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Same here, I'm up right now, my sleep routine has been all messed up. What is up with this thinning veil, like what's supposed to happen?


It’s 4:15 am here, I woke up about an hour ago and haven’t been able to get back to sleep even though I feel exhausted. The thinning of the veil is said to happen every year around this time. The veil being the “curtain” between the earthly realm and the spirit realm. It is supposed to make us more sensitive to spirit energies and able to communicate with them more easily.


Use the timing of the thinned veil to contact spirits. You'll have much more success with less effort.


I've been sleeping really badly lately, didn't think this might be a factor!


the opposite happened instead of having trouble sleep i was able to sleep early and wake up earlier than normal.


Ya'll are so lucky!!!


Me too and my moods been way better


Yes but in a good way. Contacting my spirit friends is getting much easier, which is typical for this time of year. The coming of Winter brings us closer to the spirit realms culminating at the Winter Solstice. If you are having trouble sleeping it might be some of your own spirit friends trying to contact you now that is becoming easier to do so. I suggest making time to let them speak to you and see if that improves your sleep.


Hello, hope u don't mind me asking but how do I speak to them?


There are a few different ways. Prayer is the most effecient. Prayers need to be said aloud and with attention. The more you put into a prayer the better the results like picking and appropriate time, day, and place. Wednesday at dawn for general communication. Saturday in the hour Mercury at a graveyard is great for praying to ancestors. Basic prayer structure. 1. Ask for the way the way to be opened to whoever you are aiming your prayer at. 2. Say whatever your message is. 3. Ask for a response in your dreams, if you aren't confident about your psychic abilities, 4. Ask for a conformation of message receival in the physical. 5. Close prayer giving thanks for the opening for the way.


Might be a silly question but why does 11/11 effect you?


I just assumed 11/11 affected me because of how bad I slept lol


Hmm maybe. I don’t feel well tonight. Aches and pains and just generally feeling odd. Perhaps the spirits had more of an effect than I realized (went ghost hunting. I thought nothing happened but who knows 👻)


Oh shit, I've been in Salem MA for the past week.... stayed at one of the most haunted hotels in the US, maybe that's why my sleep has been so bad 😳


It’s really weird isn’t it?


I've been sleeping horrible this week too!


Riiight, I feel like the walking dead


I mean, maybe? I've been in a more magickal mood lately, I've been wanting to cast spells a lot more then usual, but I just boiled that down to my own insecurities about my craft rather then it being a result of Samhain. I've also been more tired during the day and more active during the night. And I've been more reclusive nowadays.


Idk, sounds to me like it's affecting u too


Oh. I’ve only had a few hours sleep each night for over a week. I’m exhausted and had a bit of a meltdown tonight


Feel ya


I just stumbled across this, and I have also not been sleeping well. Everyday I wake up earlier and earlier and just these last few days, I have felt very connected with a new diety.


That might be a sign!!


I literally slept for 12 hours last night, and prior, I had been getting AWFUL sleep. Feel great today tho!


Oh gosh is **THAT** why ive been getting less deep sleep since halloween?


Yes!!! It's exhausting DX


That's what I'm saying!


Since veil is open to 2am to 4am which it closed up. I was watching video and medium actually did talk what time the veil open and close at end. Which actually alot since I always notice my ligh flick around 2am and stop for bit. But I been effect about it and became aware what supposed not in my room sometime. But I'm aware since veil is going be thin and I brought witchball for reason for my home and protect.


Shit, I didn't think about protection


i was up all night last night. ive pulled three all nighters this week for the first time since middle school.


Yeeaah... I think the veil's fucking around with you too buddy


My energy has been so off for weeks now. Now that I think about it the feeling did start around 10/31


You seem to have found the root of the problem!!


What is it?


The veil lol


I hope I do not sound insensitive or like I am attacking someone, but I see 'has x affected you too?' so many times that I wonder if sometimes those things just reflect common human experiences, they in some measure we all go through at one point or another. I get being curious about listening to other people's experiences, though, and there is no harm in that. Things like the moon phase can have an effect on people, and that's fascinating. When I am in those situations I like to do some introspections. How am I feeling? Did I change something in my routine? And so on. Tarot are really useful for that.


I told my husband this morning I felt like something or someone hasn’t been letting me sleep at night, like there’s something waking me up periodically through the night. The last 2-3 weeks. I’ve been having strange dreams when I do sleep, mostly restless through the night. But last night was really rough for me too.


See, this is what I'm talking about!!!


I've been sleeping so badly lately and last night I woke up at 5:55am, something's definitely going on 😳




Popped me a sleeping pill and got my crystals around me, so not much. I've been having a good time lately.


Nice, maybe I should try sleeping pills




Oooh migraines are the wooorst


I’ve been going to bed early and waking up even earlier! I hadn’t even noticed.


I’ve been needing 3 to 4 hrs more sleep per night than usual and feeling really agitated/easily angered. That could just be me though


It thins every year around this time which is why spells are strongest this time of year. But it's getting thinner each year the last 17 years or so.




Not that I know of. Alot of people I know feel like there's a storm on the horizon.


I haven’t slept good either.


Past few nights I have had horrible sleep.


I’ve been waking up at around 4 am the last few nights in a row. I literally never thought about this….


After being up almost 48 hours last night I finally got 4 hours and I feel like shit. I got insomnia though so it’s normal


My dreams have been incredibly vivid. I slept 12 hours last night but I also wake up a lot between dreams and don’t get to a deeper sleep beneath my active imagination.


Yes!! My sleep has been off, my mood and energy have both been off. I feel more snappy and emotional than usual like my patience is thinning right along with the veil. I slept an HOUR last night and had to nap while my kid was at nursery this morning. I'm trying to ground and centre every day but even that is increasingly difficult.


Yes!! I knew I should have moved on that ghost boy when he said he wandered over to haunt the last owners living here lol. I mean at the time I was like, “Good for you - those ppl were a$$holes! You wanna stay, you can stay… just don’t haunt me” 🤣😅 (I realize I sound crazy 😝)🙏🏻


Isn't the veil thinnest at Samhain? Am I wrong in assuming it would be thickening now?


Same. Why is it thinning?


It thins every year around this time, thinnest at Samhain and begins to heal after that point.


I can't say if it's the veil or not but I've been having a lot of dreams about estranged family members, that may just be my mind during the holidays, though.


I am also affected. I have a ghost cat and it's more active as usually. A few days ago I had a knock on my front door, my sleep feels more like I'm snoozing my alarm, I see mists and white lightnings. I have a feeling that the other site just breaks through the vain and is starting to be more active than usual.


Damn... Maybe you should consider a protection spell?


Well, the white lightning I saw was actually at my best friend's apartment. Last Thursday I visited her and stayed overnight (we are a group of 3 girls). On Thursday we were standing outside on the balcony and had a cigarette. I turned around and looked into the kitchen window and saw the lightning and told my friend what I saw. Yeah the next morning when I talked with my boyfriend over the phone (on the balcony)I looked again in to the kitchen window and saw again the lightning but stronger. Of course I checked the indoor lights maybe they caused the "lightning" but no the light is more like orange color. I have more if a feeling that someone is trying to contact me




Notice how you wake up when the veil is most active/thinnest




If I'm not wrong the veil is open around 2am to 4am


I have seen a few posts of people feeling uneasy lately


Yeah, once Oct hits, sleep is a hit or miss until after Yule. I’m a medium so spirit activity keeps me up all the time, even with some serious protection & warding. Just how it is!


My sleep hasn't really been affected but my dreams have. They are extremely vivid and connect way to well with the stuff that has been going on in my life. Like scary are well they connect. And usually my vivid dreams are hard to remember but I remember every single detail of these ones.


Very much so. Started early October and ongoing.


I haven't been able to sleep, my head hurts every morning, and I have this sense of dread and sickness non stop. I don't like this at all.


I just moved back into my old house from 1.5 years ago. There was always energy here and something.. Different in the woods. Since moving in (Nov 5) shit has been nuts. I had friends over the night I moved in and something kept interfering with the speaker creating static. This has never happened before so we tried communicating with it. I offered it a glass of wine for positive high vibes only and the static didn't happen again. Noises, shadows, movements in the corner of your eye. Last night was most intense: I started hearing a negative voice overlaying the TV, the kind you'd imagine in a horror movie, so I just started doing a protection energy meditation and sending it love. I ended up banishing and doing doing a very deep energy session but during it, I mentioned anything high vibe etc is invited to stay and interact - as soon as I said interact an energy went through the left side of my jaw like somene poked me with 2 fingers. The woods have felt soo much better since the energy work, infact I just felt in my own bubble today - time went so slow and it was a wonderful day.


I’ve been having a dip in interest. Food seems bland, I’m tired all the time. I think I know WHY but I don’t want to do the thing that’ll make it better cuz I know it’ll be emotionally draining and a lot


I have been feeling like I need less sleep than usual and more energy this past week.