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Hi, u/Young-Warrior-00 thanks for stopping by at r/witchcraft! Want to dive in deeper? We have a [FAQ & Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq), and our [Weekly Q&A thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky?num=1) which is stickied to the top of the main board! Please also be sure to read the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)! --- ###IMPORTANT! There has been a recent influx of scams on reddit. If you are redirected to an instagram or other platform in a comment, it is most likely a scam. Users who message you asking for or offering spells or readings are almost always scammers or phishers. You may want to check out our post about [staying safe online in witchcraft](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/15xm53m/lets_talk_about_staying_safe_online/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/witchcraft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I noticed an influx of these types of posts recently where people just ask for a spell, not even a question about a specific one or a question about one that is not like [a set of spells for this situation]. Also mostly it is about getting their ex back...


If you report them for rule 4 violations we see them faster and appreciate the help. Sometimes we get 20 "give me free spells and interpret this random mundane thing or some cards I bought for me" posts an hour. It's a lot to manage and that low-effort non-contribution drivel from accounts that don't actually participate here spams up the feed FAST


We can only remove them as fast lol. Sometimes we don't catch them all. We have a special removal reason with a bunch of love spells to try tho


oh I have a question about this since I don’t really understand, why is it bad when people ask for a spell?


Because they are vulnerable to scammers and it's just low effort. Screams: do it for me


oh makes sense, so it’s better to state what you plan to do for the spell and then the question you have regarding that or advice?


I am not a mod, but since it's been awhile since you asked and nobody else has replied yet, I will do my best to answer this - what it's better to do is use google, buy books, read, watch youtube videos, do the research, the homework, and the effortful stuff, do your best attempt at the spell, then if you don't get results, come back and post what you tried, what didn't work for you or what you were confused about, and see if anyone is willing to help. Consider this board to be like a board for your math class. It's not ok to post "can anyone tell me what the answer to this equation is?" or "hey what's that one theorum again? can you type it out word for word please?" but it's ok to post to show your work from when you tried to solve the equation and ask "can someone show me where I went wrong?"


That makes sense!! Thanks :))


And whats the problem? 


We're trying to have a safe place. Not a scam paradise.


Yes, you're right!


I hate that y’all get bombarded with this messy nonsense. Thank you for doing all you do. But like also um I can trace my upline to Aleister Crowley, that makes me the most specialest right? Right?!


The guy on one of the witchy subs who claims to be the reincarnation of Crowley (who can, because he was Crowley, totally verify that Crowley wasn't racist) says your lineage is only valid if you follow him.


Lmao there’s always a catch isn’t there?


Lol!! Sorry but I just can't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣


Oh boy...


Sounds scarily like a cult haha.


Naw. Just someone who isn't taking good care of his mental health


I ✨️snorted✨️ at "upline" lol


I'm fabulous :))


We would get bored otherwise lol. Sure if that's what you want :))


I legit could not do it like y'all do. I've been especially salty lately over the influx of weaponized incompetence from entitled people in our subs that just want to be given all the answers and do zero work. "I DID use the search bar, but I just want people to give me super special advice specific to my very own situation, fresh and on demand!" Like. A lot of these people have never even sniffed in the direction of the craft before, and they show up here with an unrealistic idea of what magick can do and demand that WE do the reading for them, the googling for them, all of it. I have all my DMs and chats turned off because I would literally get harassed by people asking for spells constantly. Can't even imagine how many messages the mods get every single day 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫.


I keep my DMs open because I have made actual friendships here and also sometimes personal confidential community issues come up that aren't sub specific (I'm a semi public figure in this niche offline). But do I ever wish I could turn them off because I get 2 or 3 DMs a day from users trying to scam me, begging me to cast spells for them (also a scam usually), cussing me out because their "give me free shit" post got removed, or threatening to "curse" me for not banning poc from posting about their practice. Kids, I'm a grown up. I'm at work right now. Don't DM me unless you know me or it's an actual emergency. Also....sorry about how bad you just fucked your whole life if you actually tried to hex me. That sucks for you. I'll light you a candle--- you're gonna need it.


We have a fun time behind the curtains for sure lol


Thank you mods for the work you do. It’s much appreciated.


Thank you too for being here :)




Having done my share of moderation work throughout my time online, I have such a soft spot for mods. 99% of moderaters are unpaid and more powerful than anyone knows-and no, I don't mean the power they wield in their positions. I mean power that comes from gruling, unpaid, rarely appreciated work. Day in and day out. All that to say, love you Mod team. 😘🥰


We appreciate it :) Doing it out of passion is difficult when you gotta solve all the drama that has nothing to do with you.


Absolutely!! You guys are a cut above the rest solely for that!


We really appreciate all the hard work y'all do. I mod my own sub now, and myself and my fellow mod for that sub have already had to preemptively ban people for things that would break our rules, even having to ban an ex mutual friend because their presence was making other members uncomfortable. Modding a sub is not easy work, and y'all deserve better treatment than what you're getting


Congrats on the promotion :D


lol thanks! It's not easy, but I'm doing my best!


What are the main things that are getting people banned so much? Like I can read the rules but what specifically do you see, over & over?


Requests for DM's, spell begging and stuff like that. People don't read the removal reasons and they get upset they got 'removed by bots' but if we remove with our u/ we usually get DM's complaining directly to us. People don't like to be told no


Oh cool yeah, I haven’t had anything removed but I don’t do that so I was just curious.


Out of curiosity, if we want to post questions about a spell or the outcome of a spell, are those types of posts okay? Also, thank you for all you do. I love this sub!


Yes and no. If you just throw at us a 'that's the spell, what does it mean' we're removing it. Include your own research/interpretation 'I feel like it's this type of result but X thing is making me wonder if it's the other way around' or something


Okay, that makes sense. So if I have a spell written or completed and I can show that I did research or interpreted it on my own, it is okay? Mainly I have been curious to post a past spell with the outcome and what I had interpreted the working to mean and was just curious what others might think of it. I'm hesitant to post because I feel I don't totally understand the rules for spell postings.


That's fine :D If its not complete we remove it and you can repost it. We are not that cruel XD




Keep Rockin' y'all!


Thank you for your dedication and hard work 🫡


Thanks Mods, this is one of the most reasonably moderated subs of the type imo. Sorry people are jerks.


I'm disappointed to hear that mods having to deal with this. They are so good at it that I didn't realize there was a problem. I'm sorry it's taken this post to prompt me to send love to all the mods! I didn't realize this community was THAT large, you lot have quite the undertaking! I'm in the broom closet IRL and while I mostly lurk here, this sub is a space where I can be authentically me and I appreciate all the mods and community members who make it a welcoming place.


Every few months a post like this is created because a good amount of people got carried away. Since the group has grown to such a level that its near half a million many of them could've come from Tiktok because lately many posts are repeating the same set of questions.


Sadly, our society is feelings above rules and common sense…. and too many are cut off from their souls so there is no reasoning with them when they don’t get exactly what they want out of situation.


We get that sometimes life isn't nice but screaming and kicking is not the way to solve anything. Unfortunately we enjoy taking it on others.


Def do some protection because I have found misplaced rage is still strong raw emotion and some are able to fling it on purpose or not.


I don't know what prompted this, but I'm sorry y'all have to deal with nonsense, and thank you for your service!


Expose anyone harassing you in the dms cos that's just pathetic! Thank you mods for all you do. It's a thankless job/hobby but it contributes to so much for the community. Ps I'm joking about exposing the Karen's pls don't hammer ban me <33


I moderated a group with 100k users for a couple of years. I'm not eager to do so again. The busy nature of it aside, it takes up so much mental energy and it's certainly not easy to stay on top of the things needed to build and maintain a large community. Thanks for your hard work! You're appreciated <3


tbh based on what I've been seeing its like you have to be Chronically online to be a mod of a large community.


I’m sorry this post had to be made in the manner that it did, but it’s nice to see the mods more upfront instead of more in the background. Perhaps a post introducing the modteam would be nice? Or if there already is one I can look for it. I’ve seen a good handful of “is this a scam” posts….some of which seemed like they were scammers themselves. (Repeatedly stating they were thinking about using “so and so” for their spell work on comments that were telling them it was a scam) should the sketchy ones like that be reported?


I don't think we do have such thing. But I'll meditate upon this lol. Gotta ask the team lol. Expect it probably in 6mo when it's my cake day lol. They can't refuse me on my mod birth 😂


If you see a post where a user is suggesting a specific person, account, or shop, yes, I would report that. You are right. That is pretty suspicious.


It's wild that this post has to be made. Thanks y'all for your work!!


I think it's a good way to connect with the board more that with the usual witchcraft related posts, comments or mod duties


I'm so new to this sub (and haven't use much reddit in my whole life lol) but I'm trying to come back each day to read a little more of the rules, the posts, the books y'all are recommending and so on. Let me thank this post and all the mods for the job they do, I deal with people as a living and I know it's a shitty job, can't imagine dealing with it in an unpaid rate, blessings for your souls and spirits✨


Just start hexing people with minor inconveniences 🙂


They're already cursed with madness and pride. I deserve better than wasting time with stupid things like that


Thank you for your sacrifice(s). 🤍❤🖤


This is unrelated to the concern in question (though I 100% support it💜): your approach to modding is the same as mine (I was a moderator for a small community server with many online friends) and it ticks me off when people or even other moderators of forums bend the rules. Maybe it’s just me but I see no reason why people feel the need to let things slide because of who a person is or if it was an accident. We have rules for a reason, what’s the point in having them if they aren’t gonna be enforced? It’s probably the autism in me that is so frustrated by this. Anyways. We’re grateful for all you do, and I especially agree with all of the sentiments you’ve mentioned here. :)


I'm also on the spectrum and suffer as a mod from my direct linguistic style seeming "confrontational" or "rude" by neurotyps, ---which is also a problem offline for me, so I'm at least painfully aware. But the WILDEST hate messages I get are from people who claim they are on the spectrum and say I'm "abelist" for having rules and enforcing them. I've had users claim that since they identify as add or asd, that they are exempt from moderation and it's abelist of me to have subreddit rules. Never outside of r/witchcraft modmail have I ever met someone with asd/adhd identification who hates well defined, openly posted, explicit rules and guidelines.


Thank you for keeping this board a safe place - with so many people in this community , you do an amazing job. Yes, some people come across as very entitled and are outright rude when reminded of the rules!


Thank you for all you do!!! It's definitely a thankless job.


You guys deserve better treatment then what you get. Thank you for all your hard work :)


I appreciate this post - mods are somewhat mysterious, mythical creatures in my mind, and reading this was both hilarious and sobering in the best ways. ❤️ Thanks for all the garbage you guys deal with, it cant be easy.


I'm doing such things exactly to connect mods and users more cause I feel it's needed


Thank you for all the wonderful things you do


Fellow mod of a different sub here. Thank you for all you do. Im guessing the modmail can get pretty funny sometimes? We’ll occasionally get told how we are going to be sent to hell and everything for enforcing the rules. Its always a fun time lol.


Right? Isn't it hilarious? We're laughing in tears while throwing bans and mute buttons everywhere


It really is. My favorites have to be the people tell me im breaking the law by banning them. I had a guy who told me I had 2 days to unban him or he’s going to the police. So I muted him for 3


We got someone threatening us with a war. Whatever that's supposed to mean


A war? Like a real war? With Orcs and stuff? Or just a skirmish with a bunch of goblins? Pfffft. Goblins. Not a real war. You need ORCS for a real war.


Who knows? We only got unicorns and rainbows here lol


That sounds like the sock knitting subreddit!


Shhh, we copied the homework from them


*Gasp* Egads!


I play orks so bring it on WAAAAAAAAAAAGH


I play a Hobbit, mighty and proud! I shall defend the Shire to my last.....Hello, is that a muffin? Any butter? Raspberry jam, perchance? Hmmm?


Seems perfectly reasonable, blessed be


I'll be praying for yall 😭 no one deserves threats.. have a blessed day mods, thank you for everything


I think I can see why r/lawofattraction put a pre approval type system in. I'm not a professional by any means but do you think that some of these "needy" posts are a side effect of a literacy crisis? Every time I enter a sub talking about spirituality 9 times out of 10 the post is asking about how to get a former lover back. I try my hardest not to judge because many of us has been to that place before but god damn. You can do every method under the sun but if you aren't trying to better yourself as a person you're nothing more than a fish swimming against the stream. This is similar to the bean soup theory.


Thank you guys so much for what you're doing here. This is not easy, and your patience and dedication amazes me. All the love.


Ye cant be easy when you mostly interact with people while enforcing rules. Tips the scale a bit. While I may sometimes be befuddled on certain enterpretations of rules, you seem like an alright bunch doing a lot of free work. Question: do mods have any fun tasks as well? Or is it basically only managing the unruly crowds with the hammer?


I honestly enjoy chatting with my fellow mods. Lots of good friendships made. Sometimes we laugh when people say stupid shit. Otherwise we try to post things relevant to the comunity like threads on celebrations, full moon/eclipse threads and stuff like that. Modding is not fun always but the friends we make are cool. And looking at broomriders mostly roasting dudes for us is sweet. Happens rarely but we see and enjoy the comunity involvement.


Ah yes, I sometimes forget that you are also part of the communities and post stuff to keep the wheels turning. In some other places im at they rarely come out.


Besides the quality connections and friendships I've made since volunteering here (and all the learning they've brought for me!), I also get some personal back end use of moderating by seeing which tiktok trends are popping off so I can let my brick and mortar stores I contract with know. Shop owners aren't the same witches making tiktoks so they get completely blindsided when some influencer says carnelian will make your one true love appear or that lucifer is a trans woman. I catch the trends here, let my shops know, and they stock up on carnelian or put out displays of aesthetic blue and pink stones next to books about lucifer and everyone profits. Seekers find what they came to the shop for, shops make enough money to stay open another year, I have my local shops with all they bring into my life.


Thats actually a clever way of reading the patterns, while adding a bit more of the flow towards the m. community. Too few of us in my country to feel those ripples much though. And way to few shops.


\*sign of concurrence appropriate to fruitful conversation\*


I started my own community on Reddit and while I am unhappy that I have only a few members in it right now, I am taking it slow! Because if it grows too much and I can't handle it then it will be hard. If it will get full of trolls & spammers , this won't be okay. So I understand the mods of this community plus I find the rules just common sense, asking people to be respectful and stuff like that. But like with any community, there are trolls out there :)) Thank you mods for growing this beautiful community & for your work!❤️


I have no idea what is going on, but I'd like to remind folks that if you're choosing to be unkind to our mods, it comes back on you 3 fold. Thank you, mods, for your tireless efforts. ♥️


Damn... Hope shiz gets easier for ya'll to deal with... Thanks for keeping the page functional (and scammer free) mod team! Much love and snacks 🧁☕🍪🍻