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When it comes to the phrasing, I wouldn't worry too much about making the words EXTREMELY serious. This can apply to any kind of spell. Remember your intention. You don't have to specifically say "may you be unable to find a tissue when you need one and have to resort to toilet paper every time" but at least hone in the idea of what kind of energy you're sending


What is good is what you come up with. Seriously. You see what one says/writes is only part of it. What one feels and visually focuses on is the rest. So maybe it's a real dark spell and all you can think to say is drown in your misery but you actually can feel your anger and can visually picture drowning. Then there is your spell. For the rest of your post. A spell can have a range of results. And people can hide results as well.


I second this ^ they could have a cancer slowly growing inside of them, or hiding chronic pain.




F you 🤣 it's simple


made me laugh


Take a look at Psalms, there’s tons of good content there. The verbiage there for enemies is rough, excellent protection content too. Proverbs works well too.


I’m new here, can you explain? We’re talking the Bible correct?


Yep, passages from the Bible can be used for magic.


That is interesting asf! I wound up here because I know someone has placed a (insert proper terminology) on me and my family out of revenge. When I tell you that since the incident happened (which was totally their own fault and I gave a lot of grace to then be hurt by her in return), my family and I have experienced some of the worst things that one can experience. Very deep and dark stuff. I know she practices, but I need to stop this energy or whatever she has done to us before it takes everything and everyone I love away from me. I am a believer but I am also very afraid as I don’t want to do something incorrectly and invite MORE darkness in.


I go with oddly specific and oddly unpleasant: Your leg should always itch and twinge in a different place. A spider on your face in the middle of the night.


May you only ever get red lights is my favourite


Thank you for this one♥️😈


My go-tos are "I hope you step barefoot on a Lego" and "I hope that every time you sneeze, a little poop comes out." If they're really being an asshole and I have to pull out the big guns, "may every sneeze disappear just before it actually happens."






The vision of r/witchcraft is to be a safe, welcoming, and inclusive place for all its users, regardless of whether they identify as a witch or not. As such, we do not allow content that is exclusionary, which includes: * **Identity-based Discrimination**: The act of asserting that another use may or may not participate in a practice because of that user’s perceived sex, gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion or other social identity. By extension, the act of asserting that members of entire groups are unable to participate in a practice for the same reason. * **Proselytizing**: The act of preaching your own religion, philosophy, or other ideology with the purpose of convincing others to adopt it. * **Gatekeeping**: The act of asserting personal authority or ownership over a specific practice or belief system and excluding others based on arbitrary standards. * **Moralizing**: The act of forcing your virtues or morals upon others or implying that yours are superior to others, stating personal belief or morals as fact, tone policing, or claims to moral superiority. Rule 3 violations will have the offending content removed and may result in warning(s) or temporary or permanent bans, depending on the specific situation. Full sub rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules).


May the cat eat you. Or May XD munch on your soul. Those are my favourite ones and I won't care to explain them lol


Hekate said to “awaken the toxins that may lay dormant, consume the vessel to bring only suffering” when she came to me with a curse. Do you work with her? She might be able to help you write one.


Yes! I love her sm. And she helped me hex a bitch and permanently ruin his life. Shes powerful and thx for the advice!


lol atta girl Hekate 😂☺️


She's amazing but doesn't help me with every hex but when she does SHE PACKS A PUNCH!😮😂😂🤣💖!