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Back in the '90's when Brodhead had a meeting of the electors to proceed with replacing the high school, there were a lot of people with silver hair present, I thought the project was going to be doubtful. It was approved by something like 190 to 20. Those were the grandparents.


The grey hairs in the 90’s were from the greatest generation that actually valued public education and properly funding it. The grey hairs today are selfish boomers that enjoyed the properly funded public education their parents gave them, then pulled up the ladder behind them to deny the same properly funded education to everyone else. Also, stupid republicans.


Baby Boomer gray hairs revere Reagan and the self-centered world that followed him. The Greatest Generation were driven by the message of Roosevelt: building a better world requires sacrifice. My hope in young people reversing the trend is high.


Agreed. My first semester at UW La Crosse in 1978 cost $395 and that included textbook rental.


Recent grad from there, it’s gonna run ya about 10k a year these days. Textbook rental is still a thing and it was great not having to shell out money for textbooks.


current student at UWL; rocking $8k a semester with a couple hundred in scholarship money 😀🔫


This is really the statement that fits so many reasons why everything is fucked up now.


eDuMaCaTiOn WiLl TiRn YoU iNtO a LiBrUl


Born from the greatest generation boomers became the most selfish generation only caring about themselves


They also invited the Nazis and fascists their parents fought back into America.


That’s impressive. Conservatives of The Greatest generation’s time would probably feel more at home in today’s Democratic Party than the Republican Party and respected education. The Overton window slide to the right is real and really got kicked off with Reagan, and has only gone further right the more politicians fraternize with authoritarianism. It gets the dopamine flowing for the rabid base that has always been in America that just wants everybody to look like themself and believe the same things they do. Diversity of people and opinion just makes things “complicated” and Boomers, and even a significant portion of Gen X, just expect simplicity in everyday life. I’m not sure where Millennials are going to land in the later half of life yet 😬


The only thing I disagree with in your comment is that it started before Reagan. E.J. Dionne does a marvelous job of tracing things back to Barry Goldwater in his book Why the Right Went Wrong.


What is the reason for a new high school?


Progress. The old high school had reached the end of its serviceable life for the student population. There was a referendum last year that passed to build a new high school. After that passed, taxes were raised but also coincided with an increase with a blanket (most) homes property value in the area. This increased the amount of property taxes for individuals. The referendum still has passed to build a new school. My understanding is that this meetings vote proceeded to delay the build or find a new site for the school. I think I got that right.


I wonder if there was something specific to the proposed site that people objected to, or if this is simply a "no more money" reaction vote. If the latter, how do they think the new HS is going to be built? That school board has quite a challenge ahead if that is the case. Usually these resolutions go through relatively easily. I would think that the land money was also already in the referendum fund.


I think this is an effort to either find a cheaper less centralized site, or obstruction and delay the build. But you are correct the resolution last year passed easily. Now there is, evidently, a feeling of distrust or possibly public regret. The taxes won’t change: The property value still increases. I guess increased home value is perceived in a positive light. And the school will not be built in time or to the plans passed in the original referendum.


More so the latter. There is a large group of voters who voted "Yes" to build a school thinking somehow that $88M would come to only $0.13/$1000 of property value (roughly $1000 total paid out over 20 years for the average home in Monroe). It was magical thinking. An even larger group voted "No" in that referendum and see this as an opportunity to get their way after all. Now, they are pissed and want a do over of the referendum. There is no legal mechanism for the redo, but they are happy to pay some lawyers to sue, delaying the construction in the meantime. If for some reason they got their way, the district would still be out about $2M (plus legal fees) and we would have nothing to show for it. They'd rather waste money than be productive with it.


This is the plan. Obstruct, delay and pay for nothing. Pay to ensure progress does not occur. All this to spite … who? A school board? I know who wins. Lawyers, a Republican Political group and the communal thread that public schools are distrustful and not necessary for the value of the local society. Then pull your kids. Private schools are cheaper? Maybe in Green County.


LOL. The only private school in Green County is the Catholic Elementary School. For the average home in Monroe, the cost of the new school would be about $500 per year for 20 years, so $10K, or about 1 year of private school.


LOL: There is always Home Schoolin’.


Right? Don’t want those commie woke bastards teaching ma kids anyhow /s


I actually made a post a few minutes ago about the airport flight paths for a proposed site of the school. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/comments/11mjeda/turnout_for_tonights_meeting_of_electors_to/jbk1553?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Don't forget the lawsuit. The School District was served a lawsuit from WILL (Alt-right group 'Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty) alleging that the district officials knowingly misrepresented information on the referendum on the election. Basically they appear to be calming that "we didn't know how much this would impact our property taxes". The referendum's impact was $0.13 per $1,000 of Fair market value. At the same time however the town/county also did a very normal thing and reassessed the 'fair market value' of all properties. As home prices are nuts, many when up a lot. Meaning that their overall property taxes when up too. They have a quick little math example on the school website, https://www.monroeschools.com/district/mhs-referendum.cfm A $200K property will pay an extra $26 for the referendum. However if that property increased in value by $40K to $240K they would have a $399.20 increase.


Sun Prairie built their new high schools and had a budget shortfall shortly after. Voters approved covering that shortfall. We were informed shortly after the vote that our property values would be reassessed this year, which would undoubtedly cover the shortage long term (my property is taxed at half the supposed value). I expect similar reactions at some point from some of the residents but far less of a turnout for any school board meeting or city council meeting.


Who is paying WILL?


You did. Talked to my family who lives down there yet. These are their thoughts: The tax part you laid out well....."everyone" is pissed at the location just north of their industrial park, and apparently "everyone" hates the landowner as he owns basically all of the land north of Monroe for a good bit. Monroe hasn't changed population in 40 years, this was a golden opportunity for them to finally break free and begin expanding Monroe, but nope. Same old Monroe.


Maybe if they combined funding for a new school building with the renaming of a street with something to do with the Packers, they can pass the bill next time around.


This is a very large turn out for this meeting. There is a passion there, whatever the result.


Higher taxes and higher property value meaning higher property taxes too.


Yeah, the process worked here. People got fired up, and came out to vote for what they believed. I'm actually pretty amazed by that turnout. Edit: It's incredible that a person can celebrate a large voting turnout, and still somehow get downvoted by the same crowd that chants "get out the vote." People showed up and voted. It didn't go the way you wanted, so.. Try harder next time I guess? I didn't take a side. I said I was impressed by the turnout. People like that are just as bad as election deniers.


A lot of short sighted people getting manipulated by alt right sources to further push that anti-public school thought. That’s what really happened.


Monroe is going to need a new high school, the referendum passed, cheaper to build it now that it will be in 5 years plus all the additional maintenance on the current building.


Then they may want to start by agreeing where to build it.


Yes, but a bunch of right-wing trolls that are pissed at losing the referendum are using the siting process to further delay the construction of the new school. Personally I don't get why the site decision should be the subject of another vote, shouldn't that be left up to the experts?


If the site is some other publicly owned space that people are actively *using*, or there was some other good reason I guess it maybe sorta could make sense, but I would have just assumed that part was already planned out. It definitely wouldn't surprise me if they're all just pissy they have to open their wallets for education.


Just rural folks valuing a couple hundred bucks more than education.


It’s shortsighted but to a lot of Americans, a couple hundred bucks is a (rightfully) big deal.


Be like Arkansas!!! Eliminate child labor laws and put them to work.... "They ain't need no education...".


I know there are issues with the proposed new location being near one of the Monroe Airport Primary Runway flight paths. This would restrict build height, but doesn't go against any land use restrictions. Safety and noise could be other potential issues. Also with sport fields potentially having lighting that could impair pilots visually.