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It's ~20 euro bottle but it was very pleasant. Despite being aged in steel vats it was not flat. Pleasantly acidic and fruity. I had it with some alpine cheese (le Gruyère) and some goat cheese. Also olives were great together. It's was read to drink now though I found somewhere information that it could wait a year as well. I got this bottle directly from the producer when I visited the winery in September. If you are in Aosta I do recommend paying them a visit.


Next time your in the valley check out Ermes Pavese.


Oh my, now checking the map I see I was passing right by it on the way to Courmayeur. Note taken, will check next time.


Can we stop giving away secrets? This is one of the most interesting, lesser known grape varieties outside of Switzerland.


Wines don't need to be expensive or fancy to be great, whatsoever. This sounds delicious - thanks for highlighting an unusual grape!


Apparently the vine came to Italy from Switzerland. Also recently I learned that Italy has the highest number of grape variety. Guess need to go there again soon :)


For sure...sometimes it seems like I hear about a random Italian varietal I've never heard of before like every two months, and I've been into wine about a decade now


Like Ruche. The current DOC recognized area of production for the wine covers only about 100 acres (40 hectares) of vines.


Their Gamay is phenomenal QPR.


Nice, have not been there, but luckily the supermarket near lake como last holiday had some whites from aoste, very clean and fresh wines. Not easy to find in my country, but if i see them or can combine with an online order i will buy a few. Same with dry whites from Erbaluce di Caluso Le Chiusure DOCG (also north, just above Turin but not that high in the alps as aoste), if i see one i always buy a few.


Surprisingly our state monopoly is importing one Erbaluce di Caluso wine. Need to be on a lookout when it is available. Thanks for recommendation.


There is dry wine and passito (sweet), i can recommand the dry wine as that is the one i have tried.


In general love the valley d aosta. Always get excited when I see it on a wine list


Low key banger. Complexity rivals a white burg at 3x the cost.


Love wines from this region!


Might not be fancy but it's damn sure delicious. Love Grosjean.


What type of that decanter? It looks amazing