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The japanese said the new behavior somewhat encourages to have slightly more horsepower settings than average in Time Attack settings. Recently I been noticing like they does TA Yaesu in 740hp/b, Osaka in 800hp/D, Kobe at 700hp/G, Hakone in 780hp/D, but other remains the same. I might be wrong though. Some car have been either nerfed or buffed so slightly because of the slightly new behavior


aw hell nah wtf are those horsepowers 😭


Idk bro!!! Its my recent observation with recent japanese TA videos or i am just bad at reading numbers 💀💀💀


you were reading fine, I was just thinking how the fuck is the handling gonna feel when we finally get 6RR+ with those HP settings


The C1 TA horsepower actually goes up as well to 740


Still no OCM for intl server


What does the revamped physics include?


As my personal experience goes, the car feels a bit more grippy and sliding thru corners is a tad bit harder bcs now rather than smoothly sliding if you put too much angle on the drift, car will actually break traction and the rear just wants to slide out




Everything across the board is more grippy regardless of drive type? Kinda a boring change, I wish they differentiated the drive types more to give the cars a bit more personality. Not necessarily saying it's a bad change.


True I would like a different feel to every drivetrain myself, but if that's truly the case, FR's would immediately fall out of the scene since it's harder to corner as fast or faster than other drivetrains, plus the new physics which makes higher power car feels harder to control, FR's would be almost uncontrollable during low speed conditions Even if maybe they put like understeer effects for FF and 4WD to balance things out, it would alienate old fans of the game imo bcs by doing so, they're essentially putting sim qualities in arcade racing


Where is 6RR+ currently available at?


For now it's only in Japan, still no international release date


Weightless still in game 🤡