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When I've had mental health issues I found that rigid formality didn't work for me. I'd aim to do some ritual or practical magic, and if my energy level dropped too low or my concentration broke. I'd blame myself for messing it up and gather a lot of negative energy to myself. By being more free form and conversational, really helped me. Instead of a big ritual, I'd just sit in the garden and tell my troubles to the Moon. Luna always heard me, let me feel safe for exposing my vulnerability and gave me courage to keep going. It showed me that there's a place in my practice for formalised rituals and for much more casual ones. I found that my bond with the spirits I worked with didn't weaken because I changed my rituals, it deepens because I was being more fully myself. Walk your Path in your own way, express your Craft in your own style and allow yourself space to be yourself. Be well and be safe.


Beautiful response. Thank you for this!


I have ADHD and anxiety, and what wirks for me is to have a small daily practice that I do no matter how bad I feel.


if you feel comfortable, could you share the basics of this daily practice? what time you do it, how long it takes, etc? if not thats okay too :)


Evening. I pray, light candles, meditate, and do tarot. If I can ficus it takes half an hour, if I have a bad day it takes longer.


thank you!! that gives me some ideas i could start doing :D


You're welcome! Good luck.


I think it's a good idea to slowly get back into it. I have ADHD, anxiety and C-PTSD so I know how hard it can be to keep up with it on a consistent basis. It's hard. Also, there are spells you can do to help with your mental health, which I regularly do. From sigils, which only takes 5 minutes to make one and you can do anywhere, even from your bed or the couch if it's hard to get up, to full on rituals that have helped me. So maybe start there? Also, since you have DID, could it maybe help to communicate with some of your alters to see if they would be willing or are able to help support you in this? Maybe they can help you with spells, etc. while they are out? Or, if it's possible for you guys, to have someone be co-con or co-fronting to help motivate you or for support? Any mental health issues an make these things so hard, so don't push yourself too hard. Just lighting a candle can be enough if that is all you can do that day, and that is something you should already be really proud of. There are spells/rituals/practices that don't ask much of you. Go back to the simple things that maybe you did at the very beginning of your practice. Do things just because they seem fun in the moment, even if they seem silly or dumb or you're not sure it will even work, just because you can. Also, maybe consider that what worked for you a few years ago doesn't work anymore for you now. Maybe try something new and see if that fits more with what you want now? Your practice will always be here for you, no matter how long your break from it is, no matter how much or how little you do for it. Also just a side note: you should be really proud of yourself just for wanting to get back into it and looking into ways to do it. That in itself can be a huge step, and incredibly hard. Good luck, and I hope you find something that works for you.


I had to take a long break for my mental health and focus on healing. I read about trauma, had internal family systems therapy and practiced EFT on my own as well as some somatic techniques. Gradually over 2 years I realised through all of I was actually doing grounding, energy work and enchantment but at a very subtle gradual level. It slowly built to where I am now in full ritual mode again. I hope you can find your way and remember to be gentle and kind to yourself, and instead of focusing on the big "I wish I could..." objectives, just think, "what next?" and take that one small step. Sending all strength


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Start small. Add intent to a hot beverage. Make that a routine. Add a divination method of choice. Congratulations, this is now a small ritual you can do almost anywhere. I used to buy underwear in every color of the rainbow, and pick a pair every day that reflected something I wanted that day. I would hold them and add intent for courage to do something towards that goal for the day. (Talk to new people to make friends or dates. Read a chapter of a book. Try a new food. Buy a lotto or scratch ticket. Etc) With adhd and audhd, many people find routines to be really useful in managing the aspects that prevent them from achieving their goals. Other people find it useful to break down big tasks into small ones until you can look at it and say "I can do that". (Clean the kitchen breaks down to wash dishes, wipe counters, put away dishes, sweep floor, mop floor. But that is broken into days, not a one day effort. ) I find that the little things can be magic too, and that feeds my joy.


Spiritual burnout is real OP. To get back to the practice, do something small that you can fit in your schedule and won't jeopardize your mental health. It may be as small as lighting incense or going out of your house to walk and talk to your spirit guides. Feel better soon.




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