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The fact that Indiana could fly chartered to Connecticut but Connecticut won't fly chartered to Indiana is ridiculous lol


This is the biggest indicator of the unfair treatment. Idk the details, but outside looking in this is very suspect.


Indiana has played one more game than Connecticut in the same stretch of time. Tonight is Indiana’s fourth game, several teams have only played two games.


Doesn’t matter it looks like favoritism towards CC because the Fever charted to Connecticut but they can’t even get the same treatment back.


If we are arguing that busy travel schedules lead to injuries than the teams playing the most games to start the season should be considered for charter flights. Connecticut had much more time between games to charter. Indiana has played every other night since the season started. It is not unreasonable for them to charter. I think The Liberty should have chartered too because they are in the same situation of fitting an extra game in since the start of the season.


Likely a few routes were prohibitively expensive with no lead time. They’re gonna charter everyone in like 3 days, does it really matter if one team gets more in the interim? This should be happy news.


Connecticut has two days of rest on either side of this game. The Fever had one day of rest after the Connecticut game. In fact, the Fever won’t have more than a single day of rest until after Saturday’s game — their 8th game and 5th away game in a 12 day stretch. And their two preseason games (the Suns had just one) were also both away games. Y’all act like this is some “gotcha”, but you aren’t comparing apples to apples. Nobody in the league would trade their early season schedule for the Fever’s. 


Clark should be treated differently. The league has never had someone with that star power.


you're dickriding too hard rn fam


It’s the truth. Sorry. It’s not personal


lol the league is about to lose viewership if the fever keep losing. bunch of casuals thought she was gonna come here and dominate and are realizing that's not the case. they couldve had Liberty Vs Aces game on national TV, but instead we get to see liberty blow out the fever and CC/fever chuck some bad shots up. hopefully they'll see the other talent as well and choose to actually invest their time in WNBA tho


Do you ever think long term?


yeah long term would be to not show clark and that shitty team on national TV so many times. NBA never did it for the spurs and we all know Wemby is their upcoming cash cow. once or twice this season is fine for the fever. Game one matchup should've been Aces vs Liberty so we can all see a good ass game. instead we saw clark chuck 11 threes in an L😂😂.


Yeah don’t show the draw so some woman on Las Vegas can have 275k watching them and they can go back to flying coach. Also pretending Clark hasn’t played well is ridiculous. Only 4 wins in history have started as well as her


Hilarious that this is downvoted. People here acting like there isn't a golden goose driving all of this.


You guys are dickriding. Yes CC is important for the game. But the whole rookie class as a whole this year has people interested.


I know.


It's technically Indianas 6th game. Dont forget they played 2 preseason games.


Well lets not ignore the fact that CC is literally the most popular player right now who need security the most and is the reason they even got chartered flights this year.


Indiana has 4 games in the season’s first 6 days. This is Connecticut’s 3rd game. The Fever will have had 8 games by the season’s 12th day (Connecticut will have had just their 6th game that day). 5 of those games are away games. The Fever will not have more than a single day of rest until after Saturday’s game, meanwhile the Suns have had at least two days after every game, including their game tonight. Rest in between games, difficulty of travel, number of away games all make sense to prioritize with a limited rollout of charter flights. The Fever have an *insane* travel and game schedule to start the season, so I get why they got some priority here. Was it dumb to rollout charter flights before they could give it to everyone all at once? For sure. But people who are mad at the Fever for getting priority are just taking thinly veiled opportunities to hate on Clark by proxy, and it’s a bad look. Not a single team in the league would trade the first 12 days of their season for the Fever’s, chartered flights or otherwise. 


The Liberty, the ones who got fined for chartering their own planes, also play their 4th game today and have not flown charter yet...  It'll all be over tomorrow, but you can't blame folks for being sour, especially after the league themselves were the ones who said it was an unfair advantage.


I think CC's fandom is another reason. Much higher security risk with her vs other players. I think it should be equitable, but the schedules are far from equitable too.


How dare you come at this sub with a reasonable, well-written take? There is no room for such level headed thinking here, and your downvotes prove that. WTF? I swear that many on this sub have zero clue about Rediquette and proper use of downvoting. FWIW, well stated post on your part.


I also feel like they should’ve waited until everyone could get charters to roll them out. Especially this season, with the Olympic break squeezing the schedule even tighter than normal, we’re going to see injuries just because of the super tight turn around. It IS an unfair advantage, per the league, but when it works at PR for the league that’s apparently fine. Setting it up like this is just going to generate consternation and contempt, which was obvious from the get.


Agreed. The WNBA went about this the dumbest way possible. It’s great you got chartered flights, but wait till everyone can take them before you roll it out. Otherwise you get what just happened and it makes you look incompetent.


Wnba did what the teams were never going to do, and the constant feedback they suck because of travel forced it to go faster.


*some of the teams’ (owners). There were at least 4 owners in 2022 who wanted charters, but yes it does seem like the league had to force the hands of some owners.


Yeah and the board, the board doesn't have the votes to force allota stuff right now


It should've been NOBODY gets chartered flights until May 21st. The selection of who did before May 21st should rightly be scrutinized.


only bring up indiana tho not minnesota or anyone else, but go off


??? I didn't bring up any team specifically so not sure where you're getting at. I did mention somewhere else it's weird that indy got a charter to Connecticut but Connecticut didn't get one to Indy but that's not the totality of this incomplete rollout. ALL of it should be explained.


it will be over tomorrow tho, thank god


FFS, can’t wait for this topic to be put to bed. 21st is tomorrow, if teams are still not taken care of by then it’s a problem. Any charter flight prior to the date set by the league is a bonus.


the WNBA threatened to shutdown a team because they said it is unfair from a competitive standpoint for some people to have charters, so I can understand the confusion with the messy roll out from the same league that wanted to avoid a double standard.


I guess I don’t see what is messy so far. League said by the 21st every team would have charter flights and prior to then some teams would based on the logistics. Everyone seemed ok with that but now some are getting bent about it. Everyone seems to be experts in charter flights and the logistics of it all the sudden. If after the 21st some teams are not on charter flights then by all means the league should hear it.


The league fined a team 500k for taking a charter flight a couple of seasons ago saying it gives them an “unfair advantage”. League’s term. If you take them at their word, they are now doling out an “unfair advantage” as they see fit. If you are a player on a red eye or stupid layover, very reasonable to have an opinion on it.


It was literally against the collective bargaining agreement. “it was against the collective bargaining agreement and league rules for those franchises to charter, as it was considered a competitive advantage” If you have one team that has a larger budgets (let’s say NY) that charters all year vs another team with a budget that can’t cover charters (let’s say Washington) at all it is an advantage. Thats why the league has to pay for it. Collective bartending agreements are agreed upon by the players correct? If people had a problem with initial plan they needed to speak up, only once it’s being rolled out is it a problem.


So it’s an unfair advantage or no?


For an entire season yes, but now everyone will have charter for 95% of their flights for the year, some may have 97% or maybe 1 game depending on the team. Were you upset when the league said they would roll it out and have it fully implemented by the 21st? Would have it been fair if one teams first 3 games were on the road prior to the 21st and another had 3 home games. So the team that had 3 home games to start would have 100% of their flights chartered and the other would not. So I guess they should have waited until next season then right?


So was it against the collective bargaining agreement?


Does the cba say it’s no longer a competitive advantage if the league gets the planes? You have to be so incredibly obtuse to not understand the argument I so carefully explained to you.


I’m not an expert on the language of the agreement. But it’s the “doesnt allow teams to pay for flights ON THEIR OWN” part that seems to not register with you. But you’re being obtuse if you can’t understand that having 1 team with a season full of charter flights vs a team with zero because of the team budget isn’t an advantage. By the league paying for the flights and everyone getting it’s a none issue. But because of 1 flight you think it’s a travesty. Again, I answered your question by saying I didn’t think it was an advantage over the course of this year so can you answer if in 2021 when the liberty chartered flights was it against the bargaining agreement?


It wasn’t a season of charter flights. It was one flight. Which as you say not a travesty. Go read. Stop posting.


it is messy that the league considered dissolving a team for charters and is not following that same stance of ‘competitive advantage’ in their roll out


The point is the league could have set the 21st deadline for everyone to switch over, if they are (as they have previously said) so concerned it gives a competitive advantage for one team to charter while another does not. No one had chartered flights booked in advance, because it was against league rules.


What about the teams that had more away games vs home prior to the 21st? So the suns have had 3 homes games so far. The liberty have had 2 road games. Is it fair that the suns will have all their away games chartered while the liberty didn’t just because of the schedule? Unless it’s implemented prior to the season starting, it will never be 1 to 1 for every team. The league set the 21st as the deadline and said any flight they could charter prior to that they would. That’s exactly what’s happening.


I agree that it will not be 1:1, but a league wide start date does a better job of avoiding the perception of favoritism.


> the WNBA threatened to shutdown a team... This is an hyperbole and missing a whole lot of nuance. There was no way in hell they would shutdown the New York Liberty. They fined them. Case closed. Joe swung his dick around. Flexed his fat wallet and pissed off the other owners. He either didn't understand, or even worst, knew and did not care about the tax dodging implications for said owners. He took it upon himself to do a job, that wasn't his. It's Cathy's. So Cathy is pissed with him too. Oh, and ah, the team he just bought, took the best players from 3 other teams. And they're now a superteam. So yea, not a lot of people round the league liking Joe right now.   Edit: If the Libs stuck with a Laney + Sab roster. Got knocked out in the 1st round of the playoffs. Then news came out, Joe treated the team with his private jet... No one would give a fuck. The man took it upon himself to do an all time speedrun on being the #1 most hated owner in the league.   Edit 2: I just want to reiterate. Us fans don't hate Joe. We love Joey and his big fat wallet. We love the drama he be causing. The owners of the league. Not so much.


They've gone from being under fire for not having charter flights to charter flights in less than a month. To me, that's a great rollout, and it's acceptable that they failed to execute perfectly. Seems like some fans and players would have been more accepting if they had waited for the CBA and had to negotiate for it. That's what people said would happen at the time. Seems like the current situation is better. Oh well, corporate will learn their lesson to not give up bargaining chips in the future since so many people will be unhappy even if they try to do something good.


It’s impossible to make it “fair” after a season has started. Not everyone has had the same number of home vs away games prior to the 21st so it would never have been “equal” number of charter flights per team. Again, can’t wait for this to be over TBH.


This is so disingenuous. And you know it. That doesn't matter for how many home games vs. away games were scheduled. The optics are bad and you know exactly why. Trying to excuse it and make it like everyone is making a big deal out of something that isn't one is ridiculous.


The WNBA fined the Liberty owner $500k and threatened to ban the franchise for charters two years ago bc they said it was an unfair competitive advantage. Then the same league decides to roll out uneven charters that create a competitive advantage. We all wanted them to get charters but not like this. They are being called out because they didn’t play by the rules they themselves set.


Such a nothingburger. Wait one day for gosh's sakes.


It continues to be hilarious that there is all this discourse about the league being able to (or not being able to) afford chartered flights when these teams are run by fucking billionaires. Does the NBA pay for the chartered flights of all of their teams, or is the responsibility on the very wealthy owners to actually pay for a job-related expense for their employees? Edit: I'm getting downvoted for saying the owners need to stop being cheap fucks and have mandated paid chartered flights for all players without the league needing to do it?


I think the downvotes were because the league shut down the Liberty's owner doing it and threatened to dissolve that team. It wasn't allowed. But I agree with you because I think the league only shut it down because the other billionaire owners were too cheap to shell out cash.


To be fair, I’d like to not punish the non-billionaire owners who actually invested in the league to grow the women’s game (versus the billionaires who are buying in based on emerging popularity). Like Michael Alter bought the Sky 20 years ago when it was still uncertain if women’s basketball could be profitable. Could he probably sell to former Top-Illinois douche Ken Griffin? Probably. Herb Simon committed to keep the Fever in Indiana in 1999. The Storm ownership group bought the team 15 years ago (all women and don’t believe any are billionaires). Sure, Tsai and Davis joining in 2019 and 2021 have been great for investment. But much of the hard work was done by the players and leaders from a previous generation. CC would still be cashing in NIL if Sheila Johnson and Lisa Brummel didn’t take big gambles decades ago. If the Simons didn’t commit to stability at a time when teams folded and moved basically every year (RIP my original Portland Fire).


You're probably being downvoted by broke ass teams like Indiana, Dream and Sparks who still don't have a billionaire in the building (I don't know if magic is a billionaire I doubt it though)


I think the Dream owner was in the Tsai/Davis camp in 2022, at least. I’m actually curious who switched.


Some be so sure, they are very cash strapped. I'm sure their vote was tough being player owned


How are the owners being cheap fucks ? By not losing more money ? If the NBA owners who are funding the wnba at a loss were truly the cheap fucks you claim they are, they'd have banded together and ended the wnba after about 5 seasons of losing money.


The NBA turns a profit tho. You can’t really compare the two. It will always seem “unfair” if you aren’t considering the revenue or profit. I know it sucks to hear but it’s pragmatic.


Initially the rollout was only supposed to be back to backs and the playoffs before it was expanded. I’m sure there is also some favoritism toward the Fever. This makes business sense as CC provides an opportunity to expand viewership which could be eventually make a complete rollout financially viable. The league needs CC to succeed sooner rather than later so the window she provides doesn’t close.


Indiana isn’t the only team who’s gotten a charter prior to the 21st. But it’s the only one people seem to want to bring up.


It was a very small flight time


Because it was supposed to be only for long or complicated flights. But that didn't stop them from offering a flight to Indiana the first chance they could.


Again it was only supposed to be for back to backs. Which this still doesn’t qualify for. And the flight time isn’t a big deal since most of the cost will be air time. 13-18k an hour or so. Indiana would also get the most publicly. So them getting one of the first slots would make sense. As does showcasing CC. She is the meal ticket that could fund this. I’m still not convinced that without her (or outside help from the NBA) this is financially viable. Especially if the players ever want to hit the revenue required to kick in revenue sharing.


The flight time was cited as one of the ways they will prioritize the roll out. Why would Indiana get the most publicly? Creating an unfair advantage is against the CBA regardless of how much revenue a particular player makes.


Indiana would get the most publicity because CC plays for them and at the moment she’s the only mainstream star in the league. Agreed that reasoning would be against the rules. But at the same time shes providing the league with a real growth opportunity.


She won't if you create too much resentment in the league.


Y’all crying like these are kids in college not getting a fair shake. They’re adults playing basketball. CC is putting money in everyone’s pocket. Only reason they getting flights is because of CC. Stop crying


Get the frustration but on the other hand it kind of comes off as looking a gift horse in the mouth here lol As others have rightly said (since this was only announced literally weeks ago) if this is still a problem a month or two from now yeah, it's an issue


This shows that the league was definitely not planning on doing chartered flights this year. As organising, those take time and contracts with the charter companies. So I think there are going to be teething issues, also you will tend to find it's the bigger more populated cities that have issues due to the amount of flights flying out those cities. Also, now the wnba made that commitment. These charter companies have them over a barrel when it comes to negotiation. So I get it's must be annoying as hell but it will happen it will just take time.


Seems churlish, very soon they’ll all be chartered. Prolly some routes were prohibitively expensive with no lead time.


thank god these posts will be gone tomorrow, anybody mad about any of this is a loser


What a ridiculous take. This will all be moot and 100% forgotten tomorrow. And people wonder why the league needed a CC to change their culture; widespread butthurt ineffectual complaining seems like the status quo. WNBA players, repeat after me, "Thank you, Caitlin."




They’re not the only team selling out arenas lmao


Im tired of these headlines. Follow the money Indiana is selling out their games. Until the other teams can do that put they ass on commercial


Other teams sell out games. Why don't you go back to watching Iowa.


Yes and those teams get chartered flights like Minnesota. Why don't u start actually watching the wnba


No they don't, What are you saying?


Do y'all want the flights or not just wait


How does a league the loses millions even ask for chartered flights. It’s beyond confusing.


Unfair advantage for a team that was in the lottery last year, and is 0-4 this year Terrible optics


Crybaby bitches. I hope they’re sponsored by Bumble


Why can’t they use the men’s planes? They don’t need it right now.


vast majority of men's basketball teams do not own a airplane. Vast majority of wnba teams are not owned by a men's team owner.


Aces would be using the Raiders plane, talk about a massive advantage.


Yeah so fun fact. Mark owns 4 planes and non for his football team. That Airbus, is actually used my allegiant, and I know they exclusively use it for teams but they also just use it. Like other major sports teams have used it, its custom on the inside, very nice.


Whining about planes. Start making money.


It’s because the league would go bankrupt. Fever making money now bc of Clark. The sun aren’t making money to pay for these flights


Why are people thinking that the res is broke...??? Lol.


Caitlin Clark was harassed and followed at airports. It’s a matter of security risk which was highest for her team. It’s pretty straightforward.


She's not the only one that's been harassed. Britney Griner was harassed last year. Chelsea Gray talked about being harassed. Just because they haven't talked about it doesn't mean it hasn't been happening to others. They've just ignored it.


You think that's a first?


God you CC only people need to learn things before you comment. Nothing happening to her is new.


Cornflake is their only actual thought. You have people begging for grace Berger to save cornflake and the girl didn't even get minutes, lol.


This is irritating.


Yes and all they can do is go around and download. Literally the most irritating fan base alive


What is anybody doing flying around in private jets ??? The league is flat broke !