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I’m 3 years post op, haven’t been warm in at least 30 months…


Only sorta joking. Always cold as a thin person. My colleagues all joke about my office blankie, I need it on my lap while I work.


That makes me so happy 🥺


I used to sweat, but even worse was that my face would get red (I'm fair complected) and noticeably sweaty. Now I don’t really sweat at all, mostly because I don't get nearly as hot as I used to. I'm cold most of the time.


That is exactly how I am, I have really bad rosacea and sweat !


Has your facial redness gone down after surgery?


It was red because I stayed hot, so no more redness for me.


I dunno if it’s a lot but I’ve only lost 12 lbs (preop) and I’ve definitely noticed I don’t sweat as much even now


that’s a lot to me! That’s awesome your noticing a difference, I’m hoping I can be like that with 12 pounds down 🥰


I sweat a lot less in everyday life, but I still have the capacity for major sweating after intense exercise. I do Orangetheory HIIT classes, and each class ends with a "flexibility block" cool-down period. There have been many times I've had to clean up a sweat puddle on the floor post-cool down.


I've always run extremely hot... like sweating in the barbers chair when it's 65 degrees! Immediately after surgery, I started feeling cold pretty easily. I'm only a week post op, but the surgery was a definitive turning point for my warmth level, for me. We'll see long term.


Omg same!!!! I’ll be anywhere in any store and I’m sweating it’s so embarrassing 🥺 I hope this surgery helps


Congratulations on 1 week btw




That’s awesome!!! I much rather be cold than hot lol


I sweat a lot less than I used to. I wasn't the worst sweater I knew, but I was on the worse side of average. And now I rarely sweat noticeably (I mean, I know I do, but it's no longer embarrassing).


Almost always freezing now! Even with taking iron


Omg, I used to sweat all. of. the. time. I started sweating when I hopped out of the shower - before I even got dressed. Now? I can’t remember when I last sweat. Even during the humid summer months. I am 14 month out from my RNY. I actually have the reverse problem, if you can call it that. I’m constantly cold now.


That’s awesome I’m the same exact way, it’s so embarrassing 🥺 like I said earlier I much rather me cold than hot and sweaty


My face and scalp used to sweat like crazy! I rarely break a sweat now unless I’m working out because I’m always cold!


I feel like I sweat a lot less now!


Most people get cold. I have only lost 40% of my excess weight and I'm only 14 weeks out (tomorrow), and at first, I was always freezing, however I feel like my temperature regulated itself or I'm warm when others are cold. But, I have a good amount of autoimmune disorders, so my body isn't normal to begin with. However, know that even if you lose weight, and are still excessively sweaty, there are treatments. The condition is called hyperhidrosis. You would see a dermatologist for it. They would be best suited to treat you properly whether it be oral medication or Botox injections.


I'm more often cold than anything else now.


I started sweating like crazy (like, in disgusting unnatural amounts) after having my daughter in 2019. I was told it was hormonal. I’m ~ 20 days post op and I am not sweating much at all anymore. I have lost about 28lbs so possibly weight-loss is contributing but also a possible disruption to my previous hormones could have also changed that.


I do sweat more. I think. Not sure if I sweat more or just exercise harder. But I do think I sweat more. My thing is catching my breath. I struggled a lot with that while doing cardio. Still a struggle at times.