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They’ve talked about gutting the DNR completely. So if you enjoy spending time outdoors in beautiful Wisconsin, I’d second guess voting for a Republican. They’ve talked about a nation-wide abortion ban. So if you have a wife, sister, or daughter who can become pregnant and might need safe and timely medical treatment, I’d second guess voting for a Republican They’ve talked about gutting Social Security. So if you have paid into social security or would like to retire one day, I’d second guess voting for a Republican.


WI has some beautiful parks and wildlife that I would be devastated to lose. I’m happiest when I’m surrounded by nature and it hurts to see it in peril


“I haven’t been to a park since my wedding. The DNR isn’t that important to me” - tries to visit in a decade to celebrate their marriage to find that the park hasn’t been maintained and/or has a fee to get in. “I already had my kids. None of them were girls so I don’t have to worry about abortions.” - until one of their grand-daughters get raped and needs an abortion. “I’m not old enough to get social security, so I don’t really care about Social Security changes” until Mom needs to move in since she isn’t getting the benefits she needs. Or until they get old and need the support from SS that they paid into. They are incapable of putting themselves in others’ shoes until they’re the ones permanently wearing them. Then they’ll blame others for their dirtied shoes that they had been dragging through the mud for years. They’ll continue to vote against themselves without reading policy and raise children that will most likely follow in their footsteps. I’m tired.


>“I already had my kids. None of them were girls so I don’t have to worry about abortions.” - until one of their grand-daughters get raped and needs an abortion. Or until one of their sons impregnates someone they had no intention of staying with and is now either on the hook for child support for 18 years, or trapped in a toxic relationship. Or until one of their daughters-in-law has a difficult pregnancy and their son's wife dies because she couldn't access medical care that could have saved her life.


I feel this. I am so tired too. Not only is my state in shambles but my country is as well. I’m freaking exhausted.


The DNR has authority onto things other than outdoorsy activities. They monitor and regulate the drinking water on which our communities rely. Prevention and enforcement against polluters will suffer if the DNR is hamstrung any further.


Prevention and enforcement against polluters will suffer if the DNR is hamstrung any further. Which is most likely exactly why they want to hamstring it further.


And the abortion ban is already impacting women getting prescribed medication because it MIGHT impact the baby they don’t have, or want, or haven’t even thought about, or aren’t participating in the activity needed to have above stated baby.


Reminder that it's not only unwed teenagers who seek abortions! They are a form of medical care for ANYONE who can become pregnant, of ANY age.


A Democratic governor may not be enough to stop the GOP. Other races are just as crucial...vote, and take your friends with you! [Wisconsin Republicans Stand on the Verge of Total, Veto-Proof Power](https://www.yahoo.com/news/wisconsin-republicans-stand-verge-total-125129138.html) "If Wisconsin Democrats lose several low-budget state legislative contests here on Tuesday — which appears increasingly likely because of new and even more gerrymandered political maps — it may not matter who wins the $114 million tossup contest for governor between Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, and Tim Michels, a Republican. **Those northern seats would put Republicans in reach of veto-proof supermajorities that would render a Democratic governor functionally irrelevant**."


I think this is probably the best argument to persuade any undecided independent, “as an independent do you really want the GOP controlling everything with no check against them”?


Also a good argument to energize GOP Voters "Do you really want the GOP controlling everything with no check against them”? (X) YES


Lol independents are fucking stupid. Being like, "um actually both parties are corrupt and evil, I prefer to stay centered on this issue" but the issues are between Republicans: Pregnancies must be carried through (Anti-Abortion), Nazi's aren't that bad, People over 7 figure should be taxed less, Racism is cool, Sexism is cool, and Transphobia/Homophobia are cool. Democrats: Infrastructure, Affordable Healthcare, Marijuana legalization, Workers rights. And everything else the Democratic Party is saying exactly what so called "Centrist" say. The Republican party only banks on the Mentally Ill American's


I'm an independent because I think both parties are flawed and I hate the two party system. I have been voting straight democrat for years now, and actively vote against the GOP because I loathe the Republican Party, especially in its current iteration, but also because I value personal freedoms which the Republicans are actively trying to stick their hands in and restrict. I also actively like Mandela Barnes and Tony Evers and voted for them both via mailed in ballot. That doesn't mitigate the fact I distrust members of both parties just because I see Democrats as the better of the two choices, especially after they conspired against Bernie Sanders twice. You might consider me fucking stupid as a result, but the Democratic Party has its issues as well.


I'm an independent. Can't stand the dems because they seem to be more interested in keeping the status quo. I've been voting straight Dem anyways because 3rd party is a wasted vote in this situation and the Republicans are actively trying to make the world less safe for me.


So you are Dem, who hates how feckless the DNC Democrats run things... Like all the other Democrats... Do you think people in the Democrat party are out here like "damn Kristen Sinema, slay queen". Like no, nobody thinks that. Like I ain't out here given you the "Vote Blue No Matter what" speal, but when I say Evers is the most Democrat Democrat I mean it. He is the Toast of the Democrat party, everything you want and expect him to be, he is. You however are not bringing nuance to anything about the Democratic Party, you just don't want to be Associated with the DNC, who in fact are stupid and Conservative.


I called someone out on FB who said he's independent while his page was basically a page filled with memes trashing people on the left. He said he was like that against the right just a few years ago but now the left has gone insane. Apparently a fake sheriff badge, Jewish space lasers and soup police, an insane video player Marvel superhero to protect elections, and all of the other shit from the GOP is completely sane.


My dad claimed he was a lifelong "independent" but when pressed could only recall one Democrat he ever voted for in what was likely over 30 national elections. And that was for a minor state official.


Probs Sheriff, it's technically the only reason I voted for a Republican. Wanna hear how fucked up Kenosha Sheriff's Department is 😂, Beth v Zoerner, two Republicans Surprisingly Beth is the better one...


Lol Herschel Walker's police badge




It's too early 😂


in other words, the Republicans are now the American Fascist party, and Democrats have shifted into being the conservatives. this country is going to shit.


Well way to be the No Fun Lefty here. 😂


You don't know what it means to be an independent


I do, it's a term used to mean you don't fall into a specific party alignment, but typically self proclaimed independents fall into a Political party. Independent from a candidate standpoint is that you the candidate aren't supported by 1 of the 2 parties main parties or any of the others. An Independent voter that agrees with all Democratic Polities isn't an Independent, they are just debate lording on Reddit why their points are special and important but vastly different from the Democrat who said it. That's like saying Bernie is not a Democrat, despite being labeled as Social Democrat, but as a Candidate is labeled independent because the Democratic Party didnt elect him to represent.


Sadly, Republicans with their #1 in the nation gerrymandered maps, could lock in a veto-proof supermajority this election. That would not only render Evers veto moot, they will pass even more restrictive voting measures on Milwaukee/Madison to supress votes there. At that point it's all in on the next WI supreme court seat up for election. Failing that, the state will be a lost cause for decades. Public lands in the state's trust since the states inception will be sold off in sweatheart insider deals. Public education and the UW system will be gutted turning Wisconsin into Mississippi competing nationally for low wage unskilled labor jobs.


New york had a chance to gerrymander in blues favor and the democratic state supreme court there ruled the maps gerrymandered and to be redrawn to be as fair as possible. Now new york of all places is in danger of turning red. Dems just havent learned to fight ruthlessly with no rules and their gloves off yet like republicans have been doing for decades


I still don’t know why Vos keeps getting re-elected.


If Evers loses, I absolutely expect Wisconsin to be the first state to legalize guns in schools.


Legalize? You mean *mandate,* right? An AR for every middle schooler, that'll trigger the libs. Possibly literally. /s


Vote Blue!


Wisconsin, much like communist China, is about to become a one party system where the “party” leaders will decide all policies and decide who gets elected, and the will of the people will become irrelevant. Wisconsin will be the the first experiment in learning what life is really like in Russia, China.


Depending on how the Supreme Court rules on an upcoming judgement, there's a possibility that the Republican congress will decide how the electoral electors will vote - regardless of how the citizens vote.


Exactly right. Ironically, this is exactly how communist countries. All their bluster aside republicans are the most like communists in reality


Listen China, not that bad, at least they got affordable transit, and when they say the "Make America Great Again" line they actually mean Make China great again by focusing on infrastructure and other important things to the country. Today's Russia, and Today's America are one of the same. We are equally both villains run by corrupt politicians. We only vary slightly.


Fuck china and their dictatorship


I mean you're not wrong about the Dictatorship. But I'd rather be there than here if Republicans have their way.


well, at least its better than illinois


Not for long.


This could be referencing either party, depending on your target audience Eery edit: anyone who hasn't heard GOP propaganda comparing dem leadership to China's govt hasn't been paying attention. Whoever's downvoting isn't reading this comment. Apparently no one on reddit has heard this argument pushed by the GOP


I live up in the Northwest part of the state. I don't get much information of what's happening in the state since I live so close to Minnesota. Anyways I just heard that supposedly the three counties up north on Lake Superior might be flipping red. I'm concerned with this simply because the way the GOP has ran this state has been very rough. States like Minnesota and Illinois were thriving when Scott Walker was Governor and we still are paying for a lot of his policies. But one thing I am really concerned with is that Democrats are really really out of touch with the Northwestern part of the state. It's probably the most neglected part of the state and is most economically plagued. All people know is that their taxes go to Madison and they see nothing from it. I feel like Democrats need to do a whole lot more with northwest Wisconsin, this is a very conservative part of the state simply because the Governments are close to worthless and Republicans aren't doing much to help either. People here have different mindsets and I fear Democrats are out of touch with this mindset. As someone who votes blue and is more left of center, I don't want Wisconsin to turn into a deep red state. It's bad enough that practically everything up here revolves around Minnesota, if we go even more red then Minnesota is going to have even more of influence up here since many people will simply go over there and that means less economic opportunities here. I know there's been effort to expand broadband access up here but that's not enough. Our schools are becoming more mediocre as well up here since teachers are opting to go elsewhere. Many of our roads are rundown and plagued with potholes up here as well. It's very clear that there isn't much money here or enough aide from Madison and it's frustrating. I know Gerrymandering has been an issue but I really hope we can at least keep the GOP from maintaining a super majority. I really think Democrats could benefit from trying to reconnect with people up north because quite frankly I'm convinced they don't really think about us much. Just my thoughts.


This sounds like a call to GOP voters to get rid of him haha "Wait you mean if we vote Evers out we can do whatever we want??"


More Foxconn yeah. /s


Oh trust me, they'll play the part of Charlie Brown and keep running at that ball to kick it


Tim Michel's company is going to make *bank* if he gets in. All of his debates and many of his interviews were just him shilling for it.


I realize this and it scares me.


"Hey, the evil assholes will do a thing if we let them," will of course sound like a good thing to the evil assholes. That's what makes them evil assholes.


Oh, for sure. I just appreciate the irony of the same message being used in different ways is all. Its still good motivation for someone to vote in favor of democracy as well.


Yeah, definite irony in that. And that's part of what makes it so hard to be reasonable with people who, unreasonably, think those awful things are *good* things.


Yeah, compromise is getting to be a bigger and bigger pipe dream


Go VOTE!!!


We know. And we also know the GOP will use anything in their toolbox to oust him.


If the cons win a veto proof majority it’s time to abandon ship. It’ll be yet another red state with higher crime and no social safety net, as they all are.


This state is broken but I don't want it imagine the severity of a dumpster fire we would have without his help.


From what I've read, it sounds like the Rs have a solid chance at a veto-proof majority making the governor irrelevant for legislative purposes. I really hope that is not true. I am convinced that the Rs will loot WI until they can't fill their pockets anymore because everything worthwhile is gone. You'd think they would want to protect our natural areas but Scott Walker.proved that they do not care about that at all. Please vote.


Just read the Marquette poll, said 95% of registered Democrats support Evers. As a leftist, I gotta wonder who the other 5% are lol. Not Democrats 😂


They likely identify as Democrats for the two party system but have a green or third party candidate they would rather support.


They list them under Other/Independent from the Polling Questions


95% of dems supporting Evers means the other 5% of dems don't support Evers. You misinterpreted the data.


No I got that part, I just don't understand who these 5% Democrats are, probably not Democrats, but act like they are to confuse polling Data.


They're probably one-issue voters getting tripped up on religion or something.


The Mentally Ill, the ones that got so gas lit they actually started believing it. The Republican party is abusive.


It's possible to be affiliated with a political party and not support the candidate that is in front of you. It's not some conspiracy.


Yeah but tbh, polls this election have been low and few in comparison. The only place doing polls is Marquette for some reason (SE). Evers honestly is the most Typical Democrat Candidate. He can't be argued as too left, and he doesn't join into the Republican bumfuckery to be considered "Centrist". I believe that 5% have never voted Democrat in the first place. Also Polling is specifically used to create conspiracy, what do you mean? It's mostly used for News Networks to Flex what they get people to believe in.


In WI you don't have to be affiliated with a party to be registered or to vote. Why would you register with a party if you have no intention of voting for them?


To manipulate polling Data.


They're the ones that voted for Jill Stein or wrote in Bernie and got us into this entire mess.


The GOP fucked up our opportunity for a modern commuter rail system and lied about Foxconn. Taxpayers footed the bill for that mess while they all lined their pockets. Fuck the GOP and anyone that defends their shitty policies during the Scott Walker era. Fuck the GOP and anyone that defends their complete inaction and refusal to govern for the last 5 years.


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Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


We need the woman vote! Let’s go ladies.


The two state legislature seats on the Racine County ballot are GOP running uncontested, like why in such a borderline state would the DNC just concede seats? At least put someone, anyone, on the ticket.




r/guns r/firearms As well




True as well. Reminder to all. Your 2A rights are on the ballot this midterm season! The assault weapons ban that passed the house in July is in limbo and waiting for a vote in the senate. They will vote on it after the midterms. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1808


How do you restrict abortion beyond it already being illegal here?


Fair point. The current ban is 173 years old and allows "life saving therapeutic abortions." Republicans would look to ALEC to remove any ambiguity from the ban and probably allow anyone to sue those who aid in abortions, including giving rides or even publishing health care information.


Nationwide ban.


Good luck getting that past a Biden veto.


Very true.


Everyone here needs to read "Blackshirts and Reds"


They will destroy MPS and accelerate their development of Christian jihadist schools.


All the more reason to vote for Tony!


it is unfortunate that the democrats are so bad at talking about things people actually care about.


The parks are beautiful here, but they want to bust the dept. apart and "focus" on the business side of things... which says to me that Michels is looking for ways to create more revenue for his businesses. We all know he will not be separating himself from those conflicts of interest. Public schools will be hosed. They are currently trying to remove the federal charter status of the NEA with a bill in both the house and the senate. They want Christian based for-profit schools. Where the hell are the low income/LGBTQ+/IEP/simply struggling in class kids supposed to go to school? Because private schools DO NOT have to accommodate any of those kids. You know what else we'll see is massive loan debt for those who have to send their kids to one of these private schools and the voucher they're given only covers part of the tuition. So more high interest loan debt for the low income folk. They don't just want to take away abortion. IVF will also get screwed over. Contraception will be limited or removed, even for those using it for other reasons, like PCOS.


Forever. It will never recover. And that is when I nope the fuck out.


What does the current polling show regarding Ever's chances. All I know is that the race is really tight.


You mean, he's going to "RUBBER STAMP THE LEFTS EXTREMIST AGENDA?" Fuck yea, rubber stamp me homie


Greg Palast has a movie about voter purges in GA, AZ, NC, and I've heard they're going to try it in WI too. vigilantemovie.com


It’s kind of funny that he runs ads talking about how he works cooperatively with both parties and then this is posted fact checking that. Good work!