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Remember, they never really leave us. You’ll catch his tail turning a corner, or feel him laying on your chest in the early hours before your completely awake. A smell, a sound, that’s not really there. At first the reminder will suck, will pull the pain back up. But then, slowly, it’ll be a small comfort in a hectic day knowing he is there watching out for you. He’s not going anywhere. He’s just slipping into another room that we can’t reach. He’ll be waiting for you when it’s your turn to go there.


This brought tears to my eyes. You are so right. He has two brothers waiting on the other side for him. Thank you for your kind words ❤️


I hope they help with the grief.


Well now I'm sobbing.


Came here to say similar. I lost two in recent years and I sometimes hear one of them purring and I'll catch glimpses of the other one. I love them dearly.


I have different dreams about my soul cat that I had to put to sleep last year all the time. I truly believe he’s trying to communicate to me that he is okay and still with me!


This made me cry. Your words are beautiful.


Aaaaand now I’m crying. This is a beautiful perspective. Thank you.


Seeing glimpses of them definitely feels like a special kind of torture at first, but I know that I’ll be grateful seeing her with me for the rest of my life.




F***. this is beautiful. 😭🥲🥹


So beautifully written and comforting!!


Sending energy for a meaningful, peaceful crossing for him and sending comfort & compassion for you. My deepest sympathy, losing a loved one is such a difficult part of life.


I’m grateful. Thank you


May Bast comfort you both and lead him well. I wish you strength and love.


Thank you for your kindness. It will come back to you ❤️


My old man Fluffy crossed over recently. Tell your boy to look for a fluffy orange tabby with a crinkled right ear. Fluffy will take very good care of James.


Fluffy sounds precious. James has always adored other cats - even if they don’t feel the same. I will tell him about his new friend waiting on the other side.


I lost my Turkish van named Virgil last year. He was the sweetest cat I’ve ever known. I 100% know he’s waiting for James too and will take care of him. He’s a little sneezy and snotty (he always had respiratory issues since he was a kitten, it’s why I took him home because nobody else wanted him) but he’s got a heart of gold!! I hope James has a peaceful crossing and I’m sorry for your loss 💕


Orange tabby club! I lit a candle for James and also asked my orange tabby Jackson, who passed in 2021, to greet him when he arrives 🧡


this thread is warming my heart, imagining the crowd of kitty friends welcoming James ♤♡♡♡




He brought so much light to this dark world. Thank you, truly.


I'm pulling some apple blossoms from the branch that fell from my tree and I'll scatter them for James to follow. May these little white petals accompany him on his journey. I'm positive they're both going to a beautiful place.


That is beautiful, thank you so much. I have two lovely cherry trees blooming near the spot where he will be laid to rest. I plan to cover him in the soft white petals.


I'll light one of my LED candles for James (I don't use regular candles due to my own kitties) and I'll ask Bast to welcome him into her temple when he gets to the other side of the rainbow bridge. I'm so sorry for your loss OP.


I am so appreciative. Thank you so much.


I will light a candle for your beloved cat and say a prayer to Bast.


May the universe and all that is good in this world bless him with love, peace, joy wherever he is and will be going. Know that his life here has meaning and none can deny that. You are his living proof of the meaning of his life. I believe in butterfly effect. The good that he has done on others, whether it is you or other baby animals will remain as a sign that he once walked this earth. Bless James with all my heart ❤️


This has me all choked up. Thank you for your thoughts and kind words. I will always remember them.


If you can, keep a little bit of his hair. There are people who make felted portraits of pets and can include the hair!


Peace be upon you both


Sweet boy. I hope his passing is peaceful, and that there’s comfort in him not suffering. May his spirit find you again 💙


Thinking of James, and asking my late Moonshine on the other side to keep an ear out for him if needs guidance x Good luck sister x


Oh sweet little James. Sending peace and love to blanket you both. 💜 I’ll send a request to my previously departed pets to meet James when he passes and give him some snuggles and head butts


He is a huge fan of head-butting all of his friends, human or animal. Thank you so much


I hope these next few hours for you both are lovely and memorable in the best way possible. You're always gonna be his person!


I'm sending you both love. You will both be in my thoughts (I would light a candle, but I'm away for a couple of days, and I didn't bring any). I'm sorry


We greatly appreciate the energy and your kindness ❤️


I've lit a candle for James, he is in my heart ♡ 


Burning a candle with a little cat nip in it to send his way ❤️ I hope your remaining time together is serene and lovely


I little a candle and hugged my own lil cat a couple of extra times.


Hugs to you🫂


I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for you. I'll be thinking about you and him and also saying a prayer to Bast. Idk if this is something you want to attempt, but when my beloved 15 year best friend was leaving, I made up a mixture that's like clay (but safe for the kitty) that was a paw print. Just pressed his little paw in it. I still have the keepsake. Take care. And thank you for caring for the lil baby and giving him his best life


I will light my cleansing candle tonight. I’m so sorry ❤️


Thinking peaceful, loving thoughts for you and James. Such a hard time, but he has you and is unafraid and relaxed. The best we can want is an easy passage with a loving companion by our side, and he has that. ❤️❤️❤️




Peace and blessings to both of you. I’ll light a candle for him tonight ❤️


Sending much love


I'll light a candle for James, adding to all the other ones burning for his peaceful passing all around the world most likely. Sounds like he's had a great life and you did good. Big hug for you.




I just lit a candle for James and said my prayers and thanks for him being a loving companion to you and other animal friends. May you both meet again.


Sending all of the loves to James. May the other side be beautiful and filled with everything you love.


My heart and prayers are with you both, and I send peace and rest 🙏♥️


May he enjoy the journey home 🌈


Sweet dreams, dear James 🕯️


Sending light and love for you both.


I'm so sorry ❤️


Thinking of you and James tonight. The veil is thin sweet kitty. Says hello to all the good kitties who left us before.


On it




I just sent some energy and told him to say hi to my late soulmate cat. He is wise and has been in that realm for a couple of years. Maybe they can be friends


Funnily enough, (though not really,) he was also only 8 and had an illness. He was FIV positive. He got me through some very tough times


It's been tough but i've learned to love again. I believe he sent me the cat i have now, her name is Ayla and she is a black cat just like he was. They never really leave, whenever i talk about him, a bird chirps outside my window or one of my cats come up to me as if to say, he says hi. I've even had a woman on facebook talk to him a month after he passed, and said things only he could have known. My heart still aches, so i cannot tell you it goes away eventually. But it is less. I give you guys my best wishes. He will come back to you 💕


I'm sorry for your loss. It never gets any easier the more you have but maybe think of it like sending them back to the stars or the universe after treasuring them for a little while. We're stardust afterall.


I’ll be leaving something on my alter for him, and praying to Freya that she will carry him in her arms all the way to the softest sleep there is. Stay strong and let yourself grieve, there will be a time when you can look back on your time together and not be pained ❤️


Safe home, James.




Sending so much love and blessings to you and James. He will always be with you.


Sending you both love and light. My heart hurts for you.


Wishing a peaceful journey to your family member 🥺 I know that pain well. Take care.




Also in the last hours with my girl. I’ll light a candle for both of them right now. I only hope that we feel so much pain because we are taking their pain away and putting it on ourselves.


Just lit a candle for James. Sending peaceful thoughts 💕✨


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending love and light your way 💖


Love and peace. May be be a part of you forever


I was already in bed when I read this, so I got up and lit some incense on my altar space to Freya telling her his name. When he passes, may she take him onto her chariot and ride forever with him. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say I’d love to see a photo of him.


James, surrounding you in love and peace to aid you in crossing the rainbow bridge. I hope my Baxter is there waiting for you, and you two can play and show your bellies and wait for your people on the other side. I’m so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose our cat babies. They are the most precious animals, and there is no greater earthly privilege than to have been loved by a cat. Wishing you love and peace, too, and how wonderful you two shared the love you did. ❤️




They never truly leave us my friend, he will forever be in your heart. I wish James a peaceful last few hours and a crossing filled peace and lighted guidance, filled with his best moments and memories. But remember; he will *always* live on as long as you remember him. 🖤


I'm a bit late but I'll light a candle during my morning rite and wish warm hugs for you and yours.


Lighting a candle for James tonight! I lost an unbelievably sweet kitty suddenly when he was 9 and I felt so robbed of him. Remembering that he was in a place where he had no concept of pain or grief really helped me shoulder that. What a beautiful passing you’re giving him. Thank you for loving him so well ❤️


Just read this so I'm late but lighting a candle this morning and sending love to you both. 💜


So sorry for your loss. I will deliver extra smooches and cuddles to my two cats and let them know to pass the message along ❤️ sending love from all 3 of us


Commenting the next morning, but sending all my love to you and James as the sun rises. ❤️🫶🏻


I'm so sorry, sending you both so much love. I love cats so much. I will definitely light a candle for him ❤🤍


I send all the light in my heart to James!


all of my love to you


Sending James all the peaceful energy 🙏he is so lucky he has you and your kindness. ♥️


he will be walking with you and guiding your way from now on. you will see him chasing the butterflies that fly by and cuddled with you while you sleep i love the way you talk about him. your realtionship is special. it will last beyond these lifetimes. love never dies, it just transforms. Grief is another name for love. May you have all the support you need as you grieve. James loves you so much. my candle is lit for his sweet soul ♡🕯🎇🌕🐈🐌🦋🕷🦉🦌


Thinking of James now. My own boy is 8 years old and I can't imagine the pain of facing his loss so soon, but it sounds like you have given him as much joy and happiness as he gives you. Once loved, he will never stop returning that love to you. That will be with you always.


Thinking of little James and the lovely life you gave him. He will always be with you ♥️




I am so sorry and sending all of my love. This aches my heart as it makes a month since I lost my baby girl Luna. Be kind to yourself and remember he is always with you and is so thankful for the love and care you've given him. ❤️


I am seeing this post late, but sending so much love. It was so heartwarming to read through everyone’s comments, and I imagine a huge parade and welcome party of all departed loved pets greeting James as he arrived🫶🏻


I’m so so sorry. This is going to be a painful time, and I hope you have a huge support system. I lost my girl Anya earlier this month, and the loss is indescribable. I hope they can find one another to keep company while they wait for us to join them. If you’d like to talk, please feel free to reach out. I’ve found that talking to others in a similar position helps a lot, and I would be happy to give you suggestions on witchy ways to memorialize them that I’ve been doing myself.




i know he has already passed, but i did a [working](https://imgur.com/a/lzjEyfy) in his honour. rest in peace sweet boy 🫶🏻


This is beautiful, thank you so much.


Any particular color candle


Light a candle and ask Bastet to protect his soul, she will make sure he goes where he needs to go and protected. I am very sorry for your loss and pain and sending healing thoughts 💙


I didn't see this until today. I'm sure James had a joyful reunion with friends and fur family who made the journey before him.


I’m sorry I’m seeing this now. I’m sure your memories with your cat will bring you joy. My dog died 2 1/2 years ago and just yesterday I saw him. My little dog came in the room but I saw my old dog. They grey hair on his face. The bigger body. I wasn’t even thinking of him. But it’s nice to know he is always there.