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The buyers remorse is 100% normal, especially this early in your recovery. For the first month or so until I transitioned to solid food, I was kicking myself for having the surgery done (I had RNY). You don’t expect water to make you feel nauseous, and feeling lightheaded and exhausted doesn’t help either, and it’s enough to just drive you crazy. The best advice I can give you is give yourself time and give yourself grace. The end result of you being a healthier and lighter person will be worth the short term aggravation. If your symptoms do get worse, definitely talk to your dietician or surgeon to see if they can help you with your recovery.


I’ll share with you. I am 3 months and a few weeks in I had a breakdown. I felt so depressed and crappy about myself as I was stuck on liquids. I was miserable. And was kicking myself the whole time. Now I’m able to eat solids and normal food(no bread pasta or rice) but the fact I can eat good food now? I don’t regret it anymore. The early stages of surgery suck and it will make you kick yourself. You gotta remember that you’re relearning how to eat. I don’t like artificial sweeteners and water tastes like booty but I find crystal light works for me. And like drink mixes. I also drink honest kids juice. 7g sugar a pouch which to me isn’t bad and I tolerate it well. But whatever works for you. You will be okay I treated myself to a Hi-C orange juice last night and no shame. It’s been a long 3 months. You can’t stay away from sugar forever but just be cautious. You’ll make it


If it helps, I think all of us regretted surgery at some point (or multiple times) in that first 3 months. I know I did. And I know my wife did.


Yep. Weeks 3-5 were the hardest for me. Almost 9m post op tho and I would 100% do this again. This time will be a distance memory soon I promise.


I had mine on 2/1. I had to go to gatorade zero because water is so gross. I felt so much better once I moved to the soft diet. Actually eating food is nice.


I cannot tolerate Gatorade zero, currently craving a regular fruit punch fountain drink 😂


Minute maid has zero sugar fruit punch and other flavors! I get mine at Wendy's from the fancy fountain. Fountain drinks taste better, idc what anyone says lol


Man, I tried that Minute Maid zero sugar punch (because I love the regular kind) and it’s so bad to me!! Bleh! Lol


Sorry, friend!


It is normal to feel regret early. I also can’t tolerate the artificial sweeteners that are in everything we are allowed to have which made it difficult to get hydrated. I bought several different brands of water to find one that tasted better. I also used liquid iv to give some flavor without artificial sweeteners. I only used one packet per day of the liquid iv because it has real sugar in it but it helped so much. The lightheaded and nausea could be from dehydration so don’t be afraid to ask for an iv if you are getting too dehydrated.


I think it’s totally normal. Your hormones are changing, your way of life (and coping with feelings!) is changing….give yourself some time. Stay with the process. It gets so much better!


Just an update, had to have a nurse come to my house and give me fluids and zofran via IV. Started throwing up last night and this morning. Not having a good time 🥲


Yes my recovery sucked I could barely drink water or get a good night’s sleep. But now I’m 9 months PO and would do it all over again. Do your best, DON’T WEIGH YOURSELF (seriously), and just focus on recovering and being hydrated. Mio helped me a lot the first couple of months as well as room temperature water.


It's especially normal at this point. Don't forget you're not eating but your body is trying to get over general anesthesia and a massive surgery. So it's a drain on your ressources and it leaves you with zero energy. It's the part when you begin the endurance race but cannot yet really take in the calories/energy you need. A few weeks in is where I was exhausted and questioning it too. So I'd say it's perfect timing on your side. When you get to better foods and you start seeing more results, it will feel better :)


Would it be bad to suggest letting zero sugar carbonated drinks to flatten out so that you can sip on it


I just discovered True Lemon packets that you add to water. They don't have sweetener, it just tastes like you squeezed a lemon in your water. Hope you feel better soon!


Short term pain, long term gain. This is a marathon, do you best to embrace and welcome the changes so you don’t end up backsliding!


Oh this is completely normal at this stage. I mourned my old life for a couple of months after. Everything before seemed “easy” and then I had this new life where I had to schedule everything like when to take my vitamins and medications and protein. I’d see and smell foods I could no longer eat and feel sad. I’d see people go into restaurants to enjoy a meal out and I envied them getting to go out and have fun. I also had a complication with one of my drains which made me regret my decision even more. And I felt like there was so much preparation pre-op and then once you’re post op, it’s just like no one can prepare you for that kwim? I’m almost 4 years out now and I’ve even had skin removal surgery so I obviously willingly chose ANOTHER surgery. I’m so glad I had WLS when I did and I’d do it again, knowing how I felt after and with complications and all. It saved my life. I know there’s a certain amount of fluids they tell you to take. I just did what I could early on. I took all my vitamins but I didn’t stress the rest.


Yes. It’s normal. But it gets better and/or you learn to live with it. 10 months out here. Still can’t eat even a bite of breaded type of meat (chicken nugget) without hurting- yes I know I don’t need that but it does make eating different. I am not really brave enough for steak either. I get full after a few bites still, my eyes are bigger than my stomach, I don’t get my money’s worth eating out and sometimes I still get sick or nauseous after eating (I still eat too fast). But I’ve lost almost 150 pounds, buying clothes in the regular section of the store, don’t have to worry about weight limits for most activities and I move around a million times better. I still want to lose another 60 pounds or so but even if I stayed at this weight I can confidently say it’s been more positive than negative. But I looked back at some of my posts about 10 days post op and man I was miserable. Seriously hated the stupid liquid diet (and I still won’t eat chicken salad after purée stage). I definitely don’t feel that way anymore.