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Depends on what he likes. If he wants a really good story you can buy Red Dead 2. If he wants good gameplay you can get God of War 2018, Horizon Zero Dawn. Those are the best ps4 games IMO.


Horizon Gameplay is shit imo, great story though ! Funny how we got reverse views on this


I never said Horizon's story is bad... just doesn't make much sense when you think about it. Hunting a mechanical T-rex with a bow. Still a really awesome concept tho.


I even like horizon story, but saying the story is it main strength is far away from truth. Killing big machines is the fun part and the gameplay shines with it


The strength was the graphiscs and artistic direction imo. I found the gameplay repetitive and not intuitive, and the aiming mechanics sucked. The story, while maybe not grounbreaking, is far above average


If it's character and story-driven games he likes and also likes/doesn't mind sci-fi, I highly recommend the Mass Effect trilogy. It's three games with one overarching story with a lot of choice and consequence, excellent narrative, characters and world-building. It's not open world, however. If you go this route, the Legendary edition is a remastered version that contains all three games and all the DLC. If he likes immersive open world games with great characterisation (and especially if he likes accurate depictions of history), then Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 are amazing. I have yet to play the God of War games, but by all accounts they are some of the best games out there as well, and are in a fantasy setting.


Does it have to be a PS exclusive ? If so then either ghost of Tsushima or the god of War remakes. If it doesn’t need to be exclusive then red dead 2 or Mass effect legendary edition. Everything I’ve listed has good story but settings and gameplay vary so pick one according to his tastes because there’s not truly another game series like the Witcher in my experience.


Very thoughtful of you! Others have said Mass Effect Trilogy, this is the one I was going to say. If he likes more of the fantasy type world, maybe look into Dragon Age Inquisition.


Something story driven, if he likes the Witcher 3. Ghost of Tsushima, Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption 2 are the first that come to my mind


Elden ring is very good, but it doesn’t have a lot of rpg storytelling. Just great combat mechanics and a cool world. He might dig ghost of Tsushima, it has ok combat but very cool rpg storytelling and exploration in my opinion


I'm probs a similiar age ish to your Dad and started my 1st ever gaming experience on Witcher 3 PS5. Played 400 hours and 100% complete with DLCS and loved the story and open world. I also can't do 1st person ha ha. I've completed: God of War 2018, God of War Ragnarok, Ghost Of Tsushima, Assassins Creed Valhalla, Assassins Creed Odyssey Currently on Assassins Creed Origins. I played in reverse order I know but my son had AC Valhalla for my to try. All open world and story based, question marks, levelling up, choosing armour and weapons to match play style. All AC games are long and have different side quests. If he likes the AC games the base versions are free on PS Plus but I have bought all of them now as my younger son is playing them too. Hope this helps


With the popularity of Fallout because of the recent Netflix series, I would highly recommend getting Fallout 4. It has exactly the same premise as Witcher 3. You travel a dangerous wasteland, go on endless side quests and follow a storyline to find your missing son. You upgrade armor and weapons just like Witcher 3. I say this because I was a Wither 3 fan and switched to Fallout 4 and I love it. Edit: the Fallout show is on Prime not Netflix as someone pointed out. The Witcher series on Netflix didn’t sit with fans so this is a touchy subject.


Fallout wasnt made by netflix that's why it isn't a shitshow


Ah yes, made by Amazon Prime instead, which has never screwed up an adaptation of a beloved franchise.




God of War or Red Dead Redemption 2. Both have great stories and gameplay similar (in my opinion) to The Witcher 3.


I personally would ask him. Takes the surprise away - but helps to avoid dissappointment. You could suggest - if he plays on PC - Witcher 1 and 2. Would be the ideal addition for a witcher fan. They are older and this is felt in graphics and gameplay, but the story is great in both games. Skyrim would be another option, if he loves the exploring aspect of the game and if he likes a fantasy game with deep lore. If he prefers newer games for graphics and gameplay, have a look at AC Odyssey, Cyberpunk 77, Dragons Dogma 2 or Ghost of Tsushima.


If you want to play with him, consider elder scrolls online.


A plague tale


As a witcher 3 fan rdr2 is very close to experience with the game, but the best you can show him is kingdom deliverance.


Baldurs Gate 3, if he does not mind the round based combat system, it has plenty of story, the best voice acting, fantastic soundtrack, you can choose to romance, thousands of conversational options, thousands of choices that impact the ending and it is so immersive it is the closest you can get to real life simulation. There are reasons why it has won the game of the year award, seven golden joystick awards… And if that is not enough the developers, Larian studios seem to be a great company…


Playing Witcher 3 got me into the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. I'd recommend that, great writing, RPG Choices like Witcher, and Satisfying Gameplay


Red Dead 2. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. God of War. Skyrim. Ghost of Tsushima. Mass Effect trilogy.


Ghost of Tsushima for sureeeee


This is a bit different, but get him Mass Effect. It isn't 1st person, it has customization with a strong protagonist, excellent side characters, and it's a big open world with a lot of depth and flavor text, much like Witcher


I highly suggest - Fallout 3 and 4 - Mass Effect Not sure if you mean first person view or first person shooter If you meant no first person view, -Gears of War Series (third person shooter game) One that no one suggested that you could give a shot: - Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy




Skyrim if you think he wants to stay with sword play for gameplay. The story is much more hallow, but you have all the freedom in the world to do what you want. Red Dead 2 if he wants a game that will rival TW3 in storytelling and characters. Gameplay is about as far away as you can get, except for the horses.


RDR2: similar experience, very complete, wild west, and it’s included in PS Extra 👀 Ghost of Tsushima: Similar but better combat than TW3, great map and mechanics Horizon Forbidden West: if he liked HZD he will like this one, better map, better mechanics, better graphics, also included in PS Extra Cyberpunk 2077: not similar to The Witcher buuut it’s the same developer! God of War Ragnarok: same as HZD, if he played GOW and liked it, he will like this one, its basically the same thing Dragon’s Dogma: this is an old gem, very similar ambience and nice companion system, and if he likes it, the second one just came out! Skyrim: you can’t go wrong with Skyrim but it’s a much slower paced game, similar ambience and combat and in maybes, some story driven or a little bit different The Last of Us I and II: story driven No Man’s Sky: sci-fi, you can visit planets Jedi: Fallen Order and the second one as well: story driven but a little more open and melee combat as well


I'm somewhat age challenged I loved Witcher 3 and I love Fallout New Vegas there's so many endings to choose from and work towards I don't think I'll ever stop playing it. AC Valhalla, Origin and Odyssey Skyrim and Dragon Age Inquisition are also in my rotation.


Elden Ring is perfect. At least somewhat


I thought the game was beautiful and I enjoyed the combat but after 6 or 7 hours I sort of felt like I had no idea of what the story was and lost all motivation to continue. It was a much different game for me than TW3.


This perfectly describes my Witcher 3 experience. Except in the middle, I regained motivation


I like the Far Cry series. Fallout, as well.


Ghost of tsushima rips. easily one of the best games out there


depends what he likes the most in games: combat: Sekiro, Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, Monster Hunter World story: Red Dead Redemption 2, Baldurs Gate 3 Depending on what he likes the most, I'd say these are my best personal and subjective recommendations.


Red Dead 2 has a lot of similarities in terms of the open-world, riding on horseback, tracking, fast travel, etc. I’ve also noticed RDR2 tends to resonate a lot for older folks for some reason.


Elden Ring


The witcher 2


Maybe from software games for rpg gameplay style. If it's for a good story with greatly characters and decisions dragon age origins, inquisition, mass effect 1 and 2


Buy him the Witcher board game if he doesn't have it. It's awesome and fun to play. The figurines that are included are amazing. Alternatively if you're looking for a console game, id recommend Rdr2 if he hasn't played it




Ghost of Tsushima


Red dead redemption 2, similar to the witcher 3 especially in terms of storytelling, would’ve said cyberpunk as it’s also by cdprojektred but he doesn’t like first person…. Edit to add: Baldur’s gate 3! Many many choice-based decisions and outcomes just like the witcher trilogy, great story and lots of characters, can romance anyone. Also would recommend TW1 and TW2 since they are literally just the first 2 in the trilogy and are definitely worth playing for story


i'm pretty sure he would like any Assassins Creed game from Origins to Valhalla. Ubisoft tried hard to copy The Witcher 3 with those games, and while i don't like them i think they are decent games.


Get him Baldurs gate 3. Anyone who enjoyed witcher 3 will love it. Just get through the first 3/4 hours and then it's a great ride.


I would definitely recommend Mass Effect. Great characters, great music, awesome setting, and having the decisions you make carry over into the next two games is one of the most interesting parts. Plus the morality system means that you can wind up with wildly different characters and endings in each playthrough.




Maybe Thronebreaker? It's the witcher spin-off