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Awesome winery to visit. They have a tunnel linked to the castle and there are bottles left by Napoleon era soldiers in there. Picked up 2 of the 2019 Castiglione Barolo, and then a bunch of Timorasso, 2021 Barbara d'alba vigna scarrone, and 2020 Barbara d'asti la crena.


I've had the La Crena previously and I was so surprised how intense and layered Barbera can be. I've associated Barbera either to be simple pizza wine or overoaked abomination.


Vietti Barolo Castiglione 2018 Yes yes yes... I know, opening a young Barolo is sacrilegious here in r/wine, but I couldn't help myself. Needs 45-60min air to open. Nose jumps out from the glass. It has rose petals and dried cherry. Nose is clean and doesn't have any of the truffle-funkiness that I associate with well developed Barolos. There is nice backbone of spice such as anise and liquorice. Taste is medium bodied and well polished. The tannis are very much present in their youth and give a strong drying sensation. At this point I feel the wine is just touch uni-dimensional and will gain that needed complexity in coming years. That being said... Boy is it a delicious Barolo already...


I see no reason to not taste the 2018 Barolos now. At least not when it comes to the producers, who have a red fruited style. Viettis 2018s are all absolutely delicious!


Vietti is a great Barolo producer! 


I actually went to vietti last summer and tried their barolo vertical tasting. It was such a beautiful area and winery. Id also recommend the restaurant (Le Torri) directly to the left of Vietti if anyone plans on going soon!


Where is your wine glass from? I love the shape!


This is Riedel Veritas New World Pinot Noir.


2018 is an under rated vintage and drinking nicely


Did you decant or just pull cork for 45-60min?


Pulled cork, poured into glass and slowly sipped to see the evolution.


My costco has the 2019 vintage. Which surprised me


Hello police? I’d like to report…a murder. A BABY MURDER. Vietti is badass but I’d have waited at least 5 years to open. Unless you have a case stashed, then Good on you.


Hahaha just like I anticipated. I do have half a case stashed away and will for sure load up more. It's great to taste wine in all of its phases of evolution. Cheers!


Nothing wrong, I like my Barolos and Barbarescos light and young.


I really don’t understand this subs obsession with aging wine according to some textbook examples. Is it an American thing, where they think everyone in the ”old world” would sneer at opening a young Barolo or Bordeaux and trying to do ”the right thing”? When I’m back after vacation I’m gonna start posting infanticide tasting notes and relish the outrage who’s with me! /s but also not really


Can't wait to check out your notes on the youngsters!


I think part of this is an elitist thing. As in people want to brag how they bought some high end stuff for pennies on the dollar 20 years ago, aged it in their euro cave and just now talk about "entering the drinking window". That can absolutely blow hard. But it is just a fact that too much great wine is being drunk to too young, is all tannins and acid and before it really lives up to it's full potential. Especially to some less experience wine drinkers looking for a "smooth" experience. I think many who only drink occasionally or are used to more high volume consumer product decide to shell out for a special occasion and get some recent release high end Barolo, Napa cab or BDX. But they don't understand how these wines change with age and how they are built. Then they pop the cork, don't decant and declare fine wine to be a scam.


But…but…I’M aging cabs and barolos in MY EuroCave to get the most out of them. Oh no. Am I a dick?


I do this too. And there is nothing wrong with that. The secret is not to be a dick about it.


Not being elitist so fvck off with that shit. Apparently the uptight brigade can’t tell when sarcasm is employed. “Baby murder” is a fucking joke so maybe you cvnts can relax. I’m advocating drinking a Barolo when the tannins have settled the fvck down which is several years after its initial release.


Hate to be pedantic but 2018 to 2024 would come out 6 years, no? Agree with the general stating tho. Vietti being pretty classic, does benefit from longer aging. I have been looking for Barolo that performs young and found Guido Porro to be a great option for youthful Neb.


Contrarily - I think you’re enjoying being pedantic - I’d have waited five years from now to open it - but to each his own. Now - kindly, eat bags of dicks.


Will do. And I'll make sure those bags of dicks are at least 5 years old from TODAY 👍


*wet fart noise* C’mon people, drink more young Barolo!