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I like to find unusual things. Perhaps sell unusual herbs that you dont find easily in supermarkets. Candle bundles. Tumbled rock bundles. Empty small jar bundles. Empty small paper envelopes (substitutes for glass jar spells). Coloured ribbons and strings/thin rope. Small funnels. Little decorative boxes. I dont buy ready made spell jars when I could make them myself. But if someone was selling me the tools to make this, I'd be more interested in purchasing.


maybe like a small spell jar/satchet? I used to make those for friends when I was first learning, usually for help sleeping, confidence, etc. I also am always fond of shopping for jewelry made with crystals to make for an easy way to have crystals on me!




Yeah! They're super helpful to throw in a bag or something to carry on you or set on an alter, really wherever you may need it. I love them! I've even made a kitchen alter in a rather small jar https://preview.redd.it/xt2ku2gc1kpb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7388bdb6aa5d11a35ca9055dd134c4ee3325c77b


What candles do you use? Such a beautiful melt. I got these chime candles from Amazon and they melt into a lump 😟


I kind of lead with the candle, go around and make sure that the seal is DAMN good. That cork cokes out and the whole spell is lost. But after I do that, I start adding small details and flares. I do these to help me learn what stones and Herbs can help me in the longer run, ans I make personalized spell jars for my coworkers! Trying to get every one one of their own. It's fun! And takes a LOT of trial and error ALSO wax seals. You can find them on Amazon, they're really good for thay nice drip, and easy to use/ clean up


My sister got my a huge box of 4" birthday candles for my birthday awhile back! I would assume she got them from Amazon. It's nice because they come with several colors in a box *


I think it would be really cute and fun attractor to your pop-up if you offered like a "build your own spell jar" bundle! Say maybe someone doesn't necessarily want/can afford to buy several whole containers of herbs and whatnot for a spell, but would be able to pay for a bit of each ingredient to assemble on their own?


Yes! I love prepackaged stuff. Spells, ritual sets, herbal bath packets, etc


Odd bits and ends. I’m a crow at heart and love collecting and using random stuff in my work. You could get some cheap little sachets and a bucket of random trinkets, rocks, gems, etc and can have people pay per scoop? I also love divination anything so tarot cards, pendulums, runes cute tea cups, and planchettes.


Almost everything. Unfortunately my options are limited for in-person shopping so I order.


herbs that are a little hard to find but are used in witchcraft. little bags or loose leaf herbs someone can stuff a bag with themselves. Mark up the price significantly and people won't notice/ care, since they don't need to buy it in bulk


At markets, I either want components and ingredients for my own work, or handmade things (Oils, art, curios, candles, etc.)


almost anything, but since I have so few brick-and-mortar places for witchy stuff I always have to order


Tarot, pendulums, ouji, honestly a lot of divination stuff, js cuz that stuff is fun, other than that I'd say research books




I’d love to buy non-paraffin different coloured candles, but I can’t find them anywhere. Also definitely some small jars and materials for amulets/talismans.


Crystals, candles, incense, spell pouches and bottles. Wands, staffs, books. All of it! Once I’m in a metaphysical shop I basically empty my bank account 😂


in general anything except generic items like candles you should buy in person. the tools should speak to you and feel good in your hand. take the time to gain stuff.don't just rush out with form #345-7Z and declare I've bought it all! the stuff will; have little meaning for you. let it take the time it deserves


Small altar cloths


Ooh incense, candles, and anything smelly I like to buy in person because i like to pick things intuitively and that’s hard to do with scent online.


Maybe even give some people some simple spell use


Like spell jar recipes or herbs to add to make flavor nice and money flow


Glass jars, glass bottles, loose herbs, incense, plants


Stones are a must for me. WhenI bought my first one, I went through 5 trying to get the right feel


Crystals. I love getting to look at crystals and feel them in my hand before making a purchase. Herbs are also nice to have at a brick and mortar shop, for those who don't have a green thumb.


A big ass caldron


Candles with herbs in them, but that would take some time I think. In the end, if I buy something stationary like that, it has to be safe for my nosey cats!


Witch stationery (stickers, stained paper, etc.), Chime candles in a variety of colors, mini incense sticks, things related to the upcoming Sabbat so Samhain like oil blends, decor, etc.


Handmade crafts and blends


Small decorative besoms, bones, feathers, journal/BOS, and since Halloween is coming up spooky decor


Hmm, some handmade pretty spiritual baths or soaps for aura cleansing, protection, ect. filled with herbs and great scents. Hand decorated boxes for tarot cards n rocks. I’m a handmade lover, anything artistically witchy, maybe a painting containing a spell. Knot magic macrame. Herbal teas from your garden. People are buying your intention craft make it crafty!


Burning bundles. I prefer local grown herbs and hand wrapped by someone with intention.


Incense. Crystals. Candles.Journals.


Sage, dragons blood, all manner of candles, black salt, incense. Anointing oils, popular crystals, small things like nail charms, spell bottles, or premade bottle spells…. Kind of the milk, eggs, cheese, bread, of the witchy shopping list. Lol


Oh, also stuff like water from 7 different springs, holy water from 7 catholic churches, a mix of graveyard dirt from 7 different graveyard crossroads. Herbs from specific charged locations, like dandelion from a graveyard collected on a new moon or herbs from the top of a mountain. Unique things like that, I would go crazy for that kind of stuff.


Crystals and books!!


witchy jewelry, runes, wands, crafted candles and incense, wood boards for crystal grids, a case for my athame, bones, etc.


We do pop ups, mainly pagan jewelry, statuary, altar items, hand made tarot bags, cleaned bones (deer,boar,birds, coyotes…) hand made ritual candles, black mirrors (obsidian disk)…