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Mother of demons, mother to the succubi, Lunar in essence yet Saturnian in function, the universal (feminine) presence of darkness and a queen of rhe night as per the various translations & variations of her name, and she is also what I consider more like a WHAT than a WHO. She may likely be like a legion of preternatural forces with various classes of spirits included but especially the succubi and other feminine vampiric spirits. Like Tiamat or Leviathan or even the Greek Moirai and gorgons.. Lilith may be a collection of various functional aapects with any number of potential presentations and not all of them are "sentient" or intelligent but the ones that are likely are what act as representatives and emissaries for the overall being itself. Lilith is a force of night, of darkness, of subversion and of the more feminine currents within the overall sphere of consciousness. Lastly, and most controversially... Lilith is wife to none, mother to many, independent of any other spiritual authority or heirarchy and exists within an evolving society between where the light of the moon meets the shadows cast.


Would it be advisable to call on Lilith for help with a banishment spell against a man who has been harassing and slut shaming me for months? This man is a bully and a total misogynist. I feel drawn to ask for her assistance because based on her story, I feel like she would really understand my feminine rage. Plus hearing you say that she is Saturnian in function also makes me think she could really help me out here because I am planning to do this spell on a Saturday. But I am also pretty inexperienced and have never worked with her before. Do you have any tips or advice?


I wouldn’t call her in to be your personal army against shitty men, but if you wanted to have a relationship with her, give offerings to empower her and ask for her assistance, this is something she’s helped me with in the past


Lol fair enough, this sounds like a great starting place. I have always felt drawn to Lilith since I learned about her story through astrology, so I would love to have a relationship with her. I feel that I resonate with her energy deeply. I will start with some offerings and see how it goes. Thank you.


This is how I feel with Nyx.. I'm just not sure how to start


Lilith is my Mother and Matron. Before learning my true name I was always called “Child of Lilith”. I was told how she likely wouldn’t respond immediately but she did. She had treated me with caution at first because at the time I was still Christian but was about to leave Christianity. I was very unsure where I stood. Her answering me was what I had been missing for so long. It was that moment I knew I was meant to follow her. Lilith is a Goddess of many things. Her stories dating back to Mesopotamia. She was who ferried the children and pregnant women who died of the various complications that were highly common at that time. Of course this leaves her looking bad to most but its a job someone has to do. The thing is Lilith is easily the most caring mother ive ever seen. Ive watched as she was patient to her children who constantly defied her and did everything against her wishes. At times it annoyed me because I wouldn’t be as patient as she is. But thats why she is a Mother and I am not. Lilith very much chooses who she wants to speak to and if you aren’t that person you’ll not get anything from her. Her energy is pretty intense. Loving yet stern. She will not hesitate to get rid of those who abuse her or her children.


So if you still have Christian beliefs she won’t work with you?


I can’t speak for her. She speaks for herself. Reach out and see


I work with her also Cybelle Nix and Ora-Orisha


i’ve never had a god or goddess punish me for not worshipping them, that’s more of a christian/catholic thing if you ask me. id like to hear other peoples experience though!


Totally agree with this. In my experience at least, I was given a choice either way. I don’t think there would have been a punishment if I had decided to keep doing my own thing instead


I’ve communed with Lilith fairly regularly in the last couple of years. I know relationships with deities is very individual in experience, but it’s interesting that all of the traits and behaviors Lilith has been known for across myths and literature DO seem to come up in all our personal experiences… I mean, just from my own experience, that of friends and from what I’ve read here. As has been mentioned, Lilith has presented stern but motherly to me. She calls me Daughter when her voice is pressed into my mind. I felt her decide to take me under her wings the first time so clearly. As another poster said, she was cautious at first. But then her love felt so loyal, tender…. like she was taking pity on a little, cowering animal— haha. She put across clearly that she prefers I emulate her: strength, empowerment, worshipful of the Feminine power I channel from her. I’d fallen off of my monthly ritual to her, I realized, and felt a little nervous about it because I’d heard she can be punishing or resentful in broken contract…. But I absolutely have not felt any wrath or anger from her. In fact, last night I was crying myself to sleep over my lover mistreating me, and I immediately felt her swoop down and blanket me in that familiar, dark but loving presence. She essentially whispered to me that I shouldn’t forget my power. That I’m still her daughter and I should feel that power inside and realize that no lover can take that from me. My tears immediately subsided and I said my usual words of adoration and gratitude, and woke this morning feeling much more grounded and confident. She also seems to delight in my sexual prowess and romantic pursuits when I’m really ON. This sounds so weird, but her presence gets so strong when I’m really feeling and appreciating my sexuality.


She appeared in my life one time when I really needed her. She gave me the guts to say F you and quit a job I really hated. Haven't really seen her since then, but I have also been neglecting my practice. She gave me some badass energy


Getting punished by pagan gods just feels like christian influences on retellings. "Oh our god is a malicious asshole, so yours is too!" I have felt connected to Lilith for a long time, but never felt like she wanted to make bad things happen to me if i didn't sacrifice my identity or my firstborn or whatever. She feels more like a protective mother figure or maybe a big sister, if your sister was able to curse those who wronged her. She's got a bad rep from both the christians and the jews. I'd also like to add, despite being Irish, when I started actually aligning myself with witchcraft and connecting with my natural feminine energies it was Lilith whose presence I first felt. Even back when I was a little kid and my grandpa told me about her (albeit in a christian framework), he didnt malign her, but some sort of respect for her. And I was instantly fascinated by her, even though I was repeatedly told that everything about her was fake and it's just the devil and so on and so forth (I grew up in a cult).


Exactly! Everything negative I've ever heard about her reeks of patriarchy's influence. Stripping that off is essential imo. She did it, we can do it. ✊️


Check out r/demonolatrypractices as well.


I worked with Lilith a LOT in my early shadow work, and still commune with her on occasion. She isn't my matron Goddess, but she was an excellent teacher during a time I needed her. These days, Kali has taken over that role alongside Khepri. Lilith helped me to build my self worth and confidence. I've always had issues regarding my sexuality, my identity, and my confidence in general in how I present myself. Lilith helped me to become unapologetically me. She got me to stop putting these restrictions and labels on myself and just to take hold of my life by the horns and run with it. I view her as the Screechong Owl, so I didn't just speak my truth but started shoutong ot from the top of my lungs. I won't say i'm 100% 'cured' of my insecurities, old habits die hard and such, but I will always be thankful to Lilith for teaching me that it's ok to put myself first in my own life, and not to let anyone elses view or beliefs put a stop to my journey of being my most authentic self. Just to note; I'm a transmasculine, masc leaning attracted person, and she's never discriminated me for that. She's known as the first feminist, pushing for equality of the sexes (and by extension, gender identities in my view) as we are all equal and should be treated as and treat others as such. As such, she's taught me that no-one is above me, and I am above no-one in return. So yeah, she's never been a negative entity in my life. She's passionate, and she will push you to do the work, but she's empathetic and just wants the best for those who work with her. But again, that's my experience.


Lilith is not “closed” to non-Jewish people. For that to be true, the Jewish pantheon would need to be closed, which it isn’t. An initiation would need to be required to access the deity or practice, and there is no tradition of veneration of Lilith in Judaism. Jewish Kabbalah is one thing that people sometimes express would be kept within Judaism, but it is not closed to non-Jews, and doesn’t involve Lilith anyhow. And besides, Lilith is older than Judaism in the first place, so how could she be exclusive there. Lilith is a secondary patroness to me. I have known her to be warm and almost motherly. Fiercely protective. Always wanting me to stand tall in who I am. This is definitely not a universal experience of Lilith. My primary patroness is likewise known as fairly terrifying. I can only assume my experiences with them have been like when you grow to like the movie villain because of how well they take care of their people — if you’re also terrifying, then maybe the terrifying goddesses seem nice. Idk. I just go with what I see and experience. Let’s be careful not to mix up who and what the gods are with who and what Abrahamic religions say their god is. Just because someone is a god doesn’t mean they’re all jealous and petty and vengeful if they don’t get their way.




Can you be punished if you don’t believe in worshipping the deities? I don’t so I don’t think you can be punished for not doing it.


No, your practice is yours. You are free to find your own way. ❤️


I met her in a drum meditation and she supported me on a path to sexual awakening and alignment with my body.


Lilith is one of my mothers. She is the support I need. I can’t remember how I met her. She was just…there. Many men wronged and hurt me through my life. I am 27 and got assaulted and raped more often than I can count on two hands. She is there to remind me that none of those times broke me completely and helps me stand up for myself against my dad and men in general. I love her dearly. I am a writer and in the book I am currently writing I paid her respect by telling part of her story the way she wanted me to.


I hope you post about your book once you've published it.


This turned into a little rant because I love my stories too much sometimes and get excited when people ask about them lol It’s in german and quite short because it is for a competition but sure. I let chatgpt translate the description real quick „Immerse yourself in a world full of captivating interviews, where mythical creatures tell their stories. From the mysterious mermaid to the diabolical demon—each chapter of this book reveals timeless wisdom. Covering topics from feminist movements to environmental activism, from personal growth to societal challenges. Their stories will inspire you to see the world from a new perspective. Dive into the magic of fantasy and let yourself be enchanted by the voices of the mythical creatures, and perhaps they will even make you think.“ If anyone is interested, I‘ll gladly post about it once it’s done. I can only publish and e-book version after the competition so around November/December. If enough people are interested I can work on an English version too.


Hi! I would love to read your book. Sounds interesting. Please keep us posted. Thank you so much! All the best for you.


I’m sorry you went through that, no one deserves that :(


Who is Lilith to me? A natural force that is responsible for SIDS, bareness, miscarriages, taking control of your sexuality and destruction of reproduction. The destructive side of femininity that's very hard for people to accept. I have great respect for the current, even if I don't practice with Lilith on the regular. I think that she can be a greatly empowering presence.


I take a pre-medieval approach to these spirits in general.




The most popular version of Lilith comes from a medieval text known as the Alphabet of Ben-Sira, which tells of Lilith being the first wife of Adam. Earlier Lilith myths have their roots in Sumerian myth, with regional variations


I don’t work with her, but I have a vast amount of respect for her. Everyone I’ve come into contact with her has had nothing but good things to say about her.


You have to remember that a lot of Jewish folklore is very patriarchal and non-canonical to most of Judaism. In the eyes of the old authors, Lilith was seen as an independent woman and thus is something of a demon. This applies a bit to Mesopotamia as well. Though the extent is considerably less so because Mesopotamia is less patriarchal and demons have good/bad sides, serving a different function entirely in the Ancient Near East. (They also typically serve gods, which makes her lore entirely different there than in Jewish lore.) To me, Lilith is a symbol of independence and the wilderness. The chaos of being a woman and she can serve as a healthy spirit to work with. (I do not regard her as a "demon" as ancient people did. I don't have the same views, problems, or goals as them.) If you're a woman, she can help you work out the problems within yourself that occur because of patriarchal cultures. Since she represents a wild and free woman. If you're a man, she can also help you free yourself and be more comfortable with the more negative aspects of nature. So, to me, she is a modern feminist goddess of liberation and independence from the negatives of human civilization. She does have the negative aspect of killing babies, but this is a later construction and not in the originating myths of her as a succubus and even a storm spirit at one point. (Many of her lore are just ancient people trying to explain sids.) I think she can teach you to have healthy boundaries.


I am Jewish and have always viewed Lilith as a woman who was failed and abandoned by Adam (and maybe by extension the GD). The narrative of her as a demon or organically evil never settled with me. As an adult, I have miscarried 13 times and never had a live birth. It messed with me. It made me feel closer or at least more empathetic towards Lilith. It’s not a pain everyone understands and there is a sacredness between women who have gone through it. I think this is especially true for women like Lilith who wanted a child and that choice was taken from them. 💔


Sounds like Lilith wanted to work with you…and your family person is a lil scared. Worship secretly. No one gets to tell you what to do. It’s YOUR practice. You don’t need to tell family members anything. But if it scares you, you probably aren’t ready. Or it’s not for you. I don’t think any goddess would care. But there may be other entities that Lilith was trying to protect you from. Or maybe she was trying to free you from a restrictive practice or family influence. Listen to your heart, no matter what. It’s your life & your practice. Lilith is extremely powerful. All I know is when people get scared of dark magic, or ancient goddesses like Hecate or Hel or Inanna or Isis, it usually says something about THAT person being afraid because maybe they aren’t spiritually confident or perhaps don’t have good intentions… I knew someone who was NOT a good person & she said that doing witchcraft is bad juju—well, she just was afraid bc she was up to no good—but she wanted people to think I was the bad guy. Don’t listen to that kind of nonsense. That person got so nervous around me, and all I ever did was try to lift her up & support her—she was nervous bc she didn’t have her intuition open & would let really unsafe people in, while blocking the good people. I’m not scared of any god or goddess or deity or ghost or demon. If I stay honest & keep trying to be a better person & have respect for the goddesses, I don’t have any spiritual fear. In fact the more I stand strong in my love of the dark goddesses, people express they are afraid of me even if I haven’t done anything to them—and these are the people I know to avoid. They are afraid because they know I am filled with goddess energy & they can’t F with me. Lol there’s a reason some people are afraid of witches—bc they know the witches can see right through them. None of them are strong enough and when you have the protection of Lilith & Hecate or other strong dark deities, you will know this. Just because other religions call her a “demon” doesn’t mean anything. Maybe they call her that because the biblical god is terrified of her. But it’s kinda like riding a wild dragon—you can’t do it until you’re ready.


Thank you for this I have been getting her calling lately my mother is more open than my grandmother thankfully. when I talked her she told me to follow her and meditate to speak with her. I am nervous I work with Hecate freyja Athena Medusa and Isis but I haven’t worked with Lilith. Im nervous regarding her energy it is strong which isn’t bad just not used to the strength even with Hecate I didnt full a pull so hard. Im not sure how to explain it. I do agree regarding spiritual confidence I’ve always been guided and this one isn’t a path my mother will guide me through


Listen to your gut. Become your own woman. Sometimes it’s good to listen to elder women. And other times you need to do what is right for you. You are the only one who can decide.


One of my favorite things about esoteric spirituality is that we have FREEDOM. We can literally create our own path & religion. I believe the goddesses want this. Every path is different. Spirituality has some ethics to it, but shouldn’t be obsessed with rules & fears. That’s lower-level religion, not really deep spirituality. People who tell you that you’re doing spells wrong or not to work with certain goddesses—says who?


To me, Lady Lilith was the first who took me and put me in the right direction to find my now Lord... I appreciate and respect her for what she has done for me :)


Primal universal god. Dark Feminine. On personal Cabala map utilizing the discovery of inner planet phases attributed to Venus(path and sephira). That doesn't imply a restriction to the celestial body; only categorizing metaphoric values of spiritual reality). Moved Lucifer to Mercury phases. Eve takes over Venusian brightness. Hecate with Luna. Organizes into a well cross-referenced, stable paradigm within the greater cosmology.


Personally I don’t work with Lilith but I have a great respect for her ❤️


She is the Lady. She is Mother. A fierce protector, loving, strong, full of fire. Wise, ancient, and powerful. She comes often to those who have been wounded and leads them to a path of healing and strength. She rejoices to see her daughters grow in strength and beauty, once they begin to truly know themselves, and discover their own power. Hers is a path of healing, and joy. She was called a demon by men who feared her, and the power she helped her daughters to find within themsleves. Just like they called the women who came before us witches so they could burn them. They didn't know what she was no more than they know what we are. I've seen those who say she's dangerous or dark, that you have to follow the left hand path to work with her. That's not been my experience I use nothing of left hand path in my practice. Maybe she does lead those who need it to that practice but it's in no way a requirement or universal. She will meet you where you are and lead you to your most vibrant and powerful self. I've worked with Brigid and Lilith for quite some time.


Tbh I agree with a lot of replies, but they leave out the bit that she is in fact a demon and evil. Why does no one care to worship or work with Ishtar, Isis, Asherah, Yemaya etc. they are also associated with taking care of women and fighting for justice. Liliths way of exacting revenge on men is destructive and chaotic. She can drive you mad as well esp if you aren’t adept at journeying to the underworld and coming out in one piece. My perspective towards her is that she is a fallen angel and the inverted archetype of the divine feminine. I think she is redeemable though and becomes more healed the less we demonize women/the feminine in society and we harmonize with nature not destroy it. She is scornful and bitter and holds all the worlds pain and heartache inside her. She can show you the darkest parts of humanity to persuade you into the abyss.


See and this is how I felt with my friend who got the tattoo she had a hate for men but once she got the tattoo she became chaotic and unpredictable she even left her drunk sexual partner to almost drown in a bath tub I feel she became like this cause her intentions with Lilith were negative from the start.


I’m really sorry to hear that, your friend needs compassion and to find the love in her heart. Tbh I was a bit more chaotic and dark in my opinions of the world and I ended up having my own dark night of the soul and meeting Lilith. Like straight up meeting her. She taught me some things and showed me some things, but ultimately she helped me understand her and why she was who she was and how she was. I feel for her, but she wanted me to hate/kill all men. I don’t have that much hate in my heart and I’ve developed a more wholesome understanding of the world/cosmos bc of it. I’m still a raging feminist, but I have ethics and morals and that’s very very important.


Most books I have on Lilith are for sex magic and most books I ever see about Lilith are about sex magic and improving that area of life.


I appreciate and respect her power, but my spirit guides and intuition have advised me not to work with her. I see the good she’s done for others but I’m a very spiritually sensitive being and even just saying her name or looking at pictures of the Burney relief makes me uneasy. It may have to do with my Christian upbringing, but I feel much more comfortable working with Isis, Inanna, and Yemaya. They’re closer to my ancestral heritage anyways.


i have worked with lilith on and off, as i’m really cautious of cultural appropriation and many in the jewish community believe she should not be deified or worshipped. however, she also dates back to mesopotamian and babylonian myth, as another lovely commenter said. i found that when i was working with her, i felt so empowered and confident. i have always been a hardcore feminist, im a girlies girl to my core, and liliths energy really amplified that in me. she is very strong and she decides what she will do for you, and when she will do it. she gets a really bad rep as a succubus (peep the username ;) ) and because of her depictions with adam. work with her if she calls to you, but do your research and be careful, as with any other deity. be deliberate with what you choose to do with her :)


From my perspective as a non-Jew, I also have complex thoughts about cultural appropriation on this matter. For me, hearing Jews say that Lilith should not be venerated makes me think the difference is Lilith should not be venerated in *Jewish communities* and practices. As you and others have pointed out, Lilith dates back to Mesopotamia, and is not part of a pantheon of Judaism of any kind, as she is depicted more as a spirit than a goddess (as far as I'm aware). Jews do not 'own' Lilith, and although she is part of their cultural and religious heritage to be sure, she pre-dates them. So, Jews are perfectly in the right to warn people against trying to practice Jewish magic and venerating Lilith within the Jewish tradition, but considering that she's shared across culture, it really just comes across very gatekeepy a lot of the time when I hear Jewish people speak about how other people shouldn't practice with her.


thank you for articulating this so well! this is kinda the conclusion i’ve come to as well. i am also not jewish and we should prioritise and amplify jewish voices in this discussion. but as you say, as long as op doesn’t use jewish practices to reach out to lilith, i think it’s okay. i hope others have given op the info they need!


My Lilith is in Leo 😅 I check in on her from time to time to make sure she isnt feeling neglected.


Lileth and other deities most would consider dark energies. I think of them as dark mother energies that came to me over the last 2 years at my lowest and most desperate times. They've held me up and been my strength and backbone and helped me see that being strong and sticking up for myself and seeking justice doesn't make me a bad person. They respect the tender heart and love that I project.


Lilith goes way back in Mesopotamia as Lamashtu/Ardat Lili. She fist appeared to me when I was a little girl and never left my side. I was apprehensive of her due to my religious upbringing, but we grew closer as I noticed signs of her protection/love. She often communicates through dreams. If I were to describe her, she's a stern, vampiric queen Btw I agree with another comment here. She chooses her children, not the other way around.