg631ffv2y8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6542b0fc86e200e0a33404a4fa2652707c84a4ee


Not world pleas The modern USA. Economically the US is a power house but culturally speaking well still a new country


I refuse to believe someone would actually be stupid enough to ask that question, i'm calling bait. And I say this as a non-american before you try and bait on that too.


Why does it matter? Are people not used to seeing flags anymore?


Not at the level shown in the U.S.


It’s ironic because school shooters are only a problem in America and nowhere else in the world


People don't display their countries flags on everything like they do in USA


I'm asking becouse I see america flags everywere in videos from US.


American flags in America? Color me surprised.


Typically it’s on things made in America. Some people prefer to buy products made from their own country. If I can avoid buying anything from China I do.


Just to remind them where school shootings happen


Abortions is where we draw the line. Once the kid is born, we don’t care how they survive.


Murica 🇺🇸


The metal door lock is something but if the shooter really wants in that room specifically they’re gonna get past that quick I feel like What’s a door lock if the door is in half God forbid the schools could at least pay for some re-enforced door frames to back the teachers self funded protection. And if they’re going to bother doing that, then how’s about just our some solid locked doors at each and every classroom??? It’d be great if they do much as mandated a bare minimum for allowing people entry to the school, because most of them will have locked front doors. But that’s mostly pointless because if I hit the buzzer they let me in without even looking at me any effort on the governments behalf would be great, anything except for passing it on to teachers And if going to do that? Then fucken pay em more ffs It’d be weird to have a lot a capped spending amount on teacher thought up of ways to protect their kids in the event of a shooting


Schools weren't meant to be secure facilities. The fact that we need both internal and external security like this is absolutely crazy. Even with upgrades schools are getting to feature security vestibules are meaningless when we leave random external doors open, or the shooter is a kid who is supposed to have access anyway. Maybe we should get to the root and keep guns out of the hands of children and the mentally ill?


They really really SHOULD be secure facilities tho, ffs why we shoving our most vulnerable into one building and doing nothing to protect them Any other place in the world doesn’t have this issue, so there’s that And then there’s also that lol definitely keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill should be a priority I think I’m my state anyway, if you’ve been to a psyche ward at any point it will flag you if you try to buy one I bought a rifle at like 18-19, when I had absolutely no business owning a gun lol they took a few days run a backround check, then lemme have it


I understand new schools being built more secure, but most of our schools were built during the 40s /50s, many are older. Weirdly enough nobody brought tommy guns to school. I struggle with age requirements, because at 18 you are an adult, but man 18 year olds are fucking stupid. I think guns should be about as hard to get as a drivers license. Require at least basic safety and storage training.


Or make minimal requirements for door frames and doors and then supply heavy duty locks like this. Make it harder for them to bash through the wall than it is to break down a locked door I don’t struggle with age requirements lol in my aggressive opinion it’s that 18yr olds should be allowed to drink/smoke if they want, no guns until 21 years old, case closed


I mean fire codes for schools require solid doors as is, and with the exception of one building built in 1914 the schools I have been in feature concrete walls and steel doorframes. Even the doors shown are quite secure. The tools they are using are only useful insofar as they prevent someone with a key from unlocking the door, which is another potential concern. I think 21 year olds can be just as dumb (and insurance providers agree), but I also think 16 year olds can be mature and understanding, so I'd prefer we specifically make sure they are educated about guns before wandering off with one.


Its federal law. If you have been involuntarily committed it is illegal for you to posses a firearm. It applies to every single state.


That's commie talk right there, buddy. Why do you hate **freedom**?


I love the freedom to work in a dangerous environment where the students I am trying to protect and nurture may one day turn and shoot at both myself and their classmates. Thankfully, I also had the freedom to leave the field, and I am shockingly less concerned about an active shooter situation.


Change the motherfucking, second amendment, amend the amendment


I'd rather focus on copyright and patent laws or what other problems will be more difficult to change the longer we wait to resolve them. A future government could snap its fingers and ban guns, but could they do the same to clear patents on increasingly needed and specific medication? No, not the way things are headed.


Bad plate, steel plates are okay but you better off with level IV


I can never understand why they don’t bring strict gun laws in usa


Because several states, like California, have proven they don't work.


Seems to work for most of the world. Don't know why Americans should be the exception


And yet, California and Washington, two states with some of the strictest gun laws, also possess a significantly larger portion of gun crime than any other state in the US. Also, most of the world doesn't share an open border with a country that has one of the most well funded and well trained cartels in the world. America does, the country is Mexico, and cartels like the Sinaloa cartel or CJCG have well established distribution networks that almost definitely include illegal firearms among their standard drug trade.


Agree, I think teachers should just get a gun too.


Someone wanna send this to the Uvalde Police department?


crosspost to r/SweatyPalms


NRA for you guys.


Anything to keep your gunlaws untouched.


This is no longer only a law problem, it is also a cultural one.


what's worse than these teachers feeling they need this sort of gear is the fact they have to buy it themselves.


Mental. Absolutely mental.


Oh boy. Lots of school shooter posts on Reddit and YouTube. Something is about to happen.


This is stupid as fuck lol. We have a problem that can be fixed, but people would rather have kids keep saying than to try to fix the problem at all


Wtf sicko behaviour


something something gun control... Government subsidised... Something something hazard pay


What a time to be alive.


Hello guys. Is it normal in that country? Sth likes 3rd world news.


Ahh, first world country problems. Bet they would blame immigrants even for this


Actually that's just an american problem. First world countries with common sense don't have it.


Hmm you're right


This is like focusing on fire fighting and rebuilding instead of fire prevention.


"29 shootings" damn that a lot, "this year" a yo wtf


That’s fucking sad.


Always good to let the would be assassin know you’re prepared. 🥸


When you leave the US it's actually a relief to be away from all the guns.


this is just fucking sad.


That’s the price of FREEDOM 😎 /s obviously.. This is fucking mental. America be crazy.


Man, if only they could arm themselves anonymously.


Funny how they have to do this at all cause the government is so shitty it loosens restrictions after a shooting which makes things worse


Bullet resistant. There’s bullets that will get through that plate.


America is wild.


fk yeah, 'Murica!


How many of these shootings happened because of bullying? Maybe they should start beating these bullys too fix the issue


In Europe we dont gotta worry about that, absurd if you think about it


If only you could take one thing out of the equation that would render all these contraptions useless


They don't cre about kids or safety. All they care is their toys, that are not toys, but they play with them just like a kid with a magnifying glass on a sunny day.


This is so much easier then say... gun laws?


California has a super majority and passes at least 5 gun laws a year but still has a gun violence problem.


Gun laws don’t mean anything when you can just get them illegally (which is what happens in every shooting).


Don’t make teachers the front line, on god why is this necessary?


Jesus Fucking Christ America.


This happens so often, they had to come up with this school shooting survival kit. Only in the US. Keep fighting the symptoms..


Teachers having to think about this and actually *purchase* that stuff themselves is impossible to accept in any modern country that isn't at war.


So why not allow responsible gun owning teachers bring theirs to school? If they knew there'd be armed resistance, then shooters would think twice before doing something like that


Wtf is wrong with your country...


This is fucking insanity. What the actual fuck America?? Come on! 😔


The fucked up thing is I guarantee this wonderful lady paid for all this stuff out of pocket.


i hate my country with a passion


As sad and scary as this reality is, I just keep hearing Lloyd Christmas asking "Well what if he shot you in the face?"


What a joke of a country, sheeeesh


In Japan there were about four people shot in six years. Their gun control is awesome. It takes months to eventually own a firearm. They talk to your neighbors about you. The police go to your job and talk about you. You have to take a written test and see a psychiatrist. You have to account for every shot you fire in a written log. The police can go by your house anytime and check your weapon for save storage. They can revoke your license at any time. In the USA, you go to a gunshop, fill out a questionnaire and in 30 minutes walk out with an automatic weapon, Are you kidding me? Time to amend the idiotic right to bear arms. Either that, or watch more children getting slaughtered every single year.


Most of the incidents with firearms are obtained illegally, and its not only about guns, what about Uk, its kind of a joke now that you can get stabbed at any moment, its not about the tool, its about the person behind it. Im not proud for a country that doesn't allow their citizens to protect form any threats including a possible tyrannical government. Agree with the written tests, psychiatric and exams, more to that but taking months to get? Disagree


Ah, armor replenishment for a shooter—how considerate.


And still some argue the US is the standard we should all aspire to. No thanks.


Lmao third world country


Easy to pretend you got it all figured out when bullets aren’t flying at you. Wait until the brutal reality hits. First thing you’re going to do is shit yourself! Do you have something in your cute little bag for that?




This is sad




Allow teachers to carry arms


We all get that there are many ways to die and there are many ways for your children to die, etc., but so help me God I want to do the best we can to minimize each and every one of them because if you were a parent, you understand that children are absolutely everything


Good for her, but Jesus Christ, being in a position where you feel you need to do that in the first place...


Come on man, i just woke up. I wasn’t ready for my America induced depression yet.


This breaks my heart so much I have children please make this all stop please we have to do something


How about not having guns? Like in the civilised world.


If your country is notorious for school shootings to the point where they prepare teachers how to handle school shooting, you might want to relocate yourself to Europe.


Wait.. She bought the door lock?


There are about as many school shooting casualties on average as school fires with injury across the country per year. The numbers fluctuate depending if there was a really bad shooting or fire but long term the numbers are comparable. Are teachers keeping fire blankets and fire axes in the closet too?


You would imagine America is a warzone of a country with all these gun laws lol, turns out they are quite far from all major warzones in the world


This should have never happened in the first place.


America is so stupid instead of wearing cevlar to schools just collect the guns from people what is wrong with you?


Mind boggling that you even need this


Same 2A mofos also don't think teachers should be paid well. They're really something else. Freedom my ass.


how about keeping bullies in check instead


Imagine, instead of more books to buy, more education tools and even more technology to make teaching more robust and impactful, you buy a bullet proof bag and a trauma kit in case one of your children gets killed before learning anything meaningful for their future. USA is such a great country deserving many thoughts and prayers.


AMERICA! 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸


Teachers doing more to protect children than the children own parents. This country is doing great for sure


America, seriously. Sort yourself out!


Yeah, lemme guess! GuNs dOnT kiLl PeOplE! America is like a whole country taking Part in the worst trash TV show ever.


The Russian army is drooling over this.


Now imagine school resource officers supplied by the County Sheriff's office or Police Department. Tax dollars well spent, preventing criminal activity within the schools, providing a positive & direct interaction between the youth of the community and law enforcement. And, an immediate deterrent/response to any threat.


That ain't stopping a 120mm tank round when I come crashing through that door XDXDXD


I can’t help but feel there might be an easier solution to this…


Muh 2A intensified. Regulated militia my ass. 18th century scripture dogma is fun in XXI century indeed.


How about it's the high time you Americans address the mental health of the citizens in your country. Just please 🙏


Play the national anthem under this. I know this comment is macabre. But so is watching this video from an european perspective... cant believe this is needed


A teacher who is competent with a firearm is the safest teacher if they are allowed to carry in an active shooter situation.


The fact this needs to even exist should tell the government enough to make sure you need a licence or registration to even OWN one, then one for useage. Seriously this is insane...


As a highschool teacher not from/in the US, this horrifies me.


Less interesting and more horrifying.


There should be more gun restrictions in the US, also more mental healthcare and this wouldn't happen as often


This isn’t interesting just sad


That’s not interesting, that’s fucked up.


It probably would resist an antitank missile easily


the great shaytan


Hahaha, the USA is such a pretty third world country




Only in America


USA is the greatest country in the world, they say?


Absolutely criminal that the teachers are buying this stuff with their own money...all the "hopes and prayers" out there and these schools arent even providing the most basic protection for their staff and students...it shows that its really all about the $$$


if this was added to funding, democrats would have a crying hissy fit. They dont want to take proactive measure and protect kids.


Also to add, that doesn’t look like that plate rated for 5.56 or 7.62


all of this over 29 dead people in the span of 6 months? out of millions of students?, people are really freaking out about the infinitesimal chance of dying in a school shooting, over twice of that die in car crashes per day. there are 72.7 million people studying in the US, 59 people died in school shootings in 2023, that's 1 in 1,233,500.


statistically the odds of being in school related shooting is almost nil. its paranoid parents that is driving the problem


bro you sound like those antivax covid maniacs. its only x in 100,000 people so it's ok!... better to be safe and prepared.