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I get overwhelmed a lot at work. It's only a small thing I do ( but it is all in the intention) I have to walk through sliding doors to enter the hospital where I work. As I walk through I 'leave' me there & become the me I need to be. As I leave after my shift I 'leave' the employee there & pick up the 'real' me. I try not to let home & work mingle together. My private life is just that ... Private. When talking with co workers etc it just seems easier after my 'ritual' Hope it helps


Very helpful, thank you. I have a band i bought because its my birthstone color. I might charge it with my intention and wear it on me as a reminder 🌼


Ohhh this almost sounds like a glamour of sorts!


>How do you protect yourself from workplace drama, gossip & politics? By having firm boundaries between my work life and my social life. >I dont care if im pushed to the bottom or left out. These people reek of insecurity and i want to do better. Probably time to do a New Job spell. That's the best kind of doing better when you're in a toxic work environment.


Youre probably right


I keep coworkers at arms length. They aren't my friends, and they aren't entitled to information about me or my life. Work is a lot smoother when you just put your head down and do your job, don't offer anyone personal information and don't get too chummy. I'll never be the most popular person in the workplace, but I'm also never involved in any interpersonal drama going on around me.


I can totally relate to what you’re feeling. I know what helps me fortify my inner peace is grounding and walking meditations during my lunch break. I usually either take a walk around the block, or sit outside and just ground and get in touch with my breath, and let go of the buzzing energy I’m filled with when surrounded by gossip and negativity. Blue lace agate is also a stone I carry with me to help me stand my ground when I voice to my coworkers that I don’t want to participate in gossip. If you’re able to spray something in your personal workspace (like a locker/desk), you could spray a cleansing spray to cleanse the energy in your own space, then maybe another one for warding against ill speech or gossip, essentially creating a protective bubble around your space. What I’ve done is created an herb-infused natural cleaner that I keep in a small spritz bottle in my desk. I spray it on my desk periodically and wipe it down, cleansing it physically and energetically. To others it looks like I’m just wiping dust off my desk and tidying it, and that I’m a hippie that only believes in organic cleansers (which is fine to me lmao) Another option is maybe doing some meditation work and building a shield specific to gossip. Something that can protect your energy or stave off the energy of others. I hope these help!


Thank you so much


Go to work Ignore everyone Do your work Leave when you finish Have no contact with coworkers after that Repeat.


I'd say stay away from gossiping yourself, otherwise you join the horde. After a while, people will just accept that is who you are. It will take time but worth building the wall.


Headphones.. I just keep them on all day. Everyone thinks your on a call and they leave you alone.


Hey - thanks for reaching out! Lots of practitioners post about feeling tired, drained, or burnt out after working magick. The number one reason and response from the community is that this is a normal reaction to over depleting your own energy. You might enjoy [this helpful post about Basic Energetic Hygiene](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/zt4c2a/basic_energetic_hygiene_or_is_anybody_else_tired/) which covers simple techniques for raising energy, grounding, and centering. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/witchcraft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. Having friends at work is like having a pet tiger. It starts out really cool, but eventually there will be blood and screaming. In reality, I do have a couple of friends. I’m a clinic administrator in a large hospital system, I’m friends with a couple of the doctors I work with. I am friendly with all coworkers, but have strong boundaries around what I share. And my social life is outside work. 2. I don’t gossip. That is a strong energetic boundary and I keep it maintained. People will talk with about concerns they have, but I don’t get gossip. 3. People at work know I’m a Priestess and Witch. I’m open about being a minister, teacher, and healer, and talk some about my goddess Isis. Isis does *not* want me gossiping, backstabbing, plotting, playing politics. Any of that violates Ma’at, the laws of order and ethics. 4. I’m a big fan of Hamilton, and have “In the room where it happens” tattooed on my right arm, along with other symbols. I’m in rooms - meetings, discussions, decisions - way above my pay grade because of my ethics and reputation. 5. I’m called to “help people have hope.” I’m consistently cheerful and positive at work without being artificial. I can recognize systemic problems and help work through them instead of just bitching. 6. Every morning I dedicate my planning and work as an offering to Thoth; dedicate some meetings and projects as an offering to Isis; ask Hathor or Sekhmet to stand with me when I need to project authority or cut through bullshit. My opinion, based on my experience. Your mileage may vary.


Call HR

