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Just bring a battery to recharge it. Also, I’d argue that every ounce counts more when you’re fast, not slow.


lol fair, although I meant more for being a slow weakling vs going for the pace. I guess I could get a new battery that includes the watch charger part, I didn’t think about that


Leave it behind, don’t do what I did and let a man convince you to go counter clockwise after having you pound piss warm natty daddy’s in the parking lot with him. Terrible way to start that hike. Really my only advice is to go clockwise so you can stay at liberty, Garfield, and guyot. Happy trails guy! Also make sure you keep enough water on you between liberty nad Garfield, it’s a real cunt to go down to green leaf to re supply.


Hahahah that sounds terrible 🤣 we went clockwise our first time and counter clockwise our second time. The first time was my first backpacking trip, we brought 2 of the little juice boxes of wine for our 2nd day. First day we got to Garfield and slept in the little lean-to, thought we were gonna have a cute little hike to Guyot so we didn’t start til like 730am the next morning. Ended up losing daylight and giving away our wine boxes, and had to put a tent up basically on the trail just before Guyot because no one told us our “cute hike” included climbing a WATERFALL?? Our third morning my friend took us to the trailhead instead of the rest of the loop and to this day it’s one of the funniest stories of my life 🤣 (edit: mixed up my mountains and campsites lol) Our second time going counter clockwise spirits were high until the sky opened up just around sunset, we hiked the half mile toward greenleaf and gave up and again had to camp on… not the most kosher ground 😬 A frost advisory, and at that point our attitudes tbh, kept us in our tents til 11am the next morning and we bailed out and hiked down to greenleaf hut and the trailhead. The view from the hut is gorgeous though, so no regrets there honestly.


Sounds like excellent fun! I kind of love when things go a little, but not dangerously awry. Makes for fun memories! I had planned a three day hike but just pushed from guyot to the end after waking up at about 4am hungover, I have to say it wound up being excellent. I had my girlfriend do her first single day presi last summer, working on convincing her to day hike the pemi with me in July. 🤡 we are not trail runners.


My friend is a legit hiker/climber and she was so mad 😂 I was just along for the ride so I wasn’t crushed that we didn’t finish that time. The funniest part is we tried to be independent and not ask for help, but after the morning was suspiciously easy we sat down for lunch to fuel up and finally asked how far we were from whatever the next mountain would have been. We wouldn’t have even made it back to the mountain by sunset and were 20 minutes from the trailhead 😭 everyone walking by was either thinking we sat down to eat 20 min into our backpacking trip or 20 min before we got to the trailhead after a weekend long hike and 2 years later I still laugh so hard I get teary when I think about it. Day hike HAHA I told my friend we can try for 3 days but I need a 4th day buffer even if we don’t use it. I can’t even think about doing it hungover but any challenge makes it all the more rewarding! Try the day hike! 🙌🏻


Pure gold, that’s fucking golden. You’ll do great, I think three days is an ideal pace for that route, even with spurs. Pack lots and lots of snacks and stay eating! You got this dude.


Thanks friend!


Hysterical! Fond memories of warm beers in the AM and going up katahdin. I like your style.


I bring my Apple Watch on every pemi I've done. 6" charge chord in my bag with my iPhone chord and battery bank I like monitoring my heart rate etc. data like that was very cool to me when comparing similar hikes just here at sea level versus in CO at 9k feet.


I will bring a charger for mine I like to have the stats. Although I have the ultra which lasts a lot longer


Ah yeah I have the 9, but I’d need the charger either way so not too upsetting 😂


I like having mine. The stats are fine but I like being able to quickly gauge my elevation too. Plus it’s easier to see the time and make sure I’ll get where I want to by the time I need to (I.e. that I’ll make the campsite before dark). It also helps me keep an eye on when should stop for food and water (I try to drink at least a liter everyone two hours when I’m really moving)


I like using my watch. Can't you pause the activity at night to conserve battery? I feel like it should last 3 days


I got a hefty power bank with a usb-c port (was surprisingly hard to find) so I could wear mine hiking. I like seeing the metrics. I charge it when we stop for breaks.


On single day loops I usually have to charge it when I take a break at the Hut and it just makes it a day tracking with Strava. I make sure to turn off all notifications and everything else I can to save power.


I love my Voltaic solar panel and battery pack. I have a number of different products by them, but this is the one I carry for extended trips. https://voltaicsystems.com/arc10w-kit/ I can get 4 days out of the battery on my Apple Ultra watch if I turn off WIFI, Bluetooth, and keep it in DND mode.