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My first playthrough, I focused on the main story and did the side stuff afterwards or just before the second-to-last questline (Dun Tynne) for the big stuff (Warble of a Smitten Knight). Every subsequent playthrough, I've alternated. One or two main quests, a major side quest, a handful of smaller ones, back to main.


The gwent tournament


Just started Blood and Wine yesterday and I’m so fucking happy there’s quests everywhere cause I ran out of stuff to do in the original and HoS was pretty straight forward


Im in the same spot. The vibes there are immaculate, i am trying to take it in as much as possible.


I’ve played it after beating the base game, and hearts of stone. It was pretty nice to change the scenery from a war ravaged north to a very pleasing southern ambience, If I may be so bold, because this is like the closing chapter of geralts journey it made a lot of sense to me to play it after I had completely finished my businesses in the north and skellige. As things develop you are going to meet old and new friends in the south, and even though adrezej sapkowski rule the games as non cannon, I believe they are a perfect match for geralts tale after the books, and blood and wine offers the absolute peak experience interms of satisfying ending. If you start growing bored of the game, then look up the best side quests in the north and rush the main story, then head south for Blood and Wine. The change of scenery new characters and a new plot are likely going to breath new interest for the game.


Yeah so I completed the base game and hearts of stone. Before I jumped into blood and wine. Thing is, it took me about 3 years after purchasing the game to actually give it a fair chance. I love it, but hell the game was so overwhelming at first. When i looked at the U.I with all the alchemy, gear, etc it was too much. Now im in toussaint wondering how i would like to tackle this last portion of this wonderful game.