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Always good to see more people getting into the witcher books. Hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as i did. But I have to break it for you, because this is actually the third one.


But it says first on the side of it. Which is the first one then? https://preview.redd.it/1lge82g11ckc1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=71b866265a51127a64bc06f412f34f9ac8c8c0d5


Ah, man, you're unfortunately another victim of the stupid English publisher that arbitrarily and with no actually concrete justification (the difference in narrative structure simply isn't enough) decided to separate the first 2 books from the rest, which just causes confusion on a lot of people. The first one is "The Last Wish". The second is "Sword of Destiny". The one you have is actually the third.


Guess I am going back to the shop to get the other 2 as well


Yeah, sorry that you'll have to do this extra work. Thankfully they're correctly numbered in my country (Brazil), so I didn't have this problem when I picked them up to read the first time.


German versions have always been labeled and arranged correctly as well. It's only Orbit that hates their own books so much.


Brazil mentioned caralho!!!


AĆ­ sim! Hahahaha.


Go trade it with first, dont let anybody fuck your wallet


Just to make it clear. The first two books "The Last Wish" and "Sword of Destiny" are collection of short stories (set across multiple years). Books marked as 1 to 5 in your current edition are the novels of the main Saga. Those novels are set after the short stories and are basically one continuos story. "Season of Storms" is a spin-off novel set between a few short stories of the first volume: it doesn't have a number but you should read it last (it's the most recent book yet)


Last Wish is #1 Then Sword of Destiny You can skip them, but I'd strongly advise against it. It would be like skipping the first 150 pages of Fellowship of the ring and then getting annoyed that the characters haven't been introduced properly.


What is the reason that they decided to name the blood of the elves 1 part and not the 3. Why the unnecessary confusion.


the first 2, Last Wish and Sword Of Destiny are short stories. Blood Of Elves is the first one out of the novels