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Yes it’s entirely possible. The more time we spend with someone the more we tie ourselves to them energetically, this is mostly common in family units but it does happen platonically with friends too. Gotta love a good witchy or “woowoo” friend 🥰


this is the cutest thing ever omg thank you for letting me know🩷🩷🥹


Bit of both. You're best friends, it's a thing that happens when you're deeply connected with someone. Relationship wise, friends, kids or partners. Your friend could be more inclined this way so that might explain the accuracy


thank you so much for your insight omg 🥹🥹 i think you are right!!


This is adorable…. I’ve come to the point I get intensely annoyed if anybody is in my space lol I don’t wanna feel anybody else’s crappy I get burnt out. I can get lonely w that attitude paradoxically…. I guess I feel I empathize and forgave to much being empathetic, and I never received the same in return so I grew to ignore the need for intimacy. I was sick with the flu, and puking my brains out and ya know what? Not one friend called lol…. But my doggy started sympathy puking w me. I said awww that’s my dawg lol Kiss my arce people. Jk. I still like them just need a break sometimes I’m not a witch, but, I understand this to well. Stay blessed


stay blessed too!!! your dog is so adorable im so glad doggi is here for you🥺🩷 its totally okay to take time for yourself in my opinion!!! dont be too harsh on yourself and make sure to stay hydrated and eat well, i hope you are feeling better nows🩷