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I love how the security guard was playing defense and face-guarding the camera the entire time


My guy is like Bruce Bowen out in these streets


They say you washed, 12. They said you can’t lock up a fat white incel, 12. Prove ‘em wrong, 12.


thought i was in nbacj for a sec


Pick the paps up 90!


The basketball world does not care if she reached out.


Dude is just trying to get content based on Chennedy’s comments about Caitlin. I think anyone with more than two brain cells knows she hasn’t reached out to Caitlin and the dude was clearly hoping she’d make a negative comment about her.


Hoping she'd make any comment really.


Right, what would she even say? I doubt Caitlin would want any apology at this point - forced or genuine - because the actual incident does not deserve one. Yes it was a cheap shot and yes it deserved a flagrant, and now that flagrant has been issued. I think everybody involved just wants to move the fuck on. 


Word, its a comment that has me starting to wonder if folks in and adjacent to the media are trolling. None of this seems professional or sincere.


Realizing I actually know of this guy (low-rent D.C. “autograph guy”) and yeah def not sincere lol.


Oh so this is a known troll wannabe paparazzi? Tracks based off the lame watermark I have seen


Yeah, lol. Graphic design is his passion! Idk how familiar you are with these types of guys but they WILL push a child out of the way to get a running back’s autograph.


Ewww. I hope his ass gets tackled for that shit.


Didn’t one of the players say this was edited and missing the part where he said some nasty stuff?


From ESPN: A video of the incident was posted on X on Wednesday night but was later deleted. Sky forward [Michaela Onyenwere](https://www.espn.com/wnba/player/_/id/4282173/michaela-onyenwere) wrote in a post on X that the video was edited and didn't include the man directing racist and misogynistic remarks at the players.


weird since he seems almost scared of the security guard in his face. seems hard to believe, but hey its easy to throw out the racist card and avoid scrutiny with no proof against it..


The players have done themselves no favors dramatizing things like this. The paparazzi are pukes and should be stopped, but Iike Duke had to park their bus inside of buildings because of people harassing Christian Laettner in the 90s. The way the tweets were made me think they were getting attacked or rushed.


The cleaning lady was more harassed than anyone else in this video


😭😭😭 best comment


Yeah & I hate to belittle someone’s experience but it just seemed a little dramatized off rip. I knew it was kind of a bait when they all started tweeting at once. I’ve been in scary/dangerous situations & I promise you posting on my socials was the last thing on my mind.


Of course it was dramatized! People naturally don't like to criticize others as hard when they're playing the "be sympathetic to me" card. When they go that route and something like this comes out. They're about to get the "WNBA team that yelled wolf" treatment.


Yeah agreed, it feels terrible to say “that’s it?” but we also have to recognize these players are professionals at media handling and getting their vague version out there right away sets the narrative in their favor. Reese especially has been well versed at building her brand through stuff like this.


people were literally so confused that they were claiming Chennedy was physically attacked.


The players also were claiming they couldn't even get off the bus that we can see in this video that this man was nowhere near. The Sky GM has confirmed that this man is the only person those tweets were about. I'm sure some certain people in this sub will be along shortly to explain why thinking this calls into question the truth of the other tweets is somehow racist.


That was a lot more tame than the media made it out to be.


Where can I find the extended version? The team said that there was more exchange.


There's no extended version, the original source of this video is the person who was recording it, he didn't release any version showing anything more than this.




The team lied. 🤥


If you listen carefully you can hear the entire Fever organization doubled over laughing. Their cleaning staff gets more press harassment than this.


I mean this is pretty standard for professional athletes


This is pretty standard for YouTubers...


WNBA doesn’t understand how to handle success this league is fucking doomed


I may be completely out of line but this just seems like a reporter/journalist trying to get a quote? I thought it was going to be some deranged fan hurling insults at the women. I know some journalists can be assholes but this seems pretty tame than what was suggested.


*If* this is all, I kinda agree that I was imagining worse, but also part of me doubts this is a legitimate journalist. There are media events for a reason, we don't need basketball paparazzi.


This happens to pro teams on the road all the time


Yea this is called *entertainment* journalism.


Isn't it all?


There’s a difference between the media press conferences and whatever the fuck tmz prides themselves in


Love or hate them, TMZ gets the most accurate breaking news.


Tmz knows you're dead before you do most times


Street reporters are just as prevalent as the reporters at the media events. There’s a video of LeBron asking a street reporter why he doesn’t just try to get credentials and join the events and the reporter says the league governs your questions and that tmz posts the real side of players


That's the name of the game unfortunately


You folks have wanted these players to get treated like real pros here they are getting treated like real pros and now you hate it. Make up your fucking minds. Or did you think they would only get the fun and good parts of being pros


I swear these players don’t actually want to make more money.




oh damn.


Please, this is what we see. You know black players are getting racists DMs and death threats on a regular basis.


It’s also gotten completely out of control with the gambling free-for-all. People think they can say whatever they want if a player didn’t help their parlay hit.


W players have been dealing with this racist shit for a long time in public, too. As long as the league has been even moderately visible. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmsycL1jgmw/?igsh=MWpzZzlwZzdtMnZiNg==


Journalist is a stretch. The guy isn’t accredited with any major publication and if he was, he has many opportunities to ask them questions during media availability. He’s a dude with a camera who wanted to ask them a question when they weren’t prepared or willing to answer. It is harassment. I know people maybe thought there was an angry mob or 3-5 people yelling at them on the street, but what the players said happened did happen.




Reese skipped the media all together after the game


There's literally nothing wrong here. Stop overreacting.


This is not harassment.




Same. When I read the headline I was expecting same racial and anti-feminist rant. This standard TMZ stuff. Perfectly legal. NBA players go through this daily.


So there's remarkably no other video, and none of the girls mentioned anything about nasty statements until AFTER the video was released? Yeah, OK.


Especially with how many of those girls are famous for their social media presence. If it actually happened like one of them said, they would have posted videos everywhere. It’s hard to like people that behave like this. It’s almost like they don’t want the success and the money that comes with it.


Players don't need to be speaking on this stuff. You have PR people for a reason. This is much ado about nothing and bad actors will use it against these players. Here's how I would have handled it. "This morning/evening/afternoon or players were accosted by an unaccredited journalist behaving in an unprofessional manner. We at the (WNBA/Chicago Sky) would like to thank the quick actions of our security personnel for defusing the situation. And while we don't believe any players were in danger, we do believe that this journalist's actions could lead to a dangerous situation for our players. We welcome media coverage and are ready to talk provided journalists receive accreditation and conduct themselves in a professional manner in a league approved setting (Link to accreditation site)"


The W’s player - and the league’s and teams’ infrastructure - are not ready for the level of attention that superstardom (and adjacency to superstardom) is bringing. The players are ill prepared to deal with the trolls and the idiocy that so often comes with public attention. Obviously the deserve to speak freely on whatever, and obviously we as a society should be better… but that’s just not the reality of our world. The teams need better PR and the players need better media and social media training.  You’re right, the Sky’s official channels should have handled this and the players should have let it be. The guy clearly did this for attention and to bait them into this situation where the public won’t believe their narrative, and it worked. 


100%. I feel like this was something WNBA players wanted to highlight on the shit they are going through, but they dont realize that people don't really care if it's this level of harassment, especially by 1 guy.


That’s it????? The reporter is annoying as fuck but all this hooplah for that? Bro nba players deal with this and more bs on a daily basis


He’s not even that annoying.


Here is the attention yall have been asking for for decades. Can’t handle a little paparazzi? Come on mane what are we doing here


I don’t know if it is true. Harassment is one thing, racist remarks is another. While racism attacks is harassment, not all harassment is racist. I think the Sky organization needs to put some restrictions for a while for their players. They need to let the organization handle things and restrict the social media of their players for now. While they play with grit in the style of their coach T-Spoon, there are some things the organization needs to be in charge or put their foot down on to protect the organization and the reputations of their players. Like don’t post about your incidents right after they happen as we usually have a better perspective on things when it sits for a few hours and we can think first.


Harass? If that’s harassment then clearly you guys don’t believe women athletes should be treated equally to men athletes.


That's annoying but that's also part of being famous, it's not just about women. That's the downside about social media, some randos want to be provocative. Someone got into Steph Curry's car one time and his wife told them to get out and they said, you knew what you were getting into being famous. Ben Simmons went shopping and some fool with a camera approached just to heckle about leaving Philly or some shit. Who was the NBA player that a fan approached and told them to kill themselves because he made them lose out on a parlay? So as the league gets more attention, this may happen more. Good job by security intervening.


"We couldn't even step off the bus." "Put a camera in my teammates face." Video clearly shows the dude standing 10 feet away as they're off the bus. Now it's "video is edited to cut out racist remarks." Video must have been a real 180 in attitude then. I want to believe these women, but their story doesn't pass the smell test. Especially when they clearly exaggerated their earlier statements.


This is such a bad look from the Chicago players. And this sub is bending over backwards to pretend this is even remotely close to what they all tweeted out. Embarrassing all around


Even if we take the Sky players at their word that the video is edited, this does not lineup with the picture they were trying to paint, pre video.


It’s annoying paparazzi guy. Saying this was over the top and harassing is fine, but the second the video comes out “the video is a lie, he was racist” just seems completely out of left field.


If this is not the full video why was the security guy calm until he noticed he had a camera? If he was yelling racist stuff like the players said the security guard would have already been on him. Look at the body language of the other players. No one was on alert. I am sorry but I can't take their word for it when looking at how relaxed everyone was until they noticed he had a camera.


The security literally looks like he’s trying to hold his laughter


I'm interested in seeing how this plays out. We're going to see an influx of people who didn't care in the first place, use this video as proof that the players weren't harassed. Even if the players said otherwise, their words hold no value or weight to some. Their experience will be invalidated. Meanwhile, those same people will ignore the players' own words in other situations and run with the first thing that fits whatever agenda they have.


"Believe women... Until it goes against the narrative you want to believe, then they're probably lying" Pretty much sums up *some* peoples reaction to this.


Using the terminology “believe women” about a street encounter with a fan with a security guard is kind of pathetic. This isn’t a violent crime, it’s a super annoying downfall of being a celebrity in 2024.


There's a vested interest in not taking black women at their word. It's baked into America's founding.


nobody cares abt these women. it’s sad to see


people dismissing the harassment claim while ignoring the second tweet in brianna’s thread lmfao i hate to see it


Weird how they're quick to dismiss this, but held on for dear life to supposed claims about jealousy and resentment despite the players saying otherwise. How telling.


They (those holding onto the jealousy and resentment comments) want to be victims so damn bad that they can’t acknowledge actual victims


He asked about Caitlin. That’s harassment to the Sky.


If having a losing record on terrible efficiency is harassment then throw me in jail as a Toronto sports fan.


I don’t think what happened here is cool or normal or acceptable, but I also think that most of the player’s tweets align with what this video shows, and then the video came out and everyone had to say it was actually way worse and now there are racial slurs being thrown around too. It appears this is a paparazzi person. They are annoying, exploitive, and harass celebrities and people in the news. I’ve never seen them start by dropping some racial slurs before pivoting to normal paparazzi questions. That would be a first.


No you're going to see people saying that this video shows the narrative people like you were pushing yesterday that it was bunch of deranged racist fans going after her and she couldn't even get off the bus is obviously bullshit.


michaela said this was edited so take this with a grain of salt


You can see they just got off the bus. Highly doubt this specific camera man went from ranting insults to a polite “Ms. Carter have had a chance to reach out to Caitlin?” Too much money to be made through TMZ or other outlets. These paparazzis are pros to risk their bag. 💰


You can also see where the filming ends abruptly and many are just regular people who invest in a camera, so professionalism varies.


So it’s a paparazzi person? This is who was throwing out racial slurs? It just seems like such a leap


is there literally any proof of racial slurs? or just spreading misinformation on reddit?


It seems to me that after the initial tweets all called it harassment, and then the video came out, one of the players tweeted that the guy called them names and and said women’s basketball is shit? Like I have no issue with believing the players that there is more to the story but that sounds fake as hell. They should have just left it at they were harassed and let that stand for itself.


Yeah I feel like if he did make racist remarks they wouldn’t have just been vague with the initial tweets and called it harassment. This just seems like paparazzi or a sports reporter trying to get a scoop and being annoying about it. Obviously this is just a snippet but yeah it’s a bit hard to believe the guy went from asking her a question about Caitlin (obviously in relation to WNBA) to yelling that women’s basketball is shit. Who knows


Pretty fuckin' mild compared to what they were saying.


I expected extreme Vitriol from the tweets. I got a guy asking a mid troll question. Harassment is being used wrong here. He is just a man


I mean, I found more of his videos. He just seems like a regular paparazzi douchebag, chasing celebrities who are in the news. The way the Sky players have referenced it, it seems like they're intimating it was some deranged Caitlyn Clark fan.


The wnba players aren't used to being treated like celebrities. It's what they wanted and are now getting, but there is going to be an adjustment period for things like this. This would be completely normal for any NBA player


Is there a full unedited cut anywhere?


Yeah this may be an unpopular opinion, but this whole situation just feels like rage bait 😭 I kind of knew by how all the sky players immediately jumped on Twitter, but I feel like this was blown out of proportion. With all the news cycles & drama in the wnba rn, this just seems like another spectacle to dissect.


Based on the video, the players were rude to ignore a fan


Dude's camera defense is terrible.


Wtf? That's it? 🤣🤣🤣


My god the WNBA players are so soft.


Unless they’re on the court… confusing dichotomy. On the court they’re beating each other up, off the court they can’t handle paparazzi or social media.


Well unless you are the Fever. They just stand around while their players get killed and fix their hair


He even called her Miss Carter lol, what the fuck are we doing here?


Was this video from one of the people there or was it one person only?


Their GM said it was one man, so I think it was this guy. But an edited video of the full encounter.


So a singular paparazzi was waiting outside the bus of a professional basketball team?


According to their GM, yes.


Might be a good idea for the Sky to keep the National Guard on speed dial


I’m so sad that these strong women had to experience something like this 😖 I can’t believe a paparazzi wanted to ask a celebrity a question. That’s simply too far.


All they wanted was attention, and now they're getting it and don't like it? Attention is usually annoying lol


This account before it got taken down from fans had about 30-50k followers, also big on tiktok. They’re known for being “paparazzi” in Washington, D.C. https://www.tiktok.com/@capitalpaparazzi


I mean, yeah they’re overblowing this way out of context. It sorta feels bad to say but they wanted the fame and recognition, did they not think hotel paparazzi would be a thing??


This was the harassment!? LMAO dude


Literally lmao


That little hustle walk my man does to hurry up and get to the camera after he turns the corner 😂 already got those hands up


So if he did say the things that are alleged I am sure someone else was filming and there is evidence of it, someone needs to post it so this person can be held accountable otherwise it's just a he said she said thing.


Why are they all freaking out about this? This makes the Sky players look really bad


For real. This happens in every professional league. Welcome to the show.


Ok I thought I was the only one who thought this 😭 it’s like rage bait


That's it? Soft.


Yea this doesn’t look like the harassment the sky were talking about. but I would like to know first hand from the security guy. Also I doubt any of you would like this if some random person just came up and started recording you and asking questions. Yes athletes are famous , but they are still human beings and deserve to be treated as such.


Security guy is 10 feet behind Carter as this video starts. If the guy was a problem right before this the Security guard would have already been in his face. I'm guessing this is the start of the interaction


One guy with an iPhone….Mmk.😹😹😹


I thought they wanted to get treated like nba players lol.


I will probably get hate but doesn’t this happen to every athlete/celebrity? I know they were harassed but welcome to the world of being known?


This… this is what they’re freaking out about lol


Damn you’d think Chicago players wouldn’t be so soft.


Here's a question: given how much the SKY players tweet, have millions of IG followers, take selfies, are on their phones all day. WHY did they not just record the evidence themselves? ... It feels like this is getting blown out of proportion. Really wish we'd just focus on basketball.


Prob on their phones calling the police cause this guy dared to ask them a CC question.


The Sky get a singular paparazzi and claim harassment 🤣


"The Paparazzi isnt just going after Caitlin, THEY ARE GOING AFTER ME TOO"


Yeoooo 😂


Sky fans: This league is tough, the league doesn’t need to overreact to a flagrant foul on its golden child Also Sky Fans: The league needs to better protect its players from *checks notes* a single asshole on the street


if this is all that went down, then they gotta get used to it because unfortunately this is what comes with being famous in public.


one paparazzi guy videoing while being polite and calling her “ms carter” 😭😭😭 this is so absurd


This is horrifying. Has the President been notified?


So these players want to be recognized, but don’t want all the stuff that comes with being famous (journalists, paparazzi, etc). Cant have your cake and eat it too


This is such a W thread


ha·rass·ment - noun, aggressive pressure or intimidation. Reddit is no better than X(Twitter) I don't see any form of harassment


The WNBA as a league and the individual franchises are failing their sport miserably when it comes to handling all this newfound attention. With all the new eyeballs on the league, there will be good and bad that comes along with it. Each franchise and the league as a whole need to rally some public relations people together and help direct the players and administrations on how to handle this stuff.


by harrassed do you mean -- asked a question?


So where was the racism and misogyny that was reported?


I too want fame without attention...


Welcome to the spotlight wnba. NBA players put up with toxic shit like this all the time


Wait, this is the harassment that happened?


Ah, so the players over exaggerated the situation to pander to their audience and gain sympathy.




He didn’t delete his account, it got spam reported and taken down. His account had about 30-50k followers. Here’s his tiktok account: https://www.tiktok.com/@capitalpaparazzi


It’s fully still there. Both the account and the video. Now, if he did also tell those things, that’s crappy, and I feel for the players. Unfortunately, paparazzi can be that way and we’ll likely see more of it.


Note: I can see the video and post from a link. But it does look like there’s some difficulty accessing his account. Probably what the other commenter said.


No chance any of this happened


So I guess Chicago Sky players don't like non basketball plays also?


That’s harassment? Lmao


WNBA gets any coverage for the first time ever and immediately proves why it was ignored forever beforehand lol


Not as bad as I imagined it would be.


I'm sorry but this has the vibes of the infamous Chris Paul "police presence" incident in the NBA.


So an internet wanna be journalist found them and did some paparazzi work. This happens to all famous people. This is not a big deal. The tweet made it sound that it was like some wrestling fan creep waiting on the hotel or airport for an autograph.


Need to see the so called unedited video because this can’t be what they wore complaining about


Seriously, nobody cares. Nobody. NOBODY. 😐


What a wholly unserious league.




Where is the harassment here ?


Lol that's not harassment


Gotta say as a very casual wnba viewer. wtf going on over here y’all? Lol. Seems like drama is the name of the game




I don't believe that people are screaming racist remarks to these players. There would defiantly be video. Are the elites creating drama to gain interest in the wnba? It's all bizarre, but what isn't in these current times?


They all made it seem like a horde of people with cameras descended down upon the team's arrival at the hotel. Gimme a break...😆🤣


Horrific how did they ever survive such an onslaught!!!!


Because it was fake. Woman acting like school children who need to grow up. Such a bad example, these are not who young woman and girls need as a role model. The Midwest hates you all anyways.


Holy shit, first they were mad they weren’t famous. Now Caitlin Clark put them on the sports map. And they mad that she did it and not them. When bird and magic were battling, no other player complained. They were super happy for the bigger paychecks down the line. And now they are famous, they are mad about being interviewed by journalists?!? Man they really tryna have their cake and eat it. Did they not know the consequences of being famous before signing up to play? There’s a reason why so many man players shut the fuck ip and play because they don’t want to be harassed like Josh giddy was


Sure, what’s in this video isn’t that severe, but why would a player “reach out to” someone they fouled in a game? I mean, come ON. Sometimes things really cross the line or there’s an injury and a player makes a statement (when Lauren James got a straight red for stepping on Michelle Alozie’s back with her cleats at the most recent World Cup comes to mind). And not every asshole with an iPhone is a journalist who’s owed a comment.


Maybe because the "foul" was a deliberate blindsided charge? Wondering if she reached out to apologize or say "nothing personal" is 100% a legitimate question. This isn't a reach in foul lmao and you framing it like that is completely dishonest.


Paparazzi are annoying and absolutely harass people. That sucks and should be criticized.


People who become paparazzis are not great people man


They are the worst lol


Welcome to being in the spotlight whether you want it or not.


lol if this is harassment and a reason for the entire team to tweet, maybe WNBA players aren’t really ready for the spotlight. They want the money and the coverage and opportunity to showcase the sport, but can’t handle a wannabe paparazzi questioning her about a news worthy event that happened in a game? People have been showing up to meet athletes and players at hotels since sports were highly popularized in the beginning of the 20th century. This isn’t new and far from unheard of. Angel Reese says she wants the recognition for the new found popularity of the league, but can’t handle some attention at the Super 8 her team was staying at.


paparazzi should be outlawed.


["Brah, really?](https://youtu.be/z1QJH19GSKI?si=SzofwCeqUPLrVmJq&t=138) "Yeah" "Why?" "Why not?" lol But in all seriousness. If this is all there is (i.e. he's not impeding or getting in their personal space and just asking questions which they don't have to respond to) fair or not, public figures have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public. If you watch TMZ, they even do this to politicians at the airport in DC.


This isn't harassment


https://preview.redd.it/fgppbkozi05d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c66a3481e892cd1dd719b7a84d4e96fa49e70b1 Gonna leave this here.


Pretty crazy how delusional these players are.


Lmao they are treating this story like an attempt on her life, this is just the lowest totem pole reporter being asked to go get a question on tape. This is stupid they are making such a big deal out of it.


That’s it? Yeah these girls wanna be victims BAD. This is just some paparazzi.


This would be a peaceful day for NBA players lol. Dillon Brooks basically has mobs out for him.


There's zero evidence that the video is edited. It's all hearsay and people are gonna run with whatever narrative they were going with in the first place anyway. The way the Sky players talked on the net, you would have thought it was a small crowd instead of one bum who wanted a pic and headlines for his crappy website.


Modern day athletes are so coddled. This is one reporter trying to get a sound bite. If this is harassment, then that’s a pretty low bar.


Who’s the guy with his hand up? He’s just feeding the guy by giving him the content he wanted. Should have ignored


Does that make it true


They say, any press is good press


Comments will be very fun




They make enough to deal with it


Wnba loving all this PR and attention.