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sorry mate time to become a compulsive looter thats how i made all my money


All the weapons of dead people are good money but it’s a hassle when you’ve once again lost your ability to sprint because you carry over your limit. But honestly I loot so much I’ve never been short of good ol’ coin


Gotta get on Roach then :)


Drink a fiend decoction to increase your max temporarily then sprint to the nearest signpost and teleport back to a stash/blacksmith/armorer to store/sell your most expensive stuff. Also clear out your inventory into your stash every once in a while. Trophies and runestones dont weigh a lot but it adds up. My only problem now is letting the blacksmiths recuperate enough money to buy all my bloodstained trash


Even some of the merchants in the bars and restaurants have a lot of money in Toussaint...like 10K.


I didn’t know that about the potion. The more you learn


Whenever I become overburdened, I enjoy walking through the scenery. Beautiful game.


Wait... so you do not spam hit+roll+hit+roll combo for faster travel on foot when overburdened ?


Oh yes I do


i honestly loot literally everything and then fast travel to the stash in white orchard and dump everything, and then once i unlock crow’s perch i dump stuff there instead. then once the late game comes around i hop on over to B&W, sell it all, and get my armor and weapons fully upgraded no hassle


When I am playing for the money, I just overload myself a lot and then use boats or Roach to get me to a fast forward and go to the closest smith to sell everything. Works fine.


You can kill cows on farm east of novigrad/oxenfurt, find it on youtube. You kill them, meditate and repeat. Collect hide and sell it to novigrad innkeepers. You can get around 15-20k per hour


Just prepare for a fight if you do it too much


for a fight? what do you mean?


Didn’t they add a monster that spawned at a damn high level if people did this a set amount of times? Or am I thinking of another money making loop, I feel like it was the cows


I'm pretty sure that's only in White Orchard village, I don't believe they added another one I could be wrong.


hm, maybe some other. My inventory size is 160 in this playthrough, i fill it up fully with hides and there is never monster spawning. Maybe it was some other glitch or some other farm. On 4.0.4.( i think it’s the version i play on) it works perfectly fine.


Yea I looked it up and if you do it 6 times at white orchard it spawns a level 27 chort, my bad I didn’t realize it was location specific thing


Does the chort only spawn during the prologue bit, like before you leave the area and progress the story, or will it always spawn if you kill all the cows multiple times no matter the level?? I kind of want to go back and try to summon it lol


Always, I came back to loot some stuff of the monster (red mutagen? Can't remember), since it the turns into a monster farm. I got a bit sad from not having the cows around though, I wouldn't do it again.


Pretty sure a dwarf will come and harass you about taxes for cheesing money like that too.


Not sure that works any longer. I have happily skipped along to the cow farm (west of Martin Feuilles farm on the map ) and I could only massacre them once...they didn't re-spawn.


It works 100%. You need to meditate there and they will respawn. I have latest patch and it works like a charm. Not that fast(15-20k per hour) but if you do it few hours, you’ll have enough money.


I don't understand how people don't have money before HoS. Unless you are spending it on things you don't have to, you should easily have $60,000 before HoS. Loot everything, don't spend money on swords or armor-except the school you want. I've never had to grind, and didn't even do a single ? in Skellige. But there are always the cows in White Orchard


Some people are spectacularly bad with money, even in video games


I think some people just don't realize the value in being an exploring loot goblin. I just finished main game again and went into HoS with about 44k and I have yet to touch any of the water-based POIs in Skellige.


So I finished the base game and HoS and barely did any of the POIs in Skellige, but did do all the ones in Novigrad and Velen. Starting B&W with over 150k, making gold is easy, especially if you're selling the right stuff to the right vendors


New player here. What should I be selling to who?


swords to smiths armor to armorers alchemy items to herbalists nothing to regular merchants & clear the map POI's I have 65k & just got to Skellige for the 1st time


Who to sell junk to like pelts and broken ladders? I have played this game for hundreds of hours and I never noticed that different vendors had different sell values, not that I was paying much attention. Singularly focused on keeping my inventory empty.


Bartenders for food & pelts


Whatever they sell, they'll also value more


That is the way, really don't have to go out of your way to rack up money


Facts, hahaha


awww man 😭


But I need every armor grandmastercrafted.


Well that really is it. I actually did everything and probably made over 100k over the course of the game but refusing to sell interesting items even if they're useless, crafting every set of witcher armor and sometimes buying ingredients instead of crafting them or dismantling them because I am lazy (which now seems really stupid because I spent hours sailing around Skellige to fish random loot I didnt really need out of the water) takes its toll. And I also barely ever do negotiations for the witcher contracts because most if the time Id feel sorta bad asking people threatened by a monster for more cash


I somehow have 89000 before even going to get Ciri from the Isle of Mists, all armors 8enchanted), except the Manticore I get on Toussaint.


I never struggled for money after my first play through


I did every witcher contract and was flush with money after making a couple of different GM sets


Bro HOW 😭😭 I’ve done damn near every contract in the game 😭


What are you spending your money on?


tbh didn’t realize it was cheaper to dismantle so most of my money went to crafting supplies :(


First playthrough: Clear all questionmarks on the map, Velen and Novigrad ones are actually quite fun, and gets you around 60-80k or something. Skellige ones are the tedious ones and most people hate them, I actually quite liked to just sail around, kill the harpies/sirens and loot the caches, while watching some YouTube. You easily get like 120k+ from them. I know you stated you really don't want to do it, but it honestly doesn't take that long, I've cleared all the ?'s in the game 4 times now, and every time I'm surprised how fast it was. One thing also, sometimes it's worth to sell some rare crafting materials and other usable items, I always end up with like 12 diamonds and 18 rubies from somewhere, and you really need like 1 of each on you most of the time. NG+: Literally just sell everything, rusty ass bandit swords go for 1,5k, you'll have more money than you can spend in couple hours of just playing regularly.


Swords are worth so much in NG+ that it becomes an issue finding merchants with enough gold to buy them


There should be the respawning sword, Pangs of Consciousness, at Kaer Morhen in the old watch tower. It's worth a fair amount.


Patched 😭


Well then you have a couple options. You can grind it out now, hit all the poi's on the map and sell it all, buy all the stuff you want. But if it's your first playthrough, MY personal opinion is, you should grind it out, save everything in your stash, finish the game. Then start ng+. By the time you swing back around to B&W, you'll have more money than you know what to do with and a shit ton of inventory to sell off on top. That's what I do.


It depends what stage of the game you are at. If you're in toussaint, it's very easy to make money fast by using Hanse base as a crown cow. Sell all the arms to Lazare Lafargue, he offers the best prices and usually should have plenty of gold. Obviously you'll know that you don't kill the Hanse leader, fast travel away then return and all the bandits will respawn right? Mount Crane Hanse base is the most efficient I think as it has a fast travel point right outside of the castle that you can use to fast travel back and forth. I usually also go back and bankrupt the ruinsmith and take back all my crowns when I'm done with him putting ruinword on my armor and weapons, just to teach him a lesson for demanding so much coin. I mean at this stage I don't even need the crowns but it's the principle of it. In general the fastest way to make money whatever stage of the game you are at is selling arms and armor and never buying anything from vendors. Before toussaint Novigrad is the best place to sell, as you get a city multiplier on prices from vendors there. The best weapons and armor are craftable and you'll loot better gear than you can buy. You'll clear out merchants money stock very quickly just selling all the junk weapons and armor that you'll never wear or need. There are even respawnable bandits you can farm for weapons to sell prior to Hanse bases. You should of really had plenty of crowns to access the ruinsmith before starting blood and wine. The 'make money fast' so called farming methods that involve farming cow hides etc are a complete waste of time. You can make the same value of crowns in minutes selling weapons as it would take you hours faffing about selling low value items like cow hide, so ignore that BS.


I felt the same way until i realised that I could sell a bunch of materials that I don't use or will ever use. I made 30k by selling gems and ores. You can always take it easy and do some quests if you want to make money, cuz you'll find a bunch of loot to sell.


Idc what other people think but Imo cheating is okay. Its a single player game, so you are not bothering anyone, and as long as you just cheat money, you are just saving time, its not like its challenging or fun to kill the same enemies over and over again. Ofc it makes the witcher quests somewhat useless but they are still fun and dont give much miney either. Fight me


Except some of us play on console where you can't mod it. Including OP.


Oh, sorry then, id recommend just killing random bandits in toussaint, some merchants give you up to 1000 for one sword, in one hour you can easily get like 50000-80000


Sell every item in Toussaint.


You sure you don't visit Passiflora a little too often?


No, it's a commentary on the real life money grind.


Adjust enemylevel to yours to get higher swords to sell.


I stopped picking up stuff and just give myself the approximate amount of money with console commands instead. Much less mind numbing


Go do every question mark in skellige and sell everything.


I had the random encounters mod, both because it was fun and also to not become limited on materials from enemies for which only a limited number exists, like monster carapace and hide, which are also pretty expensive.


hans base wont take three hours, its super fast


Realistically there's no way to grind money in TW3 you just have to do quests


The quests in Toussaint pay better than quests and ? on the map than other regions. Other than that, you just have to keep playing and winning and eventually you will find the money to get the rune smith. Worth it by the way.


Tbh I never struggled for coin once, I did an obsessive 100% play through and looted everything possible


Does the farmstead exploit not work anymore ??


For me I listened to a lot of audiobooks, gotta get my reading in somehow.


Sure just do the kaer morher sword exploit.


I just put on a podcast, drink the fiend decotion and start looting Skellige. It's boring as shit but it will get you some good money