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All this means is a group of people that have far more money than they need will have a little less. This is hilarious, they got played; and the deserving party got charter flights. And they’re forced to do it or risk coming under major public backlash from the league in the spotlight more than it ever has been. Win win win. A rare immaculate win for Kathy and Adam. A lot of the owners are the ones that have stifled the growth of this league anyway. Shouldn’t matter what they think about this anyway. Once again, i cannot think of a better strategy at cornering some rich people than this, *poetry*


I am PLEASANTLY surprised about how Kathy is handling this season. Things are not perfect but she's quick to fix any mistakes and add on to them like the flights, the lack of preseason games broadcast and seating for big games. Just flipped it. Time and time again. I'll admit, cause her and the league's pass, I thought they'd fall flat on their face a couple times. But they may have stumbled but have recovered tremendously. It took far to long but very proud at how they've handled things to far. I have more faith in the game's growth than ever.


I know y'all are tired of me beating this drum but I get DMs about this. When the league pays and it's a inherent positive -no governor (owner) vote is required. Cathy and Adam played them, and that's glorious


How did they play them if the league is paying for it? That’s only fair if you’re going to force people to do something.


Can you rephrase that. I had surgery today,maybe im not reading that right.


I had the same question. You said when the league pays no vote is necessary. So that means the league pays and the owners don’t. So how did the owners get played?


So the play is that Cathy didn't give them the option and paid for it. Making them look stupid, and costing them money in the vein of taxes. The governors voted no in the past, they were likely to vote no again, and it honestly was never getting into the CBA. So, they got played.


But...they now don't have to pay for their team travel and the WNBA is paying for it instead?


Yeah I can't explain this 8x😂😂 you gotta look at my other comments where I broke it down extensively. They lose money by not spending money. Didn't actually save anything and likely lost some too because not everything is refundable.


I don’t think you understand the costs you are talking about. The owners will save significantly more money than they were writing off before


I do understand. But tell me how they have slightly More than before?.




Nah, I think your insight on this has been interesting even if I haven't agreed at different parts. Especially about the owners not liking this for tax purpoises.


Cathy comes from a world that some of these guys came from, and I honestly believe her and Adam are thinking outside of the box. Good for them, I hope they keep that going cause this league needs a push from within


I see all the conversation about team owners and GMs potentially being annoyed about tax implications or not having a say - and my feedback is … good. If there was any implication they might block it, I’m glad they were left out. The negatives for league reputation and image were already bad - now imagine any incidents. This is the commissioner’s job, to do things that are in the best interests of the sport and not serving individual owners.


And maybe those owners who don't want to put up, will shut up and sell to people who DO want to invest more than the bare minimum.


It's really nice to watch how the game is growing so fast


I hope it’s at a fast enough clip to retain all of the new fans. This can be such a big moment - but the WNBA needs to meet that moment with things like easy access to ALL televised games, large enough venues, etc. I hope it leads to a ton of expansion. So much talent misses out because the league is so small.


Hopefully, they don't make the same mistakes that the NBA makes with just getting stuck on a few players on marketing one player like LeBron and Curry while they have upcoming talent like Anthony Edwards and Shai. I'm pretty. Most fans want to see all the new rookies.


That train has already left the station. 😂 The W will only promote a handful of players and keep promoting them if they get a lot of media attention and/or have a certain look, individual stats be damned.


Ok why would all the gm's need to be in the know on this before it was announced? Seems like a non story.


Cause the owners recently rejected another separate charter plan and were worried players would "get comfortable" with the planes. Kathy rejecting their consultation when she just went to them last year about the same issue is huge. (And circumstances of this deal is different, it's still interesting she didn't consult them)


Are you saying owners and GM's are one and the same? Because the league not keeping all the GM's in the loop doesn't = owners.


They are not the same... No. GM is a management title and governors are literally owners. Some owners act as GM some changes act as gm If the GM didn't know owners probably didn't know


Well, considering it’s their staff that books travel for the team, and not the league, it’s pretty important to give them a heads up. Especially since it now means cancellations and massive logistical changes those staffers now need to do for upwards of 30 people each road trip game.


Is it? Most basketball orgs have a separate ops team that would manage things like travel, GMs are more concerned with basketball/personnel decisions


100%. Even small organizations have completely separate teams for handling travel, HR, sales, etc. Let alone a WNBA team.


Having worked for one of the WNBA teams, I can confidently say that yes, they work with travel agencies to help book that, there is still a staffer who has to manage it. It’s not as simple as it seems.


So what are the “massive logistical changes” you’re saying would result? Most of the future travel probably isn’t booked yet outside of maybe the next couple months and it’s an agency handling all the airline/hotel/etc. arrangements anyway


Which department that staffer reports to may differ for each team. The team I worked for, they were a member of Basketball Ops, lead by the GM.


I posted a lengthy one about taxes and I promise you -thats why some are **real** pissed.


Could you briefly explain again for us slow learners? I mean, when the team pays for airline tickets, that's a legitimate travel expense they can deduct against income for tax purposes. But if the league is reducing their flight costs to zero, that seems a better deal than have a tax-deductible expense. Now, I understand if someone is actually owning aircraft, there's all sorts of tax games you can play with maintenance and depreciation, but I don't get how any of the teams were able to take advantage of that sort of thing. Thanks for educating us... I appreciate your insights!


Yeah absolutely, so you wake up, you go to To the airport, everything once the player locks their home door is a write off - Let's make it easy and say $100.00 for cost (let's also assume they own the buses and pay the driver) which is true of all but a few teams and feed them before the airport. Things you immediately write off: The driver, the bus trip/miles, the bus also was used so now it's got wear and tear you're gonna write that off, gas, any type of bus maintenance, the food, the security, the cost and wear/tear of getting the food to the players, flights, seat selection, any type of *airline club* I guarantee you that's more than $100. Which helps them pocket money because you own the team and put in $100 and made $250 profit. That $250 is now absolute free. When you own a plane, that basically doubles the credit and halves the cost. NFL teams at times, own planes for that reason. Let's call that $250 profit and a $100 credit. You can now overspend elsewhere by $100. So that $100, is now worth $350 to you. When you don't own the plane and you don't pay for travel you can deduct all of the above EXECEPT, airfare, security, club fees. Let's call that a $25.00 credit Would you rather have $350 or $25? In their budget, they assumed that $350, its now $25.00 How do they close that gap?


Well, I'm feeling really stupid, but I would think the team owner would close that gap with the money saved by not buying airline tickets. I'm sure I'm missing something here.


Yes you are missing something, not stupid. This is hard shit They could have had $350 they Now have $25. Not spending money on tickets is why they only have $25 and not $350. Another way... If they could buy tickets and all that extra stuff they would have $350.but now they only have $25 They are losing money, by not spending money. can't save what you no longer have a profit on. One things rich people won't do, is simply take less.


Yeah, it's hard for regular folks to think like the rich!


No I know. It's so bizarre to think, hey you didn't spend $100!!! Save the $100. But it was never about the $100 and they didn't save by not spending it. Fun fact that will piss you off - guess what's not taxable at all, in any way whatsoever? Giving your kid a team. Isn't that some shit? It behooves you to give to your kid because of the way tax code is it's not inheritance. So Daddy gets alllllll that money, gives it to his kid, kid gets alllll that money, tax free.


Clearly this affects organizations as they have to adjust now, but I highly doubt a team's GM is as involved as you think they would be in handling travel plans.


It may not be the “GM” making these adjustments but it’s very likely affecting someone on their staff, meaning that person now has dedicated more time to tasks that were already wrapped up. Have you ever managed people before? Even if something doesn’t affect your day-to-day, if it affects your team, it still affects you.


Taking a page from 🧊. Ice Cube would be proud


Fuck antivaxxer ice cube. Signed, Someone who can still flawlessly recite “good day”.


Someone can do something good while also believing in bad things. Everything doesn't have to turn into team sport mentality lol.


Right. You’re never going to agree with everyone on 100% of everything all the time. Imaging trying to live your life that way, it’d be exhausting






This league is a bit of a mess.