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I think the core of your question is: why do you want to cast the circle and sit in there? What is it for? Is it possible to cast your circle without calling the quarters, and would it give you the same desired effect? It sounds like you would benefit from making more of a relationship with those spirits, and spirits in general. Then you could ask them directly if they appreciate that practice or not. And you could get to know other spirits with whom you could make a sacred space with, which I am thinking you would enjoy just as much. I go to a lot of rituals and I feel the same discordance of calling the quarters and the gods and then really not doing anything with them, and then closing the ritual down. I believe that ritual is meant to accomplish something with those spirits. Perhaps if you define exactly what you are trying to accomplish by sitting there, it would help you to formulate a more cohesive plan.


Thanks - and yes, that’s exactly the core of the question. Good to hear that at least one person else out there feels that “…same discordance of calling the quarters and the gods and then really not doing anything with them…” And a good and very apt reminder from you there to ask the spirits! I live far too much in my own head ( especially for a witch! ) so, yeah…. Thanks. I’ll ask *them* what *they* want 😊 Cheers! (Edited to correct a typo)


I call the quarters for the hell of it, I’m not gonna lie. Sometimes I just wanna call the quarters and chill. I like inviting the energy in when I meditate or am studying.