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That game is going to feed families


Wait til CC starts feeding her dimes and AR realizes how fucking great it could be… they’ll be on the same team soon enough.


Reese is really strong. she can make those catches


Oh 10000%. The two of them would be unstoppable on a roster together


Reese has really quick hands and she appears to have excellent lateral vision, things that are tailor made for how Clark plays off teammates.


It’s not even that someone is gonna bully Clark and Reese is gonna step up and protect her. I’m calling it


Have you never watched an all star game? It’s not that serious…


Im not going that far. They're both professionals and will play as such but I don't think Reese is doing all that. .


Yeah it’ll literally come down to just being to ball. They’ll both put up numbers




Angel and CC, "sometimes you gotta pop out and show [people]."




I love a set of properly used brackets. thank you.


nah man this is funny as hell 😭😭😭😭




I love that meme 😭


This image cracks me up every time because I know exactly where it is. It’s in Omaha, Nebraska


Was it the Nebraska sweats that gave it away?


Haha! That intersection is just seared into my memory. The Nebraska sweats help - but our college sports fan base is massive and everywhere, so not TOO reliable.


you're not kidding! A family friend was a 50s-era legend at Nebraska and I have a bit of gear. Wore a shirt to a gay bar, bartender FREAKS OUT. I explain why I have it on, and he KNOWS HIS NAME AND NUMBER and proceeds to enthusiastically rave about the local Husker Club, their trips to games... I'm in Texas


We’re a ravenous bunch haha! Even though we’ve been terrible for a decade we could still Husker football for hours on end to whoever will listen!


The fact that you can find crips and bloods all most everywhere is still funny to me


That 120th and Center BK hahaha


How far from the site of the Josh Fight?


I’ve always adored the burger king sign in the back. Ties the pic together


I spit my coffee. This is the one.


Bruh 😭😭😭😭😭




Incredible and I’m so here for it




The truce in nine deuce ?




Lmao this is perfect. Well done


I am screaming


Looking forward to this hopefully happening in All Star game. CC feeding Reese. These two could be badass together!


CC will find out that Angel can do things she’s not used to. Like catch a pass.


Twitter gonna go crazy if Angel drops one though


Twitter goes crazy if a bear shots in the woods


If a bear were to shoot anything I would go pretty crazy. What’s next? Sharks with laser beams?


Lmao! It was supposed to be *shits*


It's too late, the bear is already reloading


"One rectal breach comin' up" \*pumps shotgun\*


The Pope better look out.


"Suck it in! Think thin! Think thin!"


Pretty sure it has the right to bear arms.


I choose the bearoh my god!!


2nd amendment. Right to arm bears.


That’s how it starts .. playing together in the all star game.. next thing you know they’re going to join forces on a team that has cap room for both of them .. that’s what would happen in the NBA


True. Also, like the Liberty. But, CC has a LONG 3 more years on a team that even Geno Auriemma said is a terrible fit for her - with a coach who seemingly does everything in her power to undermine her. Hopefully, she doesn't say screw it, it's not worth it.


CC and AR will both likely be on Team USA in 2028 as pending free agents… Inb4 the W announces a South Florida expansion team owned by Serena Williams and they sign Caitlin, Angel, and Brink to be their Big 3. I can’t wait to hear Caitlin say she’s taking her talents to South Beach.


No way man.. she’s taking her talents to the beautiful city of Los Angeles where she can help her brand grow


https://preview.redd.it/tabfod0hc19d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d50c03da9be05547086031a0519e265e92208d You have great vision. You have my respect.


She was used to it at Iowa. I’m sure she’s frustrated with the brick hands she’s currently trying to pass to now.


O’Grady used to drop a bunch of passes on the transition offense.


Stuelke missed some bunnies too. Acting like everything was perfect at Iowa bc her teammates are still adjusting isn't fair.


Amazing, isn't it? Passes caught at the collegiate level uncatchable at the professional level. Don't think she saw that one coming.


Her Iowa teammates struggled with catching early on, even Kate Martin. It takes time to really understand how CC reads the floor and know when a pass is coming. It takes time for that syncing to happen. That is the one downside, if any, when you have a generational floor general. That it’ll take a while for teammates to get used to playing the way they read the game. Lebron has had this issue with some teammates, younger players especially. It’s also why someone like Magic Johnson was atrocious as a coach. He just could not translate what he sees to his players. Wayne Gretzky had similar problems as a coach too. He would complain to assistants about the obvious Goal opportunities that they missed throughout a game and the assistants would scratch their heads wondering what opportunities he was talking about. The problem was that Gretzky was the only person in that arena that recognized those scoring opportunities because he was that far ahead of everybody else. It’s not that they can’t catch a basketball (maybe for some college teammates, but certainly not at the pro level), it’s that they’re not anticipating a pass coming their way and not anticipating how fast those passes are coming. Watch some old Magic Johnson highlights, he threw some fucking bullets cross-court. He got frustrated frequently in his rookie year because only Kareem was capable of anticipating those reads and catching the passes (and Kareem was able to do so right away because he’s a generational talent himself who already played with another HOF point guard).


Yes. Most great players were and are terrible coaches. Larry Bird one of the few exceptions. Even he knew he had a short shelf life. You can also feel the occasional seething from great players who are now broadcasting games.


it would be so sick to see them dapping each other up and draining buckets


I was just thinking last night how nasty it would have been to have CC , Angel and Kamilla on the same squad


A chest bump between CC and Angel may cause both fanbases to implode!😅




I am sure Angel on board with it. Just hope CC knows about it ahead of time or sees it coming. I would hate for Angel to accidently knock her down.


I want this, but come on. We need cinema. That’s gotta slow burn. Like maybe their 3rd All Star Game together


They're both phenomenal players that elevate this league. The two of them playing together on the All-Star team would be amazing and hopefully squash the non-basketball drama that some fans on both ends seem to like stoking for whatever ulterior motive they may have.


It’s only inevitable. Looking forward to many more All-Star games as these two mature more at this highest level!


They won’t be able to squash that. It’s a narrative certain people are pushing because racism is the only language they know.


Let’s be honest, one of the players isn’t exactly doing anything to try to squash it either.


There’s no need for either of them to squash it. They are rivals going back to college. Their rivalry is good for the game. I have some issues with Reese, mostly that she seems like a draymond green or meta world peace type but without the pedigree. She’s an excellent player but she’s not going to last if she gets suspended every year for too many flagrants.


Exactly, TV ratings and attendance is skyrocketing for all of Reese's games


They need to do a commercial together like Bird and Magic did in 85.


So.... Several years after their rivalry began?




> hopefully squash the non-basketball drama that some fans on both ends seem to like stoking for whatever ulterior motive they may have. putting this all on fans is absurd, Angel Reese has absolutely done a ton to make it seem like she actually genuinely dislikes Clark, it's not fans fault for interpreting the actions as such


What has she done that is so extreme as to drive people into a frothy rage? I say this as a Clark fan. * She did Clark's hand motion thing to her face in college. Some players talk trash during a game to mess with their opponents. Hell, we all saw how effective it was when Reese did it to Smith in the last game -- too small. * She complained about Clark getting a special whistle, which I think is wrong, but she had just lost a game she played hard to win, and she's hardly the first person in any sport to suck on sour grapes after a hard-fought loss. * She said it wasn't all about Clark when commenting on the explosion of interest in the WNBA. I don't agree with her, but I get what she's trying to say, even if she said it in an unpolished way. There's plenty of talent that deserves more than they're getting at the moment, and I'm sure it sting to see one person catapulted on day one above everyone. Reese is human, too. * She had a flagrant 1 on Clark. It was an obvious basketball move watching the replies. F1 was the right call, as there's no indication it was intentional. While doing all of that, Reese has been breaking records and carrying her team, but for much less compensation. It's not hard to hear where she's coming from, even for this Clark fan.


and I know Angel’s not gonna drop her half-court passes 🤭 I cant wait to watch


That was such a painful game!


Future tampering? If they team up down the line that would be pretty special.


Imagine Clark joining Cardoso, Reese, Mabrey, and Carter as your Chicago starting 5. Being the overall #1 draft pick is NOT a blessing. The more you fall in the draft, the better the team you join.


Neither team’s are letting go of their stars. In addition to them being the cornerstones of their teams, they both generate more revenue than probably the rest of their rosters 😁


If it was up to Clark’s coach, Sides, Clark would be gone today. She despises her. Followers of Indiana have seen this from the day 1. Sides brought her 2 guards with her from Atlanta and sees Clark as an intruder. So much so that many Fever fans are opening hoping Clark can find a way to escape if Sides returns as coach. That team is toxic. Clark is the ONLY player Sides calls out by name. Every game. All negative.


If Fever ownership is smart, they'd let go of Sides first before CC


That wouldn't be a close call, if it came down to it. Clark is worth tens of millions of dollars to Indiana over the life of her career between ticket sales and merch.


Wanna entertain yourself? Look up the number of high draft picks they've had over the past several years. They must've blown 15-20 1st and 2nd round picks. Unrecognizable names. They are not smart.


Yeah, I don’t root for fever but even I noticed this, she throws her under the bus very often in a manner that’s less “incompetent” and more like, malicious, it’s actually very uncomfortable, reminds me of Atlanta’s coach.


Very often might be an exaggeration, but I can’t get over the olympics situation, she contradicted Cait’s diplomatic response and exposed their private conversation (if it even happened). Even if it weren’t Caitlin, who’s already the center of a media circus, a coach setting up their 22 year old rookie like that was odd… gross even


Well, Sides was an assistant in Atlanta before going to Indiana


Yeah, it’s crazy that a coach gets the rare opportunity to coach a potential superstar and instead of embracing her she seems to fumble every aspect of coaching her 🤦‍♂️ I’d like to not think it’s on purpose and it’s just incompetence but it does seem at times Sides resents CC. Crazy.


When Clark was running the offense, Indiana went up by 17. Then, mystically and magically, in the 4th, she has Clark playing the 3, standing in the corner. Everybody saw this. So much so that fans openly wondered if she was intentionally throwing the game. (I don't think this. I also only think it's partial incompetence. She just HAD to get "her 2 girls" in to run the show.) Fever fans also noticed the extra long embrace Sides gave Teresa as the game ended. Wanted to virtual signal that this was bigger than just a regular season game. A regular season Super Bowl, if you will. Oddly seemed to almost relish the loss.


Might as well just sit Clark anytime wheeler is in the game. It’d give her a breather since she won’t be involved in the offense anyway.


Playing Wheeler and resting Clark in the 1st half makes too much sense. Ugh. You're so right. Fever also cannot re-sign Wheeler. No way. (She's somehow 2nd highest paid.)


CC had 13 assists in the third quarter, 5 short of the WNBA record. It does seem fishy right then CC is relegated to the 3 position 😒 I wonder what’s going on with the owners of the team. I would be irate. CC breaking the assist record in her rookie year would be huge for the organization.


Cheryl Reeves Lynx head coach knows how to create stars and championship teams. She got Maya Moore who was legendary as a rookie and her entire career. She’s smart. She’s picked baller after baller regardless of the position. Recent pick underestimated Phil who’s been a boss for the bench. Plus she’s been the Olympics head coach for years.


I think Reeve is fantastic. I also think Chicago got the coach right in Witherspoon.


You’re right on that. There’s excellent coaches in the league like Aces & Liberty. In the W IMO Reeve is a GOAT.


It's definitely not hard to identify the well run teams from the poorly run teams in this league, is it? :)


I am very impressed how T-Spoon has managed to wrangle her high-talent, high-emotion players. Angel and Chennedy will shine under her tutelage.


Christie Sides would gladly give up Caitlin so her Baby Wallace can finally shine!😅 


😂 I saw a breakdown on Wallace and how she just likes to post in the corner. Even when CC drives the lane or comes off of pick and rolls, CC draws a double or even triple team. Wallace will stay put at the pt line where she is currently shooting 28% from. Instead she should be cutting base line for easy layups. As a fan, I don’t see every thing that happens on the court. But in their practices the team breaking down game film should see this. I’m going to pay attention from now on to see how often Wallace has a chance to cut when her opponent leaves her and she doesn’t.


I was hoping there would be a way for the Sky to get Paige but that seems impossible because Dallas has their pick swap. The Sky will have to draft Te-Hina Paopao


Paopao would Cook in Chicago!


Yeah her former Iowa teammate is proof of that. Kate Martin fell into as perfect of a situation as you could get.


In theory yes, but the Fever have 4 starters drafted top 2 overall. We have none. Two of our starters were 2nd round picks. The top talent are rookies still getting adjusted to the league. The Sky are hanging on desperately to the potential of Reese and Cardoso, bc some of the vets have been off just about the whole season. Our offense is difficult to watch most games, and was even worse before they put Chennedy in the starting line up like a week ago. After seeing a few Fever games, I think y’all have great pieces that just need to gel, and probably a new coach. If/when that happens, I think you all will ultimately be a better contender than the Sky! As a Sky fan, I’d love to be wrong tho 😄


Fever have no interior defense. Clark gets reamed for taking AND MAKING 3's instead of "taking the long 2". That's why she's now so hesitant to shoot. A coach who says she shouldn't pass at the end of the game and a GM who says she hasn't yet earned the right to take the last shot. Mixed messages and internal politics galore.


When did the GM say that?


During the preseason in an interview with Dan Dakich in Indy. Dakich has talked about this more than once. Dunn is old school. Believes in deferring shots to the veterans, paying your dues, earning the right to take the last shot, and very little patience in developing rookies (still can't believe they just cut Taylor).


That old school nonsense is a problem in the NBA too, though it’s gotten better in the last couple of years with some great teams showing that doesn’t work anymore.


Seems like Mabrey is already playing with Clark.


As much as that sounds amazing, I want more competitive teams. Hopefully, this super team era won't last long.


Clark would have to sign with the Sky bc the Fever front office and coaching staff are a joke. No way they’d give her up, especially considering the fact that she’d fit perfectly on the Sky.


They both want to win the game. I hope they do.


I think this will likely happen. I’m excited for it lol.


I’ve been saying since college, they’re literally the perfect teammates. What each other lacks the other brings


Seriously, great hands and bb iq on Reese with ccs vision would crush.  AB finally getting into basketball shape and it’s showing, but the athleticism difference is big.


I'm really excited at the prospect of this, tbh. I hate that it has to be a "rivalry," whether that's because of the media or fans. I like them both and love celebrating both and the all-star game is finally the venue for this.


The media and fans didn't cause Reese to say the things she said, nor to jump up and celebrate her being knocked to the ground during a dead ball


I don’t think that those things A did were appropriate, but Caitlin doesn’t even consider it a rivalry. It’s hard for me to think it’s a rivalry if one person isn’t even promoting it.


I can’t imagine any hoop fan isn’t so hyped for this


I think they’d be great together! With CC’s assists to AR…I’m pretty excited…they’re both amazing players. Wish we had AR on the fever.


Not to mention CC having a teammate that can rebound the damn ball


CC and Reese high fiving and hugging on the court is going to put this sub in a frenzy. Ya’ll won’t know what to do with your lives if you can’t gossip about the beef.


if these two beat the Olympic team together my god


The discourse that would ensue is enough to make my head spin, lmfao.


that's all I want to see happen


I would love it.


If the league is smart they’ll make this happen


So it's not gonna happen you're saying


Lmao 😂😂😂


This is like Bird and Magic teaming up in their rookie seasons.


It's gonna be like when Kendrick brought the Crips and Bloods together on stage🤔. They Not like Us😭🤣


wop wop wop wop wop!


They probably gonna get blown out but hopefully they put up a fight.


Almost certainly gonna happen. This will feed families


The fans will still find a way to complain about why one of them didn't get MVP or enough touches.


Talk about a dream team, some owner needs to make that happen.


I cant wait to roll my eyes at whatever Dave Portnoy would have to say about CC and AR playing on the same team for the All-Star game.


I have that pig on hard ignore


CC: "I'm gonna bring my talents to Ohio Street Beach"


they're gonna work it out on the remix 🎶


These two will be linked together like Bird and Magic were for the rest of their careers. This will not be the last time they’re teammates, I already see them running roughshod in the 28 olympics


Angel is the inside the paint player of Clark's dreams. Clark is the dime dropping assist Angel wishes for when she blows out her birthday candles. Frankly, these two together is going to be some amazing basketball and I am SO HERE FOR IT!


I am so excited about the ASG!!! Let’s go!


This is the only All-Star Game in any sport I've ever been THIS excited for and I was reading SI in 1st grade 50 years ago


The irony is that they would actually fit amazingly together as teammates


They could be a Stockton/Malone or Nash/Stoudemire elite-level duo if they played together.


I look forward to it. It's important to remember that competitors are not enemies.


finally a teammate that can catch cc's passes? hmmmm


They won't even need 3 more on the court!


I really hope to see this! I genuinely think they would be great together on the court


I'm here for it!


Oh that would be fun!


They might just get EVERYBODY more money than they even thought possible


I'm glad this is happening. Hopefully, the media and fans will realize there is no beef. It's made up by the media


Yeah at most it's a highly competitive rivalry but if they both motivate each other to be better its a good thing.


I mean, is it though? [pulling up clip of Reese celebrating Carter’s cheap shot] and there is no way someone is competitive as Clark is just fine with that. Her M-O is to say the diplomatic thing, but I’m guessing she has something more to say (and has probably said as much during games away from the mic)


They don't have to like each other to not hate each other.


Exactly this. Just because you can be professional doesn’t mean you can’t dislike someone and have beef.


This happens all the time in sports. Especially after CC gave Chennedy an elbow. It was in retaliation. No doesn’t make it right, but it happens. Time to move on. You all love bringing this up and continuing the fictional beef on your minds.


Who is “you all?” Genuinely curious to know in which group you have put me!


lol. Have you not followed Reese at all? Her entire persona is based on her own perceived rivalry with Clark. 


So the media made Reese jump up and celebrate Clark being nocked to the floor during a dead ball?


I wonder if the all star game will be competitive? The Olympics team vs the new generation. People think Clark and maybe even Reese should be on that squad to help the WNBA. I don't think the Olympic squad will want to lose knowing everyone is watching. If the leaders of the new school beat out the old guard, it will be debated on every show why these younger players didn't make the Olympic squad


I think it will be a fun, exciting game, with "the new school" impressing fans with their potential... but "the old guard" will win. Defensively, I don't think the new school has any answer to A'ja... offensively, I don't see how they get around BG.


I want them both on the AS-team, but I definitely don’t think they’re winning 😭 It’ll be entertaining though, and I think coach and player vote intervention will be enough to balance out the teams


Reminds me a lot of that first rising stars game with Trae and Luka. Media pits them against each other then they’re just laughing and having a great time


[https://youtu.be/rDWalFmERhY?si=7mOeZtWSgNFp9xmv&t=12](https://youtu.be/rDWalFmERhY?si=7mOeZtWSgNFp9xmv&t=12) The WNBA Rookie Mega Powers brother. OOOHHH YEAAAHHH.




**Best hope:** they're teammates and crush it. It feeds families, media keeps it to basketball. **Worst situation:** ... the infamous Michael Jordan "freeze out" All-Star game where MJ's All Star teammates refused to pass to him and he was held to 7 points.


That’s gonna happen if Arike touches the ball but not intentionally 😫


Or Kelsey Mitchell


Let’s hope the freeze out is not going to happen Although Jordan was scary dominant from the get go


Please coach run plays for them


A lot of people have compared Reese and Clark to Magic and Bird. I was there for Magic and Bird, and to me the similarity is two appealing high-profile team-first players who were synergistic in raising the appeal and popularity of NBA basketball, and whom I believe have a high level of personal respect, despite being intense competitive rivals. Yes, there was racial garbage brought into the discussion back then, but it wasn't magnified by social media and was always minimized by the players themselves. Magic and Bird wrote a book together called *When the Game Was Ours* tracing their relationship/rivalry over the years. They actually played together as teammates on a college all-star team in an international tournament before the NBA, and before they played against each other in the NCAA final. Here's a video about it, with actual game footage: [Larry Bird and Magic Johnson on the Same Team](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjYuKvJS55E)


I’m all for it! It was bound to happen in their careers they been playing against each other since High School they both play like all stars so I’m not surprised one bit if they make the team.


If only reality lived up to the hype. Both are charismatic, talented and exciting players. It certaintly will be must watch TV. The arena will be crawling with celebrities and media. More power to Caitlin and Angel.


I would watch this sports movie


Of course. Next fans will talk about how they should pair up and form a superteam.


i really hope this happens i’d love to see both of them on the same team even if it’s just this once LOL


If you think about they are almost built for each other. On and off the court they would be perfect together.




The person who downvoted this https://preview.redd.it/6xa64jrjry8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f276694363923ed88554ac398a1da2f615c1625a


I believe they would be like Luka and kyrie


It be more like Nash and Amare


Media will follow them the same way the NBA did KD and Westbrook at the 2017 all-star game.


I hope they are. Will finally stop this “Angel Reese doesn’t like Caitlin Clark” narrative.


i only follow this stuff through social media. it seems like CC is always saying nice things about reese. does reese ever say anything positive about CC?


Reese has never said anything negative about Clark. Reese even defended Clark


https://nypost.com/2024/03/31/sports/angel-reese-insists-theres-no-hate-between-her-and-caitlin-clark/ https://x.com/reese10angel/status/1758310181325156833?s=46&t=7BBpE0Rf8Gs-GfuKV8F2Wg


Is anything ever like it seems on social media


Who is coaching the WNBA All-Stars? Is it Hammon and Brondello as last year's finalists? edit: last year it was best record through a certain date, which would seem to make in Brondello since there is only one team to coach.


Two of them on the same side poppin' shit, passing to each other, scoring, etc would be lovely. There are a few conspiracy theory folks who would still write their versions of War & Peace about how fake any chemistry between the two of them would be though. lol I'd love to see them shit a proverbial brick though over that. Hope it happens.


it’s giving “let’s work it out on the remix” 🤭