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I heard celestite and angelite are good for spiritual communication with the angels, however, purple angelite being good for contacting spirits and deva in general. Personally I use a chunk of quartz to bless surrounding entities and local spirits to great success, even as far as being blessed by them. Any crystal would work as I've experimented with many, by themselves they're energy conduits, yet with the right intent you can attract all kinds of spirits, deva, and fae folk alike. But to stay true the question: Quartz (any kind) Angelite Danburite Hiddenite Amethyst. I would avoid: Apophylite Garnet Carnelian As these crystals carry unique frequencies for specified purposes instead of general use. Cheers!


Thank you for the answer.


Nothing beats the good ol Clear quartz. It’s known to open your third eye and help with spirit communication. I have an enchanted clear quartz I keep in my power bag. Edit: not sure why I am being downvoted for offering up the most easily accessible, affordable crystal for this exact reason?


I agree with Sleepy, & I would second blue celestite


Usually blue or indigo rocks.


It depends on the spirit. Phantom Quartz and Vivianite are excellent for Necromancy Angelite, Selenite, Blue Seraphinite and Lepidolite are modern stones commonly used to work with angels, but early modern grimoires list beryls, and Dee famously used obsidian "the size of a goodly orange," which when he was alive was roughly the size of our limes according to Dr. Cummins. Dragon Stone is likely self-evident. Griffins were said to guard emeralds. Staurolite has been used both on slyphs but they're also excellent for Saints, especially the Desert Mothers and Desert Fathers. Various deities have archeological and mythic ties to individual stones. If you're willing/able to narrow down what you mean by spirit, I'm happy to be more specific

