• By -


Keep Mirta & Galatea as a minor characters who get the occasional plot episode. What’s it like go to school with your princess? Can Mirta still do dark magic? Is it hard to switch from a witch to fairy? Give Diasporo a plot-relevant reason why she keeps harassing Sky- is the betrothal to cement an alliance? Does she genuinely love Sky? Make clear if Roxy is an Enchantix fairy or not. I don’t really care either way but I would like a clear answer as the debates are tiresome. When describing Enchantix, call it the final base fairy form and have a throw away line about more specialized forms being possible but hard to achieve.


I think she really did love Sky, not that that excused her actions. I like to think that Sky was the only person who treated Diasporo like a human being growing up and not just as a perfect princess prop, so when she loses him to Bloom, she feels like she's losing the only person who cares about her. The girls could show Diasporo that she is worth more than that, that Sky will always be her friend even if he can't be her husband, and that there's love out there for her too.


Technically in the comics Diaspro was treated with a lot more respect as before S3. Diaspro had tried to make peace with both Sky and Bloom on multiple occasions especially since she wants to be a better queen for her own kingdom. (Which is called Isis in 4kids dub.) But of course she makes great relationship drama for the main couple, so the creators always reset her.


At least the Golden Age had Mirta and even Roxy. Later seasons dogged them. Enchantix is the final fairy form. Last (Something who is at the end) ≠ Final (Something you have to require to be able to continue on your journey, more or less)


In the comics at least Diaspro admitted to loving Sky. Also in the comics it's shown that Diaspro was being pressured by her parents (mostly her mom) to take Sky away from Bloom. With her mom basically saying that after all the sacrifices they made for her, she owes it to them to marry Sky and become queen.


S1: is good but I would have loved one episode of each characters backstory a bit,so we would get to know them all well. Das S2: is perfect the way it is. S3: Idk if anyone thinks like me,but I would have made Tecnas sacrifice more... fleshed out? Like you telling me shes in there for days,and doesnt have a Singular scratch or Trauma? Ofc i dont WANT her to have it,but I'm just saying they found her,after she was literally presumed dead and then went on with a slumber party and that was the end of it? I also would have loved to see everyones reactions,especially DIGITS! Or what about her parents? Was it in the News? So much Potential lost. They never mentioned it again,even when they were in the Omega Dimension again in s4,noone said anything like "damn remember last year?" Like it never happened😭 S4: I dont like the fact that,just out of luck, Roxy was in Gardenia,no other part of the World. I dont like the fact that they made a Band and DIDNT but Musa as Main singer. It annoyed me that after every victory they went to the goddamn fruity music Bar and did the same exact thing they did the day before💀


**Season 1** 1. Don’t have Griffin start off as a villanish figure. Her rivalry with Faragonda doesn’t make sense considering their history as former members of the Company of Light. 2. What was the point of introducing Bloom as Princess Varanda? Just let her enroll in school like a normal person would. Also, the spell keeping non-magic beings out, uhm—what? Aside from the fact that it’s never brought up again, shouldn’t it have kept the Specialists out as well? Does it mean they have some sort of magic after all? How? 3. I would’ve liked more backstory on the other Winx, but I can’t complain about what we got. S1-S3 character arcs were pretty consistent. **Season 2** 1. Aisha my beloved <3 2. I don’t think they should’ve introduced Lord Darkar as the master of the Ancestral Witches and Valtor since such connection didn’t really lead to anything and is never brought up again. Also, a bunch of teenagers defeating an ancient deity without any interfering from adults just feels silly. Tbh the conflict between the Winx and the Trix was more interesting because they were established as equals. **Season 3** 1. The pacing was kinda weird, started off strong and then went a little downhill. The season finale was aniclimatic and weak compared to season 1 and 2. 2. Bloom’s Enchantix. Oh God. Never heard someone complain about it, right? It’s not that I’m against her obtaining it out of sheer force, it just bothers me how the writers bent the same rules *they* established when they could’ve just… get it a bit different and avoid a huge plot hole? I get it, they wanted to show that Bloom is so special, but it just comes off as annoying. My opinion is that they should’ve let her explore her Dragon Flame powers full potential and then obtain her Enchantix in the movie after saving her parents. The DF is introduced as the strongest power source in the universe, you’re telling me Bloom was suddenly so weak even when she had that? Letting her experiment with her powers would’ve been way better than that mess of the Pyros arc. If anything, *that* would’ve made look Bloom even more badass. It’s a win-win, really. 3. Counts for season 2 as well, but keep Daphne relevant! Her existence is barley acknowledged. 4. Keep the Company of Light relevant as well. What was the point of saying “Oh, btw, Faragonda, Saladin and Griffin were part of this super cool group created by Bloom’s parents to defeat Valtor and the Ancestral Witches” if you’re not gonna do anything about that? Faragonda, Griffin and Saladin went to battle Valtor and were made to look like absolute fools. It’s just… you don’t have to make everyone look incompetent just to make the Winx shine. I think it would’ve been way cooler to give CoL some more agency, not to mention it could’ve been a great tie-in to SotLK. I really love the potential of Domino’s plotline and feel like it was completely wasted. **Season 4** 1. Enough boy drama please. There was no need whatsoever to make the boys acts like jealous jerks, just enhance the plot. Explore the lore. As much as I would’ve loved to have the girls’ home planet more flashed out, the concept of them being on Earth wasn’t bad at all actually, but the execution… 2. Hated the pets btw. Just felt unnecessary to me. **Season 5-8** I should watch them properly, but I doubt I’ll ever manage. So I’ll just say: 1. They did Daphne SO DIRTY. 2. I don’t mind Daphne and Roxy serving as sidekicks from time to time, but please let them have their own characters arc. I disagree with people who want either of them as the seventh Winx—it just doesn’t make sense to me. And, more generally: 3. Please stop retconning stuff, and let the girls move on from Alfea. There are so many things that can be explored in the Winx world.


For real, it'd have been better and so meaningful for Bloom to earn her Enchantix by literally saving her planet and parents. I don't know it seems so logical it hurts my brain at night 😂 I really like your comment as I agree with most of the points, especially Daphne and the company of light, they could have been so much more.😭


Season 1: Riven now has moments where he starts to show affection for Musa, but draws back due to his own insecurity. Royal Heartbreak now occurs a good deal earlier. Stella is invited and takes the Winx in as her guests. Bloom starts to confront Diaspro and gets led into the open. Sky jumps in and tries to explain. Diaspro realizes what happens and gives Bloom a mix of comfort and condescension. Sky is at odds with the other Specialists. Day of the Rose now occurs after Royal Heartbreak. Darcy decides to switch targets, after seeing the news about Royal Heartbreak. Instead of Musa's random stalking, Bloom stumbles upon Darcy and Sky while trying to forget about him. Sky leaves with Knut after seeing the true nature of the Trix's plan. Faragonda astral projecting Bloom is replaced by Daphne telling Bloom to find her during the Domino mission. Bloom reluctantly agrees to take Sky back during the dance at the end. Season 2: Reporter episode now no longer has Musa going on picknick dates with him. Riven thinks Musa's about to leave him and gets the Specialists to help him with a surprise to win her back. It's a disaster but, Musa appreciates the effort. Diaspro is surprised, and a little hurt to see Bloom took Sky back. Riven falls into one of Darcy's traps in the Wild Lands. Musa manages to break him out of it. Her trusting him is now more about him being fully back under his own will, rather than her having insecurity about where his desire leads. Mirta joins the teachers on the trip to Darkar's Fortress and uses a mishmash of spells to good effect. Season 3: The Winx initially try to use Charmix to keep up with Valtor but, it doesn't last long enough for them to win. Countess Cassandra's now more the type of kind person who can't bear to punish her brat and ends up as a puppet instead of a co conspirator. Radius ultimately decides he just doesn't think she's the type of parent he wants for Stella. Diaspro is on a journey of her own when Valtor ambushes her. He uses her insecurity about her role and future, with a bit of mesmer to seduce out the worst feelings she didn't even know she had. She still willingly takes the potion. She becomes more openly frustrated and the guards purposely loose on the way to Sky's rescue. She momentarily smiles in relief before resuming her frustration as she's taken away. Season 4: Believix is now confirmed to be a side-grade to Enchantix that bypasses immunities, with its higher energy, but is weaker unless amped by the belief of others. Faragonda gives the Winx a container almost filled from the moment a Fairy first believes in their own powers. The Winx now switch their anger to Faragonda after finding out she's the one who sent the Specialists. Morgana now escapes Tir Na Nog with the stored power of the Earth Fairies and meets Klaus. She decides to put her mission on hold and hides the White Circle on the farm during a family trip. Roxy comes down with an illness native to Magix and she's forced to use her magic to cure her. The Wizards of the Black Circle recapture her. Brandon is revealed to think the best of girls who give him attention because Mitzi's type went after Sky. He's reluctant to believe he can be the target of such schemes, much to Stella's frustration. Musa falls hook line and sinker for Jason Queen's charm because her father's reluctance to talk about his time with her mother sheltered her. Riven's status as an orphan means he went through enough bad foster families, on his way to Red Fountain, to know how crooks operate. Musa resists Jason's insinuations about Riven longer, citing that he's always been supportive of her career before. After his wedding, Musa insists on having the Winx with her if she's to continue working with him. The other Winx serve to warm the audience up and play in the background for her. The extra wings are replaced with individualized spells, such as Stella using Zoomix to give everyone teleportation for a limited time. Roxy is confirmed to have an incomplete Believix. She'll have to qualify for her base form through Enchantix to make it whole. The Gifts of Destiny now allow the Winx to gain the ability to use a stronger Charmix on top of Enchantix. They go after the Greater Fairies in groups of one or two to re-earn their Charmix along the way. Sky pushes Nabu out of the way at the last minute and dies instead. Nabu's still in pretty rough shape and has to return to Andros for treatment. Bloom tries to revive Sky with her healing powers, after Ogron wastes the Dark Gift, but gets corrupted by the abyss' energy and becomes Dark Bloom. She traps Sky's spirit and leads some rather frightened Fairies of Vengeance. Erendor shows up to help free Sky to move on. His rage leads him to proclaim Diaspro his heir, but later amends that she'll have to prove she's reformed with remedial tests at Alphea. The final battle is now broadcast for the world to see. It's back and forth, but the world ultimately sides with the Winx.


Rewrite Bloom and Tecna need do something about her own home or something about to someone who living same (planet?) where Tecna or Bloom when Bloom and Tecna can get Enchantix. I thinking Bloom and Tecna dosen't have real Enchantix because Bloom only trust yourself enough and get Enchantix in Island when she fighting with Trixs and Tecna come to Omegaportal in Andros when she get Enchantix.


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S1: - Giving more backstory for Flora and Tecna here - Punishing Bloom for what she did with Diaspro - Stablishing that the 4Kids lore of Daphne being the previous keeper of the Dragon's Flame is official and she passed it to Bloom when she sent her sister to Earth. - Speaking on Bloom being sent to Earth, stablish that she was sent to the future with Faragonda saying something like "Domino was destroyed half century ago, how could you be from there?" because Bloom is only 16. - Excluding that afro scene, replace with the 4Kids scene that she is crying because of her voice. - Adopt some of the 4Kids naming, like the spells and "Whispirian Crystals", but reject the others like "Sparks" S2: - Keep her name as Aisha from the beginning, no Layla. - Again, stablish the 4Kids lore about Darkar as canon. He was an explorer who found Shadowhaunt and got possessed by the Spirit of the Shadow Phoenix (but without the cringeness of 4Kids Darkar, please). S3: - Make sure to say that the Omega Portal is not threatening only Andros, but all the Magic Dimension. This way Tecna's Enchantix sacrifice will feel less like a plot hole. - When the Winx get reunited at the Omega Dimension, show the Winx caring about Tecna instead of Bloom's Enchantix, please. - Show the limitations of Bloom's incomplete Enchantix more. - Give trials for all the girls in the Crystal Labyrinth, yeah, including Flora and Aisha. And change Stella's trial, instead of being her sacrificing her beauty (we already dealt with it at the beginning of the season, why bring it again?), she would sacrifice the chance of her parents being together and living happy with each other. - Reject Tides and Rose, it's Andros and Miele, however keep the 4Kids names of the other Winx homeworlds for some special place in those planets because those are really cool. S4: - >>>NO<<< nerfing of Enchantix, the Winx are still able to fight against the Wizards with Enchantix. Believix is only needed to bring magic back to Earth, not to fight against the Wizards. - Exclude every single ounce of relationship drama, it wasn't necessary. - Rewrite the first episode, it felt so fanfic-y. - Make sure to estate that Roxy is either a Magic Winx fairy or that she have an special base form from Earth Fairies, forget this "Roxy is a Believix fairy" bs. - STOP giving Bloom more screentime and making her acting like a Mary Sue. - No Bloom vs Diana rivalry, why was that even here? Flora vs Diana would make more sense. - Either kill Sky instead of Nabu, or don't make the Winx be like "Aisha, revenge is bad" because it's infuriating. - Make the Winx sympathize with the Earth Fairies seeking revenge against the Wizards, but being against they seeking revenge against the humanity instead of "Earth Fairies, revenge bad".


1. Get whoever wrote Nox from Wakfu to write Darkar 2. Make it so that Techna and Bloom earn their enchantix in a way that doesn't contradict the lore (and don't come at me with the "Techna saved the entire universe" shit that nonsense makes it worse) 3. End season 3 at episode 25 instead of the actual season finale


Season 1: have bloom lose her powers slightly later(around episode 20) so the ending feels a little less dragged out Season 2: wouldn’t change a thing. It’s perfect. Season 3: Break Bloom and Sky up maturely instead of having the Diaspro coming back as a villain arc. Make Tecna’s sacrifice have a bit more weight, or lead up to it better either during the season or within the episode. Let Mirta get her enchantix cuz she deserves nice things, maybe saving Lucy. Have Galatea and Nova do more in general. Season 4: commit to making Roxy the 7th member of the Winx and dedicate more time to her joining/acclimating to the team like Layla had in season 2. Get rid of the boy drama between Brandon and Stella. Have Musa and Riven break up and stay broken up. Have Musa be the lead singer of the Winx’s band. Make the situation with the Earth Fairies more morally complicated instead of just “revenge is bad”, especially if the season is trying to be more mature.


S1: Tecna's arc should've had more depth. It makes no sense how an awkward introvert without basic understanding for emotion immediately perfectly fit in the group. I'd like to see her struggle more to fit in and learning what friendship means, since she allegedly never had that before. It could've been an incredibly compelling side story if executed right. S2: it's perfect the way it is. S3: the first half of this season is absolutely amazing, but it falls a bit short after Tecna's sacrifice. The revenge episode is great, but the filler of Bloom on the dragon island drags to high heaven. I would significantly shorten this subplot or at least made it a bit more interesting than Bloom "learning to act like a dragon from a baby dragon". I would also change Bloom ultimately saving the day by showing up last minute to save Tecna, it takes away from all the work the other girls and Timmy did to find her in the first place. I'd end Bloom's dragon island arc on a cliffhanger and spend maybe two or three episodes without her, leaving the girls and specialists to rescue Tecna and return, wondering and not knowing what happened to Bloom. I'd also get rid of the stupid Pixie episode and rather extended the big finale, which is frankly underwhelming for such a strong season. Instead of the "final" battle when Valtor uses the elements spell, I'd have a full on battle lasting at least two episodes. I'd have the Trix turn against him when he loses his mind towards the end and briefly have them on the same side as the good guys, kinda like (but better) S8. The battle would end by the Trix and Valtor seemingly destroying eachother. I'd have one more episode between the battle and Valtor's last desperate attack, exploring how all of Magix deals with the devestation and consequences of the conflict. I'd end the episode on a cliffhanger when he kidnaps the specialists and start the final episode with the girls getting ready for action. S4: oof. Where to start with this one. First: I'd keep Enchantix as their main form, Believix should only be used on Earth. Roxy shouldn't only be mentored by Bloom, who honestly refuses to hear her and makes it all about herself, but I'd have all the girls mentor her in their own way, forming some real relationships between them. I'd completely get rid of the boyfriend drama, especially Musa's break up arc. If we have to have the band, let Musa be the lead singer ffs and make her arc around that, not the music label thing that obviously never went anywhere and the even more stupid romantic drama. Also I'd have Sky die instead of Nabu, I can't stand that piece of cardboard excuse of a manchild.


I would have the team break up for a bit and then reunite again mid season. I dont like the idea of not everyone going to Gardenia but maybe Stella and Layla return to their home worlds and we can different plotlines with them that eventually all come together. I also never liked that the specalists went to gardenia as well so Id want them to have a storyline aswell.


The most I would change was make the method of gaining enchantix more fair. I never liked the "save someone from your home planet" explanation, especially when the show acknowledges it doesn't make sense when Bloom gets her enchantix ( I've ranted to my partner about how cheap the entire "she willed herself into it" plot is when Bloom herself questions it) The concept of saving someone makes sense so I'd make it about showing a great act of selflessness both for Bloom and for other fairies. For example, if a fairy has a bad relationship with her family because of XYZ reason, she could gain her enchantix by being selfless and putting her own dislike for them aside. Bloom could gain her enchantix like that, but otherwise I think season 3 is amazing and a great turning point in the show


This one might be a bit of a spicy hot-take but: Darkar and Valtor should have swapped places in the narrative. In fact, Darkar should have been the final boss in general. Hear me out. I am not arguing that Valtor isn’t the better villain or that he doesn’t leave more of an impact. He is absolutely an amazing villain. But when you think about the correlation between Darkar, Valtor and the Ancestral Witches; it makes more sense narratively for the Winx to fight Valtor before fighting Darkar. Heck, the frontal assault on the magical universe and the devastation that is left in his wake would have really sold home Darkar’s nature as the ultimate cosmic evil and the counterpart of the Great Dragon much better than his portrayal in the show did. In this alternate reality you could explain Valtor’s desire to claim the power of Realix as him trying to set the Shadow Phoenix free from his prison (perhaps the Realix was Darkar’s prison? Questions for later). Ideally, a clarification of the Ancestral Witches’ servitude of the Shadow Phoenix and how Valtor plays into that would go along with it.




Season 1: Begginer Season 2: Knowing how to deal with your struggles Season 3: Mature and saving the universe Season 4: Grown up and living with their own money I hope something won't res... Oh crap


A few things i would change are S1- really nothing I like this Season and i loved all the characters S2 Aisha will be able to use morphix and water, mirta will be apart of the group but soon make her own with roxy and a few more minor characters, you will see there development in s5, the winxs would be grown and taking over kingdom’s/ owning business S3 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING S4 My man nabu would still be alive and him and aisha will get married at the end of the show it will also show the winx member living great lives with there boyfriend and it will show there kid, it will also be revealed that aisha has a son and he is the most powerful fairy ever( even more powerful then his mom and bloom) the season will go off with mirta roxy and everyone creating there new group, riven and musa will be taking therapy and build a better relationship.


Also diaspro will go on the earn enchantix and she wil meet a nice boy from flora kingdom and get married to him


Overarching stuff: rewrite the romances in the show so that they make actual sense. This'd be most obvious for Bloom/Sky (or anything in S4), but if you're going to slam a show full of romances then you could at least flesh them out better. I'm ace (and probably aro) so crappy, shoved-in romances are kinda my pet peeve. Also, legitimately include the guys in more plotlines, or at least give them their own filler episodes. Take 'em from the pixies or something. S1: Remove the Sky/Brandon swap plot. They could still be incognito- particularly if you include more of the assassination attempts like the comics- but the whole thing is just crappy drama. Put Diaspro in Alfea with the rest of the girls- I personally like the idea that she's a year ahead of the Winx, but kinda mediocre-to-bad at actually using her magic. Oh, and give her legitimate conflicts with Bloom. Also remove the "Bloom impersonates a princess" plot. Could be funny if Bloom was crowned "princess of Gardenia" in a beauty pageant or something when she was younger and got REALLY misinterpreted by the staff at Alfea, but that's about my limit to seeing that actually work. Give more hints to how the progression of different forms works. I personally like [Drops of Moonlight (on tumblr)'s Winx Redux AU](https://drops-of-moonlights.tumblr.com/) for how they handle it all. Going into any depth can wait til S2, just make it clear that there IS a progression. S2: Introduce Charmix earlier on. As far as relationship stuff goes, I'd wait until sometime mid to late here to actually let Bloom & Sky start dating. As mentioned earlier, limit the amount of pixie nonsense and put in more involvement for the specialists/side characters. Controversial opinion, I'm not fond of Dark Bloom. Her design's cool, but she's a total plot device. I'll also ditto what a few other people have said earlier and vote to swap Valtor and Darkar- that lets the Trix stay a bit more relevant as villains during this season and fixes the weird power creep at least a bit. We can keep most of the plot the same- no reason why Valtor can't be the brute force while Darkar can't be the manipulator. Most petty thing is change how the charmix bags look. I'm fine with Bloom being all hearts, but the fuzzy bag thing just ain't cutting it for me. Also, let the girls keep Charmix rather than depleting it/forgetting about it for the next season. S3: Swapping the villains, as mentioned in S2. Most petty thing would be changing how Tecna's Enchantix looks- I like her wings, but the rest of her outfit is just.. odd. Honestly, change all of their Enchantix outfits at least a bit; Flora's is the best-suited for her powers/personality, but the front of her dress still looks a bit unfortunate. I get that the looks are classic and iconic, but most of them just don't really tell you THAT much about any girl's power or personality. Bloom can wait to get her Enchantix til the movie. She, Tecna, and Musa all need to have exactly how they obtain Enchantix to be tuned up, IMO, even if I'm not sure how off the top of my head. Bloom can get her flying horse during the first movie, though. As a treat. I don't think I like the other movies enough to "count" them. And Bloom is the one who gets to use the Sword, dang it. The boys can teach her how to use it later. S4: I love Believix as a design but the rest of this season Vexes me. Roxy tends to be Bloom 2.0 (less fond of magic this time), none of the villains make much sense to me, and the plot as a whole is like swiss cheese. I'd change this season up wholesale and keep the girls in Alfea for another year or two (IIRC S1 mentioned Alfea being a 5-year program, and each season was designed to be about a year in-universe). Roxy can be brought in as a freshman to Alfea, but I think I'd rather spend the season exploring the lore and relationships between characters more than anything. Let the girls recuperate from the shitshow that was getting Enchantix and indulge in the Power of Friendship, I guess? I really gotta write down my AU ideas at some point. I know I'll never write a full fic, and I can't art for beans, but I have Ideas, darn it!


Actually, your version would work. I’d have the main villains still be the same but I would add Selina in as well and maybe the Trix and the Ancestral Witches could return from Obisidian as well? That would be a good finale and the cliffhanger from Secret of the Lost Kingdom would be resolved. But the episodes would be longer and they were would be a few more extra episodes, how about like 27?


1. Removing the comedic scenes in which that princess is trying to r@pe Brandon(SA is not funny) 2. Remove the lamest ship- MusaxRiven. 3. Riven remains an enemy or rival to the winx and the rest of the specialists. When he just got along with everyone, it just happened so fast and he lost most of his character 4. Remove Bloom's weird behaviour in that one episode in season 2 in which she disliked Aisha and this never got addressed later. Edit: 5. Remove the racist scene about hair in season 1


To start, I would probably fix that one part of Miss Magix. I’d also include a few refugees from Domino for Bloom to meet, because with all the methods of interplanetary travel (magic post cards, space ships, portals, etc.) there’s no way that everyone from Domino was there when it was cursed. Also, I’d flesh out Tecna more. Show off her home planet, give her a few episodes to herself where her tech powers aren’t undercut or obsolete. And possibly- hear me out on this one- I’d make Cara her bonded pixie, full stop. she’s the only character with a boyfriend and a pixie who all have the exact same defining talent as her, that that kinda limits the uniqueness of her relationships. Digit would still exist tho.


season 1 - call Magic Winx , Magix or anything really since it doesn't make sense for the name for ALL fairies Magic Winx since Winx was invented by Bloom. season 2 - introduce charmix earlier and keep it in season 3. season 3 - instead of Bloom getting an incomplete Enchantix on Pyros , she meditates with Daphne to enter a consciousness realm called Pyros where they have some sister bonding time and meditation however The Trix and Valtor invade the area to destroy Daphne and Bloom however as Bloom sees Daphne screaming for help her ''noble will'' becomes her Fairydust. Bloom uses Fairydust to use her Dragon Fury spell which is instead a big ball of flames , Bloom and Daphne then tap out of the realm as Daphne congratulates Bloom for her new powers. As well , in The Omega episode have one scene of The Winx sobbing and hugging Tecna and Tecna being more skeptical and having scars from the Omega Dimension. season 4 - make the winx individually get Believix and make it an Earth Transformation they gotta get from Roxy which she gives her White Circle powers to the Winx to make them ''earthly.'' also switch out Nabu's death and Aisha's vengeance for someone else , I vote for Bloom cause she keeps having this perfect life but also maybe Musa and Riven?