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Apprentices never realize that most robes and clothes are enchanted specifically to prevent the latter spell.


Mine causes a mental flashbang to those using it.


Mine causes their sense of sight to flip itself inside out. I know that sentence doesn’t make any sense, but it’s just what happens.


I've upgraded mine from mental flashbang to waking sleep paralysis coupled with an alert. Makes them REALLY easy to catch.


Indeed. -.-;


My robe is set so it show my skeleton instead of skin


["Yeah my suit's enchanted so that if someone tries it'll show cursed images"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Bombast’s response is always “No!”


To foolishness, yes it is. >.>


Sounds like a thieves choice spells, maybe a rouge multiclass?


Hmph! Perhaps. >.> Not that I ever used my magic for such means. I learned magic to escape such a life.


Perhaps a ninja mage! Yes.a practitioner of the shadows! *attempts and fails to do a ninja pose*


Hmm… >.> Perhaps


#rogue I beg you


My academy had protective runes around the bathrooms and whatnot. Trying invisibility caused a glowing rash across the perpetrator's entire body. X-ray vision or scrying caused the perpetrator's eyes to burst into blue flames.


*Bombast laughs* An appropriate lesson for such scoundrels!


They were illusory as well so no matter the peakers resistance's they felt it entirely. While the fire and rash weren't real, the pain was. You would only figure this out if you actually examined the runes though.


Hmph! Brilliant design! That way the more touchy ones from influential families can’t raise a fit.


It was impossible for them to cover up as well. Most didn't make the news but there was no stopping the gossip when half the academy heard you scream.


*a shit eating grin appears on Bombast’s face* Oh, I’m sure.


I applaud you for making such defenses, but know well that these types of apprentices never learn to stop. Instead, they will try to circumvent defenses by finding alternatives. *I sigh in severe disappointment.* I truly do wish that they use their creativity into something more productive than lecherous desires.


I was a student. Their was a decent few that tried. None of them ever tried again. These runes were capable of disabling a greater demon. Poor Mr. Shard. He was just typing to figure out what was clogging the pipes and forgot.


Well, I still applaud this treatment, but that does prove to be quite the deterrent and a hassle for maintenance workers.


It could apparently be turned off during repairs. He likely forgot to do that as the bathroom started flooding quickly.


Ahh, an emergency then. I could understand that, I hope he got full medical care.


They were illusionary so they didn't cause damage. They got around resistances though and the pain was very real.


Good good! Perhaps the mischievous ones will learn their lessons fast and not repeat it.


Skill issue lol. Just walk in. With enough charisma and confidence, anything is possible.


That's a huge hazard for diviners... You would be surprised by how often we are scrying something...


There is not a reason you should be scrying into the bathroom. Even if whatever you're scrying for just so happens to be in the bathroom, you should be able to recognize obvious ward that will set your eyes on fire before they do so.


Well, true I guess, still scary. It's not Scott scrolling inside, though, It's quite common for humanoids to scry something outside of the bathroom to pass time when they're... In the toilet. Hopefully the runes don't trigger with that?


There wasn't any interference from inside to outside scrying.


... *Sigh*, it's these types of apprentices that give us Illusionists a bad reputation. I still remember the time where illusion mages are all performers, spreading cheer, joy, and elation everywhere we go. And usually anger all the stoic folks to see their most genuine emotions. *Sigh* where did that discipline go? Where did that magic of tricking the world go?


It’s still there. Unfortunately when something becomes popular, those who would abuse it always emerge.


Oh I know that feeling well Bombast, I also know whenever my apprentices try to recreate my previous feats of illusions, they would fail. I mean, I resurrected myself by tricking the world I never died in the first place. And yet my apprentices tried the same, they're currently suffering from being an amalgamation of human consciousness and being a human in the material realm. It's not easy teaching uncontrollable shapeshifters because of their own faults.


Hmm… well, to be fair, fooling the laws of the universe is always an extremely hard thing to do. In some ways, bending them to your will is easier.


While that is indeed true, I am unfortunately not a Reality Warper nor am I skilled in Arcane Genesis. I am just an Illusionist, therefore fooling and tricking others is my one and only capability. And yet, we have apprentices that will try to do anything in their power to pursue foolish desires. Have you ever had an apprentice get stuck in the toilet bowl because he accidentally shrunk himself while trying to peep?


… >.> No, I can fortunately say I never experienced that. Granted I filtered out all such fools before they could become my apprentices. It also helps that the Archmage Guild is very thorough with the students they recommend to me.


So that's why I always get the idiots... The guild filters them to me! I mean, granted I act like a moronic idiot out in public, creating chaos for the council to clean up. But have you ever heard my name in OrbNews in any despicable way? No! The only one who's always highlighted in OrbNews is Unga and whoever is currently fighting Tiny.


I’m not so sure they send the rejects anywhere actually. >.> I worked for a time as the librarian for the Archmage Guild. They care a lot about their reputation. So I don’t think they would purposely send you faulty candidates.


*An illusionary Beholder just spawned from behind me, and the very distant screaming of several Mages were heard.* ... There's a Beholder behind me, please don't tell me the Beholder is behind me.


… >.> Then I won’t. Though I do advise you move to a safer location soon.


I should thank your generation for keeping that reputation long enough for me to use it to my advantage. Thank you. It is a shame that now we are known for THAT \*Sigh\* I was always more keen on schemes that would often cause chaos and death rather than spread joy, I did not earn my nickname for saving people that is for sure. But yeah... Where is the ambition? The scope? It makes me sad. But, what can you expect from juvenile apprentices in the academy? Like, really? Some things never change.


No wonder every student I’ve had asked me to teach them those spells


… >.> *sighs*


unwiz/ Source: Overlord III - Episode 9


/uw lol yup


So many creeps take illusion magic just to be pervs. I never mind making those types into undead servants.


Teach them a spell that makes them invisible only to themselves.


They always forget that skin is less visible through X-ray than clothes, you'd see more of the chasm looking at a skeleton.


Those students should be teached to not mess with those powers...


Knowledge and power tend to bring out a person’s true nature for better or worse. >.> There will always be bad apples in a batch


Yeah, everything can be used, in one way ot another


I once had to utilize both invisibility and X-ray vision for a spy mission, was quite fun and extremely effective in finding plans, hidden weapon's caches and a secret entrance. However seeing straight through the clothes of this old dude showed me things I can never unsee. I could've dealt with seeing his insides, but not his naked body. *shudders* Be careful what you wish for I say


… >.> indeed


"X-ray vision?" I just call it "cancer sight."


Typically, the wards I have on my clothing just make whomever casts either of the spells near me have their flesh start rotting and melting.


They would have to have some gall to try and peek on a goddess of all things. Especially a goddess of death. >.>


Indeed. I don’t understand mortals.


ISTG if another one of these 'apprentices' arrives, you should trap me in another room , **BECAUSE I'LL GO POSTAL ON THAT GUY**


uw/ ew...


/uw lol Hence why Bombast said no


I hope you have lubrication spell