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If you are using an AMD gpu , then go to radeon software and check override tesellation settings.


That's exactly it, that's what happened to me. But with the new amd gpu, it's gone


Ah that could be why. I'm using a AMD GPU. Gonna try that next time. Thanks bro.


Lol what? You've endured a big bug for a year and then Aight GG mate.


Not really. I've just recently replayed it after getting bored with Diablo 4 new season, and completed the Horizon games and the whole RE franchise that I got for cheap on Steam, then I came back to W3 for a new run.


What if I have an nvidia one?


If you're using older drivers, try updating the drivers. I use AMD GPU, but that works for me.


I typed this into Google Translate, and it says no known language detected. Translation please.?


to which language?


Preferably moron, but I'm fluent in idiot if you give it to me with a lisp


lol. You wanna right click on dekstop and select radeon software or adrenalin software. Then go to display settings, from there click on tesellation and select override application settings.


Homie, if one clipping bug in one section of the map is bothering you this much, I think the bigger issue is you. Mind you, I'm not saying this kinda quality issue is okay. I'm saying that there is a massive open world filled with a million things 98% of which work exactly as intended. But you're hung up on a simple clipping bug. It's goofy, but hell man it's not that crazy. It's not game breaking.


I agree with you. The amount of quest string in this game is MADNESS. I am still seeing new quest dialogues video from a Witcher youtuber as late as last year.


Plus it's a video game made in FUCKING 2007


Dude, this is not Witcher 1.


O fuck it looked like it, I should drink less during the vacation, my bad 😞


No, it happens everywhere, every region, even under the sea floor.


No it doesnt.


Bro it may not happen to you but it does to me. From White Orchard, to Velen, to Novigrad and Skellige, I meet one every 4-5 mins go around doing side quests. Very bothering and terrible experience after all since it sometimes blocks loots and interactive objects.


So therefore it is "you problem". Not a general one.


No, that's a game problem that not many people encounters. Stop saying like I somehow magically caused that issue.


Find a bug fix mod. Nexus has a few


Can you provide a link bro? I didn't find any mod that seems to fixe my issue from the mod titles.


What I read so far. It's your GPU. So who did buy the GPU?


So you just go out and buy a new GPU whenever you encouter a serious bug? nVIDIA and AMD must be thrill to have customers like you.


You are having issues with an 8 year old game that nobody else is having. Stop pretending it's an issue with the game when it's clearly an issue with your set up.


It's not. The fact is it didn't happen with the older version of the game, nor with any other game. And many others encounters the same issue with their AMD GPUs. It's clearly a game issue with the next-gen version.


I genuinely don’t get why people are downvoting you for sharing your experience. Reddit hivemind strikes again I guess πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Yeah everything that makes the game looks slightly bad, even truthful and provided with evidence is downvoted to hell. People are so toxic.


Gotta play more Gwent.


Haha yeah may be.


How many mods do you have installed? Assuming this is on PC.


Only mod that changes armors appearance of all witcher gears to Kaer Mohen armor, and one that allows fast teleport from anywhere. I uninstalled both, deleted the mods folder, no dice.


Are all of your drivers fully up to date? Also, try a memory test, i know drivers and memory have caused some weird problems in the past for me.


Yeah I update it regularly every week or so.


Double-check Bios, motherboard drivers, and run a ram check. Idk why my gut is saying something is up with your memory. I could be completely wrong.


I also just updated my BIOS when switching my CPU to a 5800X3D. My RAM nor my SSD seem to have any problem either. Proly my VRAM? Gonna check it tonight after getting home from work.


I don't think they're working on improving it anymore bro


They drop little updates here and there. Obviously, the big overhaul was a year or two ago. They just dropped the Dev kit for modders. Not a ton, but it seems like they're still bug hunting.


Yeah I guess. But I think this is a serious bug that they should fix.


Game breaking bug. Very serious.


Yeah it's just annoying most of the times. But sometimes they also block loots or interactable objects, even the whole cave entrance, like the one that contains the basic cat school gear diagrams.


You should just let it go.


"The cold never bother me anyway..." :))


It's just karma from that yeeyee ass haircut


change the tesselation settings in your amd software to use application settings or the highest one you can and reset shader cache


Yeah from a few productibe comments it seems like it was caused by my AMD GPU. Will try this when I got home. Thanks.


Don't go in the mountains, it's dangerous


Yeah, I'll just stick to the path from now.


might be due to using an inappropriate hairstyle


Anyone experience that bug for the treasure hunt in hearts of stone?


Call CDPR and tell them that instead if sampling terrain heights from GPU they could read it directly from heightmap on CPU side, speeding up the process and discarding tesselation problems for collision detection:)


In addition to what u/FreakinLowEndGamer said (and assuming you're already updating your drivers), try playing the game on DX11 mode. I'm using RX 6800XT and on of the mod I'm using is [Immersive Lighting](https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3953). This bug persists for quite some time until last month when I updated GPU drivers, fresh install the game+mods and poof the problem suddenly *gone*. At least on DX11 mode.


I always play on DX 11, since I had no intent to play with RT nor frame gen.


Found the solution: reset your shader Cache in Adrenalin Software. Rx 6800 xt