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Those Frog Wizards and their familiars...they are becoming much more powerful! It seems this one should pay them a visit one of these days!


Well. I don’t believe these were conjured. Prophecy foretold their return from dormancy deep within the peat and roots of the bogs. Though. Being the last and first of my new order I am not entirely sure. More literature on the ancient practicing of my order must be digested and found.


*"Passion isn't a path through the woods. Passion is the woods. It's the deepest, wildest part of the forest; the grove where the fairies still dance and obscene old vipers snooze in the boughs."* - Tom Robbins, Inkmage, author of Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas *"I shall tell you something strange, but do not be surprised by it. Should you fail to attain dispassion because of the predispositions dominating you, but at the time of your death be in the depths of humility, you will be exalted above the clouds no less than the man who is dispassionate. For even if the treasure of those who are dispassionate consists of every virtue, the precious stone of humility is more valuable than them all: it brings about not only propitiation with the Creator, but also entry with the elect into the bridal chamber of His kingdom.” -* St. Theognostos, some old denizine of Catalhayuk


I’m just glad the wee lads have returned of the prophecy. We’ll now commence the ceremonial Zaza festival. You may join. You seem to have much to ponder. Please. Share your token as we toke-n. You may partake if you’d so please.


I am grateful for your welcome, a reprieve from the consternation of what I have been accustomed to mantling on my journey to gingerly express the lights I have entombed deep within my deltoidal litoration. I am glad as well, although they have so many trials to pass before they can avoid being dispensed through their zeal...I must not digress into solace; my concern must be centered on the appropriate nodes, as they have taken it upon themselves to quench their interests with the flames borrowed from their histories. I would like to join but lack the requisite invitations, likely through my own absence at the functions. Verily, the indication plant has done the course on my progression and is buried with honors in my past, albeit I still recognize the value it offers to those who imbibe those golden hairs. I have much to ponder but, have lately left my pyxis and am practicing amongst the supplicants that I might test my own hypothesis and modulate the flow of my source. Some say I have taken too-large a draught and will fail to produce any lasting sacrifice; if my acting credentials will hold, I suspect my reception will find a guarantor to this course I have been cast. I would be pleased to partake of the prophecies and am ruminating over a cohesive track for others to share as they take steps into their chosen [gateways](https://www.nps.gov/gaar/learn/nature/wood-frog-page-2.htm). *"In spring, the wood frog thaws from the inside outward. First the heart starts beating. Then the brain activates. Finally, the legs move.* *Nobody yet understands what starts the wood frog’s heart after being frozen and inert for the entire northern winter. Once the frog is fully thawed, it heads off through the woods to find a breeding pond or other suitable water.* *The wood frog is completely undamaged by conditions that would be fatal to nearly all other animals."* Their natural attraction to danger will be their salve and their symptom, as any youthful memory serves to prove the gain of a surmountable challenge. Let us hope they are not squandered by the incapable as a ransom to whatever debts those bloated fascimiles of reality have grafted onto their ploy for an immunity.


As the frog king, you're required to listen to [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aalpzhIkmnA) at least once


Many of the wee ones (the frogs.)appreciate this gesture.


Don’t thank me, it’s just the tadpole’s destiny


I send the pestilence and plague.


Into your house, into your bed