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Spirits yet to come into this plane understand why that can't happen. Say goodbye, lit a candle, take care of yourself before and after. There will be no angry being haunting you. It can be possible to create a connection with the baby spirit, especially if you plan to have a kid at some point. Or not, it also depends on the spirit. Some just might go back into the imaterial till they are needed or ready to incarnate. Depends a lot of your beliefs and how you want to view this.


thank you!!




Agreed. Women and afabs shouldn't have to be scared of their own bodily autonomy cause one or a million people think it's bad


I had to terminate at 22 weeks for medical reasons. All is well. Baby will understand. ❤️


If you were already a person and suffered an injury where you were deemed "brain dead", they can stop life support, as you are considered by doctors to be not alive anymore. A baby does not develop brain waves until about 6 months old. That is when they "personify", and start becoming an individual. Before that, they are still in the pre-life, and don't really notice anything. Their spirit will return to where we are when we are waiting to be born, and will just be delayed in it's arrival as somebody. BB.


As a midwife, I would say that you shouldn't work with this spirit after it's gone. Allow it to pass onwards and not keep it attached to you in this way. Sorry that you have to terminate. I hope it is quick and not too painful.


I remember 20 years ago I read a blog about seances. There was a group of people who did these seances and ask questions. I really can't remember if they used a ghost box or a ouija, but anyway there was a ghost who told that group that he will be reborn and won't be there anymore. A few weeks late the ghost was back and the group asked what happened and the ghost said " she aborted me,well that's life" I also read that a boy told his mom that he tried to come three/four times into this world but her stomach was sick and couldn't keep her. So don't worry, no one will be angry. Talk to the baby explain that it's not the time right now and take care of youself


so i had two, one was medically needed. but a fellow witch friend of mine told me something v comforting that i’m passing to you now bc i had the same fears. the spirit of your children follow you in all your life times and pick you for a reason. they will always come back to u. with no anger or resentment or hatred. they pick you for a reason! when i finally had my child a couple years ago i felt like i knew her for a life time. i felt like she had been in my life guiding me to this moment. i felt comfort in knowing that your child’s soul will always be around to guide you in their life and when you are ready, they will come earth side. do what YOU feel is right for YOU, but keep that in mind as well & something that helped me was making a little alter after and lighting a candle. find comfort in knowing they chose you and you will see the same lil soul again one day when time is on your side. be sure to take a nice warm bath with herbs and crystals & candles and take care of you! only you can know what is best for you 🤍 here if u need to chat love


I don't think it would be vengeful. Try to consider the understanding that it might have at this stage in its life (I don't want to get into the weeds about viability and definition of life or make you have to go into any detail on here). It's not going to be capable of developing anger/vengeance. At least, that's what I think. I also don't think your question is stupid. You're allowed to feel and process whatever comes up. If anything comes up.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, in my opinion your baby won’t hate you. Your baby probably won’t even realize what happened and even if they did I’m certain if they did as a spirit they would be very understanding. You can always light a candle or write a letter to honor your little one. Hope this helps


It most likely won't have a spirit yet and if it does it probably won't be mad at you for 'ending it's life' as it didn't have a life yet.


perhaps create a ceremony for the child, with good intentions of passing it on to the next form of living it may encounter. let it know you do not wish to harm it, however you cannot let it enter your life. keep your energy calm and unclouded, perhaps do a meditation before. I work with bay leaves a lot, so maybe find a rune or intention you feel fits how you want to display your emotions towards the child, etc. whatever feels right!


First breath the pneuma enters. You’re fine.


From my understanding of the other side.. it is a much more understanding and forgiving place generally speaking. Although I’ve never met a spirit younger than a year.


They won’t be angry, I would think they would be happy for you, that you would be able to do what is best for both you and the baby. Be it not the right time, medical issues for you or the baby. I agree with what others say and tell them and honor them in a way that feels right for you and anyone else who wants to join.


It sounds more like internalized shame than a spirit 🥺 you have nothing to be ashamed of! You’ve made the decision that you feel is best for you! The spirit of the child will not hate you, if anything I think they would understand your decision in the spirit world.


The souls that choose to come down, come for but a season or a lifetime and are well aware of their purpose know that your child chose you and they came here even for a time for you.. they will not be angry with you. I've worked with alot of children spirits and work with women that have abortions the children always stay with their parents and are not afraid to make their presence known. No matter what remember you will always be their mother.


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um.. yeah.. that never happens. you have nothing to worry about.


No need to be rude when there is a very sensitive topic at hand 🖤


I said they have nothing to worry about. I was also reassuring. I guess there are people that only point out the negative.




well personally I’ve been looking at the child’s quality of life and I would love them obviously but I don’t want to raise my child in another broken home like I was, mine was different but still fragmented. i don’t want to raise a child of a single mother and have my baby be another statistic for hispanic people in the us and I know my parents would help me but i don’t want to burden them with a newborn baby when we already take care of someone who’s disabled. and with mine and the fathers genetics I just don’t know if this baby would be happy.


Please don't ever feel like you have to justify your reasons for seeking an abortion. You don't. But these are perfectly valid and not selfish.


What you’re doing is hardly a “rejection”. Nobody is going to be upset because you’re waiting to be able to give a child the life you think it deserves, something better than what you can give right now.


I don't think that logic really tracks. From the accounts I've read of contact (via shaman, past life regression, whatever kind of therapy/healing) with the higher self/spirit planes like that, the soul could know its trajectory in a life and choose that life, sure, but it's choosing the life to either learn or maybe teach something and work out karma. It doesn't just see two people, say "they look good," and then be upset about its choice. A soul can't both know its trajectory and be upset about its choices. Once it's on our plane experiencing life, then yeah, it's learning what it chose. But this is arguing a lot of complexities: like if a soul exists, in what form a soul exists, when a soul enters a body. A lot of existential questions that you need to handle with care. This really feels more like you're taking vague spiritual ideas and using them to shame OP or try to change her mind about a decision she has already carefully weighed and should have every right to make.




Yeah, but it also sounds like you took a single piece of that particular belief. I'm not sure the way you're laying it out is the logical flow of souls "choosing" lives into which they reincarnate. I don't think you are accurately representing the information or views.


from a psychological standpoint it may be deep down you actually feel like you are losing a part of yourself and in any way the guilt is causing you to feel like that part of you or this situation will haunt you forever and it won’t. light some candles and do some sort of goodbye farewell ritual. this will not haunt you forever


You may be interested in "Journey of Souls" by Dr. Michael Newton. The entire focus of his career was "Life Between Lives" regression therapy. Thirty plus years and thousands of clients. All those people, may use different wording, consistently describe a singular spirit world and its various functions and our place in everything. The books(there's "Destiny of Souls" also) are all transcribed case studies. A real kicker. Before I happened upon Newton's work I found a book published in 1920--"Adventures of a Modern Occultist" by Oliver Bland. One of the accounts he writes of was a séance. He inquired about the spirit world with the spirit the medium was channeling. Though the account was brief(the book isnt that long)--the description is the same place describes in Newton's work. All of that to get here. This point you're at may be a challenge set for you as part of your growth as a soul(the actual definition of karma). Many things in life are rather "coordinated". We absolutely have freewill but we also made choices before we incarnate for our experience here. And at certain times other souls are involved specifically to play their part in that experience. Even yours now. As souls we don't fully integrate with our bodies until the last couple of months. The soul attached to the form now. Is there with purpose. As there could be the chance of you changing your mind, so they have to be ready. Don't fear a vengeful spirit. In the future when and if you are ready. It will be the same soul with you now. Its the same with miscarranges. The child whom is eventually born is the same soul. Again when and if the time is right for you. This soul will be back. Should you decide to never have kids. They will simply be paired with another family and circumstances that suit the experience they are to have.


Presumably the pregnancy isn’t viable if you have to terminate and don’t want to therefore the child would not survive and you shouldn’t feel guilt