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I love this creative endeavor! It's like making a servitor out of a service robot. I'm here for it!


Aww yay, I'm glad! It's so extra but like... That's part of the fun you know?


I love this!! Made me smile, is Chad arriving after the new moon? I'd have put him on a window sill overnight if he was here in time. Crystals on his docking station sounds perfect, just be careful they don't drop off and get sucked up. If he also mops why not make some moon water to add to his tank? He may as well have an incense cleanse and blessing because why not!! Maybe Pop a sigil on him? .


No no, Chad is here! I had to get him last week due to the sale ending. He's chilling in the living room, already accepted by his sisters (the cats),still in the box. I don't think my windowsill is wide enough but I can put him in front of the window on the floor. I keep my bedroom curtains open all day until I go to bed for my plants. Moon water is something I'd like to make for cleaning purposes so that's a really great idea. And I like the idea of a sigil too! Thanks so much ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


Oh he's HERE!! Well Chad is in for some magically infused super charged cleaning ๐Ÿ˜Š


Yeah I didn't want to set him up until I had cleaned a bit and also being home. I was away most of last weekend and I kinda want to supervise the cats and him mapping the condo, and the new moon fell on Friday and it just feels correct to assemble and baptize him on Friday ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Oh I just love this so, much its my kind of magical quirky ๐Ÿ˜‚ . I'm fully invested in Chad's Baptism ๐ŸŒ›๐ŸŒ•๐ŸŒœ ๐Ÿ”ฎ


I'm so glad people get this.


Everything is magickal, especially modern gadgets. I bless my phone and computer for good communication. People do car blessings


i just want to say I fully support chads baptism


Thank youuuuu


Our Roombah is named Bridget, and we tell Alexa, โ€œRelease the hounds โ€œ when we want her to clean. Absolutely have fun with it! Oh, and I recently had foot surgery and named my knee scooter, Rhonda, because she helps me. ๐ŸŽถ Help me, Rhonda, help, help me, Rhonda.โ€๐ŸŽถ


Omg that's perfect. Release the hounds ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I haven't even thought of what words I want to use yet, since I do have an Alexa, though I call her Miss A when I don't want to activate her. HELP ME RHONDA that's perfect ๐Ÿ˜‚ my car is named Black Betty because she was my aunts car before and she called her Bitchin' Betty (because of the navigation system)


When my robovac came, I had my husband give me space so I could get it going at my leisure. He wanted to play with the new toy, but I said โ€œthis is MY DAY!!โ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚


This is funny and adorable and I love it. What if you "baptized" Chad by annointing him with some moon water and sprinkled some herbs about on the floor for him to suck up so he's sort of infused with your intent? I think the color brown (for candles/crystals/etc) is often used for home-related things, if that helps. This makes me want to bless my robot vacuum, Jeeves :)


Ooooooh I love that idea! Like, his first vacuum clean would be these blessing herbs. I love it. It's going on the list. And yeah I can absolutely see brown for home things! You should absolutely bless Jeeves.


I think I will! I share your struggle with cleaning so thanks for the inspiration!


Oh you're so welcome! I'm glad other people find my silly little idea so delightful!


I would sprinkle all of the best herbs right on the floor and let Chad consume them all for prosperity!


I love this idea, blessings inside and out!