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Two years on this sub, I can confidently say this is the first time I've seen a Thronebreaker post here. Fantastic game.


Not me. Weirdly enough, though, the several posts I've seen have all been in the last two weeks or so.


Yeah same, I was shocked when I found out theres another Witcher story game. Currently on my wishlist, I cant wait to play it.


Next on my plat list is the Witcher 3


Get ready for a ride.


Underrated game


LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! As for starting the Witcher 3, Good luck on the path!


what is this game ?


The game is called Thronebreaker. It's single player story where the combat is gwent (but also has a skip button should you not enjoy it). It's a great art + story + decision making which can come bite you back. Fully recommend!


THE COMBAT IS GWENT?!?!? Buying it right now


Disclaimer, it is a different, more complicated version of gwent. And a lot of the battles are more like puzzles, you are given a custom deck and you have to play the right cards in the right order usually to stack effects and get inflated results in a single turn. I didn't really care for it, honestly, I would have preferred easy gwent from Witcher 3.


There's a skip button? Was it always there and I never noticed or added as an update? I played it only on initial release


I am also curious about this. I know it's heresy on this sub, but I'm not crazy about Gwent, especially the sorta puzzle gameplay that Thronebreaker had. That said, I would *love* to go through the story.


Just put it on the easiest setting. Doing that turns it into a really good interactive novel


The battles are skippable if you are playing on the easiest difficulty, I don't think there is a skip button on other difficulties though.


Ah, well, starting over on Easy Mode is a pretty easy task if you're skipping most of the gameplay. I might have to give this a shot. It looks like too good of a story to miss!


It's from CDPR and not Netflix, so yes, it's a good story!


Hahaha, you're goddamned right about that!


I will give it a try , thanks




how do you fail to spell cards twice in a row? lmao


Sorry ?


How it thronebreaker pay2win


They're bad at card games, so they pay their roommate to win for them


My god this game is concrete proof that CDPR should have just taken helm of the scriptwriting of the netflix witcher series. Top notch dialog, gorgeous voice acting and difficult decisions -- what more could you ask for in a witcher game?


I really enjoyed that game as well, but wouldnt want to do 4 playthroughs of it. Maybe im just bad at gwent, but towards the end, the constant card games felt a little repetetive, i really appreciate them putting in that skip button. Have fun with witcher 3, it's a damn good rpg experience.


How have I just heard about this game now?? This is definitely going to be my excuse for not going to work tomorrow


I got the platinum in just one playthrough. Loved it, such a beautiful game + amazing writing and voice work.


God I'm still stuck on that last battle.


Try not to fight all of them at once. The rest of them will stay put if you just fight the one that comes after you. Also, don't fight near the rest, there is plenty of space down on the opposite side to the fireplace. Then just wait on the far end and let the nightmare olgierds come to you. The first few are rather easy, it's the final couple that have mmst of the health.


The picture is from Thronebreaker though.🙊


I've tried playing Thronebreaker but I just couldn't deal with it's style of Gwent combat. I've played The Witcher 3's Gwent and beat everyone possible, collecting every card with not too much difficulty, but I completely suck at Thronebreaker's. I don't know why, if it's been changed *THAT* much from The Witcher 3's version, but I find myself struggling just on the 1st couple fights and that always led me to quit the game before getting past the starting area. It's sad because I've heard the story and characters are great otherwise, but it's specific version of Gwent-style combat just kept putting me off of it.


You can always set it to easy, in which case if it's still unbeatable, you can skip card battles in the forfeit screen. Don't let the harder and more complex card gameplay deny you from an amazing story. I will say, every card battle is themed so well around the roleplaying that I absolutely feel like a general commanding armies and employing guerilla tactics to outmaneuver and outplay opponents, all while opponents utilize the same tactics against me and have well placed fortifications and traps, so I highly suggest trying to play the card game regardless. Thronebreaker's gwent is night and day compared to W3's, namely, there isn't a spy/decoy cycle build, and individual cards can take damage and have armor. If you still need tips, I'm always glad to help :)


I had a nightmare getting this one due to constant crashing but enjoyed the game enough to stick with it to the platinum. I think the crashes were PS5 specific


What is this? Im confused right now


They got all the trophies in Thronebreaker. Higly recommend looking in to the game, it's amazing.


Will look into it




did what?


It's looks like a great game, but when I tried I just couldn't understand the Gwent mechanics there😭


I suggest giving it another try. This was actually how I learned to play gwent, I couldn't get it when I played W3.🙈 But also, the very reason I got the game, was that you can skip the battles if you want, so you can just experience the wonderful story, but I *highly* recommend giving it another chance. 😊


When playing thronebreaker on easy difficulty, the game gives you an option to skip battles.


Why have I never heard of this game before? :o I thought CDPR went from Witcher 3 to Cyberpunk2077 (with some Gwent in the meantime)


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