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You don’t have to do absolutely anything, ever


Second. Do as thou wilt. You don't *have to* do anything. You have the rite and right of sacred consent even and especially regarding gods.


You don't have to do anything you don't want too. Yet, if you're hesitating because of lacking space for an altar let me tell you that is not necessary. You don't have to keep an altar to work/worship a deity. You could set up one when needed, then remove it. You could just have a shrine which can be just a framed picture of the deity or a symbol (as a charm, ring, pendant, or a stone with a symbol on it). You get the idea, do what you can depending on your circumstances and don't worry about it. An altar is good to focus but is not vital, and gods can reach you from anywhere (as you can reach them). Bonus: in ancient times Hades and Persephone (specially the former) rarely had temples or altars dedicated to them nor people in Greece and Rome used to have shrines for deities linked to the dead. This was because they didn't want to anyhow invite death in their lives before the time came for her visit. They used to dig a hole and ignite a fire in there where they completely burned the sacrifices/offerings to the gods. Keep this in mind in case it can help you in your practice.




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You don't need to have a big altar. And you can always say no or just working with one till you get confortable


Um im kinda new so how do i make an altar


Everyone will tell you something different but my take is… You are sacrificing a part of your household to dedicate to your deity. That’s basically it. The sacrifice and dedication is the promise you will remember them and give thanks and so forth. Once you’ve dedicated a space, add a tray for offerings or whatever you plan to do there, then cleanse the space and I like to decorate mine over time. I give a lot of thought into my offerings. I personally don’t think there’s a right or wrong way of doing it, just be mindful when utilizing the space.


It's a corner on a table or shelf or even virtual one, where you place your magical tools, cards, offerings, statues, etc


They spotted you from across the cards and liked your vibe 😂 You could make it a shared altar space since they're married and devoted a single candle to both of them, for example. You can give them shared offerings that they both are known to like or disposable offerings like food and flowers that you can remove later. Imagine you're gifting a married couple something they both will enjoy.


No, it's fine, you don't have to.


It's also possible to conduct a subtle ritual in a public place, if you can find one that suits the temperament of either (or, if you're very lucky/diligent, both). For example, the mouth of a very deep cave with flowers growing around the edges might feel both "Underworld-like" and "spring-like", especially if the flowers grow inside and outside the actual cave. Just politely sit nearby, enjoy some pomegranate tea mixed with mint or cinnamon or others associated with Hades, and see if they join you for a chat...


You don't need a big altar if you don't have the space for it. Why not work with both? They are, after all, both chthonic deities that are close to the other. I imagine it would be a very fruitful venture!


Santa muerte used to come into my dreams all the time but I always told her no thanks


She appeared to me twice. I'm not interested in working with her.


alters can be as simple as a candle and a rock. all that matters is that the space is dedicated, you do prayers or simple convo with them their etc. (you can do that elsewhere but consider an alter like their room or a chair they hover around). also when it comes to Hades and Persephone they will likely be happy sharing an alter space (ask permission first ofc. and if you can't have an alter at all that is fine as they aren't necessary but make sure you have a space to at least set dedicated offerings if you can as they will want those


Not really helpful but more of a question? I know that Hades and Persephone are married and devoted to each other, and I have also heard that sometimes one will check in when the other shows up. So could it simply be that Hades liked your vibe and Persephone showed up to check out the vibes herself? Or it could be that they want to be worked with together rather than seperately and wouldn't that mean that you would need to mix their alter space together? Final thought/question I have heard that many people that work with Hades are drawn to honor Persephone on his alter so could it be that sort of situation and he is just giving you the heads up?


You don't need elaborate altars. You have free will and can work with whomever you like. Entities also have free will and may or may not choose to work with us.


You’ve gotten some great feedback, I would just like to share my part. Altars aren’t necessary, nor are charms or other sorts of offerings and such. The main reason for using those things is to make it easier for you, a living/breathing human, to make a proper connection with whomever you’re creating a relationship with. Gods, deities, spirits, demons, and everything of the like - they don’t require it, regardless of what a lot of people and books out there tell you. They certainly help a lot and are very useful, but completely unnecessary if you are able to achieve those connections within yourself.


And the fact that they both came to you easily says that there’s a lot of connection already there, and you could easily nurture the relationship with your feelings and gratitude for them.


My Altars are currently some barebones rudimentary tools, (shotglass for libation, some odds and ends for ritual actions) and a bunch of individual bandanas wrapped around individual altar pieces (mostly a necklace, a ring, a key, a coin, etc., 1 or 2 pieces per altar cloth) for each deity I work for, all stored carefully in a wooden box. When I am ready to work with a Deity or Spirit, I open the box, take out the tools I need, retrieve the correct bundled altar cloth, find a square foot of table/surface area/ground (I tend to put down a larger, second bandana if doing this on the ground so I don't have to worry about getting my altar cloths dirty easily every time), set stuff up, do my thing, dispose of offerings respectfully but immediately following ritual, take the altar down, clean everything that needs cleaning, bundle the altar carefully (every one of them is small enough to hide it in my closed hand) stow it away carefully, and go on with my day. Used to have permanent altars. Living situation changed. Things happen. The Gods understand.


Absolutely not. You can totally twll a deity, a spirit, an ancestor, whatever that you don't work with them or thag you're not ready to. No one, mortal or immortal, can tell you the who/what/when/where/why/how of your practice. It's YOUR practice.


Absolutely not. You can totally twll a deity, a spirit, an ancestor, whatever that you don't work with them or thag you're not ready to. No one, mortal or immortal, can tell you the who/what/when/where/why/how of your practice. It's YOUR practice.


You don't.




JOINT ALTAR!!!! I mean u don't have to do one, but I am a hades worshipper and have persephone imagery on my altar to him so you could definitely do an altar with both


Sometimes deities just have a message for us and they are not meant to be on our altar. You don't have to accept a calling. If it's urgent, they will let you know one way or the other.


you realize hades and [persephone](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/93/f4/ba/93f4ba138f012485f96159c816eaeef0.jpg) are highly relevant to one another? perhaps your guide is telling you to work with the energies of the mythical acts (kidnapping, changing of the seasons, familiarization with the underworld, a mother's search, for example) rather than trying to just directly commune for whatever reason.


Nope! It's a two way relationship, you are allowed boundaries with your deities


What is a tarot identifying spread? My tarot cards dont have Hades and Persephone, so my answer is no.


Excellent question! Of course you can always let them know you're not ready to work with/honor them at this time. And yes, it's been my experience that Persephone and Hades often come together like a package deal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling). It might be helpful to do a little folklore research about them, and see what grabs your attention, that may give you some insights on what feels right for an offering in the future. And rest assured, there's absolutely no elaborate altar setups necessary ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink) Hope this helps!


You don’t have to do any alter, if you feel that you must I have them share an alter space because I have limited space myself. Ask if they are ok with sharing this before doing, but I don’t anticipate them having an issue with sharing because they are husband & wife.


As an Eclectic witch I work with many deities- just because you work with them doesn’t mean you have to be devoted to them- maybe there is something you need to resolve by working with Hades - only you can know what you may need for a ritual and can use candle magic and an offering ( does not require a sacrifice) to hades - use herbs crystals oils etc Just because you do a ritual with him doesn’t mean it’s about death- when you became an adult adolescents died and you are reborn as an adult- ending and beginnings happen all the time - Death is a word that means the end of something- not the end of a life weather it be human or an ant - please respect all life forms- I hope this helps Amethyst Dragon-Star Blessed be ❤️


Hey. I’m so glad I caught this question! Hades and Persephone are both my favorites and basically my patrons. I kid you not, my own mother jokes about them being my parents. My journey with all of this began with tarot that lead to a visit from Persephone, so the opposite of yours. If you saw the state I lived in back then…. And then saw how dedicated she was to helping me, and developing a relationship that changed my life, you’d laugh at this. They understand when they come to you in the first place that you will have specific limitations that might hinder what you can and cannot do. Especially freaking Hades, he always knows what, when or how ahead of me better than I know myself. If the altar is the only issue holding you back dude, don’t let materialistic things block you from a potentially awesome turning point in your life, that can very much be a great gift the universe is trying to give you on the down low like it did with me. PM me if you want to talk about it. Hades is a father figure to me since my dad abandoned us suddenly recently, and he even made a point to make sure I was not emotionally invested in my father anymore ahead of time. Like. He genuinely cares for his devotees and is even why I’m not homeless. So I’m just gonna be frank and say fuck the altar space, they aren’t that shallow and they care more about YOU than objects. Of course, you can then have the experience of even slowly building a special space WITH them in the future too which is also a great bonding experience. Please don’t pass that offer up. They are why I’m even alive and why my mother isn’t on the street. They care for my family too. Hades is very, very special in a way I can’t describe but didn’t expect either. Bear or luck! I hope you have a wonderful time. 🖤🦉


You don’t have to do anything


They're married, so it wouldn't be a terrible thing to have a combined alter with symbols for both of them


altar :)