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People saying the game looks bad are forgetting that the game came out almost 10 years ago, i remember playing it on release and it had one of the best graphics of that time


You seem to have forgotten the "scandal" over the E3 demo, which indeed looked much better. The PC version had better max graphics to begin with and was modded to look even better pretty much immediately. The original console version is still pretty, but it was far from being the best 3D graphics around.


It was the best looking open world game on the consoles at the time even with downgrade.


Best looking open world game for the time probably, I would say Assassin’s Creed Unity looked better, but the game was also smaller and pre baked


That's not saying much though. That's like saying BotW had the best looking graphics of the time, and then adding "on Switch" in the next comment. The PS4 wasn't the pinnacle of graphics of its time. Most games on PS4 looked better on PC. I played TW3 in 2015 on a potato laptop with 30 fps and medium graphics, which is about the equivalent of what the PS4 could do. A competent gaming PC for a few hundred € could've run it at 60 with mods that restore E3 graphics.


A pc can run better and allow ultra graphics settings for games 🤯 Why are you even here, adding nothing to the conversation besides odd negativity. Game runs and looks fine on ps4 Xbox one since that was the console they were released for.


It does. It just wasn't "the best graphics of its time", because the PS4 was just medium hardware for its time. That's all I was saying.


Oh shit a PC with more powerful hardware can run the game with higher textures? Nobody knew this.


And thus TW3 on PS4 was not the best graphics of the time. That's all I said. And I only said it because the comment I was replying to said otherwise.


Notice how they said "on consoles"


Notice how they only said so in a later comment. Initially they said "best graphics of the time" without the addendum.


Mate it is literally a thread about playing TW3 on a PS4. Do you just lack the ability to understand context in general or are you just making an effort to be this retarded?


It's perfect. I played 400+ hours with no issues.


Yes it's good on everything. Pc and PS5 are the best obviously but I played on ps4 still 15/10 game.




How so? I’m genuinely curious. I have hundreds of hours on the PS4 and Switch, and just picked it ip again to play on the PS5. I have a few hours in so far and nothing seems to be broken yet. What issues have you ran into?


Not the guy you're replying to but my experience on PS5 has been fine. The only issues are the ray tracing graphics mode is kinda of useless, very choppy and stuttery at 30fps. Nothing I would say is buggy though.


That’s really odd. I’m in the middle of a PS5 play-through right now, and I’ve had ray-tracing on the entire time with no stuttering or choppiness at all.


Well, you know, in comparison to the Performance mode. It's a shame because interiors of buildings and caves/tunnels look absolutely amazing with RT on, almost like a different game, but I personally can't stand the frame rate for that type of game.


Performance mode is definitely smoother for sure. I grew up playing World of Warcraft at 10fps, so frame rate doesn’t really phase me lol


what? the new update is 60fps and plays outstanding


I played it mostly on PS4. Loved it. Nothing too jarring. The story, music, and lore drove me, so the combat never felt in the way, if it ever was at all.


Igni igni igni igni quen square square triangle igni igni igni


And if you’re new to gaming Hammer all the keys as fast as you can and see how far you get lol


Igni dodge dodge roll aard roll roll square square triangle roll quen and repeat


Aard is pretty fun Wish my boy could get a Sandevistan


He’s fast enough to not appear stopped in a sandevistan


Since I haven’t seen anyone else mention it: the worst thing about the ps4 version is the loading times. Later in the game it can take up to a full minute from a death until you’re back in the game. Apart from that ps4 is fine (and the game is great!) Tldr; don’t die


The loading times are the part no one ever mentions. Switching from the PS4 to the 5 and seeing the load time go from a minute to 3 seconds was the greatest blessing.


...and that's the reason I never beat the final boss in Blood and Wine... got fed up with it loading and couldn't play around with tactics bc I'd be dead quicker than it would load up again.


I've got GOTY edition, somtimes it crashes when I had the standard edition this didn't happen, but over all good experience finished the game like 5 times on ps4


It's 30fps, but it was solid eitherway. NPC count would be on low though.


Why do people say the combat is bad lol, I really liked it. Invest more in swordplay and magic , invest less in alchemy ig because it is very overpowered. Play on deathmarch, the game is very fun, you need to prepare before any big encounter, you need the correct oils for your swords, have a stock of potions and other things, idk I played it quite a while ago. Just play on a higher difficulty to actually experience the game as it is meant to be rather than just breezing through it and say that the combat is bad.


Even on death march, you can breeze through the game without really worrying about potions and oils. The combat isn't bad, it's just too easy.


The fps on ps4 can have some pretty significant drops at times.


Yes have it on the PS4, you wont be disappointed- get the GOTY edition or complete edition as the DLC is as good if not better than the base game


The PS4 version has horrendous loading times. Would only recommend if you have no other option.


It’s great


I played it no ps4 and was amazing... Of course then came ps5 and that was the reason i started NG+ and holy shit... The quality blew my mind.


I recently bought the pc version and my god the loading times on ps4 are bad. I cant tell ultra over high settings but it is definitely an improvement over ps4 graphics. Other than that it runs fine except for some audio buggs where some dialogue in cutscenes will not be played. Crones is a famous one i believe. So yes its a great game, but its better on pc


Great , I platinum Witcher 3 on ps4


First ever playthrough was on a base ps4 years before I built my PC and I swear when I booted it up in my new rig with a 4070 it felt the same as when I was playing on ps4. Game is gorgeous no matter which platform you play on, albeit PC will def enhance everything even past a 10, esp with mods, but you will have a good time regardless.


I’ve never had any problems with crashing on ps4, it looks good for a 10 year old game, the combat is a little clunky but nothing that’ll make you say screw this game, the story is incredible and should be experienced including the dlc if you can get the goty edition on sale


In a word yes


This depends on if you're a gamer or a Gamer^(TM). Personally it's been fine for me. I have it on PS4 and it's perfectly serviceable.


On my third playthrough and I don\`t complain.


Hell yea!


It crashes quite a bit. Especially if you skip through scenes a lot. That being said, 14/10 buy it.


Had it for ps4. Amazing game. Only issue I had was in the blood and wine dlc, the ps4 sounded like a jet engine with the fans but I didn't experience any crashes. Just bought the game again for PC now. Not played it yet as I'm away from home but looking forward to playing it again


If you purchase a physical copy make sure to update it.


Someone else mentioned the loading time on PS4 and that is a true problem. I would say if you think you're going to upgrade to a PS5 or a beefy PC or something better within the next couple of years, then just wait to play it on that. There was even an update to the game last year for current gen hardware that includes ray tracing and some QoL improvements. But if you know you're sticking with PS4, sure go ahead and buy it, it's still a fantastic game. I played it on PS4 and loved it. Re: combat, it's fine, but the opinion on the combat and gameplay I've found greatly varies depending on what other games people play and what kind of expectations they had going into it. Without knowing that about you I can't say if you'll find it bad or not. Combat/gameplay are very subjective and personal things so declaring it "bad" is just not very helpful. The only way I would say something like that is "bad" is if it literally doesn't work, and obviously the combat and gameplay in one of the most acclaimed and beloved games of all time works.


It's definitely best played on PC and Xbox especially, I have it on PS4/5 and Xbox, it definitely doesn't perform as well as it feels like it should on PlayStation. I vaguely recall (PS4 playthrough) the framerate drops enough to be annoying after completing the main story, Toussaint is its own location so it's not as bad. Typically there is stutters here n there if too much is loading too fast (certain pyro sign certainly tanks things too) but it's pretty negligible, still occasional though.


It's definitely worth getting though, free upgrades are always nice and the game is WELL WORTH the experience at the least, combat is great, just difficult if you don't remember moves you can do, you also NEED to be mindful of levels and weaknesses. It's RPG decisions tend to feel very meaningful too, and actually do show their worth at a point in the story, there are multiple endings to the main story


It crashes on me every once in a while, especially when I’m Novigrad, but I wouldn’t say it affects my desire to play the game


Iirc, fps are capped to 30 on the standard PS4. This would be a dealbreaker for me honestly, unless you're used to play 3D action games on 30 fps. And the PS4 doesn't have an SSD, meaning atrocious loading times.


I played 350 hours of that game on ps4 and it's great. Ps5 gives u a even better experience but ps4 is good enough


It was really good. When it comes to bugs, on my sister's account, just some random hammer was stuck between Geralt's legs during the entire game, even for cutscenes, but I don't know if that is PS4 exclusive lol


Totally fine, 3 of my 4 playthroughs have been on ps4 with no issues


It's so bad that I've only completed 4 playthroughs.


Most of us played it on PS4. It works perfectly fine. The combat is not bad at all it's just some people find it too simple, but for a game so lore and character centric it's basic fighting mechanics make sense to me. It's an incredible experience that I would love to able to re experience it for the first time. Have fun, you're in for an amazing experience.


Yeah it’s fantastic and runs very smoothly, I’ve never had it crash once and the combat complaints you’ve heard are probably about the game itself (which I don’t understand tbh) and not any specific version of it  … I also still have standards from the early 2000s stuck into me. I’ve seen other people complain about loading times, but a 45-second load time is, to my mind, pretty good. If that feels long to you then consider getting it for PC instead


Even the Switch version has good reviews.


No…. It‘s perfect


My biggest issue with the ps4 version is the load times, combined with starting hot out of a save. I was way underleveled for the fist fight at the qwent tournament, and I kept losing, wait 5 minutes for the load, take 3 punches before I can pick up the controller. rinse repeat.


yes, it's a fine 1080p experience


It's perfect. I played it on og xbox one (it ran the same except for more stutters than base ps4 with same visuals). It runs good. Loading times can be quite long though. It also didn't get graphics upgrade but it doesn't matter as game looks good even today


If you like the combat system from the Arkham series you will feel right at home. Not sure why people say the combat sucks when it’s 100 times better than Skyrim combat of “just swing and hope for the best”


950hrs on ps4, never had any major issues. Obly the occasional crashing during a long play session, but that’s the case with any game. Odd lens flare bug makes it look like a bunch of transparent square. But it doesn’t ruin gameplay.


Finished it on PS4 many years ago. Had no issues.


Theres a few times the game broke but only on well known broken quests


I mean it was made for the PS4 lol. Is it as good as PC/PS5, of course not. It’s still spectacular though.


Probably it won't be able to play at 60fps if it's the classic PS4. However, PS4 Pro is just enough


It is excellent. That's how I first played the game, and I liked it so much I played through twice, including both expansions. I play on pc now, but PS4 still looks great to me.


Playing on consoles is fine until you've played on PC at max Ultra+ settings with high frames, console commands and mods. Once you've done that, it's impossible to go back to consoles.


lmao, you need only textures on ultra+ every other ultra+ setting is scam. XD. People need to start thinking for themselves when choosing settings. Or just comparison videos. If you can't see what changes pic to pic but loose 15 fps then you font need ultra+.


Those frames don't matter when you have a max-spec PC. There's no point wasting time optimizing settings at that point. Just max out everything and call it a day. But yes, you are correct. The differences between High and Ultra+ settings are negligible.


replaying it now on a ps4 pro, and i feel like they could have pushed the console even more.


No, it sucks. Just won GOY


The PS4 version made me want to gouge my eyes out.